Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 2 →
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Royal Arch.
The following is the revision of the Constitution and General Regulations for the government of the Order of Royal Arch Masons of Canada , as finally agreed to at the Eighth Annual Convocation of the Canadian Grand Chapter , held on the 8 th of August , A . L . 5865 , A . D . 1865 , at Prescott , Canada West : —¦
THE GRAND CHAPTER . I . The style and title of the Grand Chapter shall be The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Canada , and the members shall rank in the following order : —
The Grand Z . Past „ „ The ,, H . 1 ast „ „ The „ J . 1 ast
,, ,, Grand Superintendent , London District . „ Wilson „ „ Huron „ „ Hamilton „ ; , Toronto „ „ ¦ Ontario „
„ Prince Edward „ „ Central „ „ Montreal „ „ E . Townships „ „ Quebec „ Past Grand Superintendents of Districts in the same order of jn-ecedence . Grand Scribe E .
N . Past Grand Scribes E . and N . Grand Principal Sojourner . Past
Grand Treasurer . Past Grand Registrar . Past „ Grand First Assistant Sojourner . Past „
Grand Second „ Past * „ Grand Sword Bearer . Past „ Grand Standard Bearer . Past
„ Grand Director of Ceremonies . Past „ Grand Organist . Past „ Grand Pursuivant . Past
„ Grand Stewards . Past „ The three Principals of every subordinate Chapter .
Past Z ., H ., ancl J . of every subordinate Chapter , being subscribing members to some regular Chapter . Grand Janitor . N . B . —All First and Past First Grand Principals are styled Most Excellent ; all other elective
Grand and Past Grand Officers are styled Right Excellent , and all appointed and past appointed Grand Officers are' styled Very Excellent . The Grand Janitor is styled Companion . II . The Officers of Grand Chapter shall be respectively elected or appointed , as hereinafter
provided , and liold their offices for one year , or until their successors shall have been regularly , elected or appointed , and installed . The election and appointment of all officers shall take place at the Annual Convocation of the Grand Chapter , when they shall be duly installed and invested in ancient form .
III . The following officers shall be nominated for election , and if more than one Companion be nominated , the election between them shall be decided hy ballot , viz .: — The Most Excellent Grand Z . „ Right Excellent „ H .
>> >> >> }> " ¦ „ „ „ ,. Scribes E . and N . „ „ , „ „ Principal Sojourner . „ „ „ „ Treasurer . „ „ „ „ Registrar . But where only one nomination takes place the ballot is unnecessary . By an open vote of the Grand Chapter , — The Grand Janitor .
By a majority of the Representatives of the Chapters of their respective Districts present at the Annual Convocation , subject to the confirmation of the Grand Z . - —¦ The Right Excellent the Grand Superintendents of Districts .
IV . The following officers shall be appointed by the Grand Z . The V . E . Grand First Assistant Sojourner . „ „ „ Second Assistant Sojourner . „ „ „ Sword Bearer . Standard Bearer
„ „ „ . „ „ „ Director of Ceremonies . „ Organist . „ „ „ Pursuivant . Four „ „ Stewards .
V . The elective officers , except the Janitor , shall require a majority of all the votes present . The elective officers must be First or Past First Principals , and the other Officers , except the Janitor , Principals , or Past Principals of a Chapter . VI . Should neither of the representative
officers , nor a past Z . of a Chapter , attend any Convocation of the Grand Chapter , such Chapter , by a vote properly certified by the First Principal and Scribe E ., under seal , may delegate any Companion entitled to a seat in the Grand Chapter to
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
The following is the revision of the Constitution and General Regulations for the government of the Order of Royal Arch Masons of Canada , as finally agreed to at the Eighth Annual Convocation of the Canadian Grand Chapter , held on the 8 th of August , A . L . 5865 , A . D . 1865 , at Prescott , Canada West : —¦
THE GRAND CHAPTER . I . The style and title of the Grand Chapter shall be The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Canada , and the members shall rank in the following order : —
The Grand Z . Past „ „ The ,, H . 1 ast „ „ The „ J . 1 ast
,, ,, Grand Superintendent , London District . „ Wilson „ „ Huron „ „ Hamilton „ ; , Toronto „ „ ¦ Ontario „
„ Prince Edward „ „ Central „ „ Montreal „ „ E . Townships „ „ Quebec „ Past Grand Superintendents of Districts in the same order of jn-ecedence . Grand Scribe E .
N . Past Grand Scribes E . and N . Grand Principal Sojourner . Past
Grand Treasurer . Past Grand Registrar . Past „ Grand First Assistant Sojourner . Past „
Grand Second „ Past * „ Grand Sword Bearer . Past „ Grand Standard Bearer . Past
„ Grand Director of Ceremonies . Past „ Grand Organist . Past „ Grand Pursuivant . Past
„ Grand Stewards . Past „ The three Principals of every subordinate Chapter .
Past Z ., H ., ancl J . of every subordinate Chapter , being subscribing members to some regular Chapter . Grand Janitor . N . B . —All First and Past First Grand Principals are styled Most Excellent ; all other elective
Grand and Past Grand Officers are styled Right Excellent , and all appointed and past appointed Grand Officers are' styled Very Excellent . The Grand Janitor is styled Companion . II . The Officers of Grand Chapter shall be respectively elected or appointed , as hereinafter
provided , and liold their offices for one year , or until their successors shall have been regularly , elected or appointed , and installed . The election and appointment of all officers shall take place at the Annual Convocation of the Grand Chapter , when they shall be duly installed and invested in ancient form .
III . The following officers shall be nominated for election , and if more than one Companion be nominated , the election between them shall be decided hy ballot , viz .: — The Most Excellent Grand Z . „ Right Excellent „ H .
>> >> >> }> " ¦ „ „ „ ,. Scribes E . and N . „ „ , „ „ Principal Sojourner . „ „ „ „ Treasurer . „ „ „ „ Registrar . But where only one nomination takes place the ballot is unnecessary . By an open vote of the Grand Chapter , — The Grand Janitor .
By a majority of the Representatives of the Chapters of their respective Districts present at the Annual Convocation , subject to the confirmation of the Grand Z . - —¦ The Right Excellent the Grand Superintendents of Districts .
IV . The following officers shall be appointed by the Grand Z . The V . E . Grand First Assistant Sojourner . „ „ „ Second Assistant Sojourner . „ „ „ Sword Bearer . Standard Bearer
„ „ „ . „ „ „ Director of Ceremonies . „ Organist . „ „ „ Pursuivant . Four „ „ Stewards .
V . The elective officers , except the Janitor , shall require a majority of all the votes present . The elective officers must be First or Past First Principals , and the other Officers , except the Janitor , Principals , or Past Principals of a Chapter . VI . Should neither of the representative
officers , nor a past Z . of a Chapter , attend any Convocation of the Grand Chapter , such Chapter , by a vote properly certified by the First Principal and Scribe E ., under seal , may delegate any Companion entitled to a seat in the Grand Chapter to