Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 3 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
* * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisburystreet , Strand , London , AV . C .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
The following is the list of successful candidates at the election ou the 16 th inst .: —Treatt , AVilliam Richard , 740 ; Atkinson , Henry Bold , 721 ; Graham , Frederick , 713 ; Everest , Egerton George , 710 ; Fletcher , Arthur Brooking , 701 ; Nicholson , Harry , 678 ; Pearson , James , 673 ; Nash , Ambrose Arthur , 621 ; Wood , Frank Orson , 020 ; James , Horace Cash , 554 ;
Martin , George Windham , 510 . The votes of the following unsuccessful candidates will be carried forward to the next election-. —Storey , James George , 502 ; Maile , Frank , 500 ; Jones , Claudius J . unes , 447 ; Bowles , Edwin Pelham , 435 ; Owen , William Henry , 317 ; AATallbridge , Alfred Freeman , 312 ; Powell , James Herbert , 2 G 4 ; Freer , Thomas
Eeuben , 258 ; Hiekmott , Henry , 250 ; Warner , Matthew Eichard , 228 ; Wallace , Thomas Gooch , 182 ; Treleaven , Francis , 178 ; Ashton , Henry James , 159 ; Cottraan , Frederick , 157 ; Jackson , Herbert James , 109 ; Bentley , Ed win Thomas , 108 ; Hopkins , Charles , 103 ; Atkinson , John , 87 ; Fisher , Stephen ' Brant , 69 ; Hollis , William Frederick , 66 ; Mace , William Francis ,
47 ; Pitchfortb , Charles Husband , 21 ; Millbourn Joseph , 16 ; Walsha , Herbert , 15 ; Clough , Morley Edelison , 11 ; Marjason , Josiah , 5 ; Addison , James , 2 ; Smith , Lewis , 0 .
Masonic Mems.
We are unavoidably prevented from giving the continuation of the Manila ' Seeret-a in our present number , but shall resume it in our next , when we will reply to letters in connection with this subject , which have been addressed to us since the issue of our last impression . Bro , J . Schneider , of Marnnheim , is about to publish a Masonic
novel , under the title , " Ballenheim , " by Bro . Ludwig Bonaventura , D * * ' * * , of the Lodge Ziu- Freimufchigkeifc am Rlrein , in which " it will be sought to establish the philosophical standpoint of Masonry , as opposed to Jesuitism , Zelotism , and Atheism . " The triennial convocation of Prince Masons is expected to take place in Dublin towards the end of the present month .
THE Eu- oca ( No . 11 ) . —The last monthly meeting for the season took place on Wednesday , the 11 th instant , at the Freemasons' Tavern , when the AV . M ., Bro . John Dale , and his officers were present . The business was very trifling , being one raising Mid one passing . Tho brethren soon after retired to a private banquet , presided over by the AA 7 . M ., and Bro . Ferguson , S . W ., supported by Peter Matthews , Ruel , C . Watson ,
F . Ledger , Greaves , & c , P . M . 's , and several other members , when a most pleasant and convivial evening was passed . PAmnniE LODGE ( NO . 720 ) . —There was an unusully large attendance of members on Monday last , at the Loughborough Arms Tavern , Brixton , on the occasion of the election of officers for the ensuing year . The AV . M . ( Bro . J . Thomas ) presided , and conducted the proceedings with his accustomed ability . Bro . Hilder was advanced to the second degree , and Mr . W . I ? .
