Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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of esteem and liig-h appreciation of his very valuable services during a period of eleven years . The B . W . Prov . G . M . then presented tiie esteemed IA . Depntv Provincial Grand Master Erb . Edward J . Morris with the Charity Jewel of Grand Lodpe , as the first Steward from the ¦ province of South Wales to the Boys and Girls Festivals , and ho tool ; occ JS ' in a highly effective speech to refer to the exertions of the Deputy Provincial Grand Master in aid of tho
charities , and his earnest endeavours to advance the interests and influence of the province . The R . AA . Prov . G . M . then proceeded io appoint and invest the Provincial Grand Officers for the ensuing year in the following ¦ order , viz .: — Bros . Charles Bath , 237 , Prov . S . G . W . ; David Uobevts , 3 G , J . G . W . ; D . Thomas , 833 , and H . V , . Hosken , 651 , G . Chaps . ; AVilliam
Cox , 237 , G . Treas . ; Thomas Thomas , 381 , G . Reg . ; John Felton , 833 , G . Sec . ; J . Brereton , 651 , S . G . D . ; J . Willans , 9 G 0 , J . G . P . ; J . Russell , 110 . G . Sup . of AVorks ; Thomas Powell , 23 ; and P . Donaldson , 361 , G . Dirs . of Cers . ; Charles Hill , 36 , G . S . B . ; Edward Pricker , 237 , G . Org . ; W . H . Bell , 960 , G . Purst . ; L . Tulloch , 237 , J . -Tones Howson , 237 , Prater , 651 AVilliams 110 Barry 36 ancl Evans 960 GStews
, , , , , , . . The Prov . G . Sec . then read the report of the Provincial Grand Lodge Committee , as follows : — "The Provincial Grand Lodge Committee as constituted at the last meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge , held at Cardiff on the 2 Sfch September , 1 SS 5 , have much pleasure in presenting their first report to the Provincial Grand Lodge . " The Provincial Grand Lodge Committee desire in the first
place to refer with considerable gratification to the thoroughly satisfactory working of tho system of Steward representation , the results of the past two years having conclusively proved the soundness of the change which has been made in the mode ¦ of supporting the Masonic Charities . At the festival of the Boys' School in March last , the province was ably represented by Ilro . R . F . Langley , P . Prov . S . G . AV ., whose subscription list , as the representative Steward to this charity , amounted to £ 115 4 s . 6 .
" Ihe Stewardship /' or the Girls' School was . undertaken by tho Deputy Prov . G . M ., whose subscription list amounted to £ 118 18 s . 3 d . The contributions to both charities amounted to £ 23-4 2 s . 9 d . " The Provincial Grand Lodge Committee point with much satisfaction to the fact that the subscriptions from the province to tho several Masonic charities during the years 1865-66 amount to nearly £ 150 . Thus it will be seen that the new
system , recommended with much confidence at the last meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge , has at once secured the hearty and cordial support of the brethren throughout the province , and the Provincial Grand Lodge Committee confidently anticipate results even more favourable than those now published . The province will be represented at the next festival of the Girls' School by Bro . It . F . Langley , 1 » . Prov . S . G . AA . and AV . AI . of the Glamorgan Lodge ( No . 36 ) Cardiff , and Bro . Charles
Bath , Prov . S . G . W . and W . M . of the Indefatigable Lodge ( No . 237 ) , Swansea , has undertaken to act as representative Steward at the next festival of the Boys' School . " The Provincial Grand Lodgo Committee venture to predict that the efforts of such zealous brethren will fully justify their sanguine expectations that success will continue to attend a system so favourably commenced and carried on . "As a very profitable consequence of the liberal contributions
of the brethren of South AVales to the various charities , the Provincial Grand Lodge Committee refer with much satisfaction to the augmented voting strength of the province . " Passing without comment the prestige which the Province has acquired , the Committee think it right to place on record the fact that this increased voting-power has not only enabled the province ( o repay to other provinces the votes generously contribwted at last year's election , but it has also materially assisted
in the return of their candidates to the Boys' and Girls'Schools , and to the Benevolent Institution , at the recent elections , thus establishing a claim upon those provinces for a renewal of kindly assistance whenever it may he needed . " Before leaving this part of their report the Provincial Grand Lodgo Committee desire to call the attention of ' those brethren who have votes for the election of candidates at either of the Masonic Charities , to the immense advantage which accrues to the province from a systematic exchange of votes through a recognised channel . It is well known that many valuable votes arc lost to the province year after year , in consequence of the
