Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 3 →
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• would say unhesitatingly that so assiduous had Bro . Long boon sinco ho had become identified with this lodgo of instruction that , had it not boon for him , they could not havo hoped to havo reached that position of prosperity and efficiency now onjoyod by tho AATiittington Lodgo of Instruction ; Bro . Long had evidently mado tho welfare of this lodgo his constant study ; ho ( tho W . M . ) was proud to bo ablo to respect Bro . Long aliko as a zealous and worthMason and a sincere private friend . This
y toast was received with tho marked appreciation of all present , and was followed by a fow others , which brought tho proceedings of this happy anniversary festival mooting- to a timely conclusion . AA o must not omit to state that tho enjoyment of tho brothron was greatly enhanced by tho admirable vocal powers displayed ' by tho AA . M ., by tho votoran Bro . Saqui , and by other talented volunteering musical brethren . " ~
CUMBERLAND . CABEISLE . —Union Lodge ( No . 310 . )—An emergency meeting of this lodge was held on Monday last , at high twelve , at the Freemasons' Hall . The chair of K . S . was occupied by Bro . C . J . Bannister , P . M ., P . G . S . B ., as AV . M . ( in the absence of Bro . Rev . AV . Cockett , P . Prov . G . C ., and AV . M . of this lodge ); and supported by Bros . G . G . Hayward , S . W . ; George Somerville 7
Steward , asJ . W . ; AA . Irwin , S . D . ; AV . H . Pulford , 268 and 310 , as J . D . ; George T . Clark , Sec . ; A . AVoodhouse , I . G ; J . Barnes , Tyler ; also \\ . Murray , I . P . M . ; F . W . Hayward , P . M ., Prov . S . G . W . ; Dir . of Cers ., 310 ; Thomas Sherrington , P . M . ; George Armstrong , Thomas Cockbain , [ 26 , Dumfermline , S . C . and 310 E . C . ; AV . Court , Thomas Gibson , Robert Metcalf , and B . H . Cooke . The lodge was opened in clue form with Mr
prayer . . John Thompson , of Wolverhampton being a candidate for initiation being previously ballotted for and approved of , was prepared and admitted in due form , aud initiated by Bro . C . J . Bannister in that truly Masonic style , which is so characteristic of that worthy brother . No other business offering itself , the lodge was closed in ancient form ,, and the brethren retired to the refreshment room , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts
were given . The health of the initiate was proposed by the AV . M . in a feeling speech , coupled with musical honours . Bros . F . AA . Hayward ancl A . Woodhouse sang the E . A . song , the brethren assisting with the chorus . Bro . J . Thompson returned thanks for the kind manner in which Bro . Bannister had proposed his health , and also for the musical honours ; after which the test questions in the 1 st degree were put round for the benefit of Bro . J . Thompson . The Tyler's toast brought the evening to a happy close , all parting in love and harmony .
iNSmuCTiON . —A meeting of instruction of the above lodge was held on Tuesday last at the Freemasons' Hall , when the chair was taken by Bro . Thos . Cockbain , AA . M ., supported by Bros . G . G . Hayward , S . AV . ; G . Somerville , J . AV . ; Robt . Metcalf , S . D . ; AA . II . Pulford , J . D . ; A . Woodhouse , Sec . and I G AA . Irwin , Steward ,- F . W . Hayward , P . M ., Dir . of Cers ' - AA . Court , I . P . M . ; G . T . Clark , J . Dee , G . Armstrong , ancl H . H . Southcott . The lod being opened in due formthe
ge , test question was passed round , and the working of tho first degree performed , each brother present taking his part , Bro . AA . II . Pulford giving the charge . The lodge was " then duly closed by the AV . M ., aud the brethren parted in harmony at a convenient hour . DEVONSHIRE .
