Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 6 →
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Meeeo Hotel . It being tbe evening for the installation of the "VOL , there was a goodly attendance of the brethren of the lodge and also visitors , which was very gratifying , and made file meeting an unusual lively and interesting one . The lodge was duly opened by Bros . Knowlcs , W . M . ; F . Wignall , S . W . ; Jas . Morris , J . W . ; Clarke , S . D . ; Sertdon , J . D . ; Butler , I . G . Present : Bros . WebsterP . M . W . C . MarshP . M . McGill
, ; , ; , ¦ 3 . Johnson , P . Robinson , Jos . Robinson , & c . Visitors : Bros . Baxeiidale , P . M . 580 ; Lambert , P . M . 613 ; Swift , 86 , & c . The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . The W . M . ¦ proceeded to open the lodge in the second degree , and Bros . Afcoek aud Biram having previously been examined as to their efficiency were duly passed by Bio . Baxendale , P . M . 580 ; they then retired , and the ceremony of tho installation of Bro .
"Wignall , S . W ., took place . The following brethren were then invested hy the W . M .: —Bros . J . Morris , S . W . and Treas , ; C . F . Clarke , J . W . ; W . C . Seddon , S . D . ; P . Robinson , J . D . ; Jos . Robinson , Sec ; W . Butler , I . G . ; and Sephton , Tyler . The lodge was then closed according to ancient custom . This locige held its Festival of St . Jolm on Tuesday following at five ©• 'clock p . m . and was numerously attended by brethren from
, , adjacent lodges in the province . Bro . Wignall , W . M ., presided , and Bro . Webster , P . M ., kindly took the S . W . chair in the unavoidable absence of Bro . Morris through indisposition . The J . W . and assistant officers occupied their appointed places . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts being given , tho brethren separated at an early hour . The banquet was replete , and served in a » excellent manner by Bro . Taylor .
LEICESTERSHIRE . & EICESTEB . —St . John's Lodge ( So . 279 ) . —The visual monthly jmeeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Halfbril-strcet , ou Wednesday , the 6 th inst ., the W . M . Bro . Tibbits jrrasiding . In addition to whom there were present Bros . W Kelly , P . M . and D . Prov . G . M . ; Underwood , P . M . ; C . Morris , P . M . ; W . Weare , P . M . ; Rov . E . W . Woodcock , S . W . ; J . Ride , S . B . ; P . PtacekJ . D . ; C . StrettonI . G . ; J . Barratt Jacques ,
, , as Sec . Visitors—Bro . Chas . Johnson , 491 , and P . Prov . S . G . W . for Jersey ; and Bros . F . Goodyer , R . Brewin , W . Johnson , W . B . Smith , and W . Millican , P . M . 's ; H . P . ? Green , S . W . ; W . Moor , J . D . ; F . Manning , I . G . ; J . A-JBolton , J . Davies , J . C . Clarke , and W . S . Bithrey , of the John of Gaunt iodge . The lodge having been opened , and the minutes of the 3 ast lodge read and confirmed , a ballot took place for the Rev .
