Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 3 of 3 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 3 of 3 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 5 →
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imself and fellow visitors , regretting that Bro . Gilchrist , with his usual modesty , had withdrawn from the honour of having to address the brethren , from which he was also partly incapacitated from the present delicate state of his health . lie must , therefore , address fche brethren as the deputy of Bro . Gilchrist . He congratulated the brethren of the Dalhousie Lodge upon their being presided over by the esteemed brother who had been exalted this evening to the chair of K . S . Ho felt pleased
that ho could call such a gentleman a friend aud brother ; he had known anel respected Bro . Bristo for some time , and he could only regret that he had not longer had the-pleasure of knowing and associating with one whom he so highly respected as the newly-installed W . M ., whom he considered an ornament and acquisition to tho Craft in general , and the Dalhousie Lodge in particular . Of his abilities to discharge the duties of that important office thoy had had ample proof this evening .
It also afforded him an additional source of gratification at having attended upon this occasion , to find so many brethren present , whom he had known anel respected for a considerable time , amongst whom he saw the worthy host , Bro . Ireland , P . M ., father-in-law of the W . M . Indeed , ifc had afforded him so much pleasure this evening to visit this lodge , that he trusted , wifch the blessing of the Great Architect of the Universeit would not be the last occasion of his being present
, at their reunions . Bro . AVilliams , I . P . M ., in an eloquent speech full of point , endorsed the sentiments expressed by Bro . Brett with reference to the newly-installed W . M ., anel saiel ifc afforded him intense gratification to add that what Bro . Brett hael just saiel only corroborated what all the brethren present felt at seeing Bro . Bristo exalted to the chair , which he had this evening occupied
for the first time . The AV . M ., in returning thanks after his health had been drank , assured the brethren that no exertions should be spared on his part to study and promote the welfare of the lodge by every means in his power . The toast of " The Healths of the Past Masters of the Dalhousie Lodge , Bros . Ireland , Bates , Underwood , Williams , & c , " followed , was most cordially received , and was gracefully acknowledged by Bro . Ireland , P . M ., in very appropriate terms .
The toasfc of "The Health of the Treasurer , Bro . AVarren , and Secretary , Bro . Farmer , " was then drank , and cordially received by the brethren . Bro . Warren returned thanks on behalf of himself anel Bro . Farmer . The W . M . then called upon the brethren to drink the health of the ofiicers who had been selected to assist him during his term of office , and , in doing so , briefly stated the qualifications which each possessedanel whichhe consideredrendered them
, , , peculiarly adapted for the discharge of those duties which they had been selected to perform . The customary Tyler's toasfc brought the proceedings of this auspicious anel memorable evening in the annals of 860 to a timely conclusion , the happiness and harmony prevailing being greatly promoted by an admirable selection of songs , recitations , & cgiven with marked effect by several of the membersBro .
, , Bristo leading the sway of song wifch the soul-stirring "Village Blacksmith , " being well followed by Bros . Bates , jun ., Stanley ( Recitation "The Raven" ) , Birch , AVebb , Stevenson , Thompson ( Recitation ) , Plafct , and other obliging brethren . ROYATJ ALBERT LODGE ( No . 937 ) . —The anniversary mooting of this lodge was held at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , on Monday , the 16 th inst . Among the members present were
Bros . J . A . Fariifielel , W . M . ; T . Peters , S . AV . ; W . H . Farnfield , J . AV . ; Rev . John Vaughan , Chap . ; J . Smith , P . M . and Treas ; E . AV . Little , P . M . and See . ; J . Abbot , S . D . ; C . Chard , J . D . ; H . J . Lewis , T . G . ; T . Lewis , P . M ., Assist . G . Purst . ; W . Watson , P . G . Steward ; Walker , Morton , Dennis , C . T . Chard , Hallet , Pendygrass , Eavaison , Worley , Terry , and AVebb . Tho visitors were Bros . W . Farnfield , Assist . G . Sec . ; G . Cordwell ,
P . M ., 3 , anel 788 ; II . Potter , P . M ., 11 ; J . Terry , P . M ., 228 ; A . Squire , S . D ., 975 ; and T . Parker , 34 . The loelge was opened in the first degree , anel the minutes ofthe previous meeting were read and confirmed , after which the Secretary read the report of the Audit Committee , respecting the Treasurer ' s accounts for the past year , aud on motions duly made and seconded , tho rccommendationsoftiie committee were adoptedand the brethren
, -were pleased to find there was a goodly balance in hand . After tho usual preliminaries , Bro . Morton was raised , anel Bro . Dennis passeel ; the initiation of Messrs . T . Williams , 111 J . Smith , C . Vidler , and G . G . Hepburn then followed , ail the ceremonies being worked in a masterly manner . Bro . J . A . Farnfield , W . M .
presented Bro . Peters , W . M . elect , to Bro . Smith , P . G . Purst . who then assumed the chair , and in his usual able and impressive manner duly installed Bro . Peters as Master of the lodge . The following brethro were appointed to office for fche ensuing year , viz .: Bros . W . II . Fariifielel , S . W . ; C . Chard , J . W . ; J . Smith , Past Master , re-elected Treasurer ; R . W . Little , Past Master , Secretary ; Rev . J . M . Vaughan , Chap ., and J . D . ; H .
