Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 5 of 6 →
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unanimous vote . Bro . Philip Bird , Treasurer , from the formation of the lodge , having expressed a determination to retire from that office , the ballot was taken for a successor , when the present W . M . was unanimously chosen Treasurer . The Tyler having been reappointed , Bro . Williams , W . M . elect , suitably and with much feeling returned thanks for the honour so far conferred upon him . The W . M . also thanked the brethren for the confidence reposed in him by his
appointment to the office of Treasurer . The usual day of installation falling on Saturday it was proposed , and unanimously resolved , that the ceremony take place on Monday 1 st January , 1866 , and that the banquet be held immediately afterwards at Bro . S . Marks , Windsor Hotel . The W . M . then introduced to the lodge Bro . R . F . Langley , P . Prov . S . G . W ., & c , as the Steward who had undertaken to represent the province at the forthcoming Festival of the Boys' School . Bro . Langley
appealed to the brethren for support in a forcible aud eloquent speech , in which he fully explained the past conduct and present position of that excellent ( if at any time mismanaged ) charity , and also gave an interesting and graphic account of the results of a recent special visit to and full inspection of that Institution . Although disapprobation and dissatisfaction were expressed in some quarters at the very lavish and extravagant
expenditure upon the building , the appeal was liberally responded to , and the sum of £ 15 collected instanter . Bro . Ware proposed , and it was resolved unanimously , that all the contributions from this lodge , and from its members , unless otherwise specially directed , be handed to the Charity by tiie Steward in the name of the W . M . pro tern , ( already a life governor ) , in order to raise him to the position of vice-president as speedily as possible . There being no other business , lodge was closed in perfect harmony at nine o ' clock .
SUFFOLK . STOWMABKET . —Pliamix Lodgv ( No . 51 fi ) . —The brethren of this lodge held their usual monthl y meeting , on the 15 th inst ., at tbe iodge room , Fox Hotel , Bro . S . H . Wright , Prov . S . G . D ., W . M ., presiding . After the lodgo had been opened , the W . M . elect , Bro . F . 13 . Marriott , was duly installed , the ceremony being impressively performed by Bro . James Franks , W . M .,
Perfect Friendship Lodge , Ipswich , No . 37 G . The W . M . then appointed his officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . W . G . Ranson , S . W . ; Frederick Long , J . W . ; J . D . Larkin , S . D . ; J . W . Sheridan , J . D . ; George Sydeman , I . G . ; and Bro . A . Sheriff , D . C . and Librarian . Bro . Wright , I . P . M ., was elected Secretary , and Bro . Spencer Freeman , P . G ., Treasurer , was elected Treasurer of the lodge . Amongst the P . M . ' s present were : — Bros . F . Betts , C . W . Sutton , H . Fox , & e . ; also some visitors from other lodges . After closing lodge the brethren adjourned to refreshment , and a most agreeable evening was spent .
SUSSEX . EASTBOURNE . —Jlartinglon Lodge ( No . 916 ) . —This lodge held their first meeting since the election of their W . M ., Bro . R . K . Blessley , and the rest of the new officers , at the Anchor Hotel , on Friday , the 8 th inst . Present : Bros . Blessley , WM . ; C . Law , P . M . ; Cunningham , S . W . ; J . 11 . C . Coles , J . W . ; Geo . Adams , S . D . ; J . Perry , J . D . ; G . Wallis , I . G . ; and other
brethren . The W . M . raised Bro . John Mossop and Henry E . Rumble to the sublime degree of M . M ., and initiated Bro . J . C . Pitcher , who ivas balloted for ut a previous meeting ; after which Bro . B . Roberts , being present , was passed to the degree of F . C . The banquet was served up in excellent style . Bro . Law proposed the toast of the W . M ., and some good speeches were made . The visitors were represented and returned thanks for by Bro . C . Mocking , of tho Apollo Lodge , Cambridge , with some little care . This lodge , although newly constituted , is becoming one of the best lodges in the county .
WILTSHIRE . SALISBURY . —Lodge Elias De DerJmm ( No . 5 S 6 ) . — The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was holden on the 12 th inst ., at the White Hart hotel . The following brethren wero present;—Bros . C . W . Wyntham , W . M ., in the chair ; E . G " . Benson , S . W . ; P . M . Dure , as J . W . ; P . M . Cardell , as Sec ; P . M . King , S . D . ; T . J . Blake , . T . I ) . ; R . S . Bryan , I . G . ; P . M .