negligence of tho voter , or a thoughtless distribution of the votes in directions from which no return can be anticipated . AVithout wishing to dictate the adoption of any fi ^ ed rule or to fetter individual action in any way , the Committee would nevertheless urge the brethren generally to consider the great advantage to be derived in dealing with the votes through one medium , aud they would suggest that the AA ' . M . ' sof the several lodges might do good service in collecting votes prior to each
election , for application on behalf of such candidates or of such provinces as might bo determined upon or selected by the Provincial Grand Lodge Committee . " The Provincial Grand Lodge Committee have given careful attention to the revision of tho bye laws of the Provincial Grand Lodge . And they recommend the adoption of the coda which will be presented for confirmation at this Provincial Grand Lod
ge , " The Provincial Grand Lodge Committee refer with pleasure to the present state of Masonry in this province . The various lodges are presided over by skilful and intelligent brethren who have the true interests of the Craft at heart . " The Provincial Grand Lodge Committee very hopefully regard the prospects of Freemasonry in the district as steadily improving , and conclude their report by expressing their sincere
desire that the coining year may be one of happiness and prosperity for the brethren of this large and important province . " On the motion of the R . AV . Prov . G . M . the report of the Provincial Grand Lodge Committee was . received and adopted . The code of revised by-laws , prepared and recommended by the Provincial Grand Lodge Committee , was then read by the
Provincial Grand Secretary , and , after some conversation , was adopted as tho code of by-laws for the government of this Provincial Grand Lodge . On the motion of the R . AV . Prov . G . M ., seconded by the AV . Deputy Prov . G . M ., the sum of twenty guineas was voted from the funds of the Provincial Grand Lodge as a donation to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , and a like amount as a donation to the Royal Freemasons' School for Female Children . These amounts to be handed to tho representative Stewards
from the Province to the festivals in 1867 . The sura of - £ o ' 5 s . was also voted to the Swansea Infirmary , and £ 10 as charitable relief to a distressed brother . The usual collection for the poor was then made , and the amount placed in the hands of the Provincial Grand Treasurer , to be given to the Vicar of the parish for distribution . The Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed in solemn form . The Provincial Grand Officers and members of the Provincial
Grand Lodge dined together at the Castle Hotel , at fouro ' clock , when the R . AV . Prov . G . M . presided , supported by the W . Deputy Prov . G . M ., all the newly-appointed Provincial Grand Officers , and the following brethren : R . F . Langley , P . Prov . S . G . AA . ; F . D . Michael , P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; James J . Hall , P . Prov . J . G . AA . ; 0 . G . AVilliams , P . Prov . J . G . AV . ; l ' . li . Rowland , P . Prov . J . G . W . ; N . B . Allen , P . Prov . G .
Treas . ; Robert Eaton , P . Prov . J . Ueg . ; AV . Whittingtou , P . Prov . J . Sec . ; Geo . Allen , P . Prov . G . Sec ; E . J . Thomas , P . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; II . AV . AVilliams , P . Prov . G . Purst . ; J . \ A . Hallam , P . Prov . G . S . ; AV * . 11 . Clnilincler , P . Prov . G . S . ; L . Tnllock , S . AA . 237 ; D . Williams , J . AV . 237 ; AA . J . Noad , F . A . Hop wood , G . 15 . Brock , AA . M . Rees , and others . On tho removal of the cloth the R . AV . Prov . G . M . gave the usual loyal and Masonic , toasts which were heartily responded
to . The AA . Deputy Prov . G . M . proposed amid the most enthusiastic applause , "Tho Health of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master , " which was drank with three times three and musical honours . This toast was followed by that of the AA . Deputy Prov . G . M . also received and drank with musical honours . " The Provincial Grand Officers , " responded to hy Bro . David Roberts , Prov . J . G . W . "The Lodges of the Pro-7
vince , " responded to by Bros . R . F . Langley , P . Prov . S . G . AA ., AV . M . 36 , John Felton , Prov . G . Sec , W . M . 833 , and John A \ illans , Prov . J . G . D ., AA . M . 960 ; and "Tho Committee of Management , " responded to by Bro . J . B . Brock . Bros . If . AA . AVilliams , J . Jones Hewson , AV . Cox , F . A . Hopwood , and others contributed to the harmony and pleasant enjoyment of the evening by singing some excellent songs . The arrangements generally gave much satisfaction , ancl the brethren separated at an early hour , thus agreeably concluding a profitable and very satisfactory meeting .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
