Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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J . AV . ; Read , Sec ; Sutton , S . D . ; Helps , J . D . ; Bradbury , I . G . ; Hoare , Tyler ; all of whom were invested with their collars anel jewels of office , with suitable injunctions as to the duties required of them . Motions tor the alterations of bye laws Avere then brought forward ( notice of which had been given ) , which received the assent of tbe brethren . The lodge was theu closeel with solemn prayer . The brethren then adjourned to banquet , and after the cloth was removedand the usual loyal anel
, Masonic toasts given and duly responded to , Bro . AVright , P . M ., proposed "The Health of their newly-installed WM . " and after passing a high eulogium upon his many excellent equalities , expressed the satisfaction ho felt in proposing the toast , and which he was assured would be cordially received ; he need not remind the brethren that he , Bro . Killick , was the first AV . M . of this lodge who had received from him the benefits of initiation
, and facetiously observed , that ho felt towards him the feelings of a parent towards his first child . He ivas sure that he would acquit himself creditably , and reflect honor upon the brethren . He hoped that Bro . Killick would not feel diffident in seeking advice from the Past Masters . The W . M . replied to the toast in very feeling and appropriate terms , expressed his gratitude to the P . M . ' s and brethren for the honor they hael
conferred upon him . He felt very deeply the importance of the position he now occupied as fche very humble representative of K . S . He could assure the brethren that it would be his constant study to fulfil the duties entrusted to him in such a manner as to give satisfaction to all . The AV . M . then gave "The Health of the Past Masters of the Merchant Navy Lodge" which was dulrespondeel to bBros . WrightPM
, y y , .., aud Blickfeldt , who expressed the great satisfaction they felt in the continued prosperity anel increase of members to this lodge . The AV . M . then gave "The Health of Bro . B . T . Read , " who had most efficiently filled the office of Secretary for the past three years , and he could assure tho brethren , and the Past Masters would bear witness to the fact , that he was most
indefatigable , and the prosperity of the loelge was considerably enhanced by his exertions . Bro . Read , in reply , expressed himself gratified with the recognition of his services . "The Health of the Visitors , " was then given by the WM . Bro . Newton , W . M . 174 , replied , thanking the brethren of the Merchant Navy Loelge for their hospitality , and assuring a hearty reception to any of the brethren who would honor his lodge with a visit . Bros . Toole 22 and Grillett 507 also responded . Bro . Johnson
, , , , , I . G . 140 , said the privilege of being present at installation meetings was highly valued amongst Freemasons , because upon such occasions we assist in rendering honor to a brother who is considered worthy to occupy the chair of K . S ., but the advantage of heing present this evening was particularly gratifying to him ( Bro . Johnson ) since the circumstances of daily life gave him constant opportunies of observing the newly-elected AV . M .
He knew Bro . Killick to be a Mason who practised in the world the principles inculcated by the Craft . He could , therefore , with much sincerity , congratulate the brethren on the appointment of Bro . Killick as W . M ., being assured the lodge woulel prosper under his rule . Bro . Johnson concluded by saying he was the humble door-keeper of No . 140 , the loelge bearing the name of the patron saint of England , anel that it woulel afford
him much pleasure to open the door to any of the brethren of the Merchant Navy Loelge who might seek admission . The W . M . then proposed " The Health of tho Ofiicers , " which was duly respondeel to by Bros . Davis , S . W . ; and Bracebridge , J . AV . "Tire Health of the . Initiate , Bro . Coleman , " was then given . Bro . Coleman replied , thanking the brethren for their good wishesand expressed a hope that he might eventually become
, a useful member of the Craft . The Tyler ' s toast brought this happy evening to a close , the pleasure of which had been considerably enhanced by the vocal and recitative powers of Bros . Gibbs , Levy Toole , AVatkins , Myerscough , Helps , aud Johnson ( Secretary to the Pickwick Histrionic Club ) . We may add that the banquet provided by Mrs . Brand , the widow of the late Bro . Brand , fully maintained the reputation of . the house .