Brown , 11 . Ward , W . M . 622 ; J . A . Lush , W . Pain , and W . S . Fussell . Visitors : Bros , the i ! ev . Win . Mortimer Heath , Prov . G . Chap . Dorset ; Michael Phillips , 130 , and C . Triniman , Tyler . The lodge was opened in form and with solemn prayer . Tho
minutes of the last lodge were read and confirmed . Mr . Wm . Samuel Fussell was balloted for and unanimously approved , and Bro . P . M . Cardell having taken the chair , the candidate was initiated . The W . M . then resumed the chair . Bro . Heath gave the lecture on the first tracing board in the first degree . Bro . Benson was balloted for , and unanimously elected as tbe W . M . for the year ensuing . Bro . Stokes , P . M ., was balloted forand re-elected as Treasurer . Bro . Triniman was balloted
, for , and re-elected as Tyler . Tho W . M . proposed , and Bro . King seconded , a vote of thanks to Bro . Heath , for his kindness in giving his admirable and instructive lecture , and the ability with which it was rendered , proved a very great Masonic treat to the brethren . ( Carried unanimously . ) Bro . P . M . Philip P . Cother having sent in his resignation as Secretary on account of his ill-healthBro . Cardell proposedand
, , Bro . Dore seconded ( which was carried unanimously ) , that a vote of thanks should be recorded in the minutes , and a copy of the same be forwarded to Bro . Cother , as an acknowledgment of his valuable services rendered to - the lodge since its formation—a period of fourteen years . The report of the furniture committee was read , and Bro . King explained the desirability of . not purchasing any additional furniture at
present , until a favourable opportunity should occur for removing the lodge to private rooms . Bro . Ward gave notice that at the next meeting he should propose that the lodge be removed to more suitable premises , and that a committee be appointed to seek for the same and report thereon . Bro . Cardell proposed , and Bro . Bryan seconded , a candidate for the mysteries of Freemasonry . The lodge was closed in due form , and with solemn prayer .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . CONSECRATION OF TIIE HUMBEB LODGE ( NO . 57 ) , HULL . The Humber Lodge having become too small for its members ' ( now upwards of two hundred ) it was resolved about a year ago , to build a new one over the then existing lodge room . The now building , consecrated on the 11 th inst ., consists of a very handsome entrance hallbeautifully laid with encaustic
, tiles , from which is obtained an entrance to a banqueting hall 45 feet by IS feet , an entrance to a committee room or library , to a private room for the W . M ' ., and to spacious and convenient lavatories & c , a kitchen with cooking apparatus capable of dining 150 brethren , as also hot water apparatus for heating the new lodge room ; two stewards' rooms with closets and every convenience , also a private entrance from Osborne-street
to the Tyler ' s house . The upper floor is approached by a handsome stono Masonic staircase , leading from the entrance hall and landing in a corridor having an organ loft over it , the eorrider sufficiently large to allow of the formation of Masonic , processions , and giving access not only to the new lodge itself ( which is of the same size and over the banqueting hall ) bnt to a preparing room and Tyler ' s room adjoining . The Tyler ' s apartments are to the east of the grand staircase , and consist of a sitting room and kitchen and two good sized
rooms above . The facade which is in the cemented Italian style , presents a very handsome appearance , and adds to the number of beautiful buildings already possessed by the town . Tho new lodge was consecrated by the R . W . Bro . George-Marwood , D . Prov . G . M . of North and East Yorkshire , assisted by Bros . Clarke , W . M . ; Milner , S . W . ; Runton , J . W . ; GatesChaplainFountainP . Prov . G . S . B . Treasurer ;
Back-, ; , , well , Secretary ; Ranson , J . D . ; Kemp and Hogg , Directors of Ceremonies ; Stephenson , Organist ; Johnson and Gawthorp , I . G . ' s ; Johnson , Tyler ; and Norton Assist . Tyler ; and in the presence of a very numerous attendance of Freemasons , including Major Smyth , the D . Prov . G . M . for Lincolnshire ; . Bros . E . IT . Lucas , tho Prov . G . Secretary for Lincolnshire ; Nelson , Prov . G . Secretary for West Yorkshire ; Dr . Bell , Prov .
