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Channel Islands.
. TERSE Y . LODGE LA CESAREE . —( No . 5 AO . )—Owing to an impression that matters of grave and unusual importance would be brought under consideration on Thursday , Nov . 30 th , there was , as had been anticipated , a very numerous attendance of members and visitors , nor was the expectation as to what might take place a vain onethough but fewperhapsbelieved that a recurrence of
, , , the events which had disturbed the harmony of the previous meeting in October would happen . Unfortunately , however , prudence , discretion , and kindly Masonic feeling did not influence the individual to whom the present state of things must be attributed , as will be shown hy the proceedings which it is our painful duty to record . The lodge was opened at a quarter to eight by Bro . Durell ,
I . P . M ., acting as W . M ., assisted by the Bros . Chevalier , S . W . ; Oatley , J . W . ; and Du Jardin , acting as I . P . M . The minutes of the previous meeting were read ancl confirmed . The usual questions on the first degree were put to Bros . Piuel and Boudier , who , having been subsequently entrusted . retired for preparation . Bro . C . Le Sueur , W . M ., at this time entered and took his own chair , Bro . Durell occupying his place as I . P . M . The W . M . reminded the meeting of the occurrences at the last meeting in reference
to Bro . Huard , who had since laid a complaint on the subject of tbe refusal to admit him into tbe lodge before the Prov . Grand Master . Inconsequence the W . M . and several others had been summoned before that official , who instituted an inquiry into the matter , the result of which was a communication from the Prov . G . M . which the W . M . now called upon Bro . E . D . Le Couteur to read . The following is an exact copy of this most
extraordinary document : — Jersey , Nov . 20 , 1865 . The ^ Provincial Grand Master having received from Bro . Huard , a member of Royal Sussex Lodge ( No . 491 ) , also of the Prince of Wales Lodge ( No . 1003 ) , a certain complaint dated Jersey , 27 th October , 1865 , setting forth that Bro . Huard had on Thursday , 26 th October , 1865 , presented himself as a visitor to the Loge La Cesaree ( No . 590 ) . That after having regularly signed the visitors' book , and being announced by tbe outer Guard , was by order of the lodge refused admission without
assigning any reasons . The Provincial Grand Master having summoned Bro . Le Sueur , W . M . of Loge La Cesaree , to meet him on Thursday , November 2 nd , 1865 , Bro . Le Sueur having attended on the above day , stated in his defence , and iu the presence of Bro . Huard , that lie had refused admission to the complainant on a representation made by Bro . Durell , P . M ., that he , the said Bro . Huard , had , at the last regular meeting of the I ! . S . Lodgegrossly insulted Bro . Durellin stating that
, , Bro . Durell was throwing dust in people ' s eyes , and that if Bro . Huard was permitted to enter the lodge , Bro . Durell would be obliged to retire , as he could not sit or remain in the lodge with Bro . Huard . Bro . Le Sueur further stated that he had , in refusing Bro . Huard to enter the lodge , not taken upon himself 'the sole responsibility , but after a resolution duly made and seconded , viz ., that Bro . Huard lie not admitted as a visitor ,
inasmuch that Bro . Huard was in the habit of speaking derogatory of certain members belonging to Loge La Cesaree . The words imputed by Bro . Huard having been spoken iu the Royal Sussex Lodge , the ^ Provincial Grand Master , in justice to all parties felt it his duty to adjourn the investigation to Wednesday , 9 th November , 1 S 65 , so as to enable Bro . Scott , W . M . of the Royal Sussex Lodgeof iving the Provincial Grand Master
, g ¦ every information that was required touching the complaint in question . The W . Master of tho R . S . Lodge , having attended on the above day , stated that Bro . Durell , member of Loge La Cesaree had visited his lodge at the last regular meeting as oue of : \ deputation to advocate the cause of a certain bazaar , the proceeds of which were to be devoted to the purchase of shares
unsold in the Masonic Temple Company , which shares afterwards to be transferred to the widows' and orphans' fund . fhat Bro . Huard , iu giving his opinion respecting a certain document presented by Bro . Durell , stated that he would strongly recommend the Royal Sussex Lodge to weigh well the matter before voting any money towards the support of this bazaar , that the document now read was throwing dust in people's eyes . The Worshipful Master feeling that similar language ought not to have been spoken , called the brother to ¦ ordei , and further admonished him to be more careful for the future when giving his opinion upon any subject before the
lodge . After the above words had been uttered by Bro . Kuard , Bro . Duv ell not only remained in tho lodge , but received and accepted an invitation from the Worshipful Master , officers , and members of the lodge to partake of the monthly banquet of the lodge . The Provincial Grand Master begs to state that every brother visiting a lodge is not only subject to the by-laws of the lodge , but is equally under the protection ofthe Master as any of its
members . Had Bro . Durell , whilst in the lodge , felt in any way aggrieved at any remark Bro . Huard may have made , it was Bro . Durell's duty in the first instance to appeal to the Worshipful Master for protection , for it is clearly laid down that all differences between , or complaints of , members that cannot he accommodated privately or in a regular lodge , & c . ; and what lodge is more proper and fit to obtain redress and satisfaction than in that lodge in which the offence had been committed ?
