Article CORRESPONDENCE. ← Page 3 of 3
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to see how long any Grand Secretary AA ould hold his office after such a proceeding—not even tho great I AM , of the present day , could stand against the storm that it Avould raise . No , no , Bro . Havers ; you should not poke your fun at grand officials this Avay . It really will not do . Well , the resolution , after reciting that a mistake had been committed in the Grand Secretary ' s office , proceeded to rectify tho error , and declare that the proceeding Avas not to form a precedent for the future action of the
Grand Lodge . Tlie idea Avas so good , so statesmanlike , and , truth to say , so comic , that the proposition Avas agreed to amidst roars of laughter , notwithstanding a protest from tho " I AM the Grand Master" that the mistake did not occur in his office , and an expression of his belief that the clause did not appear in the original report . At all CA ents , it is understood that tho President of the Board of General Purposes , himself , corrected the proof . NowSirI Avill not trespass further on your space
, , at present ; but it appears to me—a common-sense man , and no laivyerthat the proper course for the President of the Board of General Purposes to have pursued , in the first instance , Avould have been to ha \ -o pointed out the discrepancy between the printed and original reports , and then have moved that the report , as amended , be taken as read , and entered on the minutes , after Avhich it would have been regularly before Grand Lodge . Wishing your IIOAV venture every success , I remain , yours fraternally ,
CENSOE . P . S . —It is reported that the Grand Secretary has , of his OAVII authority , refused to alloiv Bro . Farnfield to sign documents , receipts , or other forms , as Assistant Grand Secretary , maintaining that he is only a clerk in the Grand Secretary ' s office , and not a Grand Officer a"t all . What Avill the Earl of Zetland say to this ? and HOAV long Avill Grand Lodge put up Avith the vagaries of Bro . Gray Clarke ?
MASONIC HALLS . To the Editor of THE MASONIC PEESS . SIE , —In commencing a IIOAV Masonic Journal , a Avide career for utilit y is opened to you , and it is sincerel y to be hoped that THE MASONIC PEESS may be the moans of doing much good to the craft .
One of the oldest subjects is one not the most studied , namely , that of Masonic Halls and Temples . On acquiring an extended organization it Avas one of the first acts of our predecessors to proA ide us Avith a Hall , and at the present moment that structure is being renovated and extended . I cannot but feel , hoiA'ever , that there is not proper accommodation for Masonic solemnities in the provinces and throughout the country . The duties of ;
hospitality will , it is to be trusted , be ahvays maintained b y Freemasons , nor Avill good-felloAvship be neglected , but lvhile AVO can most convenientl y hold our banquets in taverns , those are not places in Avhich to celebrate tho solemn rites of Masonry , nor is it consistent to make the matter of a tavern private accommodation Avhich ought to bo afforded from the liberality of Masons . In small toivns such arrangements are scarcely avoidable ; but no
considerable toAvn should be Avithout its Masonic hall , library , and readingroom , adjourning for banquet , or leaving the banquet provided on the Masonic premises by a tavern-keeper . Thus Freemasonry would gain in character and consistency . _ There are no reflections on Masons , any more than other men , for dining in taverns , but there are for their conducting then- ceremonies . I am , Sir . yours fraternally , P . P . G . 0 . loth Dec .. 1865 .
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to see how long any Grand Secretary AA ould hold his office after such a proceeding—not even tho great I AM , of the present day , could stand against the storm that it Avould raise . No , no , Bro . Havers ; you should not poke your fun at grand officials this Avay . It really will not do . Well , the resolution , after reciting that a mistake had been committed in the Grand Secretary ' s office , proceeded to rectify tho error , and declare that the proceeding Avas not to form a precedent for the future action of the
Grand Lodge . Tlie idea Avas so good , so statesmanlike , and , truth to say , so comic , that the proposition Avas agreed to amidst roars of laughter , notwithstanding a protest from tho " I AM the Grand Master" that the mistake did not occur in his office , and an expression of his belief that the clause did not appear in the original report . At all CA ents , it is understood that tho President of the Board of General Purposes , himself , corrected the proof . NowSirI Avill not trespass further on your space
, , at present ; but it appears to me—a common-sense man , and no laivyerthat the proper course for the President of the Board of General Purposes to have pursued , in the first instance , Avould have been to ha \ -o pointed out the discrepancy between the printed and original reports , and then have moved that the report , as amended , be taken as read , and entered on the minutes , after Avhich it would have been regularly before Grand Lodge . Wishing your IIOAV venture every success , I remain , yours fraternally ,
CENSOE . P . S . —It is reported that the Grand Secretary has , of his OAVII authority , refused to alloiv Bro . Farnfield to sign documents , receipts , or other forms , as Assistant Grand Secretary , maintaining that he is only a clerk in the Grand Secretary ' s office , and not a Grand Officer a"t all . What Avill the Earl of Zetland say to this ? and HOAV long Avill Grand Lodge put up Avith the vagaries of Bro . Gray Clarke ?
MASONIC HALLS . To the Editor of THE MASONIC PEESS . SIE , —In commencing a IIOAV Masonic Journal , a Avide career for utilit y is opened to you , and it is sincerel y to be hoped that THE MASONIC PEESS may be the moans of doing much good to the craft .
One of the oldest subjects is one not the most studied , namely , that of Masonic Halls and Temples . On acquiring an extended organization it Avas one of the first acts of our predecessors to proA ide us Avith a Hall , and at the present moment that structure is being renovated and extended . I cannot but feel , hoiA'ever , that there is not proper accommodation for Masonic solemnities in the provinces and throughout the country . The duties of ;
hospitality will , it is to be trusted , be ahvays maintained b y Freemasons , nor Avill good-felloAvship be neglected , but lvhile AVO can most convenientl y hold our banquets in taverns , those are not places in Avhich to celebrate tho solemn rites of Masonry , nor is it consistent to make the matter of a tavern private accommodation Avhich ought to bo afforded from the liberality of Masons . In small toivns such arrangements are scarcely avoidable ; but no
considerable toAvn should be Avithout its Masonic hall , library , and readingroom , adjourning for banquet , or leaving the banquet provided on the Masonic premises by a tavern-keeper . Thus Freemasonry would gain in character and consistency . _ There are no reflections on Masons , any more than other men , for dining in taverns , but there are for their conducting then- ceremonies . I am , Sir . yours fraternally , P . P . G . 0 . loth Dec .. 1865 .