Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
notice to the King , that if he does not make haste and settle affairs they will ask King AVilliam practically to take the government into his own hands . This was significant as showing the popular feeling . It is stated , however , that the treaty of peace is ail but completed , and that it does not provide for the perpetual occupation of Saxony hy Prussian troops . The Italian national flag was hoisted in Veaiae on the 10 th instant .
Be sure there was gicat vejoicir . g . Tl ' . e Wv . rtanhurg Gazette insists that Baron von Beust is to be the Foreign Minister of Austria . AA ' e very much doubt it . The Emperor of Austria has ordered the- completion of tho Moravian railway system with all expedition . Ho also orders tho execution of other public work in Moravia . The Emperor , Empress , and Prince
Imperial left Biarritz on the 21 st instant . Most of the accounts to band agree iu describing the health of the Emperor as being much improved . The Prince Imperial is said to he yet suffering from the effects of a fall from his pony . The Emperor has ordered that M . Thouvenal shall have a public funeral . Tho JTiiclepenclance Beige is the authority for a statement that
negotiations are in - progress between the Roman aud Greek Churches . It states that some progress has beon made , and that it is not improbable the union may be effected . The story is very improbable . There is much difference between the Greek and Roman Churches , ancl it is quite certain that to effect a union the concessions would havo to be all on one side
—the Greek . Baden wants to be under the wing of Prussia . A committee of the Chamber of Deputies urges that every effort should he made to bring South Germany into the North German Confederation . They urge that until this eau be accomplished the covr . mercial and military institutions of Baden should be assimilated to those of Prussia , and that in case of war an alliance should bo made with Prussia . The plebiscite has
taken place in Yenetia . 'Ihe returns which have been received at Florence leave no room for doubt that the vote has been almost a unanimous one . The telegram , although brief , gives the idea that the ceremony was unexampled for the pr . portion of the whole population that voted . Nor was the sanction of religion wanting . In the country places the priests headed processions of their flocks to the ballot-boxes .
The report is again current that France is in communication with the various Catholic Powers in reference to the Holy See . The Memorial Diplomatique says that France wishes to guavauthe the integrity of the Papal States , provided the Pope will agree to certain internal reforms , and enter into diplomatic relations with United Italy . AA e confess we very much doubt
tho accuracy of this statement . Any such proposal would be to interfere in a twofold manner—first with the Pope ' s Government , and secondly with the Government of Italy , upon whose good faith grave doubts-would be cast . The Greek Consul in London has received an official despatch from his Government in reference to the Cretan insurrection . It is in fact a state ,
ir . ent that the main body of the Turks had , after long and arduous fighting , been driven back hy the insurgents . The Independence Selge baa a stovy to tUe effect that Eaglaud . views with great jealousy the proposal of the Viceroy of Egypt to give to that country representative institutions England is said to regard this simply as a step to a French protectorate ,
ancl the Sultan is represented as being hotly opposed to the proposal . It would be the digging up of an old and long-buried policy were England to interfere in any way in the matter . The whole thing is a question between the Viceroy and his subjects , and probably no better step could be taken by him than to grant them a constitution . The very proposal is sig . incant , coming as it does from a Mahommeclan sovereign .
The Week.
The Neio " Free Press , a semi-official Vienna paper says that in all probability Baron von Buest will be the new Austrian Foreign Minister . Undoubtedly tbe Baron is one of the ablest politicians of tho clay ; but it is notorious that he is obnoxious to the King of Prussia . His appointment , therefore , looks very much as if tha Emperor of Austria did not much care to
stand well with Prussia , or , what is equally likely , ho is resolved to have some abler counsellors than those that have surrounded him lately All accounts tend to show tho utmost possible enthusiasm on tho part of tho Venetians in favour of union with Italy . In A ouico itself there wero 30 , 500 affirmative votes against 7 in tho negative . A Royal decree has appeared
fixing tho number of deputies to bo returned by Vcnotia to tho Italian Parliament at fifty , It is stated that Commander Maucardi has sot out for Paris on a mission relative to tho Pontifical debt .
