Article FREEMASONRY IN FRANCE. ← Page 2 of 4 →
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Freemasonry In France.
which principles i * c human society can exist , and universal morals would be devoid of foundation and sanction ? No doubt the free development of all physical , intellectual and moral faculties should be fostered , but independence of duties
"would evidently be an absolute negation of all morality . Founding duty on the quicksands of the free agency of man Avould be annihilating it for man Avould thus become simultaneously judge and party in his OAVII cause , or in other words , man ' s
self-loA-e Avould be furnished with the dangerous and fallacious hope of his being * relevant only of himself , Avhereas , according to the doctrines of Masonry , coinciding with that of the Avisdom of nations , he has one day to give an account to the
Supreme Judge of the use he has made of his -liberty in this Avorld . " What would become , under such a system , of ihe equality of the tomb to which all men boAV , to whateA r er rank or station they maybelong , and from which Ave derive such Avholesome and useful
teachings ? It would no longer be that sublime equality of divine justice , Aveighing * in the same scale the actions of all mortals with a vieAv to trace their true value and award their authors the punishments or rewards they may have deserved , it
"would be nothing but the blind and iniquitous equality of the nil , shielding under its protecting shadow all the misdeeds that may have escaped the eye of man , and extinguish under the thickest . shroud the glare of all those modest virtues that
have been ignored or disregarded here beloAV . " ' And , lastly , to what source could that great fraternity of men be traced if Ave Avere to deny the true genealogy of mankind Avhich , with God as father of all men , implies that they are all brethren
and thus connects the earth with heaven , attaches all creatures to their Creator by the ties of love , respect and gratitude , and all creatures to each other , by the mutual rights and duties of tlie Craft ? Without it , it would be impossible to establish
and uphold that admirable fraternal chain of Avhich the Supreme Being is the first and chief ring and without which all others would be isolated , and , without any link to connect them , would be nothing but scattered fragments . ' "
ff This would doubtless be the language of those honorable and illustrious brethren Avhose loss Ave are bewailing ; bufc fortunately , Ave should be allowed to reply , ' Calm yourselves , noble manes , and let not your p ious solicitude for au institution to which you had devoted your life , disturb the
rest your are enjoying in the land of Eternity . Your survivors , instructed by your honorable examples , Avill continue to struggle wifch equal vigour and ardour , both Avith superstitious credulity that killeth the spirit , and atheistic
incredulity that would be the death of the soul . Steering * clear of this double rock , and keeping mankind out of danger by enlightening it , such is the noble task they have assumed , and to which they shall not be found wanting . If they cannot
eliminate such lamentable errors as quickly as they might Avish , at least they may succeed in checking * and gradually reducing their fatal influence ; at all eA ents they will not permit the latter to find shelter under the name aud assume the garb of
Masonry , to Avliich they are antagonistic as darkness is to light . "Thanks to fche Great Architect of the Universe
our Order , Avhich respects every earnest belief and has never subjected anyone to an anathema , , need not dread the anathemas aimed at it by blind intolerance . In spite of all hulls of pasfc and present times and of those to come , it will continue
to gloriously pursue its ascending march towards true intellectual and moral progress , Avhich , being * far above political and religious controversies , will make of the whole world one family , held together by the links of fraternal friendship . '"
From Bro . Hermitfce ' s obituary address on Marshal Magnan , we extract the following * summary of his career as Grand Master of the Order in France -.
—" Bro . Magnan was thoroughly fitted fco be a Freemason . He believed in a good and just God and in a future existence for which man should prepare during * his lifetime , and his heart was filled with fraternal love . When he joined the
Craft he experienced no difficulty in understanding the duties thafc man owes fco the Supreme Being , to himself , and to mankind and never failed to cany them into practice . During 1861 , Masonry Avas afflicted Avith
agitations and general disturbances that jeopardised its dignity , organisation , and resources . Several lodges had been closed , a great many brethren expelled or suspended the Annual Assembly had been dissolved by a decree and dispersed by main
force ; the Council of the Order had been removed , and the so-called Commission of Grand Conservators appointed in its stead ; and the Prince Lncian Marat ' s office of Grand Master having expired the Order Avas not allowed to proceed to the election
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Freemasonry In France.
