Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEM. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 2 →
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THE MASONIC MIRROR . * ' * All communications to bo addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , ' Strand , London , W . C .
Masonic Mem.
Soum WALES ( EASTEBN DIVISION ) . —The Provincial Grand Meeting , which was to . have taken place some time since at Swansea , but was postponed on account of the prevalence of cholera , was held on the ISth inst . A full account of the proceedings will be found on another page . It has afforded us pleasure to notice the progress which has recently been made in
Freemasonry in this province , and the zeal and energy displayed by the Prov . Grand Officers . It is additionally gratifying to find that such respectable amounts were subscribed in aid of the Masonic and local charities .
MOUNT LEBANON" LODGE ( "SO . 73 ) . —Continuing our report of the meeting of this lodge , held on the 16 th inst . —Two pounds were voted and immediately paid to a distressed brother , ( an old P . M . of the St . Andrew ' s Lodge ) from the charity fund of this lodge . It was proposed , seconded , and carried unanimously , " That Bro . Robert Ord be accepted as the Steward to represent this lodge at the forthcoming festival of the Boys ' School , for 1 S 67 , in the place of Bro . P . . AValters , P . M ., who
resigned that honour in consequence of his already being the Steward for the next festival of the Girls' School in 1867 , and finding he could not hope to do justice to both charities in one year . " Notice of motion was given to vote £ 10 to the AVidows ' Annuity , in the name of the Treasurer of the lodge for the time being , from the lodge funds . Two gentlemen were proposed as candidates for initiation at the next lodge meeting . The lodge was closed until TuesdayNovember 20 th . Visitor :
, Bro . H . Massey , J . AV . No . 619 . BEADON LODGE ( No . 619 ) . —A meeting of this lodge took place-at the Greyhound , Dulwich , on the 17 th inst ., when Bro . Edward S . Parker , the AA " . M ., raised Bros . Chapman and AA ells , passed Bros . AYiles and Halls , and initiated Messrs . W . Taverner , Richard Pearse , J . AV . Forge , and Pratt . The ceremonies were admirably performedand the brethrenwhen the lod was
, , ge closed , adjourned to banquet . Bro . H . Muggeridge , in returning thanks for the visitors , explained to the four initiates that Masonry was not merely a name , but that it meant something more than a good dinner , though that was not to be despised . Freemasons had some excellent Charities , the support of which was a great object of Masonry , and he begged the newly made brethren to bear this in mind . He also expressed a wish that all
Masons should go and see for themselves the Schools at Woodgveen aud Battersea-vise , when he was quite sure they would all be gratified at the efforts which were made properly to educate and take the entire management of the sons and daughters of our less fortunate brethren . The brethren separated at ' an early hour in peace aud harmony .
ROSE or D ENMA . LODGE ( No . 9 < 5 ) . —The first meeting of tins lodgo for the season was held on the 19 th inst . at the AVhite Hart Tavern , Barnes , Survey . The lodge was duly opened hy the AV . M ., Bro . Cockburn , assisted bv Bros . Oliver , S . W . ; Page , J . W . ; Potter , Treas . ; Little , P . M . and Sec ; Noyce , J . D . ; Barnes , I . G . ; Graham , Gurney , Hankins , Davis , Samols , Smith , Beamish , Wilcox , Goodale , and several other brethren . After the usual preliminaries , Bro . Barnard was
passed to the second degree , and the brethren proceeded to the elections for the ensuing year , when Bros . Oliver , S . AV ., was unanimously chosen W . M . ; Bro . Potter , Treas . ; and Bro . Gilbert , Tyler . Bros . Hanlcins , Newens , and Beamish wore elected Auditors . The lodge was then called off to refreshment , when a capital banquet was served by the worthy host , Bro . Willcox . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts wero duly given ; the pleasures of the evening being greatly enhanced by the talented efforts of Bros . Tolley , Marriott , and
AVhitehouse , of Her Majesty ' s Chapel Boyal , AVindsor , who had been specially invited by the A \ . M . for the occasion . Bro , J . Smith , P . G . P ., responded for tho G . officers ; Bro . Little . I . P . M ., for the P . M . 's ; Bro . Jones , AV . M . S 20 , for the visitors ; and the health of the AA' . M . elect was received with enthusiasm . The sum of five guineas was voted for a P . M . ' s jewel for the retiring Master , and the lodge was then closed
INSTRUCTION . AVHITTINGTON LODGE OE INSTBTTCTION ( No . 862 ) . —The fourth anniversary banquet meeting of this hard-working exemplary lodge of instruction took place on the 18 th inst ., at Bro . Quelch ' s , Dick's Hotel , Fleet-street . In spite of the unfavourable state of the weather , there was a goodly muster of brethrenincluding several visitingbrethren . The chair of K . S .