AMERICA A- .- ; D THE COLONIES . —Tho Brazilian mail brings us details of tho capture by tho allies of the fort of Curuzu , a stronghold on the River Paraguay . Tho Brazilians put thoir own losses down at a much lower figure than those of their enerny . Ono of their ivon-clads was blown up by a torpedo , and tho commander and a largo number of tho crow shared tho iaio ol
tho vessel . Famine is doing its work in tho province of Oi-issa . It is said that one-half of the population havo already perished from waut of food . How much of this hideous result is duo to administrative incapacity will probably never bo known ; but whilo it is now admitted that measures of relief wore not commenced with sufficient promptitude , it is not less clear that
Government has novor boon equal to tho emergency . With tho resources of , i wholo nation within his immediate roach , tho Governor-General actually telegraphs to England for assistance , while tens of thousands of wretched peasants aro dying ; and pestilence is now still further decimating tho famine stricken districts of Bengal . Captain Jervis has wisely resolved to
appeal from tho decision of the court-martial which tried him , ancl tho judgment of tho Commander-in-Chief by whom tho findin" - was confirmed , to the authorities in this country .
To Correspondents.
* * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street Strand , London , AA . C . Errata in tbe letter of ' FoursT-osE YEARS A MASON , " iu our last issue . —Page 310 , 2 nd column , for " Bombastes Furiosi , " read " Bombastes Furioso . " Page 311 , 1 st column , 25 th line from tho top , for " in a manner and christian , " read "In a manner , and to all . "
A MEJIBEB OF ST . A . VDKEW ' S ROYAL Anon CHAPTER ( EDINBURGH . ) —AA ' o havo received your communication , which , being anonymous , wo cauuot now further refer to in our pages . Our correspondents must send us thoir actual names aud addresses . A \" o cauuot depart from these conditions . TO SUBSCRIBERS AND INTENDING SUBSCRIBERS . —In future , to prevent misuudorsticadiag ou the part of Subscribers and ' iu-Subscribers
touding ( moro especially those iu tho provinces and abroad ) and also to prevent unnecessary trouble and inconvenience to ourselves , we beg to remind our friends that yearly half-yearly , or quarterly subscriptions aro payable in advance , the amounts being respectively 2 Gs ., 13 s ., and Cs . Gd ., postage free , within Great Britain , tho foreign postage rates beiug extra must bo added . A remittance for tho amount of tho subscriptionor if for abroad subscription and postago should
, bo forwarded with tho order for tho supply of tho MAGAZINE , remittances to bo in favour of tho Proprietor , Mr . William Smith , C . E ., aud if by P . O . O . to bo payable at tho Strand Money Order Otlice . Numbers not paid for in advance should bo ordered through a bookseller .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
notice to the King , that if he does not make haste and settle affairs they will ask King AVilliam practically to take the government into his own hands . This was significant as showing the popular feeling . It is stated , however , that the treaty of peace is ail but completed , and that it does not provide for the perpetual occupation of Saxony hy Prussian troops . The Italian national flag was hoisted in Veaiae on the 10 th instant .
Be sure there was gicat vejoicir . g . Tl ' . e Wv . rtanhurg Gazette insists that Baron von Beust is to be the Foreign Minister of Austria . AA ' e very much doubt it . The Emperor of Austria has ordered the- completion of tho Moravian railway system with all expedition . Ho also orders tho execution of other public work in Moravia . The Emperor , Empress , and Prince
Imperial left Biarritz on the 21 st instant . Most of the accounts to band agree iu describing the health of the Emperor as being much improved . The Prince Imperial is said to he yet suffering from the effects of a fall from his pony . The Emperor has ordered that M . Thouvenal shall have a public funeral . Tho JTiiclepenclance Beige is the authority for a statement that
negotiations are in - progress between the Roman aud Greek Churches . It states that some progress has beon made , and that it is not improbable the union may be effected . The story is very improbable . There is much difference between the Greek and Roman Churches , ancl it is quite certain that to effect a union the concessions would havo to be all on one side
—the Greek . Baden wants to be under the wing of Prussia . A committee of the Chamber of Deputies urges that every effort should he made to bring South Germany into the North German Confederation . They urge that until this eau be accomplished the covr . mercial and military institutions of Baden should be assimilated to those of Prussia , and that in case of war an alliance should bo made with Prussia . The plebiscite has
taken place in Yenetia . 'Ihe returns which have been received at Florence leave no room for doubt that the vote has been almost a unanimous one . The telegram , although brief , gives the idea that the ceremony was unexampled for the pr . portion of the whole population that voted . Nor was the sanction of religion wanting . In the country places the priests headed processions of their flocks to the ballot-boxes .
