Article LOST VOTES. ← Page 2 of 2 Article LOST VOTES. Page 2 of 2 Article DEATH OF BRO. HORATIO GAMBELL. Page 1 of 1
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Lost Votes.
down the gauntlet , and I as readily picked it up m defence of the dozen brethren Avhom the Mason of forty and one years' standing says he could put his finger on . He complains that I do not see the drift of his arguments . In that he is mistaken . It is in the cold , heartless indifference and levity with which he speaks of the applicants for our different Masonic
Charities , and the sneering , I might almost say the insulting , remarks on those Avho advocate their claims ; and this view is taken not only by myself but by many others of your readers , if I may judge from the numerous letters I have received from brethren pn the subject . He says I have lost my logic . If I
have , he certainly has not found it , for he now attempts to show his definition of the term " busybody " as meaning busy in good Avorks . On turning to Ogilvie ' s " Dictionary , " which is . I belieA'O , the most recent authority , I find the word thus described — "Busybody , a meddling person ; one Avho officiously
concerns himself with the affairs of others ; " and this is his definition of good works ! Again , because he happens to know a Bro . Wiggens , aud a brave man of Avar hy the name of Snooks , he thinks he is at liberty to use those names without offence , as fit illustrations for his argument , Avould he not feel insulted if any one took the libert-v to call his Avife
Betty Popkins ? He says my letter appears to be simply a trumpeting forth of my OAVU great charity and philanthropy . I should like to know where I have in any way alluded to any act of my own beyond taking rank amongst the busybodys . He calls my attention to the passage " Charity vaunteth not itself , puffeth not itself upthinketh no evil" and
, , then launches out in his own praise in having served the offices of SteAvard to our Charities , governor or jsiibscriber to several great non-Masonic institutions , Almoner to the Societ y for the Relief of Distress , <& c , all of which every true Mason is delighted to hear , being very different in tone to his former letter
, although savouring very considerally of vaunting ancl puffing-np . He says he has met me in Wiltshire . I must confess it has puzzled me greatly to form the slightest clue as to who this brother is ( for after the recital he has given I must UOAV thus courteousl y term him ) , but as he intends to give no name , you
must admit that , according to tho rules of chivalry , it is scarcel y fair and honourable combat for one to fight with an open vizor , Avhile the opponent keeps his closed . However , as he has given me a name to which I never had any ri ght , or ever Avill lay claim to —that of an angry correspondent—I will merely add that my course has been , and ( when I am ri ght ) eA er will be , to act as Peter Pindar describes : —
" Like prize-figlitei-s at n country fair Shake bands together before they box , Then give each other plaguy knocks , With love ancl kindness of n brother . " Should our brother , having given a visit * to "Wiltshire , feel disposed to pay us a second , he might still preserve his incognito as the unknown kni ght , and smoke
" the calumet of peace " at our nest Provincial Grand meeting , which , I believe , is to be held at Chi ppenham towards tho end of November next , and where I hope he will find amongst those assembled Yours fraternally , WILLIAM BIGGS . Reading , October 23 rd , I 860 .
Lost Votes.
[ From the length of time the correspondence on this subject has occupied , we must decline to insert any further letters thereupon , though Ave are always g lad to devote a fair portion of onr space to correspondence of interest to the Craft . "We trust our two contending correspondents will meet at the Provincial Grand meeting above referred to . —En . F . M . ]
Death Of Bro. Horatio Gambell.
IO TEE JEDITOK OT THE FKEEACASOSs' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIBBOB . DEAE SIE AND BEOTHEE , —By some strange oversight of a brother , to whom the folloAving eopj * Avas entrusted , or unexplained delay , it Avas not put into my hands for insertion in your columns until Monday last . It Avas thought you had received the copy , but
if so , it would have been inserted Avith the usual promptitude that characterises all your dealings with correspondents . "With the desire that so worthy a departed brother should have his merits recorded , I send the copy now . Yours fraternally , AV . J . HUGHAN . Truro , 23 rd October , I 860 .
( Copy . ) Croxeth Dnited Service Lodge , No . 786 ., The Temple , 22 , Hope-street , Liverpool , 18 th June , 186 G . SIR , —At the last meeting of the above lodge the AV . M ., Bro . Captain AHender statedthat it Avas Avith
, deep regret he had to announce to the brethren that death had removed from amongst us our worthy brother , Horatio Gambell . It was proposed by Bro . Captain Holden , seconded by Bro . Major Boresfield , ancl unanimously resolved "That the Secretary be requested to convey to the
nearest relation of our deceased brother , the sincere sympathy of this lodge . " In accordance Avith the above request , I now beg to assure you that noAvbere will his loss be more deeply regretted than in this lodge . By all of the members he was held in the highest esteem and respect , Avhilst to most of them 'he Avas endeared by many acts of kindness and friendshi p
during a close intimacy of some years' duration . His services to this lodge have heen numerous and great ; to the province of AVest Lancashire they have been invaluable , and Avith him Freemasonry has been deprived of one of its greatest ornaments . In conjunction with our late Bro . AVahnsley he Avas intrumental in founding the Masonic Educational
Institute for AVest Lancashire , an institution which has alread y become firmly established , and has stimulated the formation of similar societies in the nei ghbouring provinces . I have briefly enumerated some of the great services rendered to humanity by your late brotherin
,, the fervent hope that it may be some consolation in your present affliction to know that , amidst a Avidely extended circle he lived respected ancl died regretted ; and that his memory will be gratefully preserved by the numerous widows and orphans who have alreadybeen or may hereafter be indebted to his philanthropy .