DALHOUSIE LODGE ( No . 860 ) . The installation meeting of this prosperous lodge was held on the 12 th inst ., at Bro . Ireland ' s , The Falcon , Fetter-lane ; there being , doubtless owing to the event of the evening-, a most numerous attendance of tho members and visiting brethren , including amongst tlie latter' , Bros . Brett , 177 ; Gilchrist , W . M . 933 ; Edwards , 45 ; Ford , 813 ; Price , ISO ; Watts , 255 ; Wright , 504 ; and Bro . J . Stevenson , of the FHEEMASOSS' MAGAZINE ,
The lodge was openeel punctually by the retiring WM .., Bro . C . B . AVilliams , supported by Bros . Bristo , AV . M . elect , S . W . ; Mudge , J . W . ; It . Farmer , P . G . Purst ., Treas . ; J . R . Warren , Sec ; AVebb , J . D . ; T . Lee , I . G . ; L . F . Littell , D . C . ; Bradley , Tyler ; the latter , whilst , in discharge of his office , going through the sword exercise in an admirable manner , notwithstanding his advanced age , and which we believe has solely been performed by him for many years past .
After the reading and confirmation ol the minutes of the last meeting , the retiring AA . M ., Bro . Williams , being in ill health , requested Bro . R . Farmer to perform the ceremony of passing a brother to the F . C . degree . Bro . Farmer having obligingly complied with the request of the W . M ., examined the candidate , who retired , when the lodge being opened in the second degree , the ceremony of passing the candidate was performed bBro . Farmer in the perfect and efficient manner
y which distinguishes the working of that eminent brother . The lodge being opened in the third degree and the chair being taken by Bro . Ireland , P . M ., Bro . Bristo , the AV . M . elect , sonin-law of the installing master , was duly presented for installation , and installed by Bro . Ireland , in the usual able and impressive manner , so characteristic of that accomplished Mason . The lodge being resumed in the first degree , the ceremony of
initiating a candidate , Mr . Thompson , into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry , was most ably and im » pressively performed by the AV . M ., Bro . Bristo , Bro . Thompson being the first candidate whom the W . M . had initiated into our Order . Tho AV . M . having appointed and invested his officers for the ensuing year , presented an elegant P . M . ' s jewel to the retiring W . M . Bro . Williamsexpressing himself in very feeling terms
, , with reference to the severe losses experienced by the retiring AV . M . during Ms year of office , and congratulated him upon tbe admirable manner in which he had in spite of his afflictions conducted and ruled tbe affairs of the lodge . Bro . AVilliams , with evident emotion , returned thanks in very feeling terms in appreciation of the remarks which had just fallen from the lips of the AV . M ., and for the truly Masonic spirit shown towards him .
A sum of £ 5 5 s . was voted to the funds of the Girls' Schooh and a resolution passeel unanimously to support Bro . Bates as steward representing this lodge at the forthcoming festival of that institution . There being no further business before the lodge , the brethren were called from labour to refreshment , anel adjourned to the banquet , which was provided by Bro . Ireland the host , in the most sumptuous manner , the tables were furnished with
every delicacy of the season , which were of the most recherche description ; the wines were choice , well selected , and supplied in abundance , aud the attendance excellent . Bro . Ireland having spared no pains to ensure the comfort , aud to study and please the taste of all present , it is due to that esteemed brother to state that he succeeded to the satisfaction of all , and thab ho well merited the approbation which he received . Ample justice having been done to the good things on the
table anel the cloth having been drawn , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and cordially received ; that of Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen , & c , being followed by the singing of thc National Anthem , commenced by the W . M . in solo , the following verses being taken up by other brethren ; all present joining in in tlie most hearty manner anel with admirable effect under the leadership of tlie W . M ., whose vocal and musical accomplishments render him specially adapted to preside
at the festive board . " The Health of the Initiate , Bro . Thompson , " was proposed by the W . M ,, in the most feeling and appropriate terms , and most cordially received , Bro . Thompson responding in a few pithily , well spoken words . The AA . Master , in proposing the toast of " The Health of the Visiting Brethren , " said it was very gratifying to him , as he was sure it must be to the members generally , to see the
