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The Week.
opposed the bill , which , after a brief discussion , was withdrawn . Several other bills were advanced a stage , anel tbe House adjourned at a quarter fco six . GBNEKAIJ HOME NEAVS . —The Nottingham Election Committee appear to be within sight of land . Only a few speeches of counsel now have to be listened to before a decision maybe come to in the case of Sir R .. Clifton . Mr . Paget was
examined on the 12 fcb inst ., and denied having in any way given countenance to bribery . There were great Reform meetings in the City , in A \ estminster , and in the Tower Hamlets . The Lord Mayor presided in the . City , and Sir John Lubbock , Mr . Gassiott , Mr . llobartes , and other gentlemen moved and seconded resolutions iu favour of the bill , which
were unanimously carried . Mr . Goscben , M . P ., and Mr . Crawford , M . P ., and Mr Lawrence , M . P ., all spoke in support of the bill . In \\ estm ' mster , both Mr . J . S . Mill , M . P ., and Captain Grosvenor , M . P ., were present and spoke in support of the Government measure . ——Mr . Peabscly bas addressed a felecitous reply to the Queen ' s letter to him . Altogether this
correspondence cannot fail to exercise a happy influence on the relations of the two countries . John AVainwrighfc was tried at the Central Criminal Court , on the charge of throwing vitriol over a respectable married woman named Peacock , tbe result being that she sustained the most frightful injuries . One eye had been removed , and the sight of
tbe other is greatly jeopardised . The only question was as to the identity of the prisoner . He was , however , found guilty , and sentenced to twenty years' penal servitude , A somewhat singular breach of promise case was tried in the Sheriffs' Court . One Reynolds , a foreman of works at tbe Thames Embankment , ivas the defendant in tlie action ; and the peculiar feature of the affair w-as that , according to the
evidence , this person was married to another lady on the very day that was fixed for his marriage with the plaintiff . The jury assessed the damage at £ 100 . At the Thames Police court , a man named Olilius , stated to be sixty-five years of age , was again brought up charged with the abduction of a younglady , aged fifteen . The case for tho prosecution not having been yet completed , the prisoner was remanded for a week ,
the magistrate refusing to accept bail . The Princess of Prussia ( Princess Royal of England ) gave birth to a daughter at Potsdam . Her Royal Highness , apparently in anticipation of tbe event , travelled in the night from Berlin to Potsdam . Mr . Edward James , the member for Manchester , has addressed a letter to the chairman of his committee , apprising
him of his intention to vote for the second reading of the Reform Bill , but reserving to himself the right of opposing it in its further stages . The committee appointed to inquire into the petition which has been presented against the return of Mr . Gower , the member for Reigate , held their first meeting on the loth inst . Mr . Gower ' s seat is disputed
by another Liberal . Some of the evidence was very singular . The inquest on the body of the poor woman who has been cruelly murdered in Cannon-street was openeel on the 13 th inst . Tho evidence adds very little to the information already given , save that a crowbar known to have been on the premises has been missing . The inquest was adjourned for a fortnight .
A shocking accident happened at the Cheltenham races . A stand gave way , and about three hundred persons who were on it fell among the ruins . Many were seriously hurt , iiavinobroken limbs or other injuries . A depuuhition from the recent meeeing at Willis's Room , headed by the Archbishop of York and tire Earl of Carnarvon , waited upon tire President of the Poor Law Board on the 14 th inst . to urge that soinc-thino-
The Week.
should be clone fco better the condition of the sick poor in work houses . —Mr . Villiers said the subject was under tbe consideration of the Board . At Tunbridge AVells a woman appears to havo murdered her child and attempted to kill the man with whom she cohabited . He is in a dangerous state . She , it is said , alleges that the man killed the child . Another murder
is one of a most atrocious description . A little girl between six and seven years of age bas been found killed under circumstances which are too horrible to bear unnecessary repetition . -The Nottingham Election Committee have at length resolved to go on wifch the case against Mr . Morley before they give a decision in respect to Sir R . Clifton . The Cambridge
Committee have declared the last election for that place to be void . Earl Granville was summoned on the 16 th inst . before the magistrates afc Edgware to answer a charge of an infringe ment of the Cattle Plague Act . It was alleged thafc cows had been brought to his lordship ' s farm at Golder's Green without a license . It came out in evidence that a Mr . Roche , a cattle
dealer , renting a farm next that of Earl Granville , hael been commissioned to procure some cows for his lordship if he could do so without a breach of the law . He had a license for the removal of cattle within the Metropolitan district within which the farm was . Earl Granville's farm was beyond the district , and Mr . Roche believing that if he did nofc drive tbe cattle on
a highway he would not break the law , had driven the cattle across the fields . Counsel for Earl Granville contended that this was the act of Mr . Roche , and not of Earl Granville ' s agents , and tbe magistrates therefore dismissed the summons .
