Article FREEMASONRY IN FRANCE. Page 1 of 4 →
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Freemasonry In France.
The proceedings of the Grancl Orient cle France ., at its last St . John's coinrnemoration , which have just reached us , afford a gladdening-proof of the vigorous and spirited resistance Avith Avhich the decomposing * tendencies of the adherents of
Atheism and Positivism are met by the freelyelected representatives of the Masonic body in France they show that the endeavours made in the convention of last summer , tending * to smuggle infidelity and materialism into our Order under
the garb of toleration and religious ecjuality , have been utterly foiled , not only by the numerical defeat they underwent at that occasion , but also by the propagation of that genuine Masonic spirit
with Avhich the opposition to the machinations of the nihilists has been systematically conducted . Upon the occasion referred to , a general obituary oration Avas delivered by Bro Oauchois , and a biographical sketch of Marshal Magnan , late
Grand Master , AA'as read by Bro . Hermitte . From the peroration of the first , and the Masonic portion of the latter , our readers may form a correct idea of the real spirit prevailing amongst French brethren , as denoted by the official organs
appointed by them . Bro . Oauchois , having passed in review the names of the most prominent brethren Avho had diec ! during the last years , * concluded his address
as follows : — " In glancing at this long list of glorious names , and seeing such a number of brethren occupying various positions in society , Avho concur of a common accord , and each of them in the measure of his faculties , in the humanitary
aim of our Institution , you will readily convince yourselves that they have alladhered to one thought , been led by one guide and enlightened by one light , Avhich is the Masonic faith . Indeed , their chief glory consists in having firmly believed , in accordance with the sacred word of the first
degree , that the strength of man is m God , and that perseverance in the pursuit of the good , enjoined by the second degree , can alone secure to them that happy immortality so prominently symbolised in the third degree . They were animated with
this lively and strengthening conviction , and nothing could make them deviate from the noble mission that Masonry had allotted to them they resolutely marched , in the midst of obstacles , towards the peaceful conquest of universal brotherhood .
" Had you spoken to them of that ancient theory which has been advanced again in our days under the style of morale indejpendante , * they would at once have answered you thus : ' This is nothing * but one of the manifold forms , one of
the thousand and one disguises of that ugly monster called Atheism . Of whom and of what are you independent ? Independent of him to Avhom Ave owe our existence , who rules over the immense world , and who , from the height of his
immoveable throne , looks down Avith compassion on the impotent attacks made with a AdeAV to shake it ? Independent of Avhat , unless it be of the fundamental principles of all religion and of every philosophy worthy of that name , i . e . the two leading dogmas of Masonry -which are the existence of God and the immortality of the soul , Avithout
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Freemasonry In France.
The proceedings of the Grancl Orient cle France ., at its last St . John's coinrnemoration , which have just reached us , afford a gladdening-proof of the vigorous and spirited resistance Avith Avhich the decomposing * tendencies of the adherents of
Atheism and Positivism are met by the freelyelected representatives of the Masonic body in France they show that the endeavours made in the convention of last summer , tending * to smuggle infidelity and materialism into our Order under
the garb of toleration and religious ecjuality , have been utterly foiled , not only by the numerical defeat they underwent at that occasion , but also by the propagation of that genuine Masonic spirit
with Avhich the opposition to the machinations of the nihilists has been systematically conducted . Upon the occasion referred to , a general obituary oration Avas delivered by Bro Oauchois , and a biographical sketch of Marshal Magnan , late
Grand Master , AA'as read by Bro . Hermitte . From the peroration of the first , and the Masonic portion of the latter , our readers may form a correct idea of the real spirit prevailing amongst French brethren , as denoted by the official organs
appointed by them . Bro . Oauchois , having passed in review the names of the most prominent brethren Avho had diec ! during the last years , * concluded his address
as follows : — " In glancing at this long list of glorious names , and seeing such a number of brethren occupying various positions in society , Avho concur of a common accord , and each of them in the measure of his faculties , in the humanitary
aim of our Institution , you will readily convince yourselves that they have alladhered to one thought , been led by one guide and enlightened by one light , Avhich is the Masonic faith . Indeed , their chief glory consists in having firmly believed , in accordance with the sacred word of the first
degree , that the strength of man is m God , and that perseverance in the pursuit of the good , enjoined by the second degree , can alone secure to them that happy immortality so prominently symbolised in the third degree . They were animated with
this lively and strengthening conviction , and nothing could make them deviate from the noble mission that Masonry had allotted to them they resolutely marched , in the midst of obstacles , towards the peaceful conquest of universal brotherhood .
" Had you spoken to them of that ancient theory which has been advanced again in our days under the style of morale indejpendante , * they would at once have answered you thus : ' This is nothing * but one of the manifold forms , one of
the thousand and one disguises of that ugly monster called Atheism . Of whom and of what are you independent ? Independent of him to Avhom Ave owe our existence , who rules over the immense world , and who , from the height of his
immoveable throne , looks down Avith compassion on the impotent attacks made with a AdeAV to shake it ? Independent of Avhat , unless it be of the fundamental principles of all religion and of every philosophy worthy of that name , i . e . the two leading dogmas of Masonry -which are the existence of God and the immortality of the soul , Avithout