Had Bro . Durell been refused proper redress , the laws and constitutions of the Grand Lodge of England give him full power and authority to appeal to the Provincial Grand Master , who is the proper and constituted authority to hear and determine all subjects of Masonic complaint or irregularities respecting lodges or Masons . Bro . Durell , not having followed the proper course , was not justified m bringing the case before the members of Lodge La Cesaree , who could possibly know nothing of
the circumstances , except through the representation of au ex parte statement . But even admitting that Bro . Durell . was justified in the course he adopted , it was the duty of the Worshipful Master and members of Loge La Cesaree , before proceeding to put the proposition for the opinion of the lodge , then and there to intimate , or cause to be intimated , to Bro . Huard , that Bro . Durell had objections to meet him in the lod .
ge In so doing , the members of Lodge La Cesaree would have given not only an opportunity to Bro . Huard of withdrawing any hasty expression he may have made , but would also have acted more in the spirit ofthe charge delivered to every brother on his initiation , as well as a manifestation of a desire to reconcile any differences that may have arisen between a member of their lodge and a member of another lodge . Had the members of Loge La Cesaree adopted this course , one so much iu unison
with the true principles of Masonry , much uneasiness and heartrending would have been prevented . Tiie Provincial Grand Master trusts that so long as he has honour in holding that office , he may never again be called upon to investigate or adjudicate a complaint of a similar nature against the Loge La Cesaree . J . J . HAMMOND , Prov . G . M . Bro . E . D . Le Couteur also read a copy of the reply to the
preceding communication , forwarded by Bro . C . Le Sueur , W . M ., to the Prov . Grand Master , as follows : — 22 , Ann-street , November 22 , 1865 . 1 Right Worshipful Sir and Brother , —I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your communication dated 20 th inst ., respecting Bro . Huard and the Cesaree Lodge , and beg to state I will take the earliest opportunity to bring the said communication before my lodge . —I amRight Worshipful Sir
, ancl Brother , respectfully and fraternally , CLEMENT LE SUEUR , W . M . Cesaree Lodge ( No . 590 . ) To J . I . Hammond , Esq ., R . W . Prov . G . M . It was proposed by Bro . Du Jardin , P . M ., and seconded by Bvo . Dr . Hopkins , P . M . 43 and 958 , that the document received from the Prov . G . Master , in reference to the complaint
of Bro . Huard , a member of the Royal Sussex Lodge ( No . 491 ) , against a resolution of this lodge unanimously adopted at its last regular meeting , refusing his admission for reasons mentioned in the said resolution be entered in the minutes , and that nv copying this document the Secretary be requested to observe perfect exactitude , and to record its peculiarities with the utmost minuteness ; also that the reply of the W . M . to the Provincial Grand Master be inserted in the minute book .
After a short a short discussion the W . M . put the resolution , which was carried unanimously . It was proposed by Bro . E . D . Le Couteur , and seconded by Bro . Hopkins : — Considering that truth ought to prevail in all our actions ; Considering that the communication of the Prov . G . M . relative to tho affair of Bro . Huard contains a recital of the depositions of Bros . C . Le Sueur , W . M ., and J . Durell , P . M ., which is totally incorrect ; Considering that the same statement also contains an equally
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Channel Islands.