J . Lewis , S . D . ; C . Walker , I . G . Bro . T . Lewis , Assist . G . Purst . then proposed , "Thafc fche initiation fee be raised to seven guineas , " and the same being seconded by Bro . J . Smith , was carried unanimously . The lodge was then closed , anel the brethren adjourned to the bancpiet at Freemason ' s Tavern . After the removal of the cloth , the routine loyal and Masonic toasts were given , Bros . Lewis and Smith returning thanks for " The Grand Officers . " " The Health of the AVorshipful Master "
was proposed in an eloquent speech by Bro . J . A . Farnfield , I . P . M ., and feelingly acknowledged by the worthy Chairman . The W . Master then rose , and in very earnest and impressive language alluded to the pleasure he experienced in placing upon the breast of his respected predecessor a P . M . 's jewel , which had been unanimously voted by the lodge to Bro . J . A . Farnfield" as a mark of esteem and in appreciation of his valuable
, services as AV . M . " Bro . Farnfield , P . M ., expressed his cordial thanks to the brethren , and rejoiced to find that he had carried wifch him out of the chair the same good wishes that had attended his advancement to the important office of AV . Master . He trusted he might long be spared to be a member of such a happy lodge , where peace , unanimity , aud brotherly love had ever reigned . " The Health of the Initiates" was proposed ,
and duly honoured , Bro . Little , the Secretary , singing the E . A . Song . Bro . E . J . Smith replied very feelingly on behalf of the newly made brethren . Bro . W . Farnfield , A . G . Sec , responded for ' ¦ The Visitors , " ? nd Bro . Terry also acknowledged the toast . The healths of "The Pasfc Master , " "The Secretary , " and " The Officers , " followed , anel were all appropriately responded to .. The new AV . M . proved himself to be an admirable Chairman , and in addition delighted the brethren with his comic vocal abilities . Bro . Lewis also sang two or three songs in his usual exquisite style .
BERKSHIRE . NEWBURY . —Loyal Berkshire Lodge of Hope ( No . 574 ) . — This lodge met ou Friday , the 6 th inst ., at the Town Hall , Newbury . Present-: Bros . George Boyer , W . M . ; AV . AV . King , Sec , as S . AV . ; AV . C . Bland , J . W ., and AV . M . elect ; Thomas Deller , P . M ., Treas . ; T . G . Hall , as S . D . ; AVelch , as J . D . ; Cave , P . M ., anel P . Prov . G . D ., Birks and Bucks ; C . Swan , P . Prov . G . D . Herts ; and several other brethren . The loelge was
opened in regular form and after the confirmation of the minutes , - Bvo . Swan took the chair , and installed Bro . Bland as W . M . ; the following brethren being appointed and invested to act wifch him during' the ensuing twelve mouths . Thomas Deller , S . W . ; W . W . King , J . \ A . ; Deller , P . M ., Treas . ; T . G . Hall , Sec . anel S , D . ; Welch , J . D . ; Johnson , I . G . ; Stillman , Tyler . The newly installed W . M . then opened the loelge up to
the third degree , when . Bro . Swan resumed the chair , aucl with the assistance of the brethren present raised Bros . Johnson and Stillman to the sublime degree of M . M . The lodge was then closed and the brethren retired to the AVhite Hart Hotel where a banquet was provided in a style that no one could possibly find fault with , the newly installed A \ . M . acquitting himself afc the festive board as well as in the lodge room in a manner thafc
augurs well for the future prosperity of the lodge . CORNWALL . TRURO . —Lodge of Fortitude ( No . 131 ) . —The members of this lodge mot on Tuesday , the 10 th instant , at seven , p . m ., afc the Masonic Rooms , Quay-street ; AV . Bro . S . Holloway , AV . M ., iu the chair . The brethren as usual assembled in strength , and
the AA . M . received tbe assistance of Bro . Thomas Chirgwin , P . M ., P . Prov . J . G . AV ., & c , who contributed greatly to the success of the meeting' . The business included one initiation , three passings , anel two raisings , and it is but justice to the officers to say that the manner in which the degrees were given reflected great credit , anel was calculated to impress the minds of their recipients with thafc solemnity and consideration so desirable on such , occasions . Bro . T . Chirgwin , P . M .,, delivered
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
imself and fellow visitors , regretting that Bro . Gilchrist , with his usual modesty , had withdrawn from the honour of having to address the brethren , from which he was also partly incapacitated from the present delicate state of his health . lie must , therefore , address fche brethren as the deputy of Bro . Gilchrist . He congratulated the brethren of the Dalhousie Lodge upon their being presided over by the esteemed brother who had been exalted this evening to the chair of K . S . Ho felt pleased
that ho could call such a gentleman a friend aud brother ; he had known anel respected Bro . Bristo for some time , and he could only regret that he had not longer had the-pleasure of knowing and associating with one whom he so highly respected as the newly-installed W . M ., whom he considered an ornament and acquisition to tho Craft in general , and the Dalhousie Lodge in particular . Of his abilities to discharge the duties of that important office thoy had had ample proof this evening .
