Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 3 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 2 →
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YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . HUH ,. —Humble Lodge ( No . 57 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on the 16 th inst ., at the Freemasons' Hall , Osbornestreet . The officers and representatives of the neighbouring lodges had been invited to the meeting . The commodious and elegant lodge-room was well filled on the occasion , and , being admirabllihted the appearance of the lodge-room was
y g up , very pleasing . The W . M . 'Bro . Martin Kemp presided ; and on the dais were the Deputy Provincial Grand Master for the North and East Hidings of York ; the AA . M- of the Minerva Lodge ; P . M . Bro . Marillicr , of the Kingston Lodge ; tho W . M . of the Constitution Lodge , Beverley ; several P . M . ' s of the visiting lodges , and P . M . 's of the flumber Lodge . Amongst the other visiting brethren was one from New York , another
from Lodou , aud others from elsewhere , ancl also Bro . Charles Hengler . The working in the lodge included an initiation , which was well performed by the AV . M . and his officers . The business of the lodge over , from 80 to 100 brethren retired to the banqueting-rooili , where an excellent ancl admirably-served banquet had been put on the table by Bro . Peacock . The banquet included a haunch of venison , presented to the AA . M . bBro . Lord LondesboroughThe usual loyal and Masonic
y . toasts having been proposed ancl responded to , the AV . M ., in a few appropriate ancl hearty words of welcome and fraternal regard , proposed the toast of the AV . M . ' s and the officers of the Minerva and Kingston Lodges . This was acknowledged by the AV . M . of the Minerva , and Bro . P . M . Marillier , of the Kingston Ledge . The S . AV . ( Bro . Robinson ) proposed the AV . M . ancl officers of the Constitution Lodge of Beverley , which was
acknowledged by the W . M . of the Constitution ( Bro . Tom Turner ) , who called upon the lodge to drink the health of the AA . M . ( Bro , Kemp ) . This call was responded to with enthusiasm , and fittingly acknowledged by the AV . M . The J . AA . ( Bro . Cohen ) then proposed " The A isitors , " coupling therewith the names of the brother from New York and Bro . Charles Hengler . As to Bro . Hengler , Bro . Cohen pointed out how
well and practically he illustrated the Alasonic virtue of charit y by his manly act of benevolence . In the course of the meeting the honour conferred by Lord Zetland upon the AV . M ., in making him Prov . G . S . D . at the recent Provincial Grand Lodge at Richmond was alluded to , and the feeling of gratitude to the Prov . G . M . was uiinmistakeably expressed by the lodge . Bro . Stephenson presided at the piano , and several brethren added to tho pleasures of a very agreeable meeting by their admirable singing of several songs , & c
SOARHOBO . . — Old Globe Lodge ( No . 200 ) . —The members of this lodge assembled at the Freemasons' Hull , Scarborough , on the evening of Wednesday , the 17 th inst . Bro . ' . J . F . | Spurr , P . M ., in the chair of K . S ., ( Bro . G . Knight , AA . M ., being unwell ) , there were nlso present : Bros . Captain AV . E . Richardson , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; Dr . AA . F . Booke , P . Prov . J . G . W . ; R . W . Hollon , Prov . G . Treas . ; A . Sleed , P . Prov . S . G . AV . GloucestershireAA BeauPM AV BStewartPM Captain
; . , .. ; . . , .. ; G . Symons , P . AA , ; R . H . Peacock , as J . AA . ; Dr . Armitage , S . D . ; AV . Peacock , as J . D . ; J . Raper , J . G . ; Sandars ancl Ash , Tylers , and a large attendance of brethren . The lodge was properly tyled , and opened in the first degree . The minutes of the former regular stated lodge , and of a Master Masons' lodge of emergency to raise to the sublime degree , Bros . Livingston ancl Smailes , on the 10 th inst ., were read and confirmed . Mr . AV .
Stevenson was ballotted for and accepted a candidate for initiation into Freemasonry . The lodge wos opened in the second degree , when Bro . W . F . Rooke ; P . Prov . J . G . AV ., proceeded to pass to the F . C . degree , Bros . Kirby and Massey . Bro . AA . E . Richardson , P . Prov . S . G . AA ., gave the charge . The lodge was closed in the second degree . Mr . AV . Jancowski , formerly a member of this lodge , was ballotted for and re-elected a subscriber . The lodge was closed with prayer , and in- perfect harmony at nine o ' clock , p . m .
Royal Arch.
BEII-IAS- CitAri'ER ( No . 33 ) . —The usual convocation of this Chapter was held on Friday , the 12 th instant , at the Freemasons' Hall ; the following comp ? . were present , viz . v . rombie , M . E . Z . ; Glegg , Scribe E . ; Woodward , Scribe N . ' Glaisher , first Assist . S ' oj . acting as P . S . ; England , P . Z . as second Princi pal in the absence of Comp . Battye ; AV . Smith ,
Royal Arch.
