Article THE MASONIC REPORTER. Page 1 of 1
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The Masonic Reporter.
ANCIENT AID ACCEPTED EITE . WOOLWICH . INVICTA CIIAPTEB 01 ? S . Ps . R , ^ . —The brethren of the Invicta Chapter mot at the Masonic Hall , AVilliam Street ,. AVoolwich , on Friday the 15 th
"""* ' December , 1865 . The folloAving wore present : —Lieut .-Colonel H . Cleric , S . G . I . G . 33 ° , and Captain N . G . Philips , S . G . I . G . 33 ° ; J . R . Thomson , 18 " , M . W . S . ; Captain Boyle , 32 ° , Prelate ; W . J . Mcymott , 30 ° , 1 st . Captain ; W . II . Carter , 18 ° , P . M . AV . S . as 2 nd . Captain ; W . Smith , C . F ., 31 ° , P . M . AV . S . as Registrar ; MatthoAV Coake , 30 ° , Organist to the Sup . G . Council , Organist and Master of the Ceremonial ; Charles Ilorslcy , S 0 ° ; J . Lyons , Lieutenant A . Nicoh , Joseph Taylor , W . StewartJ . C . ForresterDr . Hughesand Charles Allenall of the 18 ° . The
, , , , business Avas confined to tho election of tho MW . S . for the ensuing year , and caused a good-humoured discussion . The previously elected M . W . S . declined to servo OAA-ing to ill health and pressing ong-agements , Avhich latter Avould engross the major part of his time until May next . In this dilemma it Avas resolved to proceed to tho election of some other brother , and tho names of those eligible Avere announced , Avhen a ballot took place and the numbers recorded Avere , —for Bro . AV . J . Meymott , 4 , for Bro . Thomson , —the actual holder of the office , 1 ., —so that
the former Avas declared duly elected . Bro . Cockle , 30 ° , Avas balloted for and unanimously elected a joining member . Lieut .-Colonel Clerk asked if there ivere any candidates , of proper standing , for nomination to the Supreme Grand Council for the 30 ° . Bro . C . Allen , 18 ° , of the Mount Calvary Chapter , Avas proposed and seconded as a joining member . Tho alms Avas then collected . The Marplot of all Masonic Meetings tried to cast a blame upon the Secretary—absent from illness —because the candidatesalreadballoted fordid not appearbut the idea Avas
, y , , most properly scouted by all , Bro . Figg Inning the Avelfaro of the Chapter too much at heart to haA - e nglected one of his most obvious duties . The Chapter A \ -as then closed , and the brethren adjourned to Bro . De Grey ' s , the Freemasons' Hotel , Avhere they dined and passed together a most agreeable evening , Avith the usual concomitant of fault-finding , by the chattering nuisance already alluded to . In all else it Avas a meeting Avorthy of the Invicta Chapter .
DEVONPORT . ST . AUBYN - CHAPTER OI- S . Ps . R . ^ . —A Convocation of the St . Aubyn Chapter Avas held , at the Masonic Rooms , Moricc Town , Devonport , on Tuesday , the 2 Gth of December last . Present : the Ex . and Porf . Bros . F . G . Irwin , M . W . S . ; V . Bird , Prelate ; S . Chappie , 1 st General ; H . Kent , 2 nd General ; M . Paull , Grand Marshal ; J . Trounce , Raphael;—Foxwcll , as Org ., and B . P . Clemens ,
Recorder . Bros . R . Lose , AV . J . Spry , II . Boitlcs , and R . Brown were balloted for and accepted . The M . AV . S ., in his usual able and efficient style , performed the ceremonies , peculiar to this sublime and princely degree , in creating and constituting the four brethren , previously named , S . Ps . R . ? jH- The M . AV . S . delivered the jewel of the different degrees , from the 4 th to the 18 th , to those brethren having charge thereof , and an early day Avas named for a Chapter of Instruction . The Prelate presented a set of tracing boardsAA'hich he had received from the 111 .
, Bro . Captain Philips , S . G . I . G . 33 ° , as a present to the Chapter , Avhereon it Avas unanimously resolved " That the best thanks of the Chapter be given to the donor . " Several candidates were proposed for the next meeting , and the Chapter Avas closed Avith the accustomed ceremonies , after which , tho brethren separated in peace , love , aud harmony .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Reporter.
