Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 5 of 5 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 5 of 5 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 2 →
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had done himself he thanked them most sincerely , and assured them it woulel always give him great pleasure to afford them counsel , advice , instruction , or assistance . The Prov . G . Chap , thanked the brethren for tho honor done him , anel impressed upon them the practice of charity , that very bond of peace and of all virtue , without which nothing is strong , nothing is holy , and related an instance thafc occurred to a poor widow iu his own parish , who placed in his hands a
bundle of papers , of which he could make nothing , and he returned them . The poor woman lamenting her inability to make her case understood , again prevailed upon him to persevere and to place them in the hands of some brother . He put tin case in the hands of the late Bro . J . Walmsley , who , on perusing them , requested Bro . Vernon to leave the matter in his care , and in a short time he raised a sum of money -which enabled the widow to make a comfortable living .
Bro . Pepper , P . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., respondeel to the toast in which his name had been introduced , and thanked the brethren for their kindness . In examining and studying P . M ., we found it to be precisely whafc ifc professed to be , viz .: a system of morality , and we sometimes met with brethren so much in love with ifc that they openly stated they considered and looked upon it wifch more reverence anel respect than the religious ceremonies of church or chapel . Bro . Pepper took that
opportunity of reminding those who placed F . M . before them in such a light as this , that they committed a very great error . A system of morality is one thing , divine worship is another , and much higher anel nobler thing than F . M . can ever attain unto ; it is quite true a man maybe moral without being religious , but he cannot be religious without ; being moral . The lodge just constituted is aptly named the Temple , and that should stir us up and induce us to studthe forms
y , materials , vessels , furniture , & c , used and employed in the Temple of K . S ., and if possible to find S 3 mbolically its parallel . If we look afc the clothing used in the order of Freemasonry , we find the colours used in the vail of the Temple to be the same , viz .: white , scarlet , blue , and purple , anel on the vail were cherubims embroidered in gold . The white denotes purity and innocence ; the scarlet understanding ; the blue heavenly mindedness , and the purple power ; the gold truth .
These are again represented by the creatures Ezokiel saw in in his vision of the cherubum , viz .: an ox , a man , an eagle , and a lion . The ox a docile creature that feeds in the green meadows by the side of still waters , an emblem of innocence . The man represents wisdom and understanding , blood-scarlet ; the eagle represents the imagination , can soar up into the blue heavens , and looks the sun in the face ; and the lion represents the willwhich guides and directs all the other powers with
, which we are endowed . These are further illustrated h y the four rivers in Eden which had bufc one source , and the key to these mysteries may be found in the 4 th chapter of Ephesians . Thus by a careful study of tho tracing board of the Great Architect of the Universe we are enabled to see tho manifold wisdom of God , and say with the sweet singer of Israel "Lord what is man shafcthoii art mindful of him , or the son of man
that thou shouldst visit him . " "The Health of Bro . Thomas AVylie , Prov . Grand Registrar" was next proposed hy the WM ., anel he thanked him far his able assistance as presiding officer during the ceremony of dedication of the Temple lodge . Bro . Wylie thanked the WM . anel brethren for the flattering compliment paid him , and stated that ho considered the Order of Freemasons was the most ennobling Institution devised b
y man , its object being to expand the mind , enlighten the understanding , anel improve all who studied its precepts . A counterblast bas been lately issued from the Vatican on account of the great extension of our Order throughout Christendom , bufc Avhen we consider that such men as Adrian the designer , Giotto of Florence , Laurentio , Ghiberto the designer of the two brazen gates of St . John's , which Michael Angelo
said in rapture , that thoy worthy of being the gates of Paradise . Donatello , Andrea A crischio , Perrugino , Leonardo da Alnci , Michael Angelo , anel many other profound architects , sculptors , and painters , who thought it not derogatory to their dignity ov talents to be enrolled among tho members of the Craft , and who did not believe that they were violating the laws of the Great Architect of the Universebassembling togetherand
, y , in their day designing , erecting , and adorning those beautiful temples dedicated anel consecrated to Him . Freemasonry has had many enemies and detractors , but bas nevertheless withstood all opposition and remains evergreen ; let us , therefore , bo careful to hand down to our successors , pure and unsullied , the
tenets and principles of our Order' , so shall our children ' s children celebrate , wifch joy and rejoicing , the solemnities of this day , and finally all be admitted in the Temple not made with hands , eternal in the heavens . The Secretary roid a letter from Bro . Banister , P . G . Sword Bearer of England , apologising for his absence . Bro . Crane , P . M ., proposed " The Health of the AVorshipful Master , " who responded in very feeling and appropriate terms .
