Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 4 of 5 →
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Masters" ( Bros . Everitt and Smith ) which was duly acknowledged . It now approached fche hour of eleven . The Tyler , Bro . Pottle , was introduced , and proposed the ancient toasfc . The brethren then separated , having spent a most agreeable day , and entertaining tho best augury of the future prosperity of the Lodge .
SoUTnAilPios . —Royal Gloucester Lodge ( No . 130 ) . —On Thursday , the 12 th inst ., at the monthly meeting of this lodge at Freemasons' Hall , Bugle-street , a presentation was made to Bro . AA . Hickman , Prov . G . Sec Hants , of a P . M . 's jewel by the lodge , and of a silver goblet , bearing a suitable inscription , given bj- the officers . There was a numerous attendance of fche Craft , including two officers from the American war steamer now in the river . The W . M ., Bro . J . R . AVeston , requested Bro .
J . R . Stebbing , P . G . D . of England , to present the jewel , in doing which he Bro . Stebbing said it was a mosfc agreeable thing for Masons to have an opportunity of paying compliments of this kind to those amongst them who had distinguished themselves in the offices to which they had been elected . Their brother , whom they were about to honour , had always set an example to the brethren by cultivating the most fraternal feelings , as well as assiduously working to uphold the laws and
constitution of the Craft . He knew that he should he expressing the wishes of the lodge when , in presenting this jewel to him as their grateful acknowledgment of his services , he uttered a hope that he might long be spared to meet them , anel that God would bless him in all the relations of life . Bro . P . Keane , the S . \ A .,. then stepped forward , and said that ho hael been delegated by the officers who served under the Mastership of Bro . Hickman to ask his acceptance of this sliht token of their
g regard ( presenting the goblet ) . They felt that ifc could not for a moment be compared to the well-earned badge of Masonic honour which bad just been placed on his breast , but they know thafc he would accept ifc , not for its intrinsic worth , but as a souvenir of the affection and esteem with which the officers and the brethren of the lodge regarded him . The presentation having been ratified by the tendering of Masonic honours to
Bro . Hickman , he said that if he only uttered a few words in response to these kind presents , the brethren would not think that he less warmly felt anil appreciated this kindness , but rather that be found himself utterly unable adequately to express his sense of this mark of esteem . He felt ifc a great distinction to be placed in the honourable position of W . M . of the lodge in which he was initiated into Masonry nine or ten Since then he had cemented many friendshipsand
years ago . , he assured them that he deeply felt how fraternal was the manner in which the brethren bore with his imperfections and strove to realise bis desires to carry out the duties efficiently , though necessarily one actively engaged in business was prevented from devoting so much time as was really needed to make oneself thoroughly up to tbe working of the lodge . That they were satisfied , however , with his endeavours these handsome
testimonials bore testimony , and ho assured them that they would always be regarded by him as presents of which he might justly feel proud . The business ofthe lodge was then proceeded with , and the ceremony of raising impressively performed liy the WM ., Bro . Alderman J . It . Weston . Amongst tho several visitors of the evening were two ofiicers of the United States man of war lying in the river , and at the banquet their healths
were given with great ? cordiality and responded to in a tone of evident gratification , several interesting speeches were made during tho evening , referring iu groat kindness to Bro . Hickman by Bro . P . ilvcy . editor of the MampsJdre Independent ; Bro . Alderman F . Perkins , J . P . ; Bro . Alderman J . 11 . Stebbing , J . P . ; B . P . Keane , S . W . ; and tbe AV . M . The presentation would have taken place before , but Bro . Hickman has not visited tho lodgo since his Mastership , in consequence of the distressing loss of his brother , his brother ' s wife , aud all their children on board the London .
