Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 2 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 6 →
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very formidable appearance . He was introduced by Bro . Andrew Nimmo , and seconded by Bro . , T . Gurton , P . M . and P . G-. S . The ceremony w , is performed in the most impressive manner by the W . M . The initiate , although a Frenchman , spoke English pretty well , and went through the ceremony in a very becoming manner ; after which Messrs . Hamilton , Bnsch , and Smilhett were made , and Bro . Terry received the third
degree . This being tho night of election , ' Bro . Stoner , J . W ., was elected W . M . for the ensuing year , Bro . G . H . Davies , S . W ., declining to take the chair this year , but hoping to bo be able to do so next . Bro . Gurton was unanimously re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . , T . Crawley , Tyler . After the business of the lodge was ended , the members and their friends , numbering Over fifty , sat down to an excellent banquet , at which the W . M . presided in his usual efficient style . Bros . Hamilton , Bnsch , and Smithett returned thanks for "The Initiates . " Bro . Brine
being absent ( having an engagement at the Standard and Marylebone Theatres ); Bro . " Patten , P . G . D ., & c , for " The Visitors . " The usual jewel was voted to the W . M . for his ability and working the chair , and after spending a very pleasant evening tbe company separated at eleven o ' clock , the vocalists being Bros . E . Hart , Briggs , J . It . Stacey , Gurton , tho W . M ., & c . LODGE OE TRANQUILLITY ( NO . 185 ) . —On the 18 th inst . the
, members of this flourishing lodge met at Radley's Hotel , Bridge-street , Blackfriars , when the W . M ., f ided by his very efficient officers , most impressively conferred the second degree upon Bro . Gashron , and initiated into the Order Messrs . Joseph Harry Thovnber , Eiias Harris , and David Goldberg . The sum of ten guineas was unanimously voted towards a testimonial jewel for the W . M . on his leaving the Chair in February ; and
the brethren adjourned to one of Bro . Hart ' s recherche banquets , the viands and wines being all that could be desired . Roi'Ai . ALBERT LODGE ( NO . 907 . )—A meeting of this young and flourishing lodge was held at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , on Monday , the ISth inst . The lodge was opened at five o'clock by Bro . j . A . Farnfield , W . M ., assisted by Bros . T . Peters , S . W . ; W . H . Farnfield , J . W . ; J . Smith , P . G . Purst ., P . M . and Treas . ; T . Lewis , Assist . G . Purst . ; W . Watson , P . AI . ; Rev . Little , P . M ., Sec ; C . Chard , J . D- H . J . Lewis , I . G .:
C . P . lamfield , Dir . of Cers . ; Rev . J . M . Vaughan , Chap . ; C . T . Cli . ird , J . Hallet , If . Ravaison , E . Terry , C . Walker , & c . The minutes having been confirmed , u ballot was taken severally for Messrs . Thomas Morton and Robert Downes as candidates for initiation , and they were both declared duly elected . Bro . Worley then jireseuted himself as a candidate for passing , and , having been examined , was entrusted , and retired . The lodge was then opened in the second degreeand BroWorley wis
, . duly advanced to tbe F . C . degree , the W . M . rendering the ceremony in a very able and impressive manner . The lodge was then resumed to tho first degree , " and Messrs . . Morton and Downes being in attendance , were regularly introduced , and initiated into the mysteries of the Order . The lodge v ,-as then closed , and the brethren adjourned to tho banquet ; and we may here remark that a great improvement in the character
of the viands and wines was visible on this occasion , so much so , that the brethren who had at previous meetings expressed the greatest dissatisfaction , were now unanimous in praising the arrangements of the new manager to promote their comfort at the social board . After the removal of the cloth , the W . M . gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , Bros . Lewis and Smith responding for the Grand Officers . One of Bvo . Peters' characteristic sonsts then followed . The W . M . then
rose , and said he had great pleasure in proposing "The Health of the Initiates , " and he was quite sure that the more they saw of Freemasonry the better they would he able to appreciate its beauties . Bros . Morton and Dowes brie fly responded . Bro . Smith then gave " The Health ofthe W . M ., " and expatiated on the many good and estimable qualities of Bro . Farnfield , who was not only an excellent working Master , but a capital chairman at the banquet table , never allowing the toast
or song to flag , but endeavouring to the utmost of his power to maintain the high character nf tho lodge for hospitality aud social good feeling ( cheers ) . This toast being most cordially received , Bro . J . A . Farnfield , W . M ., thanked the brethren for the hearty reception given to him at all times by the members , and he assured them that his best exertions should be given to promote the prosperity of the lodge ; he had risen from the position of S . D . to his present proud position , but in every office he had filled lie had been equally anxious to pin-form with credit the duties entrusted to his charge . Bros . Watson and Little
replied in appropriate terms to the health of the P . M . 's . The W . M . then proposed " The Visitors , " and Bros . Dr . Goldsborough , W . M . 998 ., P . M . 201 , J . G . Marsh , P . M . 28 , T . Frampton , P . M ., 112 , and J . W . Kay , SS 5 , responded seriatim . Bro . Kay in choice language alluding to the hospitality he had experienced from the fraternity in England , but which he assured the brethren was equally shown in the Australian lodges , so that in reality their noble Craft was at all times engaged in practising
the social virtues . Bros . Peters , S . W ., anclW . H . Farnfield ,. J . W ., responded to tbe toast of the officers . Bro . Vaughan as Chaplain , and the Tyler ' s toast , brought the proceedings of their very happy and enjoyable reunion to a close . We must not omit to mention that Bros . T . and H . J . Lewis Peters ., Marsh and Terry favoured the brethren with several excellent songs .
