Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 2 →
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The - Editor is not responsible for the opinions expressed b ' j Correspondents . THE GRAND ORIENT OF FRANCE . TO THE EDITOR OS THE TREEiriSOITS * MA & AZrJTE AtfD JTASOHTC JTIEBOH . DEAE SIB Ann BEOTHEE , —I am compelled by an imperious necessity to protest , in the strongest terms ,
against the improper and un-Masonic conduct of the Grand Orient of France . It seems thafc an institution of the character and high standing which it aspires to occupy , ought to he the first to set good examples , in inculcating those
true principles taught in the Masonic ritual and encouraging Peace and Concord , which are the basis of our Institution . But , unfortunately , and if I were to judge by the conduct ; observed by the Grand Orient for many years , and of the errors it has
committed lately , I might conclude thafc the Grand Orient is endeavouring to sow the seed of discord all over , and , in fact , trying to disgrace itself before the high Masonic bodies and members of the Great Family disseminated upon the surface of the
hernisjrneres . I will refrain from mentioning here fche many acts t ) 'f aggression committed by the Grand Orient of France against several Masonic bodies since almost . the first days of its organisation , in clear violation of : the Masonic laAvs and principles already established .
. Neither will I say anything in regard to the great humiliation to which the Grand Orient was exposed , ignominy to which ifc ought never to have submitted , viz ., that Napoleon III . should have ordered and put Marshal Magnan afc the head of the Grand Orient as Grand Master .
Fortunately , Marshal Magnan was afterwards initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry , and he proved to be a worthy brother and a true friend and protector of the Oreler to his last days . But I will mention the improper proceedings of the Grand Orient of France within the lasfc two years .
In 1864 the Grand Orient recognised as legitimate the spurious and irregular body established by the impostor Jose Cerneau , in the city of York , which ¦ bod y has been , during many years , declared clandestine and denounced as illegal hy almost all the high
Masonic bodies in the world and for having arrogated to itself the powers and prerogatives of fche only two legal Supreme Councils for the United States of America ; the one afc Charleston , for the Southern jurisdiction ; and the other at Boston for the Northern
jurisdiction of the United States . It is proper to state here that at the time of the recognition the Grand Orient cf France Avas in fraternal correspondence with the Supreme Council for the Southern jurisdiction , one of the bodies which denounced in the strongest terms the unlawful organisation which
the Grand Orient of France was pleased to recognise , and for which improper and unjustified act the Supreme Council for the Southern jurisdiction at its last annual meeting , held in the city of Charleston , S . C , on the 16 fch November , 1885 , denounced in the strongest terms the improper conduct of the Grand
Orient of France . But what has called my attention more particularly , and indeed , what has surprised me the most ; , is the recognition Avhich the Grand Orient of France has recently made of the irregular and clandestine body ,
styling itself " Grand Oriente y Supremo Consejo Colombiano , " organised afc Bogota by three expelled Masons , viz ., Francisco Aranda , Juan Ciesostomo Hurtado de Mendoza , and Antonio Leocadio Guzman , together with General Thomas Cipriano de Mosquera .
Now , how the Grand Orient of France , heing in fraternal relation and correspondence , by the exchange of representatives , with the Grande Oriente y Supremo Consejo , Neo-Grauadino , founded at Cartagena , in 1833 , and Avhich is the only body that has exercised and still exercises supreme authority in New Grenada ( now Columbia ) , and near which body the Grand
Orient of France has had and still has a representative and guarantee of friendship as aforesaid ; how , I repeat , the Grancl Orient of France has been able to recognise such a clandestine organisation , started at Bogota by the above-named expelled Masons , within the limit of a jurisdition thafc has been
occupied without interruption for the space of thirtythree years by a friendly body legitimately and regularly constituted and recognised by the Avhole Masonic World , is a thing I cannot comprehend . I have been positively assured thafc General
Mosquera , who was one of the founders of the spurious body of Bogota had lately a long and private interview with Napoleon III . at the 'i'uilleries , aud in the same manner that Napoleon forced the Grand Orient of France fco accept Marshal Magnan , non-Mason , as
its Grand Master , he could , likewise , to please General Mosquera , order the Grand Orient of France to recognise the so-called Grande Oriente Columhiano , established at Bogota in open opposition to the legitimate rights of the Grande Oriente y Supremo
Consejo , Nec-Gr ' auadino , which is the only legal and recognised body which now exists and can exist in Colombia in accordance with the Grand Constitutions
of 1786 . The illustrious and erudite Bro . Albert Pike , 33 ° , Sov . Grand Commander of the Supreme Council for the Southern jurisdiction of the United States of America ( Mother of all Supreme Councils iu the "World ) at the annual meeting of the Council on the
16 th November , 1865 , in the City of Charleston , S . C , read his annual report to the Council , and after treating- and discussing logically and conscientiously
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The - Editor is not responsible for the opinions expressed b ' j Correspondents . THE GRAND ORIENT OF FRANCE . TO THE EDITOR OS THE TREEiriSOITS * MA & AZrJTE AtfD JTASOHTC JTIEBOH . DEAE SIB Ann BEOTHEE , —I am compelled by an imperious necessity to protest , in the strongest terms ,
against the improper and un-Masonic conduct of the Grand Orient of France . It seems thafc an institution of the character and high standing which it aspires to occupy , ought to he the first to set good examples , in inculcating those
true principles taught in the Masonic ritual and encouraging Peace and Concord , which are the basis of our Institution . But , unfortunately , and if I were to judge by the conduct ; observed by the Grand Orient for many years , and of the errors it has
committed lately , I might conclude thafc the Grand Orient is endeavouring to sow the seed of discord all over , and , in fact , trying to disgrace itself before the high Masonic bodies and members of the Great Family disseminated upon the surface of the
hernisjrneres . I will refrain from mentioning here fche many acts t ) 'f aggression committed by the Grand Orient of France against several Masonic bodies since almost . the first days of its organisation , in clear violation of : the Masonic laAvs and principles already established .