C . TH ., P . Z . as third Principal in the absence of Comp J . E .. McDonnell ; aud Comps . Ohren , Pawley , Shields , AA ood , Marshall , Fairlie . Bro . C . F . Varley was exalted to the degree of a R . A . Mason and joined the companions . Comp . AV . Watson , P . Z ., was a visitor to the chapter this evening . DEVONSHIRE . MOEICE TOWNDEEONEOET . —St . Aah / n ' s Chapter ( No . 954 )
, , —The regular quarterly convocation of the chapter assembled on Monday , the 16 th inst . The minutes of the previous regular and emergency meeting having been read and confirmed , the work of the evening commenced by the installation of the Principals , the ceremonies peculiar to which were most ably and impressively performed by the E . Comp . S . Chappie , P . Z .,. P . P . G . P . Soj . assisted bE : Comp . T . Elphinstoneand others .
, y , The Board of Principals having been closed , and the companions re-admitted , the First Principal invested the officers for the year , which now rank as follows : —Comps . F . G . Irwin , Z . ; J . R . H . Spry , P . G . D . C , H . ; V . Bird , J . ; S . Chappie , P . P . G . P . S ., P . Z . ; P . B . Clemens , Scribe E . ; S . K . Gudridge , Scribe N . ; J . Hawton , Prin . Soj . ; T . Heath , J . H . Trounce , Assist . Soj . ; J . Rashbrook , Janitor . The labours of the evening then terminated
ancl tho companions adjourned to celebrate the installation festival . The E . Comp . Irwin presided , supported by the second and third Principals , and the customary toasts were given and duly honoured , and a truly enjoyable hour spent . Comp . Vowles , P . Z ., from Bristol , returned thanks as one of the visitors ; he warmly eulogised the members of this cnapter and the Craft lodge , for their truly Masonic spirit .
Mark Masonry.
DEVONSHIRE . MOEICE TOWN , DEVONPOET . —Lodge St . Aubyn ( No . 6-t ) . The annual mooting of this lodgo was hold on Monday , tho 22 nd inst ., for tho purpose of confirming tho minutes of tho previouslodge , aud thereupon installing tho Master elect , Bro . Vincent Bird , G . M . O . of the Grand Lodgo of England . Immodiatoly after tho minutes had been road ancl confirmed , tho Master olocb dul
was y presented , and , having given the usual necessary assent , was , after the brethren beneath tho rank of AA . M . had retired , duly placod in tho chair of Adonhiram , in tho presence of tho following Board of Installed Masters : —Bro . John R . H . Spry , P . M ., Prov . G . Dir . of Cirs . ; Bro , S . Chappie , P . M ., ' P . Prov . G . Reg ., P . G . Dir . of Cirs . of tho Grand Lodge of Mark Masters , England ; Bro . AV . J . Hughan , P . M ., G . S . O . of the Grand LodgoM . M . ; and Bro . C . ElhinstonePMPProv
, p , .., . .. G . D . Tho Board of Installed Masters having beon closed , tho brethren wore admitted , and saluted their now Master , who then invested and appointed his officers , which now stand as under Bros . Vincent Bird , G . M . O ., AV . M . ; John R . If . Spry , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., P . M . ; Philip B . Clemens , S . AA . ; S . K . Gudrido-e ' S . Reg ., XAA . ; Samuel Chappie , P . M ., P . G . Dir . of Cora ., Treas . j John R . If . Spry , P . M ., Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., Soe . ; James Hanson , Prov . G . Steward , M . O . ; Thomas Heath , Prov . A . G . h
Sec , S . O . ; JosepH . Trounce , J . O . ; John Reed Huxtable , Org . Mathow Paul , Prov . G . Steward , S . D . ; Orlando Jolfiffo , J . D . Edmund Butchers , M . of Cors . ; John Brown , Prov . G . Steward ' J . G . ; J . Fisher , Reg . ; AA . Foxwoll aud J . ' Watson , Stewards ' ; and James Rashhook , Tyler . The usual addresses to the newlyappointed officers was then delivered , and , tho labour of the evening having thus terminated , the brothron adjourned to the Queen ' s Head Hotel to celebrate the festival . The toast of tho evening was drank with much enthusiasm .
Obituary .