Crofts and Mr . J . B . A . Wolpert received the benefit of initiation . A ballot having been taken for the election of Master for the next twelve months , the same was declared to be entirely unanimous in favour of Bro . Hodges , P . M ., and acting S . W ., who was warmly congratulated on the result . The retiring W . M . ( Bro . Thomas ) was elected Treasurer with the same perfect unanimity . Bro . Bradley was re-elected Tyler . Messrs . Gwilt and r PMoore elected for the audit committee
AA . . were , which was also empowered to revise the bye laws . Bro . Osivyn , J . W ., in very appropriate terms , moved , and Bro . Stevens , P . M . and Sec , seconded the following resolution— "' That a full sized photographic portrait of our excellent Bro . J . Thomas , properly ( rained , &<; ., be presented to him in open loelge , for the very able and efficient manner in which he has discharged the onerous duties of AVorshipful Master , and as a slight , though affectionate held ball tbe
tribute of the esteem and respect in which he is y brethren , for his uniform urbanity anil courteousness of manner , his unvarying affability anel kindly disposition which has so endeared him to the whole Craft , and particularly to the Panmure Lodge . That a copy of the portrait , together with a copy of this resolution , be bung in the lodge room , as an example to all future AA ' orshiful Mustersand an inducement to imitate
p , so worthy a predecessor . " The resolution was submitted to the lodge by tho WM . elect , and carried by acclamation . On the motion of Bro . Stevens , seconded by Bro , Burgess , it was resolved that the execution of the portrait should be entrusted to Bro . Fox , of Clapham . The lodge business having been disposed of , nearly thirty brethren sat down to a banquet , after which the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposedi Bro .
Stevens , P . M ., proposed , in eulogistic terms , " The Health of the AV . M ., Bro . Thomas , " congratulating him upon the great progress and success of the lodge under his Mastership , and trusting long to see him affording the benefit of his services as Past Master . It is needless to say that the toast was enthusiastically received . "Tho Health of the AV . M . elect , " was also proposed , and warmly received . Bro . Hodges , in reply ,
pledging himself to endeavour to follow in the course pursued by Bro . Thomas , as far as possible , and thus continue to uphold the reputation of the lodge . " The Health of tbe Past Masters , " was proposed and responded to by Bros . Stevens and Gardener .
To the toast of "The Officers of the lodge , " Bro . Oswyn , J . W ., suitably replied . The Tyler's toast , " To all poor and distressed Masons , " brought the proceedings , which bad been enlivened by some excellent singing , to a very satisfactory conclusion . LODGE OI ? SI . JAMES ( NO . 765 ) . —The installation meeting of this loelge was held on the 10 th inst ., at the Leather Market Tavern , Bermondsey . Bro . Scott was installed AV . M ., and he appointed and invested his officers . The brethrenafter the
, loelge was closed , partook of au excellent banquet . Visitors , Broi F . Walters ( P . M ., No . 73 ) , Rose ( J . D ., No . 73 ) , Free ( W . S ., No . 73 ) , C . A . Cottebrune ( P . M ., No . 733 ) , Gale ( S . W ., No . 5-18 ) , and West ( S . D ., No . 548 ) . MEHCHANT NAVI' LODOE , ( NO . 781 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of tho brethren of this flourishing lodge was held at the Jamaica HotelAVest India Dockson Thursdaythe 12 ch
, , , insfc ., Bro . Daniell , P . M ., presiding ( in the unavoidable absence of the AV . M . Lars With , who had unexpectedly been called to Norway ) , assisted by the officers , Bros . Killick , S . W . ; Davis , J . W . ; Bracebridge , S . D . ; Sutton , J . D . ; Gibb , I . G . ; E . J . Read , Hon . Sec , and many brethren aud visitors , amongst the latter were Bros . Newton , W . M . 174 ; Grillett , United Pilgrims ' Lodge ( No . 507 ); Toole 22 ; and Johnson 140 . The minutes of