Isaac George Packer , of Birstall , and for Mr . Augustus Oliver Davies , of Leicester , as candidates for initiation . Mr . George 2 Jorraan , of Goudby Hall ( cous in to the Duke of Rutland ) , who ¦ svas initiated in the lodge thirty years ago , was , on the proposition of the D . Prov . G . M ., also balloted for as a joining member . ¦ The D . Prov . G . M . having taken the chair , proceeded severally to initiate the Rev . Isaac George Packer and Messrs . Edwin Gosling , Buvkvll Jacques , and Augustus Oliver Davies , the
lecture on the tracing board and the charge being delivered by Bro . Brewin , P . M . 523 . Bros . Geo . Norman and Thos . Blunt Trere then called to the pedestal , and underwent an examination in the first degree , after which they retired , and the lodge having been opened in the second degree , they were duly passed . is Fellow Crafts , and had the tracing boards explained to them by the D . Prov . G . M ., after which the Fellow Craft's lodge -was closed . It b ^ ing the period for the annual election of
Worshipful Master , a ballot was taken , which resulted in the -ananimous election of the Senior Warden , the Rev . Bro . Woodcock ( rector of Beeby ) , whose regularity of attendance and zeal in the course of Masonry , together with the esteem in which he is held , warrant a conviction that under his rule the Iodge will flourish . The sum of £ o 5 s . was voted for the lodge funds to the collection now being made in the province by the
D . Prov . G . M . as Steward for the Boys' School . The lodge was ihen closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , and spent a few hours very pleasantly . The toast of the newlyjoined and newly-initiated members being severally responded to by Bros . G . Norman and Packer , Jacques , Gosling , and Davis . Bro . Chas . Johnson ( who very efficiently presided at the organ during the ceremonies ) and Bro . Brewin responded to the toast
, of tho visitors . The festival of the lodge will take place on St . John ' s Day . MONMOUTHSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . The annual meeting , which had been postponed , in consequence of the continued illness of Bro . John Etherington
Welch Rolls , Prov . G . M ., was held at Abergavenny on Thursday , the 7 th inst . The V . W . Bro . Major Lyne , D . Prov . G . M ., occupied tbe chair . The lodge having been opened in due form , the routine business was entered upon . The Prov . G . officers were nearly all reappointed , the only alterations being Bro . Richard Laybourne , P . M . Isca Lodge , appointed Prov . J . G . D . ; and Bros . James Haddocks and G . I . Hands , Silurian , Prov . G . Stewards . The following is a complete list of the officers : — Bro . J . P . Kins Prov . S . G . W .
„ J . Maund „ J . G . W . „ G . Roberts „ G . Chap . „ J . A . Rolls „ G . Reg . „ W . "Williams „ G . Sec . „ W . Pickford „ G . Treas . „ H . M . Kennard „ S . G . D . „ Richard Laybourne , J . G . D . S . Haiicorn G . Supt . of Works .
„ „ „ . T . Pierce „ G . Dir . of Cers . „ R . B . Evans „ G . Assist . Dir . of Cers „ Thomas Bey non „ G . Sword Bearer . „ H . J . Groves „ G . Org . „ S . Browning „ G . Purst . „ James Haddocks "") „ Wyndham Jones j
„ „ „ S . THallen f „ & stewMdg , „ P . Morgan „ „ G . I . Hands I „ „ J . Morgan J „ „ L . T . Preece „ G . Tyler . The brethren of the Grand Lodge then visited the Philanthropic Lodge ( No . 818 ) , where about seventy members and
visitors were assembled . The D . Prov . G . M . reported progress , and the lodge having been closed with the usual ceremony , the brethren adjourned to THE BANQUET , which was held at the Angel Hotel , the D . Prov . G . M . presiding , Bro . Pearce , W . M . of theAbergavenny Lodge , occupying the vicechairPresent—BrosCharles LyneD . Prov . G . M . ( in the
. . , chair ); J . Allan Rolls , Prov . G . Reg . ; H . M . Kennard , P . S . G . D . ; J . Griffiths , W . M . 471 ; W . Williams , Prov . G . Sec ; W . Pickford , Prov . G . Treas . ; J . Middleton , W . M . 683 ; H . Hellyer , W . M . elect , 471 ; S . T . Hailen , Cf . I . Hands , P . Morgan , Prov . G . Stewards ; C . H . Oliver , J . W . 471 ; H . Roberts , 471 ; W . Watkins , 471 ; F . C . Hanbury Williams , 457 ; Thos . Williams , Sec . 683 ; A . Isaacs , S . D . 683 ; James Phillips , John Smith , Dir .