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . LiA-Eiiroor .. Temple Lodge ( No . 109-4 ) . The warrant of this lodge having been granted , thc ceremony of consecration took place at the Masonic Temple , 22 , Hopestreet , on AVednesday , tire 11 th April , in tire presence of fifty brethren . Bro . Thomas Wylic , Prov . G . Reg ., presided , Bro . James Hamer , Prov . G . Treas ., acted as Dir . of Cers ., assisted by tho Prov . G . Chap ., Bro . II . G . Vernon , M . A . Bro . John
Pepper , P . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., occupied the wesfc , anel Bro . H . AVilliams , P . M ., the south . Bro . Laidlaw , P . M . The lodge being duly formed , the brethren of tho Temple Lodge were arranged in oreler , anel the lodge openeel to the third degree , the Prov . G . Chap , offered up the opening prayer . The presiding officer addressed the brethren on tlienature and object of the meeting . The Prov . G . Sec , Bro . H . S . Allparr introduced the members
of the new loelge to the presiding officer , and read the petition and warrant . The presiding officer inquired if the brethren approved of the officers named in the warrant , and they having signified their approval in form , the Prov . G . Chap , delivered a beautiful oration setting forth the objects , nature anel importance of P . M ., impressing upon the brethren the sacred duties of charity anel benevolence .
The musical brethren , Bros . T . Armstrong , P . G . Purst . ; Graham , AV . M ., 216 ; Wood J . AV ., 216 ; Sheaf , 216 ; and Haswell , 203 ; sang the anthem from 133 rd Psalm— " Behold liow good and joyful a thing it is for brethren to dwell together in unity ; it is like the precious ointment upon tho head thafc ran down unto the head , even unto Aarons' beard and went
down to the skirts of his garments . Like as the clew of Kevin on which fell upon the hill of Sion ; for there the Lord promised His blessing , even life for evermore . " The presiding officer offered up a pray or , all turning to tbe east . Omnes , chant— " So mote it be . " Saucfcus , " Glory be to Thee O Lord . " Invocation by Prov . G . Chap . Omnes , chant" So mote ib be . " The loelge was then uncovered and the consecrating elementscornwineoiland saltwere offered during
, , , , , solemn music Anthem— " Glory be to God on high , peace on earth , goodwill towards man , " during solemn music incense was offered by the Prov . G . Chaplain . Omnes , chant— " So mote ifc be . " Anthem—Glory to God on high , Let heaven and earth reply Praise ye His name .
Masons His love adore , Tiled in their mystic lore , And cry out evermore—Glory . to God ! The lodge was then solemnly dedicated , consecrated , and constituted by the Yivesiding officer . ' Omnes , chant— " So mote it be . " Anthem—Hail ! Universal Lord !
By heaven and earth adored , All hail ! Great God ! Before thy hand we bend , To us th } - grace extend , And to our prayers attend . All hail ! Great God .
The proceedings were closed with the " Hallelujah Chorus . " Tho installation of Bro . Richard II . D . Johnson was proceeded with according to ancient form , after which he appointed Bros . James Mercer Johnson , S . W . ; Joseph R . Smith , J . \ A . ; AA . Crane , P . M . Bro . AA ood was elected Treasurer . Bro . Thomas Marsh was appointed Secretary ; E . M . Shilddon , S . D . ; D . Hendy , J . D . ; R . Williams , Dir . of Cers . ; G . Dyke and Pearson , SHarrisI . G . The was performed bBro . Hamer
. ; , ceremony y , who addressed every officer immediately on his appointment , in addition to the usual charges anel addresses . The lodge was called from labour to refreshment , and the brethren sat down to a very sumptuous banquet provided by Bro . Ball , tho House Steward . The Prov . G . Chaplain having invoked a blessing from the Great Architect of the Universe , at tho conclusion of the dinner tbe musical brethren sang "Nou nobis , " the when the
WM . proposed the usual loyal and patriotic toasts , I . G . proceeded to his post of duty . Tho M . AV . G . M . the Earl of Zetland , the D . G . M ., and Officers of Grand Loelge were duly honored . "The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master , Sir Thos . George Hesketh , Part ., M . P , 'J ' ownley Parker , Esq ., Deputy Provincial Grand Master , and the Prov . Grand Ofiicers of West Lancashire" was the next toasfc proposed . Bro . AA ylio
, responded on behalf of Sir J . G . Hesketh , and Bro . Hamer on behalf of Bro . T . Parker . The Secretary read a note of apology from the Prov . G . M . Bro . Hamer alluded in very feeling terms to ceremonies of the day , and recommended the brethren to act together in unison , both in and out of the lodge , and that he should convey to Bro . To iv nicy Parker , the enthusiastic and kindly feeling of the brethren of 1094 , and for the honor they
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masters" ( Bros . Everitt and Smith ) which was duly acknowledged . It now approached fche hour of eleven . The Tyler , Bro . Pottle , was introduced , and proposed the ancient toasfc . The brethren then separated , having spent a most agreeable day , and entertaining tho best augury of the future prosperity of the Lodge .