MORICJE TOWN , DEVOSEOEI ' . —Lodge St . Aiibgii ( No . 954 ) . — A regular meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , tho 23 rd inst . Tho business of tho evening consisted in two raisings and one passing , the former being performed by the AA 7 iM ., Bro . A . Bird , in a most impressive and solemn manner and the latter by Bro . Spry , P . M ., P . G . S . The Secretary was ordered , on motion , to send a letter of condolence to an officer of tho lod
ge who has had the misfortune to be bereaved of his partner . Expressions of gratitude to the Giver of all Good having been offered , the lodge was closed . SOUTH AVALES ( EASTERN DIVISION ) . PitOAriNciAi . GEAND LODGE . The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge was held
at Swansea on Thursday the 18 th inst ., under the banner of the Indefatigable Lodge No . 237-Arrangements had been made to hold this meeting on the 27 th September last , and tho local Committee of Management had made extensive preparations to receive the , Provincial Grand Lodge , and the brethren of eminence , who were expected to honour the meeting with their presence , in a manner befitting
the occasion . No expense or labour was spared to ensure success , and the gathering was looked forward to with the utmost interest by the brethren of the province generally , and by the Swansea brethren in particular the coining event was eagerly anticipated , as an opportunity afforded them for manifesting their kindly feeling and hospitality in the most pleasant manner . Upwards of 300 were expected to be present at this festive assembly , and in order to accommodate so many with comfort and convenience ,,
it was arranged to serve the banquet in the large music hall . An especially suitable selection of Masonic glees , part songs , & c , had been made , by the musical committee , the rendering of which by the members of the Indefatigable Lodge would have been one of the noticeable features in the after dinner proceedings . In all respects the arrangements were satisfactorily comletewhen most unhappily the town was visited very severely
p , bv the prevailing epidemic , and as the day fixed for the Provincial Grand Lodge approached , it became apparent that there was not only a marked reluctance on the part of non-residents to visit a town in which disease was so rife , but it was also felt that it would be the most prudent course to postpone the meeting .
The R . AV . the Prov . G . M . with much judgment and promptitude determined , therefore , to defer holding the Provincial Grand Lodge until the town was in a healthier condition , ancl although considerable diappointment was experienced , yet it is only justice to the Swansea brethren to say that they acquiesed readily ancl even cheerfully in the decision of their chief , and faced the adverse circumstances bravely and fraternally . After much consideration it was subsequently determined to
hold the Provincial Grand Lodge on the 18 th inst . as a business meeting only , deprived of the usual festive proceedings on such , occasions , and it was under these altered circumstances that the Provincial Grand Lodge of South Wales ( Eastern Division ) met on Thursday last . Notwithstanding all the surrounding difficulties , the meeting was a most satisfactory one , the officers and members of the Provincial Grand Lodge mustered in good forceand nearly all the lodges iu the province were well
re-, presented . The Provincial Grand Lodge was opened at high twelve by the AV . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Theodore Mansel Talbot . The minutes of the last Provincial Grand Lodge were read and confirmed . The Prov . Grand Treasurer's accounts for the past year were received and adopted , printed statements of same being freely distributed among the brethren .
The R , AV . Prov . G . M . then addressed the Provincial Grand Lodge in an able , eloquent , and forcible speech , he first specially called the attention of the brethren to a communication from the M . AA . G . M . having reference to the reception of candidates without proper inquiries as to character .- the formation of new lodges , etc . urging upon the several AV . M . 's the necessity of exercising the greatest care and precaution in these matters . He then carefully ancl succinctly reviewed the events of the past
year , referring with much feeling and delicacy to one or two grievances existing in the province . Commenting in terms of the warmest appreciation upon the highly satisfactory working of the system of Steward representation , as affording not only the best support to the several Masonic Charities , but especially as acquiring for tho province so honourable a prestige and so strong an influence . He won the sympathand grateful