. TERSE Y . LODGE LA CESAREE . —( No . 5 AO . )—Owing to an impression that matters of grave and unusual importance would be brought under consideration on Thursday , Nov . 30 th , there was , as had been anticipated , a very numerous attendance of members and visitors , nor was the expectation as to what might take place a vain onethough but fewperhapsbelieved that a recurrence of
, , , the events which had disturbed the harmony of the previous meeting in October would happen . Unfortunately , however , prudence , discretion , and kindly Masonic feeling did not influence the individual to whom the present state of things must be attributed , as will be shown hy the proceedings which it is our painful duty to record . The lodge was opened at a quarter to eight by Bro . Durell ,
I . P . M ., acting as W . M ., assisted by the Bros . Chevalier , S . W . ; Oatley , J . W . ; and Du Jardin , acting as I . P . M . The minutes of the previous meeting were read ancl confirmed . The usual questions on the first degree were put to Bros . Piuel and Boudier , who , having been subsequently entrusted . retired for preparation . Bro . C . Le Sueur , W . M ., at this time entered and took his own chair , Bro . Durell occupying his place as I . P . M . The W . M . reminded the meeting of the occurrences at the last meeting in reference
to Bro . Huard , who had since laid a complaint on the subject of tbe refusal to admit him into tbe lodge before the Prov . Grand Master . Inconsequence the W . M . and several others had been summoned before that official , who instituted an inquiry into the matter , the result of which was a communication from the Prov . G . M . which the W . M . now called upon Bro . E . D . Le Couteur to read . The following is an exact copy of this most
extraordinary document : — Jersey , Nov . 20 , 1865 . The ^ Provincial Grand Master having received from Bro . Huard , a member of Royal Sussex Lodge ( No . 491 ) , also of the Prince of Wales Lodge ( No . 1003 ) , a certain complaint dated Jersey , 27 th October , 1865 , setting forth that Bro . Huard had on Thursday , 26 th October , 1865 , presented himself as a visitor to the Loge La Cesaree ( No . 590 ) . That after having regularly signed the visitors' book , and being announced by tbe outer Guard , was by order of the lodge refused admission without
assigning any reasons . The Provincial Grand Master having summoned Bro . Le Sueur , W . M . of Loge La Cesaree , to meet him on Thursday , November 2 nd , 1865 , Bro . Le Sueur having attended on the above day , stated in his defence , and iu the presence of Bro . Huard , that lie had refused admission to the complainant on a representation made by Bro . Durell , P . M ., that he , the said Bro . Huard , had , at the last regular meeting of the I ! . S . Lodgegrossly insulted Bro . Durellin stating that
, , Bro . Durell was throwing dust in people ' s eyes , and that if Bro . Huard was permitted to enter the lodge , Bro . Durell would be obliged to retire , as he could not sit or remain in the lodge with Bro . Huard . Bro . Le Sueur further stated that he had , in refusing Bro . Huard to enter the lodge , not taken upon himself 'the sole responsibility , but after a resolution duly made and seconded , viz ., that Bro . Huard lie not admitted as a visitor ,
inasmuch that Bro . Huard was in the habit of speaking derogatory of certain members belonging to Loge La Cesaree . The words imputed by Bro . Huard having been spoken iu the Royal Sussex Lodge , the ^ Provincial Grand Master , in justice to all parties felt it his duty to adjourn the investigation to Wednesday , 9 th November , 1 S 65 , so as to enable Bro . Scott , W . M . of the Royal Sussex Lodgeof iving the Provincial Grand Master
, g ¦ every information that was required touching the complaint in question . The W . Master of tho R . S . Lodge , having attended on the above day , stated that Bro . Durell , member of Loge La Cesaree had visited his lodge at the last regular meeting as oue of : \ deputation to advocate the cause of a certain bazaar , the proceeds of which were to be devoted to the purchase of shares
unsold in the Masonic Temple Company , which shares afterwards to be transferred to the widows' and orphans' fund . fhat Bro . Huard , iu giving his opinion respecting a certain document presented by Bro . Durell , stated that he would strongly recommend the Royal Sussex Lodge to weigh well the matter before voting any money towards the support of this bazaar , that the document now read was throwing dust in people's eyes . The Worshipful Master feeling that similar language ought not to have been spoken , called the brother to ¦ ordei , and further admonished him to be more careful for the future when giving his opinion upon any subject before the
lodge . After the above words had been uttered by Bro . Kuard , Bro . Duv ell not only remained in tho lodge , but received and accepted an invitation from the Worshipful Master , officers , and members of the lodge to partake of the monthly banquet of the lodge . The Provincial Grand Master begs to state that every brother visiting a lodge is not only subject to the by-laws of the lodge , but is equally under the protection ofthe Master as any of its
members . Had Bro . Durell , whilst in the lodge , felt in any way aggrieved at any remark Bro . Huard may have made , it was Bro . Durell's duty in the first instance to appeal to the Worshipful Master for protection , for it is clearly laid down that all differences between , or complaints of , members that cannot he accommodated privately or in a regular lodge , & c . ; and what lodge is more proper and fit to obtain redress and satisfaction than in that lodge in which the offence had been committed ?