SoUTnAilPios . —Royal Gloucester Lodge ( No . 130 ) . —On Thursday , the 12 th inst ., at the monthly meeting of this lodge at Freemasons' Hall , Bugle-street , a presentation was made to Bro . AA . Hickman , Prov . G . Sec Hants , of a P . M . 's jewel by the lodge , and of a silver goblet , bearing a suitable inscription , given bj- the officers . There was a numerous attendance of fche Craft , including two officers from the American war steamer now in the river . The W . M ., Bro . J . R . AVeston , requested Bro .
J . R . Stebbing , P . G . D . of England , to present the jewel , in doing which he Bro . Stebbing said it was a mosfc agreeable thing for Masons to have an opportunity of paying compliments of this kind to those amongst them who had distinguished themselves in the offices to which they had been elected . Their brother , whom they were about to honour , had always set an example to the brethren by cultivating the most fraternal feelings , as well as assiduously working to uphold the laws and
constitution of the Craft . He knew that he should he expressing the wishes of the lodge when , in presenting this jewel to him as their grateful acknowledgment of his services , he uttered a hope that he might long be spared to meet them , anel that God would bless him in all the relations of life . Bro . P . Keane , the S . \ A .,. then stepped forward , and said that ho hael been delegated by the officers who served under the Mastership of Bro . Hickman to ask his acceptance of this sliht token of their
g regard ( presenting the goblet ) . They felt that ifc could not for a moment be compared to the well-earned badge of Masonic honour which bad just been placed on his breast , but they know thafc he would accept ifc , not for its intrinsic worth , but as a souvenir of the affection and esteem with which the officers and the brethren of the lodge regarded him . The presentation having been ratified by the tendering of Masonic honours to
Bro . Hickman , he said that if he only uttered a few words in response to these kind presents , the brethren would not think that he less warmly felt anil appreciated this kindness , but rather that be found himself utterly unable adequately to express his sense of this mark of esteem . He felt ifc a great distinction to be placed in the honourable position of W . M . of the lodge in which he was initiated into Masonry nine or ten Since then he had cemented many friendshipsand
years ago . , he assured them that he deeply felt how fraternal was the manner in which the brethren bore with his imperfections and strove to realise bis desires to carry out the duties efficiently , though necessarily one actively engaged in business was prevented from devoting so much time as was really needed to make oneself thoroughly up to tbe working of the lodge . That they were satisfied , however , with his endeavours these handsome
testimonials bore testimony , and ho assured them that they would always be regarded by him as presents of which he might justly feel proud . The business ofthe lodge was then proceeded with , and the ceremony of raising impressively performed liy the WM ., Bro . Alderman J . It . Weston . Amongst tho several visitors of the evening were two ofiicers of the United States man of war lying in the river , and at the banquet their healths
were given with great ? cordiality and responded to in a tone of evident gratification , several interesting speeches were made during tho evening , referring iu groat kindness to Bro . Hickman by Bro . P . ilvcy . editor of the MampsJdre Independent ; Bro . Alderman F . Perkins , J . P . ; Bro . Alderman J . 11 . Stebbing , J . P . ; B . P . Keane , S . W . ; and tbe AV . M . The presentation would have taken place before , but Bro . Hickman has not visited tho lodgo since his Mastership , in consequence of the distressing loss of his brother , his brother ' s wife , aud all their children on board the London .