y appre ciation of the brethren by his kindly brotherly reference to the lato Prov . Grand Tyler , Bro . Probett , so long an esteemed ancl respected member of the Indefatigable Lodge , bearing testimony to his truthfulness , high integrity , and irreproachable conduct , and having cordially thanked the Committee of Management for their earnest endeavours to promote the comfort of the brethren , ancl to secure the success of the present
meeting , he concluded an admirable address , most attentively listened to . Bro . AVilliam Cox , P . M . 237 , was elected unanimously , and with every evidence of tho heartiest approval to fill the office of Provincial Grand Treasurer for the ensuing year , the retiring Provincial Grand Treasurer Bro . N . B . Allen , being presented with a Past Provincial Grand Treasurer ' s jewel , as a mark
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
• would say unhesitatingly that so assiduous had Bro . Long boon sinco ho had become identified with this lodgo of instruction that , had it not boon for him , they could not havo hoped to havo reached that position of prosperity and efficiency now onjoyod by tho AATiittington Lodgo of Instruction ; Bro . Long had evidently mado tho welfare of this lodgo his constant study ; ho ( tho W . M . ) was proud to bo ablo to respect Bro . Long aliko as a zealous and worthMason and a sincere private friend . This
y toast was received with tho marked appreciation of all present , and was followed by a fow others , which brought tho proceedings of this happy anniversary festival mooting- to a timely conclusion . AA o must not omit to state that tho enjoyment of tho brothron was greatly enhanced by tho admirable vocal powers displayed ' by tho AA . M ., by tho votoran Bro . Saqui , and by other talented volunteering musical brethren . " ~
CUMBERLAND . CABEISLE . —Union Lodge ( No . 310 . )—An emergency meeting of this lodge was held on Monday last , at high twelve , at the Freemasons' Hall . The chair of K . S . was occupied by Bro . C . J . Bannister , P . M ., P . G . S . B ., as AV . M . ( in the absence of Bro . Rev . AV . Cockett , P . Prov . G . C ., and AV . M . of this lodge ); and supported by Bros . G . G . Hayward , S . W . ; George Somerville 7
Steward , asJ . W . ; AA . Irwin , S . D . ; AV . H . Pulford , 268 and 310 , as J . D . ; George T . Clark , Sec . ; A . AVoodhouse , I . G ; J . Barnes , Tyler ; also \\ . Murray , I . P . M . ; F . W . Hayward , P . M ., Prov . S . G . W . ; Dir . of Cers ., 310 ; Thomas Sherrington , P . M . ; George Armstrong , Thomas Cockbain , [ 26 , Dumfermline , S . C . and 310 E . C . ; AV . Court , Thomas Gibson , Robert Metcalf , and B . H . Cooke . The lodge was opened in clue form with Mr
prayer . . John Thompson , of Wolverhampton being a candidate for initiation being previously ballotted for and approved of , was prepared and admitted in due form , aud initiated by Bro . C . J . Bannister in that truly Masonic style , which is so characteristic of that worthy brother . No other business offering itself , the lodge was closed in ancient form ,, and the brethren retired to the refreshment room , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts
were given . The health of the initiate was proposed by the AV . M . in a feeling speech , coupled with musical honours . Bros . F . AA . Hayward ancl A . Woodhouse sang the E . A . song , the brethren assisting with the chorus . Bro . J . Thompson returned thanks for the kind manner in which Bro . Bannister had proposed his health , and also for the musical honours ; after which the test questions in the 1 st degree were put round for the benefit of Bro . J . Thompson . The Tyler's toast brought the evening to a happy close , all parting in love and harmony .
iNSmuCTiON . —A meeting of instruction of the above lodge was held on Tuesday last at the Freemasons' Hall , when the chair was taken by Bro . Thos . Cockbain , AA . M ., supported by Bros . G . G . Hayward , S . AV . ; G . Somerville , J . AV . ; Robt . Metcalf , S . D . ; AA . II . Pulford , J . D . ; A . Woodhouse , Sec . and I G AA . Irwin , Steward ,- F . W . Hayward , P . M ., Dir . of Cers ' - AA . Court , I . P . M . ; G . T . Clark , J . Dee , G . Armstrong , ancl H . H . Southcott . The lod being opened in due formthe
ge , test question was passed round , and the working of tho first degree performed , each brother present taking his part , Bro . AA . II . Pulford giving the charge . The lodge was " then duly closed by the AV . M ., aud the brethren parted in harmony at a convenient hour . DEVONSHIRE .