, was occupied hy Bro . Alexander , P . M . 188 , supported by his officers , as follows : Bros . Hurlstone ( P . M . of the mother lodge ) P . M . ; Spiegel , S . W . ; Feldman , J . W . ; Davis , S . D . ; Alliston ,. J . D . ; Hooper , I . G . ; Long , Sec . ; and about thirty-two brethren in all were present . This lodge having been duly opened , and the minutes of the last meeting confirmed , the first lecture was admirablworked in sections bBros . HooperSpiegelFeldman
y y , , , Turner , Green , and Long . Several brethren Vere elected members of this lodge of " instruction ; and Bro . Long was , byacclamation , made an honorary member , as a slight token of recognition , by tbe brethren , of the indefatigable manner iu which he had devoted himself to all appertaining to the welfare of tho lodge during the time he had acted as Secretary . Tho brethren then adjourned to the banquet , at which the
WM . , Bro . Alexander , presided , supported by Bros . Saqui , P . M . of the Joppa Lodge , and Hurlstone , P . M . of the Whittington . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been given , and , as usual in the Craft , cordially received and heartily responded to , the AV . M . gave the toast of "Prosperity to the Whittington Lodge of Instruction , " and he trusted he would nob be considered out of order in giving this toast the precedence of those that were about to follow . The toast was most heartily
receivsu . "The Visiting Brethren" was then given by the W . M ., and he coupled with the toast that of " Success to the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIBBOB , aud the health , of the representative of that journal , Bro . James Stevenson , who was present amongst them this evening . The AA . M . alluded in a few pithily spoken and appropriate words , to the ' advantages to the Craft in their being supported by a representative
MIBROII devoted solely to the interests of the Order . The toast having been cordially received , Bro . Stevenson acknowledged the compliment paid by the W . M ., and thanked him for the kind aud appreciative manner in which he had spoken of the journal , which lie , Bro . Stevenson , had the honour to represent ; he could assure the brethren no pains were or should be spared to render THE FHEEMASOXS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRKOB , which is now the only Journal published in the British Isles ,
solely devoted to the interests of the Order worthy of the increasing support and patronage of the Craft . Bro . Hurlstone thou proposed , in most fooling and heart-warm terms , tho health of tho AA ' . M ., Bro . Alexander . Ho alluded to the pleasure it afforded him , and ho was snro that pleasure was shared by all tho members , to soo Bro . Alexander , who was ono of tho promoters ol this lodgo of instruction , and who had over continued to take so active a part in its welfarestill spared io
, 1 ) 0 amongst thorn : aud he trusted it "would please tho Great Architect of the Universe long to preserve their esteemed "W . M . in health and strength to flourish and bo with them . Tho toast having been right lustily received , Bro . Alexander , tho W . M ., returned his sincere thanks for tho compliments paid him hy their ostoamod Bi-o . Hurlstone . Tho health of Bro . Ilurlstono , Treas . and P . M ., of tho mother lodgo , was next given in tho most kindl been most
y tonus by the AVM . The toast having . heartily received , Bro . Hurlstono responded in his usual terse and tolling manner : ho acknowledged in appropriate terms tho very flattering compliment that had been paid to him , and it was a matter of regret to him that tho mother lodgo was not more numerously attended on this occasion , as ho felt assured all who had attended would h .-ivc shared with him tho gratification he had oxporfoncod this evening at tho creditable ancl
thoroughlyellicient manner in which all tho business of tho lodgo of instruction had been conducted . Tho AA ' . M . then gave the toast of ' - 'Tho Officers of tho AVhittington Lodge of Instruction , " coupling with tho toast the name of Bro . AA . Long , their indefatigable Secretary : tho AV . M . adverted to tho zeal and ability displayed by Bro . Long in tho discharge of his duties , and ho
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE MASONIC MIRROR . * ' * All communications to bo addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , ' Strand , London , W . C .