INSTRUCTION . UXITED MAEINERS' LODGE ( NO . 30 ) . —The annual , banquet meeting of this flourishing and hard working lodge of instruction took place on the 14 th inst ., at Bro . Scurr's , The Three Cranes , Mile End-road . Bros . Barnes , sen ., W . M . ; Taylor , S . W . ; Alston , J . W . ; Ritzbaeh , S . D . ; Geary , J . D . ; Iron , I . G . ; : . T . RcotcherHon . Sec . ; Saquiand a numerous attendance of
, , the members and visiting brethren being present . The ordinary lodgo business having been disposed of , the brethren partook of a banquet provided by Bro . Scurr , in the sumptuous manner for which he has become so deservedly well known . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and cordially received and responded to . Bro . Barnes , sen ., W . M ., referring to the toast of " The Mother Lodge , " with which tho name of Bro . Johns :
had been coupled , expressed a hope that the members of that lodge , and more especially the Past Masters , would by their presence at the lodge of instruction , oftener than had previouslybeen the case , encourage the members to become frequent attendants and zealous and efficient Masons . The toast of "The Health of the neighbouring Lodges pf Instruction , " was responded to by Bro . Joseph Hudson ( W . M . of the Yarboro Mother Lodge ) on behalf of the Yarboro Lodge of Instruction , and by Bro . Munday , on behalf of the Eastern Star Lodge of
Instruction . The toast of " The Health of the Visiting Brethren " was given and responded to . The W . M . then gave the next toast , " The Press , " coupling with it the name of Bro . Stevenson , of the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR , who was present amongst them . This toast having been , gracefully acknowledged , Bro . Saqui gave " The Health of Bro . Barnes , sen ., W . M . jof the United Mariners' Lodge of Instruction" and paid a just tribute to the many qualities of that
, esteemed brother . This toast having been gracefully acknowledged by Bro . Barnes , " The Health and Happiness of the worthy Host , Bro . Scurr , and that of Mrs . Scurr and Family , " was next proposed , and cordially acknowledged by Bro . Scurr iu -most suitable terms . " The Health of the indefatigable and . veteran Honorary Secretary , Bro . Scotcber , " next followed , and having been thankfully responded to , "The Tylers Toast "
brought the proceedings of this annual fraternal gathering to a close at a seasonable hour , and the brethren dispersed in peace and harmony . The happiness of the brethren during tbe evening was considerably enhanced by the admirable singing volunteered by Bros . Scotcber , Barnes , jun ., Hudson , Scurr , Newman , and other brethren . We must not omit to add also that most able and pathetic appeals for support to the various Masonic Charities were made by Bros . Barnes , sen ., W . M . ; Taylor , S . W . ; Saqui , and others .
LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . FUNERAL or BRO . JOSEPH DUNN . Wo announced in onr " Obituary " of last week the deceaseof this well-known and highly-esteemed brother , who was interred on the 7 th inst . at St . Jehu's Church , Pendleton , near Manchester . The following is an account of the funeral ceremony : —
The deceased brother was , at the time of his death , S . W . of the St . John ' s Lodge ( N o . 325 ) , and shortly before his death he expressed a wish that he should be interred with Masonic honours . A dispensation was accordingly obtained from- tbe
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
very formidable appearance . He was introduced by Bro . Andrew Nimmo , and seconded by Bro . , T . Gurton , P . M . and P . G-. S . The ceremony w , is performed in the most impressive manner by the W . M . The initiate , although a Frenchman , spoke English pretty well , and went through the ceremony in a very becoming manner ; after which Messrs . Hamilton , Bnsch , and Smilhett were made , and Bro . Terry received the third
degree . This being tho night of election , ' Bro . Stoner , J . W ., was elected W . M . for the ensuing year , Bro . G . H . Davies , S . W ., declining to take the chair this year , but hoping to bo be able to do so next . Bro . Gurton was unanimously re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . , T . Crawley , Tyler . After the business of the lodge was ended , the members and their friends , numbering Over fifty , sat down to an excellent banquet , at which the W . M . presided in his usual efficient style . Bros . Hamilton , Bnsch , and Smithett returned thanks for "The Initiates . " Bro . Brine
being absent ( having an engagement at the Standard and Marylebone Theatres ); Bro . " Patten , P . G . D ., & c , for " The Visitors . " The usual jewel was voted to the W . M . for his ability and working the chair , and after spending a very pleasant evening tbe company separated at eleven o ' clock , the vocalists being Bros . E . Hart , Briggs , J . It . Stacey , Gurton , tho W . M ., & c . LODGE OE TRANQUILLITY ( NO . 185 ) . —On the 18 th inst . the
, members of this flourishing lodge met at Radley's Hotel , Bridge-street , Blackfriars , when the W . M ., f ided by his very efficient officers , most impressively conferred the second degree upon Bro . Gashron , and initiated into the Order Messrs . Joseph Harry Thovnber , Eiias Harris , and David Goldberg . The sum of ten guineas was unanimously voted towards a testimonial jewel for the W . M . on his leaving the Chair in February ; and
the brethren adjourned to one of Bro . Hart ' s recherche banquets , the viands and wines being all that could be desired . Roi'Ai . ALBERT LODGE ( NO . 907 . )—A meeting of this young and flourishing lodge was held at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , on Monday , the ISth inst . The lodge was opened at five o'clock by Bro . j . A . Farnfield , W . M ., assisted by Bros . T . Peters , S . W . ; W . H . Farnfield , J . W . ; J . Smith , P . G . Purst ., P . M . and Treas . ; T . Lewis , Assist . G . Purst . ; W . Watson , P . AI . ; Rev . Little , P . M ., Sec ; C . Chard , J . D- H . J . Lewis , I . G .:
C . P . lamfield , Dir . of Cers . ; Rev . J . M . Vaughan , Chap . ; C . T . Cli . ird , J . Hallet , If . Ravaison , E . Terry , C . Walker , & c . The minutes having been confirmed , u ballot was taken severally for Messrs . Thomas Morton and Robert Downes as candidates for initiation , and they were both declared duly elected . Bro . Worley then jireseuted himself as a candidate for passing , and , having been examined , was entrusted , and retired . The lodge was then opened in the second degreeand BroWorley wis
, . duly advanced to tbe F . C . degree , the W . M . rendering the ceremony in a very able and impressive manner . The lodge was then resumed to tho first degree , " and Messrs . . Morton and Downes being in attendance , were regularly introduced , and initiated into the mysteries of the Order . The lodge v ,-as then closed , and the brethren adjourned to tho banquet ; and we may here remark that a great improvement in the character
of the viands and wines was visible on this occasion , so much so , that the brethren who had at previous meetings expressed the greatest dissatisfaction , were now unanimous in praising the arrangements of the new manager to promote their comfort at the social board . After the removal of the cloth , the W . M . gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , Bros . Lewis and Smith responding for the Grand Officers . One of Bvo . Peters' characteristic sonsts then followed . The W . M . then
rose , and said he had great pleasure in proposing "The Health of the Initiates , " and he was quite sure that the more they saw of Freemasonry the better they would he able to appreciate its beauties . Bros . Morton and Dowes brie fly responded . Bro . Smith then gave " The Health ofthe W . M ., " and expatiated on the many good and estimable qualities of Bro . Farnfield , who was not only an excellent working Master , but a capital chairman at the banquet table , never allowing the toast
or song to flag , but endeavouring to the utmost of his power to maintain the high character nf tho lodge for hospitality aud social good feeling ( cheers ) . This toast being most cordially received , Bro . J . A . Farnfield , W . M ., thanked the brethren for the hearty reception given to him at all times by the members , and he assured them that his best exertions should be given to promote the prosperity of the lodge ; he had risen from the position of S . D . to his present proud position , but in every office he had filled lie had been equally anxious to pin-form with credit the duties entrusted to his charge . Bros . Watson and Little
replied in appropriate terms to the health of the P . M . 's . The W . M . then proposed " The Visitors , " and Bros . Dr . Goldsborough , W . M . 998 ., P . M . 201 , J . G . Marsh , P . M . 28 , T . Frampton , P . M ., 112 , and J . W . Kay , SS 5 , responded seriatim . Bro . Kay in choice language alluding to the hospitality he had experienced from the fraternity in England , but which he assured the brethren was equally shown in the Australian lodges , so that in reality their noble Craft was at all times engaged in practising
the social virtues . Bros . Peters , S . W ., anclW . H . Farnfield ,. J . W ., responded to tbe toast of the officers . Bro . Vaughan as Chaplain , and the Tyler ' s toast , brought the proceedings of their very happy and enjoyable reunion to a close . We must not omit to mention that Bros . T . and H . J . Lewis Peters ., Marsh and Terry favoured the brethren with several excellent songs .