. Neither will I say anything in regard to the great humiliation to which the Grand Orient was exposed , ignominy to which ifc ought never to have submitted , viz ., that Napoleon III . should have ordered and put Marshal Magnan afc the head of the Grand Orient as Grand Master .
Fortunately , Marshal Magnan was afterwards initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry , and he proved to be a worthy brother and a true friend and protector of the Oreler to his last days . But I will mention the improper proceedings of the Grand Orient of France within the lasfc two years .
In 1864 the Grand Orient recognised as legitimate the spurious and irregular body established by the impostor Jose Cerneau , in the city of York , which ¦ bod y has been , during many years , declared clandestine and denounced as illegal hy almost all the high
Masonic bodies in the world and for having arrogated to itself the powers and prerogatives of fche only two legal Supreme Councils for the United States of America ; the one afc Charleston , for the Southern jurisdiction ; and the other at Boston for the Northern
jurisdiction of the United States . It is proper to state here that at the time of the recognition the Grand Orient cf France Avas in fraternal correspondence with the Supreme Council for the Southern jurisdiction , one of the bodies which denounced in the strongest terms the unlawful organisation which
the Grand Orient of France was pleased to recognise , and for which improper and unjustified act the Supreme Council for the Southern jurisdiction at its last annual meeting , held in the city of Charleston , S . C , on the 16 fch November , 1885 , denounced in the strongest terms the improper conduct of the Grand
Orient of France . But what has called my attention more particularly , and indeed , what has surprised me the most ; , is the recognition Avhich the Grand Orient of France has recently made of the irregular and clandestine body ,
styling itself " Grand Oriente y Supremo Consejo Colombiano , " organised afc Bogota by three expelled Masons , viz ., Francisco Aranda , Juan Ciesostomo Hurtado de Mendoza , and Antonio Leocadio Guzman , together with General Thomas Cipriano de Mosquera .
Now , how the Grand Orient of France , heing in fraternal relation and correspondence , by the exchange of representatives , with the Grande Oriente y Supremo Consejo , Neo-Grauadino , founded at Cartagena , in 1833 , and Avhich is the only body that has exercised and still exercises supreme authority in New Grenada ( now Columbia ) , and near which body the Grand
Orient of France has had and still has a representative and guarantee of friendship as aforesaid ; how , I repeat , the Grancl Orient of France has been able to recognise such a clandestine organisation , started at Bogota by the above-named expelled Masons , within the limit of a jurisdition thafc has been
occupied without interruption for the space of thirtythree years by a friendly body legitimately and regularly constituted and recognised by the Avhole Masonic World , is a thing I cannot comprehend . I have been positively assured thafc General
Mosquera , who was one of the founders of the spurious body of Bogota had lately a long and private interview with Napoleon III . at the 'i'uilleries , aud in the same manner that Napoleon forced the Grand Orient of France fco accept Marshal Magnan , non-Mason , as
its Grand Master , he could , likewise , to please General Mosquera , order the Grand Orient of France to recognise the so-called Grande Oriente Columhiano , established at Bogota in open opposition to the legitimate rights of the Grande Oriente y Supremo
Consejo , Nec-Gr ' auadino , which is the only legal and recognised body which now exists and can exist in Colombia in accordance with the Grand Constitutions
of 1786 . The illustrious and erudite Bro . Albert Pike , 33 ° , Sov . Grand Commander of the Supreme Council for the Southern jurisdiction of the United States of America ( Mother of all Supreme Councils iu the "World ) at the annual meeting of the Council on the
16 th November , 1865 , in the City of Charleston , S . C , read his annual report to the Council , and after treating- and discussing logically and conscientiously