The Northumberland is at last afloat . The preparations were most carefully made , and on the 17 th inst . they were assisted by a very high tide . Shortly before three o'clock the blocks were knocked away , and the great ship moved gently into the water . There ivere very many spectators present . A most influentially signed document has been presented to Mr . Peabody , inviting
him to abancruet in the City . Mr . Peabody in a feeling replyexpresses his profound regret that he is unable to accept the invitation . The Guildhall Industrial Exhibition was brought to a close on tbe 17 th inst . Mr . Peabody distributed the prizes to the various successful exhibitors , and made a most appropriate speech ou the . occasion . The Lord Mayor took an active part
in the proceedings and made a capital speech . In the Court of Probate , application was made to the judge to fix a day forthe trial of the cause Ryves v . the Attorney-General . The jud ge said he should not take any jury cases this term , but he would take the case immediately after the probate jury cases had been disposed of . A shocking crime has been committed in Drury
lane . A man named AVitley , while , as there is much reason to believe , under influence of drink , cut bis wife ' s throat , and then attempted to commit suicide . The woman is dead , and he lies in a hopeless condition . A man has been arrested on suspicion of having murdered Mrs . Millsom , at Messrs . Bevingfcon ' s warehouse iu Cannon-street . His name is Smith alias Denton ; helived
at Eton , lb is saiel thafc on his clothes were found stains of blood . A letter from him to the murdered woman has , it seems , been found in one of her boxes . Smith was brought up at the Mansion House , on the ISfch inst . for examination .
To Correspondents.
fe . jS * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , AA ' . C . Brio . A . C -, N . Y — The FKEEJIASOX ' MAGAZINE has been fowarded to you regularly , ever since November last . The miscarriage is inexplicable to us . AVe shall send it to yowl-ox in future . Bno . P ., LEIPZIG . —Letter and enclosure received with thanks . Reply shoitly , by post :
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
opposed the bill , which , after a brief discussion , was withdrawn . Several other bills were advanced a stage , anel tbe House adjourned at a quarter fco six . GBNEKAIJ HOME NEAVS . —The Nottingham Election Committee appear to be within sight of land . Only a few speeches of counsel now have to be listened to before a decision maybe come to in the case of Sir R .. Clifton . Mr . Paget was
examined on the 12 fcb inst ., and denied having in any way given countenance to bribery . There were great Reform meetings in the City , in A \ estminster , and in the Tower Hamlets . The Lord Mayor presided in the . City , and Sir John Lubbock , Mr . Gassiott , Mr . llobartes , and other gentlemen moved and seconded resolutions iu favour of the bill , which
were unanimously carried . Mr . Goscben , M . P ., and Mr . Crawford , M . P ., and Mr Lawrence , M . P ., all spoke in support of the bill . In \\ estm ' mster , both Mr . J . S . Mill , M . P ., and Captain Grosvenor , M . P ., were present and spoke in support of the Government measure . ——Mr . Peabscly bas addressed a felecitous reply to the Queen ' s letter to him . Altogether this
correspondence cannot fail to exercise a happy influence on the relations of the two countries . John AVainwrighfc was tried at the Central Criminal Court , on the charge of throwing vitriol over a respectable married woman named Peacock , tbe result being that she sustained the most frightful injuries . One eye had been removed , and the sight of
tbe other is greatly jeopardised . The only question was as to the identity of the prisoner . He was , however , found guilty , and sentenced to twenty years' penal servitude , A somewhat singular breach of promise case was tried in the Sheriffs' Court . One Reynolds , a foreman of works at tbe Thames Embankment , ivas the defendant in tlie action ; and the peculiar feature of the affair w-as that , according to the
evidence , this person was married to another lady on the very day that was fixed for his marriage with the plaintiff . The jury assessed the damage at £ 100 . At the Thames Police court , a man named Olilius , stated to be sixty-five years of age , was again brought up charged with the abduction of a younglady , aged fifteen . The case for tho prosecution not having been yet completed , the prisoner was remanded for a week ,
the magistrate refusing to accept bail . The Princess of Prussia ( Princess Royal of England ) gave birth to a daughter at Potsdam . Her Royal Highness , apparently in anticipation of tbe event , travelled in the night from Berlin to Potsdam . Mr . Edward James , the member for Manchester , has addressed a letter to the chairman of his committee , apprising
him of his intention to vote for the second reading of the Reform Bill , but reserving to himself the right of opposing it in its further stages . The committee appointed to inquire into the petition which has been presented against the return of Mr . Gower , the member for Reigate , held their first meeting on the loth inst . Mr . Gower ' s seat is disputed
by another Liberal . Some of the evidence was very singular . The inquest on the body of the poor woman who has been cruelly murdered in Cannon-street was openeel on the 13 th inst . Tho evidence adds very little to the information already given , save that a crowbar known to have been on the premises has been missing . The inquest was adjourned for a fortnight .