of Cers . ; William Sanders , Joseph Cresswell , W . Williams , jun . ; D . Meredith , T . Morgan , T . Dew , William Evans , W . Williams , Crawshay Bailey , jun . ; Jas . Pierce , W . M . ; Harris Butterfield , Richard Wain , J . Gosden , Edward Price , Edwin Tucker , H . Hazard , J . Morgan , Henry Harris , S . H . Facey , Samuel Eames , Thomas Harrhy , W . liolman , and Thomas Gath , all of Lodge 818 . The volunteer band engaged for the occasion was stationed in an ante-room , and played appropriate airs during the
evening . The PRESIDJSXT g ; ire with all honours , tbe usual loyal and other toasts pertaining to the Order as follows : — " The Queen and the Craft , " "The M . W . G . M . Earl of Zetland , " "The R . W . D . G . M . the Earl de Grey and Ripon , and the rest of tho officers of the Grand Loilge of England . " The PRESIDENT proposed "The Bishop and Clergy of all denominations" ( Hearhear ) Without them there would be
. , . but anarchy and confusion , with them they were encouraged to higher and holier aims . ( Cheers . ) Bro . H . M . KEXNABD , in proposing "The Array , Navy , and Volunteers , " passed a graceful eulogy on the services of the British forces . He coupled with the toast the names of Bros . Capel Hanbury Williams , Major Lyne , and Capt . Crawshay Bailey
. Bro . C . H . WILLLDIS responded on behalf of the Army . Bro . Major LYNE responded for the Navy , and Bro . CBAWSHAT BAILEY , jun ., also , appropriately returned thanks ou behalf of the Volunteers . The PRESIDENT then rose , and said : —I have now to propose that which , I may safely say , is the toast of the evening , viz ., "The Health of the RWProvGMBro . John Etherington
.. . .., Welch Rolls" wishing him a speedy restoration to his usual health . Brethren , if ever there was a time when I felt diffidence and anxiety in giving a toast that time is the present moment . I have frequently had the honour and happiness of proposing the health of that good and worthy brother , but
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Meeeo Hotel . It being tbe evening for the installation of the "VOL , there was a goodly attendance of the brethren of the lodge and also visitors , which was very gratifying , and made file meeting an unusual lively and interesting one . The lodge was duly opened by Bros . Knowlcs , W . M . ; F . Wignall , S . W . ; Jas . Morris , J . W . ; Clarke , S . D . ; Sertdon , J . D . ; Butler , I . G . Present : Bros . WebsterP . M . W . C . MarshP . M . McGill
, ; , ; , ¦ 3 . Johnson , P . Robinson , Jos . Robinson , & c . Visitors : Bros . Baxeiidale , P . M . 580 ; Lambert , P . M . 613 ; Swift , 86 , & c . The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . The W . M . ¦ proceeded to open the lodge in the second degree , and Bros . Afcoek aud Biram having previously been examined as to their efficiency were duly passed by Bio . Baxendale , P . M . 580 ; they then retired , and the ceremony of tho installation of Bro .
"Wignall , S . W ., took place . The following brethren were then invested hy the W . M .: —Bros . J . Morris , S . W . and Treas , ; C . F . Clarke , J . W . ; W . C . Seddon , S . D . ; P . Robinson , J . D . ; Jos . Robinson , Sec ; W . Butler , I . G . ; and Sephton , Tyler . The lodge was then closed according to ancient custom . This locige held its Festival of St . Jolm on Tuesday following at five ©• 'clock p . m . and was numerously attended by brethren from
, , adjacent lodges in the province . Bro . Wignall , W . M ., presided , and Bro . Webster , P . M ., kindly took the S . W . chair in the unavoidable absence of Bro . Morris through indisposition . The J . W . and assistant officers occupied their appointed places . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts being given , tho brethren separated at an early hour . The banquet was replete , and served in a » excellent manner by Bro . Taylor .