I am , Sir , yours respectfully , AV . Gambell , Esq ., P . A . COHLTEE , Hale Bank . Secretary .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Lost Votes.
down the gauntlet , and I as readily picked it up m defence of the dozen brethren Avhom the Mason of forty and one years' standing says he could put his finger on . He complains that I do not see the drift of his arguments . In that he is mistaken . It is in the cold , heartless indifference and levity with which he speaks of the applicants for our different Masonic
Charities , and the sneering , I might almost say the insulting , remarks on those Avho advocate their claims ; and this view is taken not only by myself but by many others of your readers , if I may judge from the numerous letters I have received from brethren pn the subject . He says I have lost my logic . If I
have , he certainly has not found it , for he now attempts to show his definition of the term " busybody " as meaning busy in good Avorks . On turning to Ogilvie ' s " Dictionary , " which is . I belieA'O , the most recent authority , I find the word thus described — "Busybody , a meddling person ; one Avho officiously
concerns himself with the affairs of others ; " and this is his definition of good works ! Again , because he happens to know a Bro . Wiggens , aud a brave man of Avar hy the name of Snooks , he thinks he is at liberty to use those names without offence , as fit illustrations for his argument , Avould he not feel insulted if any one took the libert-v to call his Avife
Betty Popkins ? He says my letter appears to be simply a trumpeting forth of my OAVU great charity and philanthropy . I should like to know where I have in any way alluded to any act of my own beyond taking rank amongst the busybodys . He calls my attention to the passage " Charity vaunteth not itself , puffeth not itself upthinketh no evil" and
, , then launches out in his own praise in having served the offices of SteAvard to our Charities , governor or jsiibscriber to several great non-Masonic institutions , Almoner to the Societ y for the Relief of Distress , <& c , all of which every true Mason is delighted to hear , being very different in tone to his former letter
, although savouring very considerally of vaunting ancl puffing-np . He says he has met me in Wiltshire . I must confess it has puzzled me greatly to form the slightest clue as to who this brother is ( for after the recital he has given I must UOAV thus courteousl y term him ) , but as he intends to give no name , you
must admit that , according to tho rules of chivalry , it is scarcel y fair and honourable combat for one to fight with an open vizor , Avhile the opponent keeps his closed . However , as he has given me a name to which I never had any ri ght , or ever Avill lay claim to —that of an angry correspondent—I will merely add that my course has been , and ( when I am ri ght ) eA er will be , to act as Peter Pindar describes : —
" Like prize-figlitei-s at n country fair Shake bands together before they box , Then give each other plaguy knocks , With love ancl kindness of n brother . " Should our brother , having given a visit * to "Wiltshire , feel disposed to pay us a second , he might still preserve his incognito as the unknown kni ght , and smoke
" the calumet of peace " at our nest Provincial Grand meeting , which , I believe , is to be held at Chi ppenham towards tho end of November next , and where I hope he will find amongst those assembled Yours fraternally , WILLIAM BIGGS . Reading , October 23 rd , I 860 .
Lost Votes.
[ From the length of time the correspondence on this subject has occupied , we must decline to insert any further letters thereupon , though Ave are always g lad to devote a fair portion of onr space to correspondence of interest to the Craft . "We trust our two contending correspondents will meet at the Provincial Grand meeting above referred to . —En . F . M . ]
Death Of Bro. Horatio Gambell.
IO TEE JEDITOK OT THE FKEEACASOSs' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIBBOB . DEAE SIE AND BEOTHEE , —By some strange oversight of a brother , to whom the folloAving eopj * Avas entrusted , or unexplained delay , it Avas not put into my hands for insertion in your columns until Monday last . It Avas thought you had received the copy , but
if so , it would have been inserted Avith the usual promptitude that characterises all your dealings with correspondents . "With the desire that so worthy a departed brother should have his merits recorded , I send the copy now . Yours fraternally , AV . J . HUGHAN . Truro , 23 rd October , I 860 .
( Copy . ) Croxeth Dnited Service Lodge , No . 786 ., The Temple , 22 , Hope-street , Liverpool , 18 th June , 186 G . SIR , —At the last meeting of the above lodge the AV . M ., Bro . Captain AHender statedthat it Avas Avith
, deep regret he had to announce to the brethren that death had removed from amongst us our worthy brother , Horatio Gambell . It was proposed by Bro . Captain Holden , seconded by Bro . Major Boresfield , ancl unanimously resolved "That the Secretary be requested to convey to the
nearest relation of our deceased brother , the sincere sympathy of this lodge . " In accordance Avith the above request , I now beg to assure you that noAvbere will his loss be more deeply regretted than in this lodge . By all of the members he was held in the highest esteem and respect , Avhilst to most of them 'he Avas endeared by many acts of kindness and friendshi p
during a close intimacy of some years' duration . His services to this lodge have heen numerous and great ; to the province of AVest Lancashire they have been invaluable , and Avith him Freemasonry has been deprived of one of its greatest ornaments . In conjunction with our late Bro . AVahnsley he Avas intrumental in founding the Masonic Educational
Institute for AVest Lancashire , an institution which has alread y become firmly established , and has stimulated the formation of similar societies in the nei ghbouring provinces . I have briefly enumerated some of the great services rendered to humanity by your late brotherin
,, the fervent hope that it may be some consolation in your present affliction to know that , amidst a Avidely extended circle he lived respected ancl died regretted ; and that his memory will be gratefully preserved by the numerous widows and orphans who have alreadybeen or may hereafter be indebted to his philanthropy .
I am , Sir , yours respectfully , AV . Gambell , Esq ., P . A . COHLTEE , Hale Bank . Secretary .