ANCIENT AID ACCEPTED EITE . WOOLWICH . INVICTA CIIAPTEB 01 ? S . Ps . R , ^ . —The brethren of the Invicta Chapter mot at the Masonic Hall , AVilliam Street ,. AVoolwich , on Friday the 15 th
"""* ' December , 1865 . The folloAving wore present : —Lieut .-Colonel H . Cleric , S . G . I . G . 33 ° , and Captain N . G . Philips , S . G . I . G . 33 ° ; J . R . Thomson , 18 " , M . W . S . ; Captain Boyle , 32 ° , Prelate ; W . J . Mcymott , 30 ° , 1 st . Captain ; W . II . Carter , 18 ° , P . M . AV . S . as 2 nd . Captain ; W . Smith , C . F ., 31 ° , P . M . AV . S . as Registrar ; MatthoAV Coake , 30 ° , Organist to the Sup . G . Council , Organist and Master of the Ceremonial ; Charles Ilorslcy , S 0 ° ; J . Lyons , Lieutenant A . Nicoh , Joseph Taylor , W . StewartJ . C . ForresterDr . Hughesand Charles Allenall of the 18 ° . The
, , , , business Avas confined to tho election of tho MW . S . for the ensuing year , and caused a good-humoured discussion . The previously elected M . W . S . declined to servo OAA-ing to ill health and pressing ong-agements , Avhich latter Avould engross the major part of his time until May next . In this dilemma it Avas resolved to proceed to tho election of some other brother , and tho names of those eligible Avere announced , Avhen a ballot took place and the numbers recorded Avere , —for Bro . AV . J . Meymott , 4 , for Bro . Thomson , —the actual holder of the office , 1 ., —so that
the former Avas declared duly elected . Bro . Cockle , 30 ° , Avas balloted for and unanimously elected a joining member . Lieut .-Colonel Clerk asked if there ivere any candidates , of proper standing , for nomination to the Supreme Grand Council for the 30 ° . Bro . C . Allen , 18 ° , of the Mount Calvary Chapter , Avas proposed and seconded as a joining member . Tho alms Avas then collected . The Marplot of all Masonic Meetings tried to cast a blame upon the Secretary—absent from illness —because the candidatesalreadballoted fordid not appearbut the idea Avas
, y , , most properly scouted by all , Bro . Figg Inning the Avelfaro of the Chapter too much at heart to haA - e nglected one of his most obvious duties . The Chapter A \ -as then closed , and the brethren adjourned to Bro . De Grey ' s , the Freemasons' Hotel , Avhere they dined and passed together a most agreeable evening , Avith the usual concomitant of fault-finding , by the chattering nuisance already alluded to . In all else it Avas a meeting Avorthy of the Invicta Chapter .
DEVONPORT . ST . AUBYN - CHAPTER OI- S . Ps . R . ^ . —A Convocation of the St . Aubyn Chapter Avas held , at the Masonic Rooms , Moricc Town , Devonport , on Tuesday , the 2 Gth of December last . Present : the Ex . and Porf . Bros . F . G . Irwin , M . W . S . ; V . Bird , Prelate ; S . Chappie , 1 st General ; H . Kent , 2 nd General ; M . Paull , Grand Marshal ; J . Trounce , Raphael;—Foxwcll , as Org ., and B . P . Clemens ,
Recorder . Bros . R . Lose , AV . J . Spry , II . Boitlcs , and R . Brown were balloted for and accepted . The M . AV . S ., in his usual able and efficient style , performed the ceremonies , peculiar to this sublime and princely degree , in creating and constituting the four brethren , previously named , S . Ps . R . ? jH- The M . AV . S . delivered the jewel of the different degrees , from the 4 th to the 18 th , to those brethren having charge thereof , and an early day Avas named for a Chapter of Instruction . The Prelate presented a set of tracing boardsAA'hich he had received from the 111 .
, Bro . Captain Philips , S . G . I . G . 33 ° , as a present to the Chapter , Avhereon it Avas unanimously resolved " That the best thanks of the Chapter be given to the donor . " Several candidates were proposed for the next meeting , and the Chapter Avas closed Avith the accustomed ceremonies , after which , tho brethren separated in peace , love , aud harmony .