DEATH OF BRO AA'ILLIAM LEEDES FOX . It is with deep regret that we have to announce tbe death of Bro . AV . Leedcs Fox , the Deputy Prcv . G . M . of Norfolk , which occurred at his residence , Harlestone , on Sunday hist . Bro . Fox had for many years previous to his last appointment filled the office of Prov . G . Sec , and the ability and uniform courtesy with which he discharged the duties of this responsible office secured for lrm r . ot onl y the confidence and respect of the Provincial Grand Lodge of which ho was a great ornament , hut
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . HUH ,. —Humble Lodge ( No . 57 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on the 16 th inst ., at the Freemasons' Hall , Osbornestreet . The officers and representatives of the neighbouring lodges had been invited to the meeting . The commodious and elegant lodge-room was well filled on the occasion , and , being admirabllihted the appearance of the lodge-room was
y g up , very pleasing . The W . M . 'Bro . Martin Kemp presided ; and on the dais were the Deputy Provincial Grand Master for the North and East Hidings of York ; the AA . M- of the Minerva Lodge ; P . M . Bro . Marillicr , of the Kingston Lodge ; tho W . M . of the Constitution Lodge , Beverley ; several P . M . ' s of the visiting lodges , and P . M . 's of the flumber Lodge . Amongst the other visiting brethren was one from New York , another
from Lodou , aud others from elsewhere , ancl also Bro . Charles Hengler . The working in the lodge included an initiation , which was well performed by the AV . M . and his officers . The business of the lodge over , from 80 to 100 brethren retired to the banqueting-rooili , where an excellent ancl admirably-served banquet had been put on the table by Bro . Peacock . The banquet included a haunch of venison , presented to the AA . M . bBro . Lord LondesboroughThe usual loyal and Masonic
y . toasts having been proposed ancl responded to , the AV . M ., in a few appropriate ancl hearty words of welcome and fraternal regard , proposed the toast of the AV . M . ' s and the officers of the Minerva and Kingston Lodges . This was acknowledged by the AV . M . of the Minerva , and Bro . P . M . Marillier , of the Kingston Ledge . The S . AV . ( Bro . Robinson ) proposed the AV . M . ancl officers of the Constitution Lodge of Beverley , which was
acknowledged by the W . M . of the Constitution ( Bro . Tom Turner ) , who called upon the lodge to drink the health of the AA . M . ( Bro , Kemp ) . This call was responded to with enthusiasm , and fittingly acknowledged by the AV . M . The J . AA . ( Bro . Cohen ) then proposed " The A isitors , " coupling therewith the names of the brother from New York and Bro . Charles Hengler . As to Bro . Hengler , Bro . Cohen pointed out how
well and practically he illustrated the Alasonic virtue of charit y by his manly act of benevolence . In the course of the meeting the honour conferred by Lord Zetland upon the AV . M ., in making him Prov . G . S . D . at the recent Provincial Grand Lodge at Richmond was alluded to , and the feeling of gratitude to the Prov . G . M . was uiinmistakeably expressed by the lodge . Bro . Stephenson presided at the piano , and several brethren added to tho pleasures of a very agreeable meeting by their admirable singing of several songs , & c
SOARHOBO . . — Old Globe Lodge ( No . 200 ) . —The members of this lodge assembled at the Freemasons' Hull , Scarborough , on the evening of Wednesday , the 17 th inst . Bro . ' . J . F . | Spurr , P . M ., in the chair of K . S ., ( Bro . G . Knight , AA . M ., being unwell ) , there were nlso present : Bros . Captain AV . E . Richardson , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; Dr . AA . F . Booke , P . Prov . J . G . W . ; R . W . Hollon , Prov . G . Treas . ; A . Sleed , P . Prov . S . G . AV . GloucestershireAA BeauPM AV BStewartPM Captain
; . , .. ; . . , .. ; G . Symons , P . AA , ; R . H . Peacock , as J . AA . ; Dr . Armitage , S . D . ; AV . Peacock , as J . D . ; J . Raper , J . G . ; Sandars ancl Ash , Tylers , and a large attendance of brethren . The lodge was properly tyled , and opened in the first degree . The minutes of the former regular stated lodge , and of a Master Masons' lodge of emergency to raise to the sublime degree , Bros . Livingston ancl Smailes , on the 10 th inst ., were read and confirmed . Mr . AV .
Stevenson was ballotted for and accepted a candidate for initiation into Freemasonry . The lodge wos opened in the second degree , when Bro . W . F . Rooke ; P . Prov . J . G . AV ., proceeded to pass to the F . C . degree , Bros . Kirby and Massey . Bro . AA . E . Richardson , P . Prov . S . G . AA ., gave the charge . The lodge was closed in the second degree . Mr . AV . Jancowski , formerly a member of this lodge , was ballotted for and re-elected a subscriber . The lodge was closed with prayer , and in- perfect harmony at nine o ' clock , p . m .
Royal Arch.
BEII-IAS- CitAri'ER ( No . 33 ) . —The usual convocation of this Chapter was held on Friday , the 12 th instant , at the Freemasons' Hall ; the following comp ? . were present , viz . v . rombie , M . E . Z . ; Glegg , Scribe E . ; Woodward , Scribe N . ' Glaisher , first Assist . S ' oj . acting as P . S . ; England , P . Z . as second Princi pal in the absence of Comp . Battye ; AV . Smith ,
Royal Arch.