Bro . Marsh , P . M ., pro " The AVest Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution , " for the education and advancement in life of the children of deceased and distressed Freemasons . In his remarks he reminded the brethren that the late lamented Bro . Walmsley , under very discouraging circumstances originated the Institution in 1850 , and by his indomitable perseverance succeeded in establishing an Institution that may vie with any in the provinces . There are at present thirty-three children on
the foundation , receiving a good sound education , and several who have been ' put to business , are conducting themselves to the satisfaction ofthe committee , who still continue to look after their interests . The fund now amounts to £ 5000 , the interest anel the annual subscriptions more than defray the expenses This Institution may be justly considered the brightest jewel in AVest Lancashire , and he called upon the brethren of 1094 to imitate other lodges by supporting anel recommending the West
Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution . " The Officers of the Temple Lodge and the Visitors , " having been proposed and responded to , the crowning toast " To all poor and distressed Freemasons throughout the universe , and a speedy relief to them , " was given from tbe chair . The J . W . informed tbe AA . M . what time it was , and labour was resumed . A vote of thanks was ordered to be entered on the minutes , to tbe musical brethren for their kindness throughout the evening . Two gentlemen were proposed for initiation , and four brethren for joining , and the proceedings terminated .
' LANCASHIRE . ( EAST ) . CiiEEiiiAJl . — Derby Lodge ( No . 1 , 055 ) . —The St . John's festival of this lodge was celebrated at the AVaterloo Hotel , Cheetham , on Thursday sennight , in the presence of about sixty members anel the provincial officers , viz ., Bros . S . Blair , Prov . G . M . ; Figgins , Prov . G . C ; Leresche , Prov . G . R . and Tunnah , Prov . G . S . The lodge was openeel with solemn prayer and in clue format two o ' clock p . m . anel Bro . David Morris was duly
, , installed as W . M . for the ensuing year ; after which solemn ceremony , he , on behalf of the lodge , presented to its founder and first AV . M ., Bro . Samuel Percy , a beautifully engrossed address anel Bible , a portrait of himself ( by Bro . J . Eastham ) , a book-marker , and a purse containing sixty guineas , as a testimonial of the high appreciation in which he is held by his brethren for his devotion to the interests of the Craft , and his general amiability of character . To add honour to the occasion
the Prov . G . M . in a brief but touching address , stated how fully ho sympathised with the donors , and how richly deserved was the very handsome testimonial which had just been presented . Bro . Percy having acknowledged the presentation , the business of the lodge was proceeded with by the AV . M . initiating his eldest son as an entered apprentice Freemason , and afterwards transacting the usual business of a Masonic lodge . Afc the close of business , the brethren sat clown to an excellent repast , anel enjoyed the festival of St . John in tho heartiest manner , it really being " the feast of reason and tbe flow of soul . "
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . TEMPERAXCE CHAPTER ( NO . 169 ) . —The regular convocation of this chapter was held on Tuesday , the 10 th inst ., at the AVhite Swan , Deptford , Comp . G . Bolton , M . E . Z . The minutes of the former , and the report of the audit meeting were read and confirmed . Installation was then performed by Comp . W . AVatsonPZCompsGBrown was installed JJT
, .. . . ; . . Tibbals , II . ; W . Simmonds , M . E . Z . ; N . AA ingfield , reinvested S . E , ; C . Stahr , reinvested S . N . ; J . Searle , P . S ,, who appointed Comps . II . Moore , 1 st A . S .,- F . Walters , 2 nd A . S . Comp . B . Bolt was reinvested Janitor . Comp . G . Bolton was presented with a handsome P . Z . jewel , which had been unanimously voted to him from the chapter funds , and a vote of thanks to Comp . Wingfield for the manner in which he had performed the duties
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
had done himself he thanked them most sincerely , and assured them it woulel always give him great pleasure to afford them counsel , advice , instruction , or assistance . The Prov . G . Chap , thanked the brethren for tho honor done him , anel impressed upon them the practice of charity , that very bond of peace and of all virtue , without which nothing is strong , nothing is holy , and related an instance thafc occurred to a poor widow iu his own parish , who placed in his hands a
bundle of papers , of which he could make nothing , and he returned them . The poor woman lamenting her inability to make her case understood , again prevailed upon him to persevere and to place them in the hands of some brother . He put tin case in the hands of the late Bro . J . Walmsley , who , on perusing them , requested Bro . Vernon to leave the matter in his care , and in a short time he raised a sum of money -which enabled the widow to make a comfortable living .