G . Secretary for North and East Yorkshire ; Jacobs , Peck , Seaton , Craft , Cutt , Coateworth , Henson , Tadd Moseley , Holden , Harrison , and numerous other Past Masters , the W . M . ' s of the Minerva and Kingston Lodges , and several other visiting brethren . The ceremony was performed in a very solemn manner , and favourably impressed all who were fortunate to be present . The W . M . in the course of an address delivered to the brethren present , congratulated the members of the Humber Lodge on the completion of their beautiful building . He pointed out
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unanimous vote . Bro . Philip Bird , Treasurer , from the formation of the lodge , having expressed a determination to retire from that office , the ballot was taken for a successor , when the present W . M . was unanimously chosen Treasurer . The Tyler having been reappointed , Bro . Williams , W . M . elect , suitably and with much feeling returned thanks for the honour so far conferred upon him . The W . M . also thanked the brethren for the confidence reposed in him by his
appointment to the office of Treasurer . The usual day of installation falling on Saturday it was proposed , and unanimously resolved , that the ceremony take place on Monday 1 st January , 1866 , and that the banquet be held immediately afterwards at Bro . S . Marks , Windsor Hotel . The W . M . then introduced to the lodge Bro . R . F . Langley , P . Prov . S . G . W ., & c , as the Steward who had undertaken to represent the province at the forthcoming Festival of the Boys' School . Bro . Langley
appealed to the brethren for support in a forcible aud eloquent speech , in which he fully explained the past conduct and present position of that excellent ( if at any time mismanaged ) charity , and also gave an interesting and graphic account of the results of a recent special visit to and full inspection of that Institution . Although disapprobation and dissatisfaction were expressed in some quarters at the very lavish and extravagant
expenditure upon the building , the appeal was liberally responded to , and the sum of £ 15 collected instanter . Bro . Ware proposed , and it was resolved unanimously , that all the contributions from this lodge , and from its members , unless otherwise specially directed , be handed to the Charity by tiie Steward in the name of the W . M . pro tern , ( already a life governor ) , in order to raise him to the position of vice-president as speedily as possible . There being no other business , lodge was closed in perfect harmony at nine o ' clock .
SUFFOLK . STOWMABKET . —Pliamix Lodgv ( No . 51 fi ) . —The brethren of this lodge held their usual monthl y meeting , on the 15 th inst ., at tbe iodge room , Fox Hotel , Bro . S . H . Wright , Prov . S . G . D ., W . M ., presiding . After the lodgo had been opened , the W . M . elect , Bro . F . 13 . Marriott , was duly installed , the ceremony being impressively performed by Bro . James Franks , W . M .,
Perfect Friendship Lodge , Ipswich , No . 37 G . The W . M . then appointed his officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . W . G . Ranson , S . W . ; Frederick Long , J . W . ; J . D . Larkin , S . D . ; J . W . Sheridan , J . D . ; George Sydeman , I . G . ; and Bro . A . Sheriff , D . C . and Librarian . Bro . Wright , I . P . M ., was elected Secretary , and Bro . Spencer Freeman , P . G ., Treasurer , was elected Treasurer of the lodge . Amongst the P . M . ' s present were : — Bros . F . Betts , C . W . Sutton , H . Fox , & e . ; also some visitors from other lodges . After closing lodge the brethren adjourned to refreshment , and a most agreeable evening was spent .
SUSSEX . EASTBOURNE . —Jlartinglon Lodge ( No . 916 ) . —This lodge held their first meeting since the election of their W . M ., Bro . R . K . Blessley , and the rest of the new officers , at the Anchor Hotel , on Friday , the 8 th inst . Present : Bros . Blessley , WM . ; C . Law , P . M . ; Cunningham , S . W . ; J . 11 . C . Coles , J . W . ; Geo . Adams , S . D . ; J . Perry , J . D . ; G . Wallis , I . G . ; and other
brethren . The W . M . raised Bro . John Mossop and Henry E . Rumble to the sublime degree of M . M ., and initiated Bro . J . C . Pitcher , who ivas balloted for ut a previous meeting ; after which Bro . B . Roberts , being present , was passed to the degree of F . C . The banquet was served up in excellent style . Bro . Law proposed the toast of the W . M ., and some good speeches were made . The visitors were represented and returned thanks for by Bro . C . Mocking , of tho Apollo Lodge , Cambridge , with some little care . This lodge , although newly constituted , is becoming one of the best lodges in the county .
WILTSHIRE . SALISBURY . —Lodge Elias De DerJmm ( No . 5 S 6 ) . — The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was holden on the 12 th inst ., at the White Hart hotel . The following brethren wero present;—Bros . C . W . Wyntham , W . M ., in the chair ; E . G " . Benson , S . W . ; P . M . Dure , as J . W . ; P . M . Cardell , as Sec ; P . M . King , S . D . ; T . J . Blake , . T . I ) . ; R . S . Bryan , I . G . ; P . M .