MORICJE TOWN , DEVOSEOEI ' . —Lodge St . Aiibgii ( No . 954 ) . — A regular meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , tho 23 rd inst . Tho business of tho evening consisted in two raisings and one passing , the former being performed by the AA 7 iM ., Bro . A . Bird , in a most impressive and solemn manner and the latter by Bro . Spry , P . M ., P . G . S . The Secretary was ordered , on motion , to send a letter of condolence to an officer of tho lod
ge who has had the misfortune to be bereaved of his partner . Expressions of gratitude to the Giver of all Good having been offered , the lodge was closed . SOUTH AVALES ( EASTERN DIVISION ) . PitOAriNciAi . GEAND LODGE . The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge was held
at Swansea on Thursday the 18 th inst ., under the banner of the Indefatigable Lodge No . 237-Arrangements had been made to hold this meeting on the 27 th September last , and tho local Committee of Management had made extensive preparations to receive the , Provincial Grand Lodge , and the brethren of eminence , who were expected to honour the meeting with their presence , in a manner befitting
the occasion . No expense or labour was spared to ensure success , and the gathering was looked forward to with the utmost interest by the brethren of the province generally , and by the Swansea brethren in particular the coining event was eagerly anticipated , as an opportunity afforded them for manifesting their kindly feeling and hospitality in the most pleasant manner . Upwards of 300 were expected to be present at this festive assembly , and in order to accommodate so many with comfort and convenience ,,
it was arranged to serve the banquet in the large music hall . An especially suitable selection of Masonic glees , part songs , & c , had been made , by the musical committee , the rendering of which by the members of the Indefatigable Lodge would have been one of the noticeable features in the after dinner proceedings . In all respects the arrangements were satisfactorily comletewhen most unhappily the town was visited very severely
p , bv the prevailing epidemic , and as the day fixed for the Provincial Grand Lodge approached , it became apparent that there was not only a marked reluctance on the part of non-residents to visit a town in which disease was so rife , but it was also felt that it would be the most prudent course to postpone the meeting .
The R . AV . the Prov . G . M . with much judgment and promptitude determined , therefore , to defer holding the Provincial Grand Lodge until the town was in a healthier condition , ancl although considerable diappointment was experienced , yet it is only justice to the Swansea brethren to say that they acquiesed readily ancl even cheerfully in the decision of their chief , and faced the adverse circumstances bravely and fraternally . After much consideration it was subsequently determined to
hold the Provincial Grand Lodge on the 18 th inst . as a business meeting only , deprived of the usual festive proceedings on such , occasions , and it was under these altered circumstances that the Provincial Grand Lodge of South Wales ( Eastern Division ) met on Thursday last . Notwithstanding all the surrounding difficulties , the meeting was a most satisfactory one , the officers and members of the Provincial Grand Lodge mustered in good forceand nearly all the lodges iu the province were well
re-, presented . The Provincial Grand Lodge was opened at high twelve by the AV . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Theodore Mansel Talbot . The minutes of the last Provincial Grand Lodge were read and confirmed . The Prov . Grand Treasurer's accounts for the past year were received and adopted , printed statements of same being freely distributed among the brethren .
The R , AV . Prov . G . M . then addressed the Provincial Grand Lodge in an able , eloquent , and forcible speech , he first specially called the attention of the brethren to a communication from the M . AA . G . M . having reference to the reception of candidates without proper inquiries as to character .- the formation of new lodges , etc . urging upon the several AV . M . 's the necessity of exercising the greatest care and precaution in these matters . He then carefully ancl succinctly reviewed the events of the past
year , referring with much feeling and delicacy to one or two grievances existing in the province . Commenting in terms of the warmest appreciation upon the highly satisfactory working of the system of Steward representation , as affording not only the best support to the several Masonic Charities , but especially as acquiring for tho province so honourable a prestige and so strong an influence . He won the sympathand grateful
y appre ciation of the brethren by his kindly brotherly reference to the lato Prov . Grand Tyler , Bro . Probett , so long an esteemed ancl respected member of the Indefatigable Lodge , bearing testimony to his truthfulness , high integrity , and irreproachable conduct , and having cordially thanked the Committee of Management for their earnest endeavours to promote the comfort of the brethren , ancl to secure the success of the present
meeting , he concluded an admirable address , most attentively listened to . Bro . AVilliam Cox , P . M . 237 , was elected unanimously , and with every evidence of tho heartiest approval to fill the office of Provincial Grand Treasurer for the ensuing year , the retiring Provincial Grand Treasurer Bro . N . B . Allen , being presented with a Past Provincial Grand Treasurer ' s jewel , as a mark