Article KNIGHT TEMPLARY. Page 1 of 4 →
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Knight Templary.
GBABTD CONCLAVE . Sppi ^ HE winter meeting of The Grand Conclave of Masonic Knights Templar , & c , £ | j Avas hold in the Hall of the Masonic Union Company , 14 , Bedford Row , on ^^ Friday the 8 th of December , 1865 . The folloAving Sir Knts . signed the respective books : —Grand Officers—AVilliam Stuart , Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master ; Lieutenant-Colonel George Vernon , Very High and
Eminent Deputy Grand Master ; The Reverend John Huyshe , M . A ., Union and Sussex Encampments , Provincial Grand Commander for Devon and Cornwall ; Dr . Harcourt , Prov . G . Com . for Surrey ; Lord Glentwovth , Baldwin , Grand Sub-Prior ; Captain N . G . Philips , Kemcys Tynte , P . G . Sub-Prior ; Captain R . Boyle , Kcmeys Tynte , P . G . Sub-Prior ; The Reverend Edward Moore , M . A ., Grand Prelate ; E . Costa , St . George ' s , 1 st . Grand Captain ; H . H . Burchell-Hcarne , Stuart , P . 1 st . G . Captain ; 11 . J . SpiersComr do LionP . G . Captain
, , , Dep . Prov . G . Com . for Oxfordshire ; J . H . Law , Observance , P . G . Chancellor ; M . H . ShuttleAvorth , Mount Calvary , Grand \ ice-Chancellor ; Joseph Lavender , Observance , Grand Registrar ; Charles Goolden , Faith and Fidelity , Grand Treasurer ; M . A . Brunton , Mount Zion , as Grand Hospitaller ; Colonel C . E . Bering , P . E . C . Mclita , P . G . Hospitaller ; AV . J . Meymott , Observance , Grand Director of Ceremonies ; James R . Thomson , Kcmeys Tynte , Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies ; Charles Swan , Mount Calvary , P . Asst . G . D . of Cers . ; II .
Hollings-Avortb , Royal NaA'al , Grand Superintendent of Works ; AV . E . Gumblcton , Grand Constable ; Tho Reverend J . II . Grice , M . A ., Mount Calvary , Grand Almoner ; William Smith , Harcourt , 1 st . Grand Expert ; George Lambert , Stuart , Grand AVarden of Regalia ; AV . H . Wood , E . C . St . Amand , 2 nd . Grand Aide-de-Camp ; J . G . AVood , Co 3 ur do Lion , P . 1 st . G . Aide-de-Camp ; J . Topper , Faith and Fidelity , P . 2 nd . G . Capt . of Lines ; The Reverend C . It . Davy , M . A ., Bladud , R . R-. Nelson , Foarnlcy , and D . Prov . G . Com ., Edward A . Lingard , HOAA-O , P . G . Heralds ; Matthew Cooke , Kemcys Tynte , Grand Organist : James W . BroAvn ,
AAllliam Stuart , Grand Sword Bearer ; J . Stohwasser , Mount Calvary , P . G . S . B . The Praters of the folloAving Encampments also signed the book : —Abbey Encampment—Samuel Richard Parr Shilton , Dep . Prov . G . Com . Notts . ; John Comyn , P . E . C . All-Sotds—d . R , Crickmay . Baldwyn—W . A . F . Powell , Dep . Prov . G . Com . Bladud—11 . de M . LaAvson , 2 nd . Capt . ; Jos . F . Starkey , Prov . G . D . of Cers . Cornubian—W . Tweedy . Faith and Fidelity—Alexander Ridgway , P . E . C . Faith , Salford—Charles Ludham . Kemeys Tynte—Captain AV . F . Portlock Dadson ,
1 st . Capt . ; W . Smith , P . E . C ; Joseph Taylor , Capt . of Lines . Jacques de Molai , LiA'erpool—Edward Busher . Mount Calvary—S . Rosenthal , T . Knapp , Owen J . Cartel - , W . Gam ; , G'eorg-e Cockle , Benjamin Strachan . Mount Zion—W . A . ¦ Brunton , P . G . Prior , Bombay . Royal Naval—Owen LOAV , Registrar . St . George ' s —T . M . Gnibiloi , E . C . Stuart—llem : y C . Finch , E . C . Prov . G . Expert ; AV . S . Tootell , P . E . C ; W . Brett , 1 st . Capt . ; C . Horsley , Capt . of Lines ; N . Ovey . Temple Cressiug—T . T . Lemare , E . C .
If brethren do not choose to sign the books AVC cannot be supposed to know they Avere present , and although our list only enumerates sixty-one Sir Knts ., by name , yet AVO counted no less than ei ghty-four in tho hall . This naturall y leads us to deplore the Avant of a supervision , such as is practised in the Grand Lodge , Avhere ' no one is permitted to enter Avithout a pass , and does not receive his bone until he has signed his name . The old want of punctuality was slightly modified at the meeting , for
instead of being , as heretofore , an hour and more after the time specified , on this occasion all were in readiness just twenty-seven minutes after the hour appointed . This crying Masonic evil wants reformation . It is as gross an insult as can be offered to tho M . E . and S . Grand Master , always ready ' himself , and generally surrounded by his principal officers , equally ready , to be kept Avaiting for nobody knows who , or Avhat . AVe wish the Grand Master Avould read the absentees a lesson for once , and , as the clock strikes , order the doors to be thrown open , and . attended bv those- be it manv or 1 ' OAV—Avho
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Knight Templary.