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . LiA-Eiiroor .. Temple Lodge ( No . 109-4 ) . The warrant of this lodge having been granted , thc ceremony of consecration took place at the Masonic Temple , 22 , Hopestreet , on AVednesday , tire 11 th April , in tire presence of fifty brethren . Bro . Thomas Wylic , Prov . G . Reg ., presided , Bro . James Hamer , Prov . G . Treas ., acted as Dir . of Cers ., assisted by tho Prov . G . Chap ., Bro . II . G . Vernon , M . A . Bro . John
Pepper , P . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., occupied the wesfc , anel Bro . H . AVilliams , P . M ., the south . Bro . Laidlaw , P . M . The lodge being duly formed , the brethren of tho Temple Lodge were arranged in oreler , anel the lodge openeel to the third degree , the Prov . G . Chap , offered up the opening prayer . The presiding officer addressed the brethren on tlienature and object of the meeting . The Prov . G . Sec , Bro . H . S . Allparr introduced the members
of the new loelge to the presiding officer , and read the petition and warrant . The presiding officer inquired if the brethren approved of the officers named in the warrant , and they having signified their approval in form , the Prov . G . Chap , delivered a beautiful oration setting forth the objects , nature anel importance of P . M ., impressing upon the brethren the sacred duties of charity anel benevolence .
The musical brethren , Bros . T . Armstrong , P . G . Purst . ; Graham , AV . M ., 216 ; Wood J . AV ., 216 ; Sheaf , 216 ; and Haswell , 203 ; sang the anthem from 133 rd Psalm— " Behold liow good and joyful a thing it is for brethren to dwell together in unity ; it is like the precious ointment upon tho head thafc ran down unto the head , even unto Aarons' beard and went
down to the skirts of his garments . Like as the clew of Kevin on which fell upon the hill of Sion ; for there the Lord promised His blessing , even life for evermore . " The presiding officer offered up a pray or , all turning to tbe east . Omnes , chant— " So mote it be . " Saucfcus , " Glory be to Thee O Lord . " Invocation by Prov . G . Chap . Omnes , chant" So mote ib be . " The loelge was then uncovered and the consecrating elementscornwineoiland saltwere offered during
, , , , , solemn music Anthem— " Glory be to God on high , peace on earth , goodwill towards man , " during solemn music incense was offered by the Prov . G . Chaplain . Omnes , chant— " So mote ifc be . " Anthem—Glory to God on high , Let heaven and earth reply Praise ye His name .
Masons His love adore , Tiled in their mystic lore , And cry out evermore—Glory . to God ! The lodge was then solemnly dedicated , consecrated , and constituted by the Yivesiding officer . ' Omnes , chant— " So mote it be . " Anthem—Hail ! Universal Lord !
By heaven and earth adored , All hail ! Great God ! Before thy hand we bend , To us th } - grace extend , And to our prayers attend . All hail ! Great God .
The proceedings were closed with the " Hallelujah Chorus . " Tho installation of Bro . Richard II . D . Johnson was proceeded with according to ancient form , after which he appointed Bros . James Mercer Johnson , S . W . ; Joseph R . Smith , J . \ A . ; AA . Crane , P . M . Bro . AA ood was elected Treasurer . Bro . Thomas Marsh was appointed Secretary ; E . M . Shilddon , S . D . ; D . Hendy , J . D . ; R . Williams , Dir . of Cers . ; G . Dyke and Pearson , SHarrisI . G . The was performed bBro . Hamer
. ; , ceremony y , who addressed every officer immediately on his appointment , in addition to the usual charges anel addresses . The lodge was called from labour to refreshment , and the brethren sat down to a very sumptuous banquet provided by Bro . Ball , tho House Steward . The Prov . G . Chaplain having invoked a blessing from the Great Architect of the Universe , at tho conclusion of the dinner tbe musical brethren sang "Nou nobis , " the when the
WM . proposed the usual loyal and patriotic toasts , I . G . proceeded to his post of duty . Tho M . AV . G . M . the Earl of Zetland , the D . G . M ., and Officers of Grand Loelge were duly honored . "The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master , Sir Thos . George Hesketh , Part ., M . P , 'J ' ownley Parker , Esq ., Deputy Provincial Grand Master , and the Prov . Grand Ofiicers of West Lancashire" was the next toasfc proposed . Bro . AA ylio
, responded on behalf of Sir J . G . Hesketh , and Bro . Hamer on behalf of Bro . T . Parker . The Secretary read a note of apology from the Prov . G . M . Bro . Hamer alluded in very feeling terms to ceremonies of the day , and recommended the brethren to act together in unison , both in and out of the lodge , and that he should convey to Bro . To iv nicy Parker , the enthusiastic and kindly feeling of the brethren of 1094 , and for the honor they