C . TH ., P . Z . as third Principal in the absence of Comp J . E .. McDonnell ; aud Comps . Ohren , Pawley , Shields , AA ood , Marshall , Fairlie . Bro . C . F . Varley was exalted to the degree of a R . A . Mason and joined the companions . Comp . AV . Watson , P . Z ., was a visitor to the chapter this evening . DEVONSHIRE . MOEICE TOWNDEEONEOET . —St . Aah / n ' s Chapter ( No . 954 )
, , —The regular quarterly convocation of the chapter assembled on Monday , the 16 th inst . The minutes of the previous regular and emergency meeting having been read and confirmed , the work of the evening commenced by the installation of the Principals , the ceremonies peculiar to which were most ably and impressively performed by the E . Comp . S . Chappie , P . Z .,. P . P . G . P . Soj . assisted bE : Comp . T . Elphinstoneand others .
, y , The Board of Principals having been closed , and the companions re-admitted , the First Principal invested the officers for the year , which now rank as follows : —Comps . F . G . Irwin , Z . ; J . R . H . Spry , P . G . D . C , H . ; V . Bird , J . ; S . Chappie , P . P . G . P . S ., P . Z . ; P . B . Clemens , Scribe E . ; S . K . Gudridge , Scribe N . ; J . Hawton , Prin . Soj . ; T . Heath , J . H . Trounce , Assist . Soj . ; J . Rashbrook , Janitor . The labours of the evening then terminated
ancl tho companions adjourned to celebrate the installation festival . The E . Comp . Irwin presided , supported by the second and third Principals , and the customary toasts were given and duly honoured , and a truly enjoyable hour spent . Comp . Vowles , P . Z ., from Bristol , returned thanks as one of the visitors ; he warmly eulogised the members of this cnapter and the Craft lodge , for their truly Masonic spirit .
Mark Masonry.
DEVONSHIRE . MOEICE TOWN , DEVONPOET . —Lodge St . Aubyn ( No . 6-t ) . The annual mooting of this lodgo was hold on Monday , tho 22 nd inst ., for tho purpose of confirming tho minutes of tho previouslodge , aud thereupon installing tho Master elect , Bro . Vincent Bird , G . M . O . of the Grand Lodgo of England . Immodiatoly after tho minutes had been road ancl confirmed , tho Master olocb dul
was y presented , and , having given the usual necessary assent , was , after the brethren beneath tho rank of AA . M . had retired , duly placod in tho chair of Adonhiram , in tho presence of tho following Board of Installed Masters : —Bro . John R . H . Spry , P . M ., Prov . G . Dir . of Cirs . ; Bro , S . Chappie , P . M ., ' P . Prov . G . Reg ., P . G . Dir . of Cirs . of tho Grand Lodge of Mark Masters , England ; Bro . AV . J . Hughan , P . M ., G . S . O . of the Grand LodgoM . M . ; and Bro . C . ElhinstonePMPProv
, p , .., . .. G . D . Tho Board of Installed Masters having beon closed , tho brethren wore admitted , and saluted their now Master , who then invested and appointed his officers , which now stand as under Bros . Vincent Bird , G . M . O ., AV . M . ; John R . If . Spry , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., P . M . ; Philip B . Clemens , S . AA . ; S . K . Gudrido-e ' S . Reg ., XAA . ; Samuel Chappie , P . M ., P . G . Dir . of Cora ., Treas . j John R . If . Spry , P . M ., Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., Soe . ; James Hanson , Prov . G . Steward , M . O . ; Thomas Heath , Prov . A . G . h
Sec , S . O . ; JosepH . Trounce , J . O . ; John Reed Huxtable , Org . Mathow Paul , Prov . G . Steward , S . D . ; Orlando Jolfiffo , J . D . Edmund Butchers , M . of Cors . ; John Brown , Prov . G . Steward ' J . G . ; J . Fisher , Reg . ; AA . Foxwoll aud J . ' Watson , Stewards ' ; and James Rashhook , Tyler . The usual addresses to the newlyappointed officers was then delivered , and , tho labour of the evening having thus terminated , the brothron adjourned to the Queen ' s Head Hotel to celebrate the festival . The toast of tho evening was drank with much enthusiasm .
Obituary .
DEATH OF BRO AA'ILLIAM LEEDES FOX . It is with deep regret that we have to announce tbe death of Bro . AV . Leedcs Fox , the Deputy Prcv . G . M . of Norfolk , which occurred at his residence , Harlestone , on Sunday hist . Bro . Fox had for many years previous to his last appointment filled the office of Prov . G . Sec , and the ability and uniform courtesy with which he discharged the duties of this responsible office secured for lrm r . ot onl y the confidence and respect of the Provincial Grand Lodge of which ho was a great ornament , hut