Dalhousie Lodge honoured by the presence of so many visitors , all holding a good position in the Craft . Ho was delighted to see them present on this occasion , anel as the Dalhousie Lodge had ever boon noted for the number of distinguished visiting brethren who had attended its meetings from time to time , he flattered himself , therefore , that it might bo safely inferred that this was indicative of tho hig h estimation iu which this Lodge was held generally by the Craft . Bro . Brett responded in very suitable terras on behalf of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
J . AV . ; Read , Sec ; Sutton , S . D . ; Helps , J . D . ; Bradbury , I . G . ; Hoare , Tyler ; all of whom were invested with their collars anel jewels of office , with suitable injunctions as to the duties required of them . Motions tor the alterations of bye laws Avere then brought forward ( notice of which had been given ) , which received the assent of tbe brethren . The lodge was theu closeel with solemn prayer . The brethren then adjourned to banquet , and after the cloth was removedand the usual loyal anel
, Masonic toasts given and duly responded to , Bro . AVright , P . M ., proposed "The Health of their newly-installed WM . " and after passing a high eulogium upon his many excellent equalities , expressed the satisfaction ho felt in proposing the toast , and which he was assured would be cordially received ; he need not remind the brethren that he , Bro . Killick , was the first AV . M . of this lodge who had received from him the benefits of initiation
, and facetiously observed , that ho felt towards him the feelings of a parent towards his first child . He ivas sure that he would acquit himself creditably , and reflect honor upon the brethren . He hoped that Bro . Killick would not feel diffident in seeking advice from the Past Masters . The W . M . replied to the toast in very feeling and appropriate terms , expressed his gratitude to the P . M . ' s and brethren for the honor they hael
conferred upon him . He felt very deeply the importance of the position he now occupied as fche very humble representative of K . S . He could assure the brethren that it would be his constant study to fulfil the duties entrusted to him in such a manner as to give satisfaction to all . The AV . M . then gave "The Health of the Past Masters of the Merchant Navy Lodge" which was dulrespondeel to bBros . WrightPM
, y y , .., aud Blickfeldt , who expressed the great satisfaction they felt in the continued prosperity anel increase of members to this lodge . The AV . M . then gave "The Health of Bro . B . T . Read , " who had most efficiently filled the office of Secretary for the past three years , and he could assure tho brethren , and the Past Masters would bear witness to the fact , that he was most
indefatigable , and the prosperity of the loelge was considerably enhanced by his exertions . Bro . Read , in reply , expressed himself gratified with the recognition of his services . "The Health of the Visitors , " was then given by the WM . Bro . Newton , W . M . 174 , replied , thanking the brethren of the Merchant Navy Loelge for their hospitality , and assuring a hearty reception to any of the brethren who would honor his lodge with a visit . Bros . Toole 22 and Grillett 507 also responded . Bro . Johnson
, , , , , I . G . 140 , said the privilege of being present at installation meetings was highly valued amongst Freemasons , because upon such occasions we assist in rendering honor to a brother who is considered worthy to occupy the chair of K . S ., but the advantage of heing present this evening was particularly gratifying to him ( Bro . Johnson ) since the circumstances of daily life gave him constant opportunies of observing the newly-elected AV . M .
He knew Bro . Killick to be a Mason who practised in the world the principles inculcated by the Craft . He could , therefore , with much sincerity , congratulate the brethren on the appointment of Bro . Killick as W . M ., being assured the lodge woulel prosper under his rule . Bro . Johnson concluded by saying he was the humble door-keeper of No . 140 , the loelge bearing the name of the patron saint of England , anel that it woulel afford
him much pleasure to open the door to any of the brethren of the Merchant Navy Loelge who might seek admission . The W . M . then proposed " The Health of tho Ofiicers , " which was duly respondeel to by Bros . Davis , S . W . ; and Bracebridge , J . AV . "Tire Health of the . Initiate , Bro . Coleman , " was then given . Bro . Coleman replied , thanking the brethren for their good wishesand expressed a hope that he might eventually become
, a useful member of the Craft . The Tyler ' s toast brought this happy evening to a close , the pleasure of which had been considerably enhanced by the vocal and recitative powers of Bros . Gibbs , Levy Toole , AVatkins , Myerscough , Helps , aud Johnson ( Secretary to the Pickwick Histrionic Club ) . We may add that the banquet provided by Mrs . Brand , the widow of the late Bro . Brand , fully maintained the reputation of . the house .