Bro . Pepper , P . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., respondeel to the toast in which his name had been introduced , and thanked the brethren for their kindness . In examining and studying P . M ., we found it to be precisely whafc ifc professed to be , viz .: a system of morality , and we sometimes met with brethren so much in love with ifc that they openly stated they considered and looked upon it wifch more reverence anel respect than the religious ceremonies of church or chapel . Bro . Pepper took that
opportunity of reminding those who placed F . M . before them in such a light as this , that they committed a very great error . A system of morality is one thing , divine worship is another , and much higher anel nobler thing than F . M . can ever attain unto ; it is quite true a man maybe moral without being religious , but he cannot be religious without ; being moral . The lodge just constituted is aptly named the Temple , and that should stir us up and induce us to studthe forms
y , materials , vessels , furniture , & c , used and employed in the Temple of K . S ., and if possible to find S 3 mbolically its parallel . If we look afc the clothing used in the order of Freemasonry , we find the colours used in the vail of the Temple to be the same , viz .: white , scarlet , blue , and purple , anel on the vail were cherubims embroidered in gold . The white denotes purity and innocence ; the scarlet understanding ; the blue heavenly mindedness , and the purple power ; the gold truth .
These are again represented by the creatures Ezokiel saw in in his vision of the cherubum , viz .: an ox , a man , an eagle , and a lion . The ox a docile creature that feeds in the green meadows by the side of still waters , an emblem of innocence . The man represents wisdom and understanding , blood-scarlet ; the eagle represents the imagination , can soar up into the blue heavens , and looks the sun in the face ; and the lion represents the willwhich guides and directs all the other powers with
, which we are endowed . These are further illustrated h y the four rivers in Eden which had bufc one source , and the key to these mysteries may be found in the 4 th chapter of Ephesians . Thus by a careful study of tho tracing board of the Great Architect of the Universe we are enabled to see tho manifold wisdom of God , and say with the sweet singer of Israel "Lord what is man shafcthoii art mindful of him , or the son of man
that thou shouldst visit him . " "The Health of Bro . Thomas AVylie , Prov . Grand Registrar" was next proposed hy the WM ., anel he thanked him far his able assistance as presiding officer during the ceremony of dedication of the Temple lodge . Bro . Wylie thanked the WM . anel brethren for the flattering compliment paid him , and stated that ho considered the Order of Freemasons was the most ennobling Institution devised b
y man , its object being to expand the mind , enlighten the understanding , anel improve all who studied its precepts . A counterblast bas been lately issued from the Vatican on account of the great extension of our Order throughout Christendom , bufc Avhen we consider that such men as Adrian the designer , Giotto of Florence , Laurentio , Ghiberto the designer of the two brazen gates of St . John's , which Michael Angelo
said in rapture , that thoy worthy of being the gates of Paradise . Donatello , Andrea A crischio , Perrugino , Leonardo da Alnci , Michael Angelo , anel many other profound architects , sculptors , and painters , who thought it not derogatory to their dignity ov talents to be enrolled among tho members of the Craft , and who did not believe that they were violating the laws of the Great Architect of the Universebassembling togetherand
, y , in their day designing , erecting , and adorning those beautiful temples dedicated anel consecrated to Him . Freemasonry has had many enemies and detractors , but bas nevertheless withstood all opposition and remains evergreen ; let us , therefore , bo careful to hand down to our successors , pure and unsullied , the
tenets and principles of our Order' , so shall our children ' s children celebrate , wifch joy and rejoicing , the solemnities of this day , and finally all be admitted in the Temple not made with hands , eternal in the heavens . The Secretary roid a letter from Bro . Banister , P . G . Sword Bearer of England , apologising for his absence . Bro . Crane , P . M ., proposed " The Health of the AVorshipful Master , " who responded in very feeling and appropriate terms .