which principles i * c human society can exist , and universal morals would be devoid of foundation and sanction ? No doubt the free development of all physical , intellectual and moral faculties should be fostered , but independence of duties
"would evidently be an absolute negation of all morality . Founding duty on the quicksands of the free agency of man Avould be annihilating it for man Avould thus become simultaneously judge and party in his OAVII cause , or in other words , man ' s
self-loA-e Avould be furnished with the dangerous and fallacious hope of his being * relevant only of himself , Avhereas , according to the doctrines of Masonry , coinciding with that of the Avisdom of nations , he has one day to give an account to the
Supreme Judge of the use he has made of his -liberty in this Avorld . " What would become , under such a system , of ihe equality of the tomb to which all men boAV , to whateA r er rank or station they maybelong , and from which Ave derive such Avholesome and useful
teachings ? It would no longer be that sublime equality of divine justice , Aveighing * in the same scale the actions of all mortals with a vieAv to trace their true value and award their authors the punishments or rewards they may have deserved , it
"would be nothing but the blind and iniquitous equality of the nil , shielding under its protecting shadow all the misdeeds that may have escaped the eye of man , and extinguish under the thickest . shroud the glare of all those modest virtues that
have been ignored or disregarded here beloAV . " ' And , lastly , to what source could that great fraternity of men be traced if Ave Avere to deny the true genealogy of mankind Avhich , with God as father of all men , implies that they are all brethren
and thus connects the earth with heaven , attaches all creatures to their Creator by the ties of love , respect and gratitude , and all creatures to each other , by the mutual rights and duties of tlie Craft ? Without it , it would be impossible to establish
and uphold that admirable fraternal chain of Avhich the Supreme Being is the first and chief ring and without which all others would be isolated , and , without any link to connect them , would be nothing but scattered fragments . ' "
ff This would doubtless be the language of those honorable and illustrious brethren Avhose loss Ave are bewailing ; bufc fortunately , Ave should be allowed to reply , ' Calm yourselves , noble manes , and let not your p ious solicitude for au institution to which you had devoted your life , disturb the
rest your are enjoying in the land of Eternity . Your survivors , instructed by your honorable examples , Avill continue to struggle wifch equal vigour and ardour , both Avith superstitious credulity that killeth the spirit , and atheistic
incredulity that would be the death of the soul . Steering * clear of this double rock , and keeping mankind out of danger by enlightening it , such is the noble task they have assumed , and to which they shall not be found wanting . If they cannot
eliminate such lamentable errors as quickly as they might Avish , at least they may succeed in checking * and gradually reducing their fatal influence ; at all eA ents they will not permit the latter to find shelter under the name aud assume the garb of
Masonry , to Avliich they are antagonistic as darkness is to light . "Thanks to fche Great Architect of the Universe
our Order , Avhich respects every earnest belief and has never subjected anyone to an anathema , , need not dread the anathemas aimed at it by blind intolerance . In spite of all hulls of pasfc and present times and of those to come , it will continue
to gloriously pursue its ascending march towards true intellectual and moral progress , Avhich , being * far above political and religious controversies , will make of the whole world one family , held together by the links of fraternal friendship . '"
From Bro . Hermitfce ' s obituary address on Marshal Magnan , we extract the following * summary of his career as Grand Master of the Order in France -.
—" Bro . Magnan was thoroughly fitted fco be a Freemason . He believed in a good and just God and in a future existence for which man should prepare during * his lifetime , and his heart was filled with fraternal love . When he joined the
Craft he experienced no difficulty in understanding the duties thafc man owes fco the Supreme Being , to himself , and to mankind and never failed to cany them into practice . During 1861 , Masonry Avas afflicted Avith
agitations and general disturbances that jeopardised its dignity , organisation , and resources . Several lodges had been closed , a great many brethren expelled or suspended the Annual Assembly had been dissolved by a decree and dispersed by main
force ; the Council of the Order had been removed , and the so-called Commission of Grand Conservators appointed in its stead ; and the Prince Lncian Marat ' s office of Grand Master having expired the Order Avas not allowed to proceed to the election