, , the last regular lodge and lodge of emergency respectively being confirmed , a ballot was taken , and declared unanimous in favor of Mr . Coleman , who was regularly initiated into the mysteries of Ancient Freemasonry . Bro . D . S . Potts , P . M ., Dir . of Cers ,, then assumed the chair , and tire lodge was opened in the second degree . Bro . C . K . Killick , S . AV ., was presented by Bro . Wright , P . M ., for installation , and having given his assent to the ancient
charges and obligations , the lodge was opened in the third degree , and a board of Installed Masters formed , and Bro . Killick duly installed to the chair of K . S . Tire Board of Masters was then closeel , and Master Masons admitted , the W . M . proclaimed and saluted in the third degree , the lodge Avas then closeel in the third degree , and the W . M . Avas proclaimed and saluted in the second degree ; the lodge was closed in the second degree , and the W . M . proclaimed and saluted
in the first degree . Bro . Wright , P . M ., having been unanimously elected Treasurer , was invested with the collar and jewel of that office . The W . M . then appointed the following officers for the ensuing year , Bro . Davis , S . W . ; Bracebridge
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
* * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisburystreet , Strand , London , AV . C .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
The following is the list of successful candidates at the election ou the 16 th inst .: —Treatt , AVilliam Richard , 740 ; Atkinson , Henry Bold , 721 ; Graham , Frederick , 713 ; Everest , Egerton George , 710 ; Fletcher , Arthur Brooking , 701 ; Nicholson , Harry , 678 ; Pearson , James , 673 ; Nash , Ambrose Arthur , 621 ; Wood , Frank Orson , 020 ; James , Horace Cash , 554 ;
Martin , George Windham , 510 . The votes of the following unsuccessful candidates will be carried forward to the next election-. —Storey , James George , 502 ; Maile , Frank , 500 ; Jones , Claudius J . unes , 447 ; Bowles , Edwin Pelham , 435 ; Owen , William Henry , 317 ; AATallbridge , Alfred Freeman , 312 ; Powell , James Herbert , 2 G 4 ; Freer , Thomas
Eeuben , 258 ; Hiekmott , Henry , 250 ; Warner , Matthew Eichard , 228 ; Wallace , Thomas Gooch , 182 ; Treleaven , Francis , 178 ; Ashton , Henry James , 159 ; Cottraan , Frederick , 157 ; Jackson , Herbert James , 109 ; Bentley , Ed win Thomas , 108 ; Hopkins , Charles , 103 ; Atkinson , John , 87 ; Fisher , Stephen ' Brant , 69 ; Hollis , William Frederick , 66 ; Mace , William Francis ,
47 ; Pitchfortb , Charles Husband , 21 ; Millbourn Joseph , 16 ; Walsha , Herbert , 15 ; Clough , Morley Edelison , 11 ; Marjason , Josiah , 5 ; Addison , James , 2 ; Smith , Lewis , 0 .
Masonic Mems.
We are unavoidably prevented from giving the continuation of the Manila ' Seeret-a in our present number , but shall resume it in our next , when we will reply to letters in connection with this subject , which have been addressed to us since the issue of our last impression . Bro , J . Schneider , of Marnnheim , is about to publish a Masonic
novel , under the title , " Ballenheim , " by Bro . Ludwig Bonaventura , D * * ' * * , of the Lodge Ziu- Freimufchigkeifc am Rlrein , in which " it will be sought to establish the philosophical standpoint of Masonry , as opposed to Jesuitism , Zelotism , and Atheism . " The triennial convocation of Prince Masons is expected to take place in Dublin towards the end of the present month .
THE Eu- oca ( No . 11 ) . —The last monthly meeting for the season took place on Wednesday , the 11 th instant , at the Freemasons' Tavern , when the AV . M ., Bro . John Dale , and his officers were present . The business was very trifling , being one raising Mid one passing . Tho brethren soon after retired to a private banquet , presided over by the AA 7 . M ., and Bro . Ferguson , S . W ., supported by Peter Matthews , Ruel , C . Watson ,
F . Ledger , Greaves , & c , P . M . 's , and several other members , when a most pleasant and convivial evening was passed . PAmnniE LODGE ( NO . 720 ) . —There was an unusully large attendance of members on Monday last , at the Loughborough Arms Tavern , Brixton , on the occasion of the election of officers for the ensuing year . The AV . M . ( Bro . J . Thomas ) presided , and conducted the proceedings with his accustomed ability . Bro . Hilder was advanced to the second degree , and Mr . W . I ? .