Bro . Marsh , P . M ., pro " The AVest Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution , " for the education and advancement in life of the children of deceased and distressed Freemasons . In his remarks he reminded the brethren that the late lamented Bro . Walmsley , under very discouraging circumstances originated the Institution in 1850 , and by his indomitable perseverance succeeded in establishing an Institution that may vie with any in the provinces . There are at present thirty-three children on
the foundation , receiving a good sound education , and several who have been ' put to business , are conducting themselves to the satisfaction ofthe committee , who still continue to look after their interests . The fund now amounts to £ 5000 , the interest anel the annual subscriptions more than defray the expenses This Institution may be justly considered the brightest jewel in AVest Lancashire , and he called upon the brethren of 1094 to imitate other lodges by supporting anel recommending the West
Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution . " The Officers of the Temple Lodge and the Visitors , " having been proposed and responded to , the crowning toast " To all poor and distressed Freemasons throughout the universe , and a speedy relief to them , " was given from tbe chair . The J . W . informed tbe AA . M . what time it was , and labour was resumed . A vote of thanks was ordered to be entered on the minutes , to tbe musical brethren for their kindness throughout the evening . Two gentlemen were proposed for initiation , and four brethren for joining , and the proceedings terminated .
' LANCASHIRE . ( EAST ) . CiiEEiiiAJl . — Derby Lodge ( No . 1 , 055 ) . —The St . John's festival of this lodge was celebrated at the AVaterloo Hotel , Cheetham , on Thursday sennight , in the presence of about sixty members anel the provincial officers , viz ., Bros . S . Blair , Prov . G . M . ; Figgins , Prov . G . C ; Leresche , Prov . G . R . and Tunnah , Prov . G . S . The lodge was openeel with solemn prayer and in clue format two o ' clock p . m . anel Bro . David Morris was duly
, , installed as W . M . for the ensuing year ; after which solemn ceremony , he , on behalf of the lodge , presented to its founder and first AV . M ., Bro . Samuel Percy , a beautifully engrossed address anel Bible , a portrait of himself ( by Bro . J . Eastham ) , a book-marker , and a purse containing sixty guineas , as a testimonial of the high appreciation in which he is held by his brethren for his devotion to the interests of the Craft , and his general amiability of character . To add honour to the occasion
the Prov . G . M . in a brief but touching address , stated how fully ho sympathised with the donors , and how richly deserved was the very handsome testimonial which had just been presented . Bro . Percy having acknowledged the presentation , the business of the lodge was proceeded with by the AV . M . initiating his eldest son as an entered apprentice Freemason , and afterwards transacting the usual business of a Masonic lodge . Afc the close of business , the brethren sat clown to an excellent repast , anel enjoyed the festival of St . John in tho heartiest manner , it really being " the feast of reason and tbe flow of soul . "
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . TEMPERAXCE CHAPTER ( NO . 169 ) . —The regular convocation of this chapter was held on Tuesday , the 10 th inst ., at the AVhite Swan , Deptford , Comp . G . Bolton , M . E . Z . The minutes of the former , and the report of the audit meeting were read and confirmed . Installation was then performed by Comp . W . AVatsonPZCompsGBrown was installed JJT
, .. . . ; . . Tibbals , II . ; W . Simmonds , M . E . Z . ; N . AA ingfield , reinvested S . E , ; C . Stahr , reinvested S . N . ; J . Searle , P . S ,, who appointed Comps . II . Moore , 1 st A . S .,- F . Walters , 2 nd A . S . Comp . B . Bolt was reinvested Janitor . Comp . G . Bolton was presented with a handsome P . Z . jewel , which had been unanimously voted to him from the chapter funds , and a vote of thanks to Comp . Wingfield for the manner in which he had performed the duties