Had Bro . Durell been refused proper redress , the laws and constitutions of the Grand Lodge of England give him full power and authority to appeal to the Provincial Grand Master , who is the proper and constituted authority to hear and determine all subjects of Masonic complaint or irregularities respecting lodges or Masons . Bro . Durell , not having followed the proper course , was not justified m bringing the case before the members of Lodge La Cesaree , who could possibly know nothing of
the circumstances , except through the representation of au ex parte statement . But even admitting that Bro . Durell . was justified in the course he adopted , it was the duty of the Worshipful Master and members of Loge La Cesaree , before proceeding to put the proposition for the opinion of the lodge , then and there to intimate , or cause to be intimated , to Bro . Huard , that Bro . Durell had objections to meet him in the lod .
ge In so doing , the members of Lodge La Cesaree would have given not only an opportunity to Bro . Huard of withdrawing any hasty expression he may have made , but would also have acted more in the spirit ofthe charge delivered to every brother on his initiation , as well as a manifestation of a desire to reconcile any differences that may have arisen between a member of their lodge and a member of another lodge . Had the members of Loge La Cesaree adopted this course , one so much iu unison
with the true principles of Masonry , much uneasiness and heartrending would have been prevented . Tiie Provincial Grand Master trusts that so long as he has honour in holding that office , he may never again be called upon to investigate or adjudicate a complaint of a similar nature against the Loge La Cesaree . J . J . HAMMOND , Prov . G . M . Bro . E . D . Le Couteur also read a copy of the reply to the
preceding communication , forwarded by Bro . C . Le Sueur , W . M ., to the Prov . Grand Master , as follows : — 22 , Ann-street , November 22 , 1865 . 1 Right Worshipful Sir and Brother , —I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your communication dated 20 th inst ., respecting Bro . Huard and the Cesaree Lodge , and beg to state I will take the earliest opportunity to bring the said communication before my lodge . —I amRight Worshipful Sir
, ancl Brother , respectfully and fraternally , CLEMENT LE SUEUR , W . M . Cesaree Lodge ( No . 590 . ) To J . I . Hammond , Esq ., R . W . Prov . G . M . It was proposed by Bro . Du Jardin , P . M ., and seconded by Bvo . Dr . Hopkins , P . M . 43 and 958 , that the document received from the Prov . G . Master , in reference to the complaint
of Bro . Huard , a member of the Royal Sussex Lodge ( No . 491 ) , against a resolution of this lodge unanimously adopted at its last regular meeting , refusing his admission for reasons mentioned in the said resolution be entered in the minutes , and that nv copying this document the Secretary be requested to observe perfect exactitude , and to record its peculiarities with the utmost minuteness ; also that the reply of the W . M . to the Provincial Grand Master be inserted in the minute book .
After a short a short discussion the W . M . put the resolution , which was carried unanimously . It was proposed by Bro . E . D . Le Couteur , and seconded by Bro . Hopkins : — Considering that truth ought to prevail in all our actions ; Considering that the communication of the Prov . G . M . relative to tho affair of Bro . Huard contains a recital of the depositions of Bros . C . Le Sueur , W . M ., and J . Durell , P . M ., which is totally incorrect ; Considering that the same statement also contains an equally