LEICESTERSHIRE . & EICESTEB . —St . John's Lodge ( So . 279 ) . —The visual monthly jmeeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Halfbril-strcet , ou Wednesday , the 6 th inst ., the W . M . Bro . Tibbits jrrasiding . In addition to whom there were present Bros . W Kelly , P . M . and D . Prov . G . M . ; Underwood , P . M . ; C . Morris , P . M . ; W . Weare , P . M . ; Rov . E . W . Woodcock , S . W . ; J . Ride , S . B . ; P . PtacekJ . D . ; C . StrettonI . G . ; J . Barratt Jacques ,
, , as Sec . Visitors—Bro . Chas . Johnson , 491 , and P . Prov . S . G . W . for Jersey ; and Bros . F . Goodyer , R . Brewin , W . Johnson , W . B . Smith , and W . Millican , P . M . 's ; H . P . ? Green , S . W . ; W . Moor , J . D . ; F . Manning , I . G . ; J . A-JBolton , J . Davies , J . C . Clarke , and W . S . Bithrey , of the John of Gaunt iodge . The lodge having been opened , and the minutes of the 3 ast lodge read and confirmed , a ballot took place for the Rev .
Isaac George Packer , of Birstall , and for Mr . Augustus Oliver Davies , of Leicester , as candidates for initiation . Mr . George 2 Jorraan , of Goudby Hall ( cous in to the Duke of Rutland ) , who ¦ svas initiated in the lodge thirty years ago , was , on the proposition of the D . Prov . G . M ., also balloted for as a joining member . ¦ The D . Prov . G . M . having taken the chair , proceeded severally to initiate the Rev . Isaac George Packer and Messrs . Edwin Gosling , Buvkvll Jacques , and Augustus Oliver Davies , the
lecture on the tracing board and the charge being delivered by Bro . Brewin , P . M . 523 . Bros . Geo . Norman and Thos . Blunt Trere then called to the pedestal , and underwent an examination in the first degree , after which they retired , and the lodge having been opened in the second degree , they were duly passed . is Fellow Crafts , and had the tracing boards explained to them by the D . Prov . G . M ., after which the Fellow Craft's lodge -was closed . It b ^ ing the period for the annual election of
Worshipful Master , a ballot was taken , which resulted in the -ananimous election of the Senior Warden , the Rev . Bro . Woodcock ( rector of Beeby ) , whose regularity of attendance and zeal in the course of Masonry , together with the esteem in which he is held , warrant a conviction that under his rule the Iodge will flourish . The sum of £ o 5 s . was voted for the lodge funds to the collection now being made in the province by the
D . Prov . G . M . as Steward for the Boys' School . The lodge was ihen closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , and spent a few hours very pleasantly . The toast of the newlyjoined and newly-initiated members being severally responded to by Bros . G . Norman and Packer , Jacques , Gosling , and Davis . Bro . Chas . Johnson ( who very efficiently presided at the organ during the ceremonies ) and Bro . Brewin responded to the toast
, of tho visitors . The festival of the lodge will take place on St . John ' s Day . MONMOUTHSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . The annual meeting , which had been postponed , in consequence of the continued illness of Bro . John Etherington
Welch Rolls , Prov . G . M ., was held at Abergavenny on Thursday , the 7 th inst . The V . W . Bro . Major Lyne , D . Prov . G . M ., occupied tbe chair . The lodge having been opened in due form , the routine business was entered upon . The Prov . G . officers were nearly all reappointed , the only alterations being Bro . Richard Laybourne , P . M . Isca Lodge , appointed Prov . J . G . D . ; and Bros . James Haddocks and G . I . Hands , Silurian , Prov . G . Stewards . The following is a complete list of the officers : — Bro . J . P . Kins Prov . S . G . W .
„ J . Maund „ J . G . W . „ G . Roberts „ G . Chap . „ J . A . Rolls „ G . Reg . „ W . "Williams „ G . Sec . „ W . Pickford „ G . Treas . „ H . M . Kennard „ S . G . D . „ Richard Laybourne , J . G . D . S . Haiicorn G . Supt . of Works .