INSTRUCTION . UXITED MAEINERS' LODGE ( NO . 30 ) . —The annual , banquet meeting of this flourishing and hard working lodge of instruction took place on the 14 th inst ., at Bro . Scurr's , The Three Cranes , Mile End-road . Bros . Barnes , sen ., W . M . ; Taylor , S . W . ; Alston , J . W . ; Ritzbaeh , S . D . ; Geary , J . D . ; Iron , I . G . ; : . T . RcotcherHon . Sec . ; Saquiand a numerous attendance of
, , the members and visiting brethren being present . The ordinary lodgo business having been disposed of , the brethren partook of a banquet provided by Bro . Scurr , in the sumptuous manner for which he has become so deservedly well known . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and cordially received and responded to . Bro . Barnes , sen ., W . M ., referring to the toast of " The Mother Lodge , " with which tho name of Bro . Johns :
had been coupled , expressed a hope that the members of that lodge , and more especially the Past Masters , would by their presence at the lodge of instruction , oftener than had previouslybeen the case , encourage the members to become frequent attendants and zealous and efficient Masons . The toast of "The Health of the neighbouring Lodges pf Instruction , " was responded to by Bro . Joseph Hudson ( W . M . of the Yarboro Mother Lodge ) on behalf of the Yarboro Lodge of Instruction , and by Bro . Munday , on behalf of the Eastern Star Lodge of
Instruction . The toast of " The Health of the Visiting Brethren " was given and responded to . The W . M . then gave the next toast , " The Press , " coupling with it the name of Bro . Stevenson , of the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR , who was present amongst them . This toast having been , gracefully acknowledged , Bro . Saqui gave " The Health of Bro . Barnes , sen ., W . M . jof the United Mariners' Lodge of Instruction" and paid a just tribute to the many qualities of that
, esteemed brother . This toast having been gracefully acknowledged by Bro . Barnes , " The Health and Happiness of the worthy Host , Bro . Scurr , and that of Mrs . Scurr and Family , " was next proposed , and cordially acknowledged by Bro . Scurr iu -most suitable terms . " The Health of the indefatigable and . veteran Honorary Secretary , Bro . Scotcber , " next followed , and having been thankfully responded to , "The Tylers Toast "
brought the proceedings of this annual fraternal gathering to a close at a seasonable hour , and the brethren dispersed in peace and harmony . The happiness of the brethren during tbe evening was considerably enhanced by the admirable singing volunteered by Bros . Scotcber , Barnes , jun ., Hudson , Scurr , Newman , and other brethren . We must not omit to add also that most able and pathetic appeals for support to the various Masonic Charities were made by Bros . Barnes , sen ., W . M . ; Taylor , S . W . ; Saqui , and others .
LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . FUNERAL or BRO . JOSEPH DUNN . Wo announced in onr " Obituary " of last week the deceaseof this well-known and highly-esteemed brother , who was interred on the 7 th inst . at St . Jehu's Church , Pendleton , near Manchester . The following is an account of the funeral ceremony : —
The deceased brother was , at the time of his death , S . W . of the St . John ' s Lodge ( N o . 325 ) , and shortly before his death he expressed a wish that he should be interred with Masonic honours . A dispensation was accordingly obtained from- tbe