GBABTD CONCLAVE . Sppi ^ HE winter meeting of The Grand Conclave of Masonic Knights Templar , & c , £ | j Avas hold in the Hall of the Masonic Union Company , 14 , Bedford Row , on ^^ Friday the 8 th of December , 1865 . The folloAving Sir Knts . signed the respective books : —Grand Officers—AVilliam Stuart , Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master ; Lieutenant-Colonel George Vernon , Very High and
Eminent Deputy Grand Master ; The Reverend John Huyshe , M . A ., Union and Sussex Encampments , Provincial Grand Commander for Devon and Cornwall ; Dr . Harcourt , Prov . G . Com . for Surrey ; Lord Glentwovth , Baldwin , Grand Sub-Prior ; Captain N . G . Philips , Kemcys Tynte , P . G . Sub-Prior ; Captain R . Boyle , Kcmeys Tynte , P . G . Sub-Prior ; The Reverend Edward Moore , M . A ., Grand Prelate ; E . Costa , St . George ' s , 1 st . Grand Captain ; H . H . Burchell-Hcarne , Stuart , P . 1 st . G . Captain ; 11 . J . SpiersComr do LionP . G . Captain
, , , Dep . Prov . G . Com . for Oxfordshire ; J . H . Law , Observance , P . G . Chancellor ; M . H . ShuttleAvorth , Mount Calvary , Grand \ ice-Chancellor ; Joseph Lavender , Observance , Grand Registrar ; Charles Goolden , Faith and Fidelity , Grand Treasurer ; M . A . Brunton , Mount Zion , as Grand Hospitaller ; Colonel C . E . Bering , P . E . C . Mclita , P . G . Hospitaller ; AV . J . Meymott , Observance , Grand Director of Ceremonies ; James R . Thomson , Kcmeys Tynte , Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies ; Charles Swan , Mount Calvary , P . Asst . G . D . of Cers . ; II .
Hollings-Avortb , Royal NaA'al , Grand Superintendent of Works ; AV . E . Gumblcton , Grand Constable ; Tho Reverend J . II . Grice , M . A ., Mount Calvary , Grand Almoner ; William Smith , Harcourt , 1 st . Grand Expert ; George Lambert , Stuart , Grand AVarden of Regalia ; AV . H . Wood , E . C . St . Amand , 2 nd . Grand Aide-de-Camp ; J . G . AVood , Co 3 ur do Lion , P . 1 st . G . Aide-de-Camp ; J . Topper , Faith and Fidelity , P . 2 nd . G . Capt . of Lines ; The Reverend C . It . Davy , M . A ., Bladud , R . R-. Nelson , Foarnlcy , and D . Prov . G . Com ., Edward A . Lingard , HOAA-O , P . G . Heralds ; Matthew Cooke , Kemcys Tynte , Grand Organist : James W . BroAvn ,
AAllliam Stuart , Grand Sword Bearer ; J . Stohwasser , Mount Calvary , P . G . S . B . The Praters of the folloAving Encampments also signed the book : —Abbey Encampment—Samuel Richard Parr Shilton , Dep . Prov . G . Com . Notts . ; John Comyn , P . E . C . All-Sotds—d . R , Crickmay . Baldwyn—W . A . F . Powell , Dep . Prov . G . Com . Bladud—11 . de M . LaAvson , 2 nd . Capt . ; Jos . F . Starkey , Prov . G . D . of Cers . Cornubian—W . Tweedy . Faith and Fidelity—Alexander Ridgway , P . E . C . Faith , Salford—Charles Ludham . Kemeys Tynte—Captain AV . F . Portlock Dadson ,
1 st . Capt . ; W . Smith , P . E . C ; Joseph Taylor , Capt . of Lines . Jacques de Molai , LiA'erpool—Edward Busher . Mount Calvary—S . Rosenthal , T . Knapp , Owen J . Cartel - , W . Gam ; , G'eorg-e Cockle , Benjamin Strachan . Mount Zion—W . A . ¦ Brunton , P . G . Prior , Bombay . Royal Naval—Owen LOAV , Registrar . St . George ' s —T . M . Gnibiloi , E . C . Stuart—llem : y C . Finch , E . C . Prov . G . Expert ; AV . S . Tootell , P . E . C ; W . Brett , 1 st . Capt . ; C . Horsley , Capt . of Lines ; N . Ovey . Temple Cressiug—T . T . Lemare , E . C .
If brethren do not choose to sign the books AVC cannot be supposed to know they Avere present , and although our list only enumerates sixty-one Sir Knts ., by name , yet AVO counted no less than ei ghty-four in tho hall . This naturall y leads us to deplore the Avant of a supervision , such as is practised in the Grand Lodge , Avhere ' no one is permitted to enter Avithout a pass , and does not receive his bone until he has signed his name . The old want of punctuality was slightly modified at the meeting , for
instead of being , as heretofore , an hour and more after the time specified , on this occasion all were in readiness just twenty-seven minutes after the hour appointed . This crying Masonic evil wants reformation . It is as gross an insult as can be offered to tho M . E . and S . Grand Master , always ready ' himself , and generally surrounded by his principal officers , equally ready , to be kept Avaiting for nobody knows who , or Avhat . AVe wish the Grand Master Avould read the absentees a lesson for once , and , as the clock strikes , order the doors to be thrown open , and . attended bv those- be it manv or 1 ' OAV—Avho