The report is again current that France is in communication with the various Catholic Powers in reference to the Holy See . The Memorial Diplomatique says that France wishes to guavauthe the integrity of the Papal States , provided the Pope will agree to certain internal reforms , and enter into diplomatic relations with United Italy . AA e confess we very much doubt
tho accuracy of this statement . Any such proposal would be to interfere in a twofold manner—first with the Pope ' s Government , and secondly with the Government of Italy , upon whose good faith grave doubts-would be cast . The Greek Consul in London has received an official despatch from his Government in reference to the Cretan insurrection . It is in fact a state ,
ir . ent that the main body of the Turks had , after long and arduous fighting , been driven back hy the insurgents . The Independence Selge baa a stovy to tUe effect that Eaglaud . views with great jealousy the proposal of the Viceroy of Egypt to give to that country representative institutions England is said to regard this simply as a step to a French protectorate ,
ancl the Sultan is represented as being hotly opposed to the proposal . It would be the digging up of an old and long-buried policy were England to interfere in any way in the matter . The whole thing is a question between the Viceroy and his subjects , and probably no better step could be taken by him than to grant them a constitution . The very proposal is sig . incant , coming as it does from a Mahommeclan sovereign .
The Week.
The Neio " Free Press , a semi-official Vienna paper says that in all probability Baron von Buest will be the new Austrian Foreign Minister . Undoubtedly tbe Baron is one of the ablest politicians of tho clay ; but it is notorious that he is obnoxious to the King of Prussia . His appointment , therefore , looks very much as if tha Emperor of Austria did not much care to
stand well with Prussia , or , what is equally likely , ho is resolved to have some abler counsellors than those that have surrounded him lately All accounts tend to show tho utmost possible enthusiasm on tho part of tho Venetians in favour of union with Italy . In A ouico itself there wero 30 , 500 affirmative votes against 7 in tho negative . A Royal decree has appeared
fixing tho number of deputies to bo returned by Vcnotia to tho Italian Parliament at fifty , It is stated that Commander Maucardi has sot out for Paris on a mission relative to tho Pontifical debt .
AMERICA A- .- ; D THE COLONIES . —Tho Brazilian mail brings us details of tho capture by tho allies of the fort of Curuzu , a stronghold on the River Paraguay . Tho Brazilians put thoir own losses down at a much lower figure than those of their enerny . Ono of their ivon-clads was blown up by a torpedo , and tho commander and a largo number of tho crow shared tho iaio ol
tho vessel . Famine is doing its work in tho province of Oi-issa . It is said that one-half of the population havo already perished from waut of food . How much of this hideous result is duo to administrative incapacity will probably never bo known ; but whilo it is now admitted that measures of relief wore not commenced with sufficient promptitude , it is not less clear that
Government has novor boon equal to tho emergency . With tho resources of , i wholo nation within his immediate roach , tho Governor-General actually telegraphs to England for assistance , while tens of thousands of wretched peasants aro dying ; and pestilence is now still further decimating tho famine stricken districts of Bengal . Captain Jervis has wisely resolved to
appeal from tho decision of the court-martial which tried him , ancl tho judgment of tho Commander-in-Chief by whom tho findin" - was confirmed , to the authorities in this country .
To Correspondents.
* * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street Strand , London , AA . C . Errata in tbe letter of ' FoursT-osE YEARS A MASON , " iu our last issue . —Page 310 , 2 nd column , for " Bombastes Furiosi , " read " Bombastes Furioso . " Page 311 , 1 st column , 25 th line from tho top , for " in a manner and christian , " read "In a manner , and to all . "
A MEJIBEB OF ST . A . VDKEW ' S ROYAL Anon CHAPTER ( EDINBURGH . ) —AA ' o havo received your communication , which , being anonymous , wo cauuot now further refer to in our pages . Our correspondents must send us thoir actual names aud addresses . A \" o cauuot depart from these conditions . TO SUBSCRIBERS AND INTENDING SUBSCRIBERS . —In future , to prevent misuudorsticadiag ou the part of Subscribers and ' iu-Subscribers
touding ( moro especially those iu tho provinces and abroad ) and also to prevent unnecessary trouble and inconvenience to ourselves , we beg to remind our friends that yearly half-yearly , or quarterly subscriptions aro payable in advance , the amounts being respectively 2 Gs ., 13 s ., and Cs . Gd ., postage free , within Great Britain , tho foreign postage rates beiug extra must bo added . A remittance for tho amount of tho subscriptionor if for abroad subscription and postago should
, bo forwarded with tho order for tho supply of tho MAGAZINE , remittances to bo in favour of tho Proprietor , Mr . William Smith , C . E ., aud if by P . O . O . to bo payable at tho Strand Money Order Otlice . Numbers not paid for in advance should bo ordered through a bookseller .