A shocking accident happened at the Cheltenham races . A stand gave way , and about three hundred persons who were on it fell among the ruins . Many were seriously hurt , iiavinobroken limbs or other injuries . A depuuhition from the recent meeeing at Willis's Room , headed by the Archbishop of York and tire Earl of Carnarvon , waited upon tire President of the Poor Law Board on the 14 th inst . to urge that soinc-thino-
The Week.
should be clone fco better the condition of the sick poor in work houses . —Mr . Villiers said the subject was under tbe consideration of the Board . At Tunbridge AVells a woman appears to havo murdered her child and attempted to kill the man with whom she cohabited . He is in a dangerous state . She , it is said , alleges that the man killed the child . Another murder
is one of a most atrocious description . A little girl between six and seven years of age bas been found killed under circumstances which are too horrible to bear unnecessary repetition . -The Nottingham Election Committee have at length resolved to go on wifch the case against Mr . Morley before they give a decision in respect to Sir R . Clifton . The Cambridge
Committee have declared the last election for that place to be void . Earl Granville was summoned on the 16 th inst . before the magistrates afc Edgware to answer a charge of an infringe ment of the Cattle Plague Act . It was alleged thafc cows had been brought to his lordship ' s farm at Golder's Green without a license . It came out in evidence that a Mr . Roche , a cattle
dealer , renting a farm next that of Earl Granville , hael been commissioned to procure some cows for his lordship if he could do so without a breach of the law . He had a license for the removal of cattle within the Metropolitan district within which the farm was . Earl Granville's farm was beyond the district , and Mr . Roche believing that if he did nofc drive tbe cattle on
a highway he would not break the law , had driven the cattle across the fields . Counsel for Earl Granville contended that this was the act of Mr . Roche , and not of Earl Granville ' s agents , and tbe magistrates therefore dismissed the summons .
The Northumberland is at last afloat . The preparations were most carefully made , and on the 17 th inst . they were assisted by a very high tide . Shortly before three o'clock the blocks were knocked away , and the great ship moved gently into the water . There ivere very many spectators present . A most influentially signed document has been presented to Mr . Peabody , inviting
him to abancruet in the City . Mr . Peabody in a feeling replyexpresses his profound regret that he is unable to accept the invitation . The Guildhall Industrial Exhibition was brought to a close on tbe 17 th inst . Mr . Peabody distributed the prizes to the various successful exhibitors , and made a most appropriate speech ou the . occasion . The Lord Mayor took an active part
in the proceedings and made a capital speech . In the Court of Probate , application was made to the judge to fix a day forthe trial of the cause Ryves v . the Attorney-General . The jud ge said he should not take any jury cases this term , but he would take the case immediately after the probate jury cases had been disposed of . A shocking crime has been committed in Drury
lane . A man named AVitley , while , as there is much reason to believe , under influence of drink , cut bis wife ' s throat , and then attempted to commit suicide . The woman is dead , and he lies in a hopeless condition . A man has been arrested on suspicion of having murdered Mrs . Millsom , at Messrs . Bevingfcon ' s warehouse iu Cannon-street . His name is Smith alias Denton ; helived
at Eton , lb is saiel thafc on his clothes were found stains of blood . A letter from him to the murdered woman has , it seems , been found in one of her boxes . Smith was brought up at the Mansion House , on the ISfch inst . for examination .
To Correspondents.
fe . jS * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , AA ' . C . Brio . A . C -, N . Y — The FKEEJIASOX ' MAGAZINE has been fowarded to you regularly , ever since November last . The miscarriage is inexplicable to us . AVe shall send it to yowl-ox in future . Bno . P ., LEIPZIG . —Letter and enclosure received with thanks . Reply shoitly , by post :