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Ancient Masonic Hieroglyphs.
Freemasonry as now practised , and the name of ' Balmmed of the figures thar forms the subject of this paper . In the history of the Knights Templar , so intimately connected with the Ancient and Accepted
Scottish Eite , reference is made to the Bahumed or Bahumet as the mysterious formula or watchword by which these worthy knights used to work in their secret meetings , and which they considered as " the secret of the nature of the world , "
" the Father of Light and Life , " the Omnipotent , Beginning and End of all things . " This proves conclusively that in the eminent mysteries the existence of a supreme being * was believed in , which the Freemasons adored as the " Grand
Architect of the Uuivei'se ; " that the Knights Templar were possessed of the secrets and the science of the Hieroglyphs which they probably acquired in Syria when it had been introduced from India and Egypt , the mother countries of the
ancient mysteries ; and also , that these mysteries were known of the very first inhabitants of the earth .
The Late King Of The Belgians.
We had the painful office of announcing in our last issue , the death of our august Brother , King Leopold the First , the oldest king of Europe . His late Majesty , was , at the time of his death , an illustrious member of our Order , and it redounds
greatly to the credit and enlightenment of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy of Belgium , to learn that , notwithstanding our deceased illustrious brother ' s Protestant persuasion , and with the knowledge also of his late Majesty being- a
Freemason , that they have not been behindhand the advanced Liberal party of Belgium in their expression of profound regret at the decease of his Majesty the late King . The address upon the sad event issued by the Archbishop of Malines " to
the clergy and faithful of his diocese" is a most touching document , aud most unsparing in its tribute of respect and compliment paid to "Leopold the Wise . " This will be found further referred to in another page , under the head of " Freemasonry and the Pope . " The following is a translation of the circular
The Late King Of The Belgians.
forwarded by the Grand Orient of Belgium to the various Masonic bodies under its jurisdiction : — "Very dear brethren , —Masonry has just suffered a cruel loss in the death of one of her . most
illustrious members , of him who , called to the throne by the free and enlightened suffrages ofthe Belgian people , has never abnegated his title of Mason , but , on the contrary , has extended to us his powerful protection . We have lost an eminent
brother , who , faithful to his oath , has , during a reign of five and thirty years , practised with love and sincerity those grand princip les of humanity which constitute the basis of our Order , thus
acquiring the esteem and friendship of his brethren , the veneration of the Belgian people , and the respect and admiration of his contemporaries . Leopold , King of the Belgians , who had acquired the grade of Chev . ' . K . \ D . \ , 30 th degree , died yesterday , with the calm and serenity of a just man , and with the stoicism of a true Mason . He was , in
this supreme moment , surrounded by his children , his ministers , and the presidents of our legislative chambers , the official representatives of the Belgian people he so much loved , and to whose happiness and prosperity he so much contributed by
his lofty wisdom . Our august brother has left us a noble example to follow ! We should all , like him , march on the way traced out for ns , boldly and without hesitation . Like him , we should hold sworn faith in respect , and each should ,
unfalteringly , fulfil the duties imposed upon us . This is the best homage we can render to his venerated memory . This is the feeling which above all others , vibrates in a Mason ' s heart—it is the love of country . Guided by this sentiment , let ns rally
round the son of our well beloved brother , and help him with all our might to preserve to our dear Belgium her liberties and her independence . " ( Signed ) "The National Grand Master ( ad interim ) , "J . VANSCHOOK . "
Freemasonry And The Pope.
The special correspondent at Brussels of the Irish Times , in commenting upon the high compliment paid to Leopold the First in the address issued by the Archbishop of Malines , proceeds to add : — This address is lavish of compliment to King
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Ancient Masonic Hieroglyphs.
Freemasonry as now practised , and the name of ' Balmmed of the figures thar forms the subject of this paper . In the history of the Knights Templar , so intimately connected with the Ancient and Accepted
Scottish Eite , reference is made to the Bahumed or Bahumet as the mysterious formula or watchword by which these worthy knights used to work in their secret meetings , and which they considered as " the secret of the nature of the world , "
" the Father of Light and Life , " the Omnipotent , Beginning and End of all things . " This proves conclusively that in the eminent mysteries the existence of a supreme being * was believed in , which the Freemasons adored as the " Grand
Architect of the Uuivei'se ; " that the Knights Templar were possessed of the secrets and the science of the Hieroglyphs which they probably acquired in Syria when it had been introduced from India and Egypt , the mother countries of the
ancient mysteries ; and also , that these mysteries were known of the very first inhabitants of the earth .
The Late King Of The Belgians.
We had the painful office of announcing in our last issue , the death of our august Brother , King Leopold the First , the oldest king of Europe . His late Majesty , was , at the time of his death , an illustrious member of our Order , and it redounds
greatly to the credit and enlightenment of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy of Belgium , to learn that , notwithstanding our deceased illustrious brother ' s Protestant persuasion , and with the knowledge also of his late Majesty being- a
Freemason , that they have not been behindhand the advanced Liberal party of Belgium in their expression of profound regret at the decease of his Majesty the late King . The address upon the sad event issued by the Archbishop of Malines " to
the clergy and faithful of his diocese" is a most touching document , aud most unsparing in its tribute of respect and compliment paid to "Leopold the Wise . " This will be found further referred to in another page , under the head of " Freemasonry and the Pope . " The following is a translation of the circular
The Late King Of The Belgians.
forwarded by the Grand Orient of Belgium to the various Masonic bodies under its jurisdiction : — "Very dear brethren , —Masonry has just suffered a cruel loss in the death of one of her . most
illustrious members , of him who , called to the throne by the free and enlightened suffrages ofthe Belgian people , has never abnegated his title of Mason , but , on the contrary , has extended to us his powerful protection . We have lost an eminent
brother , who , faithful to his oath , has , during a reign of five and thirty years , practised with love and sincerity those grand princip les of humanity which constitute the basis of our Order , thus
acquiring the esteem and friendship of his brethren , the veneration of the Belgian people , and the respect and admiration of his contemporaries . Leopold , King of the Belgians , who had acquired the grade of Chev . ' . K . \ D . \ , 30 th degree , died yesterday , with the calm and serenity of a just man , and with the stoicism of a true Mason . He was , in
this supreme moment , surrounded by his children , his ministers , and the presidents of our legislative chambers , the official representatives of the Belgian people he so much loved , and to whose happiness and prosperity he so much contributed by
his lofty wisdom . Our august brother has left us a noble example to follow ! We should all , like him , march on the way traced out for ns , boldly and without hesitation . Like him , we should hold sworn faith in respect , and each should ,
unfalteringly , fulfil the duties imposed upon us . This is the best homage we can render to his venerated memory . This is the feeling which above all others , vibrates in a Mason ' s heart—it is the love of country . Guided by this sentiment , let ns rally
round the son of our well beloved brother , and help him with all our might to preserve to our dear Belgium her liberties and her independence . " ( Signed ) "The National Grand Master ( ad interim ) , "J . VANSCHOOK . "
Freemasonry And The Pope.
The special correspondent at Brussels of the Irish Times , in commenting upon the high compliment paid to Leopold the First in the address issued by the Archbishop of Malines , proceeds to add : — This address is lavish of compliment to King