of esteem and liig-h appreciation of his very valuable services during a period of eleven years . The B . W . Prov . G . M . then presented tiie esteemed IA . Depntv Provincial Grand Master Erb . Edward J . Morris with the Charity Jewel of Grand Lodpe , as the first Steward from the ¦ province of South Wales to the Boys and Girls Festivals , and ho tool ; occ JS ' in a highly effective speech to refer to the exertions of the Deputy Provincial Grand Master in aid of tho
charities , and his earnest endeavours to advance the interests and influence of the province . The R . AA . Prov . G . M . then proceeded io appoint and invest the Provincial Grand Officers for the ensuing year in the following ¦ order , viz .: — Bros . Charles Bath , 237 , Prov . S . G . W . ; David Uobevts , 3 G , J . G . W . ; D . Thomas , 833 , and H . V , . Hosken , 651 , G . Chaps . ; AVilliam
Cox , 237 , G . Treas . ; Thomas Thomas , 381 , G . Reg . ; John Felton , 833 , G . Sec . ; J . Brereton , 651 , S . G . D . ; J . Willans , 9 G 0 , J . G . P . ; J . Russell , 110 . G . Sup . of AVorks ; Thomas Powell , 23 ; and P . Donaldson , 361 , G . Dirs . of Cers . ; Charles Hill , 36 , G . S . B . ; Edward Pricker , 237 , G . Org . ; W . H . Bell , 960 , G . Purst . ; L . Tulloch , 237 , J . -Tones Howson , 237 , Prater , 651 AVilliams 110 Barry 36 ancl Evans 960 GStews
, , , , , , . . The Prov . G . Sec . then read the report of the Provincial Grand Lodge Committee , as follows : — "The Provincial Grand Lodge Committee as constituted at the last meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge , held at Cardiff on the 2 Sfch September , 1 SS 5 , have much pleasure in presenting their first report to the Provincial Grand Lodge . " The Provincial Grand Lodge Committee desire in the first
place to refer with considerable gratification to the thoroughly satisfactory working of tho system of Steward representation , the results of the past two years having conclusively proved the soundness of the change which has been made in the mode ¦ of supporting the Masonic Charities . At the festival of the Boys' School in March last , the province was ably represented by Ilro . R . F . Langley , P . Prov . S . G . AV ., whose subscription list , as the representative Steward to this charity , amounted to £ 115 4 s . 6 .
" Ihe Stewardship /' or the Girls' School was . undertaken by tho Deputy Prov . G . M ., whose subscription list amounted to £ 118 18 s . 3 d . The contributions to both charities amounted to £ 23-4 2 s . 9 d . " The Provincial Grand Lodge Committee point with much satisfaction to the fact that the subscriptions from the province to tho several Masonic charities during the years 1865-66 amount to nearly £ 150 . Thus it will be seen that the new
system , recommended with much confidence at the last meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge , has at once secured the hearty and cordial support of the brethren throughout the province , and the Provincial Grand Lodge Committee confidently anticipate results even more favourable than those now published . The province will be represented at the next festival of the Girls' School by Bro . It . F . Langley , 1 » . Prov . S . G . AA . and AV . AI . of the Glamorgan Lodge ( No . 36 ) Cardiff , and Bro . Charles
Bath , Prov . S . G . W . and W . M . of the Indefatigable Lodge ( No . 237 ) , Swansea , has undertaken to act as representative Steward at the next festival of the Boys' School . " The Provincial Grand Lodgo Committee venture to predict that the efforts of such zealous brethren will fully justify their sanguine expectations that success will continue to attend a system so favourably commenced and carried on . "As a very profitable consequence of the liberal contributions
of the brethren of South AVales to the various charities , the Provincial Grand Lodge Committee refer with much satisfaction to the augmented voting strength of the province . " Passing without comment the prestige which the Province has acquired , the Committee think it right to place on record the fact that this increased voting-power has not only enabled the province ( o repay to other provinces the votes generously contribwted at last year's election , but it has also materially assisted
in the return of their candidates to the Boys' and Girls'Schools , and to the Benevolent Institution , at the recent elections , thus establishing a claim upon those provinces for a renewal of kindly assistance whenever it may he needed . " Before leaving this part of their report the Provincial Grand Lodgo Committee desire to call the attention of ' those brethren who have votes for the election of candidates at either of the Masonic Charities , to the immense advantage which accrues to the province from a systematic exchange of votes through a recognised channel . It is well known that many valuable votes arc lost to the province year after year , in consequence of the