Masonic Mem.
Soum WALES ( EASTEBN DIVISION ) . —The Provincial Grand Meeting , which was to . have taken place some time since at Swansea , but was postponed on account of the prevalence of cholera , was held on the ISth inst . A full account of the proceedings will be found on another page . It has afforded us pleasure to notice the progress which has recently been made in
Freemasonry in this province , and the zeal and energy displayed by the Prov . Grand Officers . It is additionally gratifying to find that such respectable amounts were subscribed in aid of the Masonic and local charities .
MOUNT LEBANON" LODGE ( "SO . 73 ) . —Continuing our report of the meeting of this lodge , held on the 16 th inst . —Two pounds were voted and immediately paid to a distressed brother , ( an old P . M . of the St . Andrew ' s Lodge ) from the charity fund of this lodge . It was proposed , seconded , and carried unanimously , " That Bro . Robert Ord be accepted as the Steward to represent this lodge at the forthcoming festival of the Boys ' School , for 1 S 67 , in the place of Bro . P . . AValters , P . M ., who
resigned that honour in consequence of his already being the Steward for the next festival of the Girls' School in 1867 , and finding he could not hope to do justice to both charities in one year . " Notice of motion was given to vote £ 10 to the AVidows ' Annuity , in the name of the Treasurer of the lodge for the time being , from the lodge funds . Two gentlemen were proposed as candidates for initiation at the next lodge meeting . The lodge was closed until TuesdayNovember 20 th . Visitor :
, Bro . H . Massey , J . AV . No . 619 . BEADON LODGE ( No . 619 ) . —A meeting of this lodge took place-at the Greyhound , Dulwich , on the 17 th inst ., when Bro . Edward S . Parker , the AA " . M ., raised Bros . Chapman and AA ells , passed Bros . AYiles and Halls , and initiated Messrs . W . Taverner , Richard Pearse , J . AV . Forge , and Pratt . The ceremonies were admirably performedand the brethrenwhen the lod was
, , ge closed , adjourned to banquet . Bro . H . Muggeridge , in returning thanks for the visitors , explained to the four initiates that Masonry was not merely a name , but that it meant something more than a good dinner , though that was not to be despised . Freemasons had some excellent Charities , the support of which was a great object of Masonry , and he begged the newly made brethren to bear this in mind . He also expressed a wish that all
Masons should go and see for themselves the Schools at Woodgveen aud Battersea-vise , when he was quite sure they would all be gratified at the efforts which were made properly to educate and take the entire management of the sons and daughters of our less fortunate brethren . The brethren separated at ' an early hour in peace aud harmony .
ROSE or D ENMA . LODGE ( No . 9 < 5 ) . —The first meeting of tins lodgo for the season was held on the 19 th inst . at the AVhite Hart Tavern , Barnes , Survey . The lodge was duly opened hy the AV . M ., Bro . Cockburn , assisted bv Bros . Oliver , S . W . ; Page , J . W . ; Potter , Treas . ; Little , P . M . and Sec ; Noyce , J . D . ; Barnes , I . G . ; Graham , Gurney , Hankins , Davis , Samols , Smith , Beamish , Wilcox , Goodale , and several other brethren . After the usual preliminaries , Bro . Barnard was
passed to the second degree , and the brethren proceeded to the elections for the ensuing year , when Bros . Oliver , S . AV ., was unanimously chosen W . M . ; Bro . Potter , Treas . ; and Bro . Gilbert , Tyler . Bros . Hanlcins , Newens , and Beamish wore elected Auditors . The lodge was then called off to refreshment , when a capital banquet was served by the worthy host , Bro . Willcox . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts wero duly given ; the pleasures of the evening being greatly enhanced by the talented efforts of Bros . Tolley , Marriott , and
AVhitehouse , of Her Majesty ' s Chapel Boyal , AVindsor , who had been specially invited by the A \ . M . for the occasion . Bro , J . Smith , P . G . P ., responded for tho G . officers ; Bro . Little . I . P . M ., for the P . M . 's ; Bro . Jones , AV . M . S 20 , for the visitors ; and the health of the AA' . M . elect was received with enthusiasm . The sum of five guineas was voted for a P . M . ' s jewel for the retiring Master , and the lodge was then closed
INSTRUCTION . AVHITTINGTON LODGE OE INSTBTTCTION ( No . 862 ) . —The fourth anniversary banquet meeting of this hard-working exemplary lodge of instruction took place on the 18 th inst ., at Bro . Quelch ' s , Dick's Hotel , Fleet-street . In spite of the unfavourable state of the weather , there was a goodly muster of brethrenincluding several visitingbrethren . The chair of K . S .