It also afforded him an additional source of gratification at having attended upon this occasion , to find so many brethren present , whom he had known anel respected for a considerable time , amongst whom he saw the worthy host , Bro . Ireland , P . M ., father-in-law of the W . M . Indeed , ifc had afforded him so much pleasure this evening to visit this lodge , that he trusted , wifch the blessing of the Great Architect of the Universeit would not be the last occasion of his being present
, at their reunions . Bro . AVilliams , I . P . M ., in an eloquent speech full of point , endorsed the sentiments expressed by Bro . Brett with reference to the newly-installed W . M ., anel saiel ifc afforded him intense gratification to add that what Bro . Brett hael just saiel only corroborated what all the brethren present felt at seeing Bro . Bristo exalted to the chair , which he had this evening occupied
for the first time . The AV . M ., in returning thanks after his health had been drank , assured the brethren that no exertions should be spared on his part to study and promote the welfare of the lodge by every means in his power . The toast of " The Healths of the Past Masters of the Dalhousie Lodge , Bros . Ireland , Bates , Underwood , Williams , & c , " followed , was most cordially received , and was gracefully acknowledged by Bro . Ireland , P . M ., in very appropriate terms .
The toasfc of "The Health of the Treasurer , Bro . AVarren , and Secretary , Bro . Farmer , " was then drank , and cordially received by the brethren . Bro . Warren returned thanks on behalf of himself anel Bro . Farmer . The W . M . then called upon the brethren to drink the health of the ofiicers who had been selected to assist him during his term of office , and , in doing so , briefly stated the qualifications which each possessedanel whichhe consideredrendered them
, , , peculiarly adapted for the discharge of those duties which they had been selected to perform . The customary Tyler's toasfc brought the proceedings of this auspicious anel memorable evening in the annals of 860 to a timely conclusion , the happiness and harmony prevailing being greatly promoted by an admirable selection of songs , recitations , & cgiven with marked effect by several of the membersBro .
, , Bristo leading the sway of song wifch the soul-stirring "Village Blacksmith , " being well followed by Bros . Bates , jun ., Stanley ( Recitation "The Raven" ) , Birch , AVebb , Stevenson , Thompson ( Recitation ) , Plafct , and other obliging brethren . ROYATJ ALBERT LODGE ( No . 937 ) . —The anniversary mooting of this lodge was held at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , on Monday , the 16 th inst . Among the members present were
Bros . J . A . Fariifielel , W . M . ; T . Peters , S . AV . ; W . H . Farnfield , J . AV . ; Rev . John Vaughan , Chap . ; J . Smith , P . M . and Treas ; E . AV . Little , P . M . and See . ; J . Abbot , S . D . ; C . Chard , J . D . ; H . J . Lewis , T . G . ; T . Lewis , P . M ., Assist . G . Purst . ; W . Watson , P . G . Steward ; Walker , Morton , Dennis , C . T . Chard , Hallet , Pendygrass , Eavaison , Worley , Terry , and AVebb . Tho visitors were Bros . W . Farnfield , Assist . G . Sec . ; G . Cordwell ,
P . M ., 3 , anel 788 ; II . Potter , P . M ., 11 ; J . Terry , P . M ., 228 ; A . Squire , S . D ., 975 ; and T . Parker , 34 . The loelge was opened in the first degree , anel the minutes ofthe previous meeting were read and confirmed , after which the Secretary read the report of the Audit Committee , respecting the Treasurer ' s accounts for the past year , aud on motions duly made and seconded , tho rccommendationsoftiie committee were adoptedand the brethren
, -were pleased to find there was a goodly balance in hand . After tho usual preliminaries , Bro . Morton was raised , anel Bro . Dennis passeel ; the initiation of Messrs . T . Williams , 111 J . Smith , C . Vidler , and G . G . Hepburn then followed , ail the ceremonies being worked in a masterly manner . Bro . J . A . Farnfield , W . M .
presented Bro . Peters , W . M . elect , to Bro . Smith , P . G . Purst . who then assumed the chair , and in his usual able and impressive manner duly installed Bro . Peters as Master of the lodge . The following brethro were appointed to office for fche ensuing year , viz .: Bros . W . II . Fariifielel , S . W . ; C . Chard , J . W . ; J . Smith , Past Master , re-elected Treasurer ; R . W . Little , Past Master , Secretary ; Rev . J . M . Vaughan , Chap ., and J . D . ; H .