negligence of tho voter , or a thoughtless distribution of the votes in directions from which no return can be anticipated . AVithout wishing to dictate the adoption of any fi ^ ed rule or to fetter individual action in any way , the Committee would nevertheless urge the brethren generally to consider the great advantage to be derived in dealing with the votes through one medium , aud they would suggest that the AA ' . M . ' sof the several lodges might do good service in collecting votes prior to each
election , for application on behalf of such candidates or of such provinces as might bo determined upon or selected by the Provincial Grand Lodge Committee . " The Provincial Grand Lodge Committee have given careful attention to the revision of tho bye laws of the Provincial Grand Lodge . And they recommend the adoption of the coda which will be presented for confirmation at this Provincial Grand Lod
ge , " The Provincial Grand Lodge Committee refer with pleasure to the present state of Masonry in this province . The various lodges are presided over by skilful and intelligent brethren who have the true interests of the Craft at heart . " The Provincial Grand Lodge Committee very hopefully regard the prospects of Freemasonry in the district as steadily improving , and conclude their report by expressing their sincere
desire that the coining year may be one of happiness and prosperity for the brethren of this large and important province . " On the motion of the R . AV . Prov . G . M . the report of the Provincial Grand Lodge Committee was . received and adopted . The code of revised by-laws , prepared and recommended by the Provincial Grand Lodge Committee , was then read by the
Provincial Grand Secretary , and , after some conversation , was adopted as tho code of by-laws for the government of this Provincial Grand Lodge . On the motion of the R . AV . Prov . G . M ., seconded by the AV . Deputy Prov . G . M ., the sum of twenty guineas was voted from the funds of the Provincial Grand Lodge as a donation to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , and a like amount as a donation to the Royal Freemasons' School for Female Children . These amounts to be handed to tho representative Stewards
from the Province to the festivals in 1867 . The sura of - £ o ' 5 s . was also voted to the Swansea Infirmary , and £ 10 as charitable relief to a distressed brother . The usual collection for the poor was then made , and the amount placed in the hands of the Provincial Grand Treasurer , to be given to the Vicar of the parish for distribution . The Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed in solemn form . The Provincial Grand Officers and members of the Provincial
Grand Lodge dined together at the Castle Hotel , at fouro ' clock , when the R . AV . Prov . G . M . presided , supported by the W . Deputy Prov . G . M ., all the newly-appointed Provincial Grand Officers , and the following brethren : R . F . Langley , P . Prov . S . G . AA . ; F . D . Michael , P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; James J . Hall , P . Prov . J . G . AA . ; 0 . G . AVilliams , P . Prov . J . G . AV . ; l ' . li . Rowland , P . Prov . J . G . W . ; N . B . Allen , P . Prov . G .
Treas . ; Robert Eaton , P . Prov . J . Ueg . ; AV . Whittingtou , P . Prov . J . Sec . ; Geo . Allen , P . Prov . G . Sec ; E . J . Thomas , P . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; II . AV . AVilliams , P . Prov . G . Purst . ; J . \ A . Hallam , P . Prov . G . S . ; AV * . 11 . Clnilincler , P . Prov . G . S . ; L . Tnllock , S . AA . 237 ; D . Williams , J . AV . 237 ; AA . J . Noad , F . A . Hop wood , G . 15 . Brock , AA . M . Rees , and others . On tho removal of the cloth the R . AV . Prov . G . M . gave the usual loyal and Masonic , toasts which were heartily responded
to . The AA . Deputy Prov . G . M . proposed amid the most enthusiastic applause , "Tho Health of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master , " which was drank with three times three and musical honours . This toast was followed by that of the AA . Deputy Prov . G . M . also received and drank with musical honours . " The Provincial Grand Officers , " responded to hy Bro . David Roberts , Prov . J . G . W . "The Lodges of the Pro-7
vince , " responded to by Bros . R . F . Langley , P . Prov . S . G . AA ., AV . M . 36 , John Felton , Prov . G . Sec , W . M . 833 , and John A \ illans , Prov . J . G . D ., AA . M . 960 ; and "Tho Committee of Management , " responded to by Bro . J . B . Brock . Bros . If . AA . AVilliams , J . Jones Hewson , AV . Cox , F . A . Hopwood , and others contributed to the harmony and pleasant enjoyment of the evening by singing some excellent songs . The arrangements generally gave much satisfaction , ancl the brethren separated at an early hour , thus agreeably concluding a profitable and very satisfactory meeting .