DALHOUSIE LODGE ( No . 860 ) . The installation meeting of this prosperous lodge was held on the 12 th inst ., at Bro . Ireland ' s , The Falcon , Fetter-lane ; there being , doubtless owing to the event of the evening-, a most numerous attendance of tho members and visiting brethren , including amongst tlie latter' , Bros . Brett , 177 ; Gilchrist , W . M . 933 ; Edwards , 45 ; Ford , 813 ; Price , ISO ; Watts , 255 ; Wright , 504 ; and Bro . J . Stevenson , of the FHEEMASOSS' MAGAZINE ,
The lodge was openeel punctually by the retiring WM .., Bro . C . B . AVilliams , supported by Bros . Bristo , AV . M . elect , S . W . ; Mudge , J . W . ; It . Farmer , P . G . Purst ., Treas . ; J . R . Warren , Sec ; AVebb , J . D . ; T . Lee , I . G . ; L . F . Littell , D . C . ; Bradley , Tyler ; the latter , whilst , in discharge of his office , going through the sword exercise in an admirable manner , notwithstanding his advanced age , and which we believe has solely been performed by him for many years past .
After the reading and confirmation ol the minutes of the last meeting , the retiring AA . M ., Bro . Williams , being in ill health , requested Bro . R . Farmer to perform the ceremony of passing a brother to the F . C . degree . Bro . Farmer having obligingly complied with the request of the W . M ., examined the candidate , who retired , when the lodge being opened in the second degree , the ceremony of passing the candidate was performed bBro . Farmer in the perfect and efficient manner
y which distinguishes the working of that eminent brother . The lodge being opened in the third degree and the chair being taken by Bro . Ireland , P . M ., Bro . Bristo , the AV . M . elect , sonin-law of the installing master , was duly presented for installation , and installed by Bro . Ireland , in the usual able and impressive manner , so characteristic of that accomplished Mason . The lodge being resumed in the first degree , the ceremony of
initiating a candidate , Mr . Thompson , into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry , was most ably and im » pressively performed by the AV . M ., Bro . Bristo , Bro . Thompson being the first candidate whom the W . M . had initiated into our Order . Tho AV . M . having appointed and invested his officers for the ensuing year , presented an elegant P . M . ' s jewel to the retiring W . M . Bro . Williamsexpressing himself in very feeling terms
, , with reference to the severe losses experienced by the retiring AV . M . during Ms year of office , and congratulated him upon tbe admirable manner in which he had in spite of his afflictions conducted and ruled tbe affairs of the lodge . Bro . AVilliams , with evident emotion , returned thanks in very feeling terms in appreciation of the remarks which had just fallen from the lips of the AV . M ., and for the truly Masonic spirit shown towards him .
A sum of £ 5 5 s . was voted to the funds of the Girls' Schooh and a resolution passeel unanimously to support Bro . Bates as steward representing this lodge at the forthcoming festival of that institution . There being no further business before the lodge , the brethren were called from labour to refreshment , anel adjourned to the banquet , which was provided by Bro . Ireland the host , in the most sumptuous manner , the tables were furnished with
every delicacy of the season , which were of the most recherche description ; the wines were choice , well selected , and supplied in abundance , aud the attendance excellent . Bro . Ireland having spared no pains to ensure the comfort , aud to study and please the taste of all present , it is due to that esteemed brother to state that he succeeded to the satisfaction of all , and thab ho well merited the approbation which he received . Ample justice having been done to the good things on the
table anel the cloth having been drawn , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and cordially received ; that of Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen , & c , being followed by the singing of thc National Anthem , commenced by the W . M . in solo , the following verses being taken up by other brethren ; all present joining in in tlie most hearty manner anel with admirable effect under the leadership of tlie W . M ., whose vocal and musical accomplishments render him specially adapted to preside
at the festive board . " The Health of the Initiate , Bro . Thompson , " was proposed by the W . M ,, in the most feeling and appropriate terms , and most cordially received , Bro . Thompson responding in a few pithily , well spoken words . The AA . Master , in proposing the toast of " The Health of the Visiting Brethren , " said it was very gratifying to him , as he was sure it must be to the members generally , to see the
Dalhousie Lodge honoured by the presence of so many visitors , all holding a good position in the Craft . Ho was delighted to see them present on this occasion , anel as the Dalhousie Lodge had ever boon noted for the number of distinguished visiting brethren who had attended its meetings from time to time , he flattered himself , therefore , that it might bo safely inferred that this was indicative of tho hig h estimation iu which this Lodge was held generally by the Craft . Bro . Brett responded in very suitable terras on behalf of