Crofts and Mr . J . B . A . Wolpert received the benefit of initiation . A ballot having been taken for the election of Master for the next twelve months , the same was declared to be entirely unanimous in favour of Bro . Hodges , P . M ., and acting S . W ., who was warmly congratulated on the result . The retiring W . M . ( Bro . Thomas ) was elected Treasurer with the same perfect unanimity . Bro . Bradley was re-elected Tyler . Messrs . Gwilt and r PMoore elected for the audit committee
AA . . were , which was also empowered to revise the bye laws . Bro . Osivyn , J . W ., in very appropriate terms , moved , and Bro . Stevens , P . M . and Sec , seconded the following resolution— "' That a full sized photographic portrait of our excellent Bro . J . Thomas , properly ( rained , &<; ., be presented to him in open loelge , for the very able and efficient manner in which he has discharged the onerous duties of AVorshipful Master , and as a slight , though affectionate held ball tbe
tribute of the esteem and respect in which he is y brethren , for his uniform urbanity anil courteousness of manner , his unvarying affability anel kindly disposition which has so endeared him to the whole Craft , and particularly to the Panmure Lodge . That a copy of the portrait , together with a copy of this resolution , be bung in the lodge room , as an example to all future AA ' orshiful Mustersand an inducement to imitate
p , so worthy a predecessor . " The resolution was submitted to the lodge by tho WM . elect , and carried by acclamation . On the motion of Bro . Stevens , seconded by Bro , Burgess , it was resolved that the execution of the portrait should be entrusted to Bro . Fox , of Clapham . The lodge business having been disposed of , nearly thirty brethren sat down to a banquet , after which the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposedi Bro .
Stevens , P . M ., proposed , in eulogistic terms , " The Health of the AV . M ., Bro . Thomas , " congratulating him upon the great progress and success of the lodge under his Mastership , and trusting long to see him affording the benefit of his services as Past Master . It is needless to say that the toast was enthusiastically received . "Tho Health of the AV . M . elect , " was also proposed , and warmly received . Bro . Hodges , in reply ,
pledging himself to endeavour to follow in the course pursued by Bro . Thomas , as far as possible , and thus continue to uphold the reputation of the lodge . " The Health of tbe Past Masters , " was proposed and responded to by Bros . Stevens and Gardener .
To the toast of "The Officers of the lodge , " Bro . Oswyn , J . W ., suitably replied . The Tyler's toast , " To all poor and distressed Masons , " brought the proceedings , which bad been enlivened by some excellent singing , to a very satisfactory conclusion . LODGE OI ? SI . JAMES ( NO . 765 ) . —The installation meeting of this loelge was held on the 10 th inst ., at the Leather Market Tavern , Bermondsey . Bro . Scott was installed AV . M ., and he appointed and invested his officers . The brethrenafter the
, loelge was closed , partook of au excellent banquet . Visitors , Broi F . Walters ( P . M ., No . 73 ) , Rose ( J . D ., No . 73 ) , Free ( W . S ., No . 73 ) , C . A . Cottebrune ( P . M ., No . 733 ) , Gale ( S . W ., No . 5-18 ) , and West ( S . D ., No . 548 ) . MEHCHANT NAVI' LODOE , ( NO . 781 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of tho brethren of this flourishing lodge was held at the Jamaica HotelAVest India Dockson Thursdaythe 12 ch
, , , insfc ., Bro . Daniell , P . M ., presiding ( in the unavoidable absence of the AV . M . Lars With , who had unexpectedly been called to Norway ) , assisted by the officers , Bros . Killick , S . W . ; Davis , J . W . ; Bracebridge , S . D . ; Sutton , J . D . ; Gibb , I . G . ; E . J . Read , Hon . Sec , and many brethren aud visitors , amongst the latter were Bros . Newton , W . M . 174 ; Grillett , United Pilgrims ' Lodge ( No . 507 ); Toole 22 ; and Johnson 140 . The minutes of
, , the last regular lodge and lodge of emergency respectively being confirmed , a ballot was taken , and declared unanimous in favor of Mr . Coleman , who was regularly initiated into the mysteries of Ancient Freemasonry . Bro . D . S . Potts , P . M ., Dir . of Cers ,, then assumed the chair , and tire lodge was opened in the second degree . Bro . C . K . Killick , S . AV ., was presented by Bro . Wright , P . M ., for installation , and having given his assent to the ancient
charges and obligations , the lodge was opened in the third degree , and a board of Installed Masters formed , and Bro . Killick duly installed to the chair of K . S . Tire Board of Masters was then closeel , and Master Masons admitted , the W . M . proclaimed and saluted in the third degree , the lodge Avas then closeel in the third degree , and the W . M . Avas proclaimed and saluted in the second degree ; the lodge was closed in the second degree , and the W . M . proclaimed and saluted
in the first degree . Bro . Wright , P . M ., having been unanimously elected Treasurer , was invested with the collar and jewel of that office . The W . M . then appointed the following officers for the ensuing year , Bro . Davis , S . W . ; Bracebridge