„ „ „ . T . Pierce „ G . Dir . of Cers . „ R . B . Evans „ G . Assist . Dir . of Cers „ Thomas Bey non „ G . Sword Bearer . „ H . J . Groves „ G . Org . „ S . Browning „ G . Purst . „ James Haddocks "") „ Wyndham Jones j
„ „ „ S . THallen f „ & stewMdg , „ P . Morgan „ „ G . I . Hands I „ „ J . Morgan J „ „ L . T . Preece „ G . Tyler . The brethren of the Grand Lodge then visited the Philanthropic Lodge ( No . 818 ) , where about seventy members and
visitors were assembled . The D . Prov . G . M . reported progress , and the lodge having been closed with the usual ceremony , the brethren adjourned to THE BANQUET , which was held at the Angel Hotel , the D . Prov . G . M . presiding , Bro . Pearce , W . M . of theAbergavenny Lodge , occupying the vicechairPresent—BrosCharles LyneD . Prov . G . M . ( in the
. . , chair ); J . Allan Rolls , Prov . G . Reg . ; H . M . Kennard , P . S . G . D . ; J . Griffiths , W . M . 471 ; W . Williams , Prov . G . Sec ; W . Pickford , Prov . G . Treas . ; J . Middleton , W . M . 683 ; H . Hellyer , W . M . elect , 471 ; S . T . Hailen , Cf . I . Hands , P . Morgan , Prov . G . Stewards ; C . H . Oliver , J . W . 471 ; H . Roberts , 471 ; W . Watkins , 471 ; F . C . Hanbury Williams , 457 ; Thos . Williams , Sec . 683 ; A . Isaacs , S . D . 683 ; James Phillips , John Smith , Dir .
of Cers . ; William Sanders , Joseph Cresswell , W . Williams , jun . ; D . Meredith , T . Morgan , T . Dew , William Evans , W . Williams , Crawshay Bailey , jun . ; Jas . Pierce , W . M . ; Harris Butterfield , Richard Wain , J . Gosden , Edward Price , Edwin Tucker , H . Hazard , J . Morgan , Henry Harris , S . H . Facey , Samuel Eames , Thomas Harrhy , W . liolman , and Thomas Gath , all of Lodge 818 . The volunteer band engaged for the occasion was stationed in an ante-room , and played appropriate airs during the
evening . The PRESIDJSXT g ; ire with all honours , tbe usual loyal and other toasts pertaining to the Order as follows : — " The Queen and the Craft , " "The M . W . G . M . Earl of Zetland , " "The R . W . D . G . M . the Earl de Grey and Ripon , and the rest of tho officers of the Grand Loilge of England . " The PRESIDENT proposed "The Bishop and Clergy of all denominations" ( Hearhear ) Without them there would be
. , . but anarchy and confusion , with them they were encouraged to higher and holier aims . ( Cheers . ) Bro . H . M . KEXNABD , in proposing "The Array , Navy , and Volunteers , " passed a graceful eulogy on the services of the British forces . He coupled with the toast the names of Bros . Capel Hanbury Williams , Major Lyne , and Capt . Crawshay Bailey
. Bro . C . H . WILLLDIS responded on behalf of the Army . Bro . Major LYNE responded for the Navy , and Bro . CBAWSHAT BAILEY , jun ., also , appropriately returned thanks ou behalf of the Volunteers . The PRESIDENT then rose , and said : —I have now to propose that which , I may safely say , is the toast of the evening , viz ., "The Health of the RWProvGMBro . John Etherington
.. . .., Welch Rolls" wishing him a speedy restoration to his usual health . Brethren , if ever there was a time when I felt diffidence and anxiety in giving a toast that time is the present moment . I have frequently had the honour and happiness of proposing the health of that good and worthy brother , but