Brown , 11 . Ward , W . M . 622 ; J . A . Lush , W . Pain , and W . S . Fussell . Visitors : Bros , the i ! ev . Win . Mortimer Heath , Prov . G . Chap . Dorset ; Michael Phillips , 130 , and C . Triniman , Tyler . The lodge was opened in form and with solemn prayer . Tho
minutes of the last lodge were read and confirmed . Mr . Wm . Samuel Fussell was balloted for and unanimously approved , and Bro . P . M . Cardell having taken the chair , the candidate was initiated . The W . M . then resumed the chair . Bro . Heath gave the lecture on the first tracing board in the first degree . Bro . Benson was balloted for , and unanimously elected as tbe W . M . for the year ensuing . Bro . Stokes , P . M ., was balloted forand re-elected as Treasurer . Bro . Triniman was balloted
, for , and re-elected as Tyler . Tho W . M . proposed , and Bro . King seconded , a vote of thanks to Bro . Heath , for his kindness in giving his admirable and instructive lecture , and the ability with which it was rendered , proved a very great Masonic treat to the brethren . ( Carried unanimously . ) Bro . P . M . Philip P . Cother having sent in his resignation as Secretary on account of his ill-healthBro . Cardell proposedand
, , Bro . Dore seconded ( which was carried unanimously ) , that a vote of thanks should be recorded in the minutes , and a copy of the same be forwarded to Bro . Cother , as an acknowledgment of his valuable services rendered to - the lodge since its formation—a period of fourteen years . The report of the furniture committee was read , and Bro . King explained the desirability of . not purchasing any additional furniture at
present , until a favourable opportunity should occur for removing the lodge to private rooms . Bro . Ward gave notice that at the next meeting he should propose that the lodge be removed to more suitable premises , and that a committee be appointed to seek for the same and report thereon . Bro . Cardell proposed , and Bro . Bryan seconded , a candidate for the mysteries of Freemasonry . The lodge was closed in due form , and with solemn prayer .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . CONSECRATION OF TIIE HUMBEB LODGE ( NO . 57 ) , HULL . The Humber Lodge having become too small for its members ' ( now upwards of two hundred ) it was resolved about a year ago , to build a new one over the then existing lodge room . The now building , consecrated on the 11 th inst ., consists of a very handsome entrance hallbeautifully laid with encaustic
, tiles , from which is obtained an entrance to a banqueting hall 45 feet by IS feet , an entrance to a committee room or library , to a private room for the W . M ' ., and to spacious and convenient lavatories & c , a kitchen with cooking apparatus capable of dining 150 brethren , as also hot water apparatus for heating the new lodge room ; two stewards' rooms with closets and every convenience , also a private entrance from Osborne-street
to the Tyler ' s house . The upper floor is approached by a handsome stono Masonic staircase , leading from the entrance hall and landing in a corridor having an organ loft over it , the eorrider sufficiently large to allow of the formation of Masonic , processions , and giving access not only to the new lodge itself ( which is of the same size and over the banqueting hall ) bnt to a preparing room and Tyler ' s room adjoining . The Tyler ' s apartments are to the east of the grand staircase , and consist of a sitting room and kitchen and two good sized
rooms above . The facade which is in the cemented Italian style , presents a very handsome appearance , and adds to the number of beautiful buildings already possessed by the town . Tho new lodge was consecrated by the R . W . Bro . George-Marwood , D . Prov . G . M . of North and East Yorkshire , assisted by Bros . Clarke , W . M . ; Milner , S . W . ; Runton , J . W . ; GatesChaplainFountainP . Prov . G . S . B . Treasurer ;
Back-, ; , , well , Secretary ; Ranson , J . D . ; Kemp and Hogg , Directors of Ceremonies ; Stephenson , Organist ; Johnson and Gawthorp , I . G . ' s ; Johnson , Tyler ; and Norton Assist . Tyler ; and in the presence of a very numerous attendance of Freemasons , including Major Smyth , the D . Prov . G . M . for Lincolnshire ; . Bros . E . IT . Lucas , tho Prov . G . Secretary for Lincolnshire ; Nelson , Prov . G . Secretary for West Yorkshire ; Dr . Bell , Prov .
G . Secretary for North and East Yorkshire ; Jacobs , Peck , Seaton , Craft , Cutt , Coateworth , Henson , Tadd Moseley , Holden , Harrison , and numerous other Past Masters , the W . M . ' s of the Minerva and Kingston Lodges , and several other visiting brethren . The ceremony was performed in a very solemn manner , and favourably impressed all who were fortunate to be present . The W . M . in the course of an address delivered to the brethren present , congratulated the members of the Humber Lodge on the completion of their beautiful building . He pointed out