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Masonic Antiquities, Documents, &C. Jerusalem Encampment, Manchester.
Such , in substance , is the theory put forward by some members of the order , Avhilst maily good craft freemasons maintain that there is no Avritten proof of such theory . That previously to 1717 masonry Avas a mere operative benefit society , but that the Order of The Temple and St . John of Rhodes , amalgamated , in Scotland , about 1490 , and that after the Reformation they , continued
their ceremonies and eventually , under the Stuarts , united themselves AA'ith freemasonry , both Orders having opened their ranks to receive the Rosicrucians , and other sects , at the close of the seventeenth century . Having presented the main arguments for both theories , the reader must draAV his own conclusion . The history of the "Jerusalem" the oldest Encampment in
Lan-, cashire , commences in 1786 , but many old freemasons firmly believe that long prior to the issue of Avarrants for these degrees , they Avere practised under the sanction of the blue lodges . Indeed as the Athol Grand Lodge acknoAAdedged the Temple Knights as a masonic degree , their charters for Masonry , on the " Ancient system as practised throughout the Avorld" would appear to have rendered
, any other Avarrant unnecessary . It is deeply to be regretted that the constitution of the Order in former years was such as must , of necessity haA'e prevented the preservation of documents Avhich Avould noAv haA r e been so interesting , anything in Avriting being strictly prohibited , everything being left to tradition , of Avhich the ancient masons Avere such jealous conservators . Previously , say to 1725 ,
all degrees Avere conferred m Grand Lodge only , that is , the Grand Lodge AA'as similar to our private lodges , sometimes movable , and possessing parental authority , hence it Avas gradually , from this time that the modern private lodges obtained the privilege of one degree after another , sometimes even from foreign centres , until the system of the Ancient masons of last century Avas in full operation .
Thus , although York , appears to have been always looked up to , as the head and seat of English freemasonry , little energy Avas shown in organizing lodges , and degrees Avere obtained from many sources , and a brother , of high position in the Order , is in possession of a warrant granted by James III . from Arras in 1721 , authorizing certain London knights to confer the Rose Croixand
, K . D . S . H . Templar degrees . It appears improbable that the Ancient York Masons ever innoA ated on the system they practised during the last century , or that their system Avas other than Avhat had been organized and preserved from the time of the civil Avars and of the close of the seventeenth century . The A enerable and esteemed Brother Dr . Oliver informs us , that in 1786 , the " York Brothers" recognized
tAventy-frve degrees , —the Encijclopcedia Metropolitana , states twentytwo , —but this must be understood nominally only , counting the Rose Croix as the 18 ° of the Continental rite , and the Templar Ne Plus Ultra as the 25 ° . Thus they Avould appear , liberally , to have recognized all degrees , and Aidien they held a Grand Lodge , they seem to have opened a Chapter or a Royal Encampment , & c , and closed them Avithin a limited period . The ceremonies of the first three degrees c 2
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Masonic Antiquities, Documents, &C. Jerusalem Encampment, Manchester.
Such , in substance , is the theory put forward by some members of the order , Avhilst maily good craft freemasons maintain that there is no Avritten proof of such theory . That previously to 1717 masonry Avas a mere operative benefit society , but that the Order of The Temple and St . John of Rhodes , amalgamated , in Scotland , about 1490 , and that after the Reformation they , continued
their ceremonies and eventually , under the Stuarts , united themselves AA'ith freemasonry , both Orders having opened their ranks to receive the Rosicrucians , and other sects , at the close of the seventeenth century . Having presented the main arguments for both theories , the reader must draAV his own conclusion . The history of the "Jerusalem" the oldest Encampment in
Lan-, cashire , commences in 1786 , but many old freemasons firmly believe that long prior to the issue of Avarrants for these degrees , they Avere practised under the sanction of the blue lodges . Indeed as the Athol Grand Lodge acknoAAdedged the Temple Knights as a masonic degree , their charters for Masonry , on the " Ancient system as practised throughout the Avorld" would appear to have rendered
, any other Avarrant unnecessary . It is deeply to be regretted that the constitution of the Order in former years was such as must , of necessity haA'e prevented the preservation of documents Avhich Avould noAv haA r e been so interesting , anything in Avriting being strictly prohibited , everything being left to tradition , of Avhich the ancient masons Avere such jealous conservators . Previously , say to 1725 ,
all degrees Avere conferred m Grand Lodge only , that is , the Grand Lodge AA'as similar to our private lodges , sometimes movable , and possessing parental authority , hence it Avas gradually , from this time that the modern private lodges obtained the privilege of one degree after another , sometimes even from foreign centres , until the system of the Ancient masons of last century Avas in full operation .
Thus , although York , appears to have been always looked up to , as the head and seat of English freemasonry , little energy Avas shown in organizing lodges , and degrees Avere obtained from many sources , and a brother , of high position in the Order , is in possession of a warrant granted by James III . from Arras in 1721 , authorizing certain London knights to confer the Rose Croixand
, K . D . S . H . Templar degrees . It appears improbable that the Ancient York Masons ever innoA ated on the system they practised during the last century , or that their system Avas other than Avhat had been organized and preserved from the time of the civil Avars and of the close of the seventeenth century . The A enerable and esteemed Brother Dr . Oliver informs us , that in 1786 , the " York Brothers" recognized
tAventy-frve degrees , —the Encijclopcedia Metropolitana , states twentytwo , —but this must be understood nominally only , counting the Rose Croix as the 18 ° of the Continental rite , and the Templar Ne Plus Ultra as the 25 ° . Thus they Avould appear , liberally , to have recognized all degrees , and Aidien they held a Grand Lodge , they seem to have opened a Chapter or a Royal Encampment , & c , and closed them Avithin a limited period . The ceremonies of the first three degrees c 2