J . Lewis , S . D . ; C . Walker , I . G . Bro . T . Lewis , Assist . G . Purst . then proposed , "Thafc fche initiation fee be raised to seven guineas , " and the same being seconded by Bro . J . Smith , was carried unanimously . The lodge was then closed , anel the brethren adjourned to the bancpiet at Freemason ' s Tavern . After the removal of the cloth , the routine loyal and Masonic toasts were given , Bros . Lewis and Smith returning thanks for " The Grand Officers . " " The Health of the AVorshipful Master "
was proposed in an eloquent speech by Bro . J . A . Farnfield , I . P . M ., and feelingly acknowledged by the worthy Chairman . The W . Master then rose , and in very earnest and impressive language alluded to the pleasure he experienced in placing upon the breast of his respected predecessor a P . M . 's jewel , which had been unanimously voted by the lodge to Bro . J . A . Farnfield" as a mark of esteem and in appreciation of his valuable
, services as AV . M . " Bro . Farnfield , P . M ., expressed his cordial thanks to the brethren , and rejoiced to find that he had carried wifch him out of the chair the same good wishes that had attended his advancement to the important office of AV . Master . He trusted he might long be spared to be a member of such a happy lodge , where peace , unanimity , aud brotherly love had ever reigned . " The Health of the Initiates" was proposed ,
and duly honoured , Bro . Little , the Secretary , singing the E . A . Song . Bro . E . J . Smith replied very feelingly on behalf of the newly made brethren . Bro . W . Farnfield , A . G . Sec , responded for ' ¦ The Visitors , " ? nd Bro . Terry also acknowledged the toast . The healths of "The Pasfc Master , " "The Secretary , " and " The Officers , " followed , anel were all appropriately responded to .. The new AV . M . proved himself to be an admirable Chairman , and in addition delighted the brethren with his comic vocal abilities . Bro . Lewis also sang two or three songs in his usual exquisite style .
BERKSHIRE . NEWBURY . —Loyal Berkshire Lodge of Hope ( No . 574 ) . — This lodge met ou Friday , the 6 th inst ., at the Town Hall , Newbury . Present-: Bros . George Boyer , W . M . ; AV . AV . King , Sec , as S . AV . ; AV . C . Bland , J . W ., and AV . M . elect ; Thomas Deller , P . M ., Treas . ; T . G . Hall , as S . D . ; AVelch , as J . D . ; Cave , P . M ., anel P . Prov . G . D ., Birks and Bucks ; C . Swan , P . Prov . G . D . Herts ; and several other brethren . The loelge was
opened in regular form and after the confirmation of the minutes , - Bvo . Swan took the chair , and installed Bro . Bland as W . M . ; the following brethren being appointed and invested to act wifch him during' the ensuing twelve mouths . Thomas Deller , S . W . ; W . W . King , J . \ A . ; Deller , P . M ., Treas . ; T . G . Hall , Sec . anel S , D . ; Welch , J . D . ; Johnson , I . G . ; Stillman , Tyler . The newly installed W . M . then opened the loelge up to
the third degree , when . Bro . Swan resumed the chair , aucl with the assistance of the brethren present raised Bros . Johnson and Stillman to the sublime degree of M . M . The lodge was then closed and the brethren retired to the AVhite Hart Hotel where a banquet was provided in a style that no one could possibly find fault with , the newly installed A \ . M . acquitting himself afc the festive board as well as in the lodge room in a manner thafc
augurs well for the future prosperity of the lodge . CORNWALL . TRURO . —Lodge of Fortitude ( No . 131 ) . —The members of this lodge mot on Tuesday , the 10 th instant , at seven , p . m ., afc the Masonic Rooms , Quay-street ; AV . Bro . S . Holloway , AV . M ., iu the chair . The brethren as usual assembled in strength , and
the AA . M . received tbe assistance of Bro . Thomas Chirgwin , P . M ., P . Prov . J . G . AV ., & c , who contributed greatly to the success of the meeting' . The business included one initiation , three passings , anel two raisings , and it is but justice to the officers to say that the manner in which the degrees were given reflected great credit , anel was calculated to impress the minds of their recipients with thafc solemnity and consideration so desirable on such , occasions . Bro . T . Chirgwin , P . M .,, delivered