, was occupied hy Bro . Alexander , P . M . 188 , supported by his officers , as follows : Bros . Hurlstone ( P . M . of the mother lodge ) P . M . ; Spiegel , S . W . ; Feldman , J . W . ; Davis , S . D . ; Alliston ,. J . D . ; Hooper , I . G . ; Long , Sec . ; and about thirty-two brethren in all were present . This lodge having been duly opened , and the minutes of the last meeting confirmed , the first lecture was admirablworked in sections bBros . HooperSpiegelFeldman
y y , , , Turner , Green , and Long . Several brethren Vere elected members of this lodge of " instruction ; and Bro . Long was , byacclamation , made an honorary member , as a slight token of recognition , by tbe brethren , of the indefatigable manner iu which he had devoted himself to all appertaining to the welfare of tho lodge during the time he had acted as Secretary . Tho brethren then adjourned to the banquet , at which the
WM . , Bro . Alexander , presided , supported by Bros . Saqui , P . M . of the Joppa Lodge , and Hurlstone , P . M . of the Whittington . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been given , and , as usual in the Craft , cordially received and heartily responded to , the AV . M . gave the toast of "Prosperity to the Whittington Lodge of Instruction , " and he trusted he would nob be considered out of order in giving this toast the precedence of those that were about to follow . The toast was most heartily
receivsu . "The Visiting Brethren" was then given by the W . M ., and he coupled with the toast that of " Success to the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIBBOB , aud the health , of the representative of that journal , Bro . James Stevenson , who was present amongst them this evening . The AA . M . alluded in a few pithily spoken and appropriate words , to the ' advantages to the Craft in their being supported by a representative
MIBROII devoted solely to the interests of the Order . The toast having been cordially received , Bro . Stevenson acknowledged the compliment paid by the W . M ., and thanked him for the kind aud appreciative manner in which he had spoken of the journal , which lie , Bro . Stevenson , had the honour to represent ; he could assure the brethren no pains were or should be spared to render THE FHEEMASOXS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRKOB , which is now the only Journal published in the British Isles ,
solely devoted to the interests of the Order worthy of the increasing support and patronage of the Craft . Bro . Hurlstone thou proposed , in most fooling and heart-warm terms , tho health of tho AA ' . M ., Bro . Alexander . Ho alluded to the pleasure it afforded him , and ho was snro that pleasure was shared by all tho members , to soo Bro . Alexander , who was ono of tho promoters ol this lodgo of instruction , and who had over continued to take so active a part in its welfarestill spared io
, 1 ) 0 amongst thorn : aud he trusted it "would please tho Great Architect of the Universe long to preserve their esteemed "W . M . in health and strength to flourish and bo with them . Tho toast having been right lustily received , Bro . Alexander , tho W . M ., returned his sincere thanks for tho compliments paid him hy their ostoamod Bi-o . Hurlstone . Tho health of Bro . Ilurlstono , Treas . and P . M ., of tho mother lodgo , was next given in tho most kindl been most
y tonus by the AVM . The toast having . heartily received , Bro . Hurlstono responded in his usual terse and tolling manner : ho acknowledged in appropriate terms tho very flattering compliment that had been paid to him , and it was a matter of regret to him that tho mother lodgo was not more numerously attended on this occasion , as ho felt assured all who had attended would h .-ivc shared with him tho gratification he had oxporfoncod this evening at tho creditable ancl
thoroughlyellicient manner in which all tho business of tho lodgo of instruction had been conducted . Tho AA ' . M . then gave the toast of ' - 'Tho Officers of tho AVhittington Lodge of Instruction , " coupling with tho toast the name of Bro . AA . Long , their indefatigable Secretary : tho AV . M . adverted to tho zeal and ability displayed by Bro . Long in tho discharge of his duties , and ho