Article THE RITE OF MISRAIM. ← Page 3 of 4 →
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The Rite Of Misraim.
"In tho year of the world 237 , he constructed two "great columns , on which he engraved hieroglyphics , concealing profound knoAvIedge possessed by him , which he subsequently developed to his disciples , Avho Avere filled Avith surprise and admiration on jierceiving that tSiis celebrated patriarch had an imagination so rich in astronomy . To Enos , his son , Ave OAVO the transmission of the mysteries of our Institution , and the foundation of the Sacred Deltaenclosing the ineffable Name never to be pronounced
, but Avith fear and respect In the year of the world 290 , this patriarch succeeded to the dignity of Grand Conservator , and , in imitation of his father , ho caused a third column to be constructed , which he placed beside the others . "Cainan , son of Enos , became Grand Conservator in the year of the ivorld 395 ; he excelled in the art of Masonryand the Order prospered
, under his direction . Mahalaleel , son of Cainan , Jared , his son , Methuselah , son of Enoch , Lamech , son of Methuselah , and Noah , son of Lamech , Avere all Grand Conservators , filled Avith Divine intelligence . "Cain , the first-born of Adam , Avandered into the Oriental valleys of Eden , Avhere , after a profound repentance for his crime towards his brother Abelbo found pardon in the sight of the Lord . Elected Grand
, Conservator in the year of the Avorld 250 , the Order of Misraim flourished under his direction , and his descendants Avere ivorth y masons . Enoch , his son , succeeded him in 297 ; he established the seat of his power in the valley bearing his name . He Avas succeeded by several of his descendants , down to the year 990 , when Jabel , son of Lamech , assumed the reins
of poAver . " Under this illustrious chief , the first Grand Lodge of Adoption Avas founded . * The first Grand Mistress Avas Noema , sister of Tubal Cain , AVIIO Avas "polite Avithout being proud , graceful Avithout airs , affable Avithout familiarity , and beautiful Avithout pretension ; " notwithstanding which it appears Noah left them on shore , lvhen he entered the ark , from Avhcnce Ave conclude they Avere drowned . Be this as it mayit appears that Noah
, kept the sacred fire burning in the Ark , Avhence the present illumination and the deep research Ave are now bringing to light . This A'enorable Order , hoary Avith age , rich in traditions reaching back to the very daAvn of the Avorld ' s being , after having been duly established and proclaimed in Paris , Avas laid before the Grand Orient of France , and its acknoAvledgment sought . We take great pleasure in citing a feAV
paragraphs from the reply of that august body , if for nothing else , to shoAv that a prophet seldom has honour in his OAVII country . '" ' Tlie Eite of Misraim , having gathered under its protection various irregular associations , presents itself to the Grand Orient , and asks for recognition ; but the G . . O . ., belicAdng that it Avould be in accordance neither with its dignity or dutyto present its subordinates Avith a rite
, , the origin and authenticity of which arc in noAvise proved—a rite Avhich , notwithstanding its ninety degrees , has nothing IIOAV but its more than suspicious antiquity , at the session of December 27 , 1816 , adopted a scries of resolutions , and sent them to the lodges , Avaming them against this error .
" The rite , it is true , presents nothing reprehensible ; it contains the principles of morality and philosophy ; but the same may be found in our own degrees . As to the claim , that it demonstrates the laivs of nature , * Hideyour diminished heads , ye of little faith , Avho imagine that no Grand Lodge existed previous to the eighteenth century ; here is the proof clear as noonday—not only a Grand Lodge , but a Grand Lodge of Adoptive Masonry , showing conclusively that some things can he done as Avell as others .
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The Rite Of Misraim.
"In tho year of the world 237 , he constructed two "great columns , on which he engraved hieroglyphics , concealing profound knoAvIedge possessed by him , which he subsequently developed to his disciples , Avho Avere filled Avith surprise and admiration on jierceiving that tSiis celebrated patriarch had an imagination so rich in astronomy . To Enos , his son , Ave OAVO the transmission of the mysteries of our Institution , and the foundation of the Sacred Deltaenclosing the ineffable Name never to be pronounced
, but Avith fear and respect In the year of the world 290 , this patriarch succeeded to the dignity of Grand Conservator , and , in imitation of his father , ho caused a third column to be constructed , which he placed beside the others . "Cainan , son of Enos , became Grand Conservator in the year of the ivorld 395 ; he excelled in the art of Masonryand the Order prospered
, under his direction . Mahalaleel , son of Cainan , Jared , his son , Methuselah , son of Enoch , Lamech , son of Methuselah , and Noah , son of Lamech , Avere all Grand Conservators , filled Avith Divine intelligence . "Cain , the first-born of Adam , Avandered into the Oriental valleys of Eden , Avhere , after a profound repentance for his crime towards his brother Abelbo found pardon in the sight of the Lord . Elected Grand
, Conservator in the year of the Avorld 250 , the Order of Misraim flourished under his direction , and his descendants Avere ivorth y masons . Enoch , his son , succeeded him in 297 ; he established the seat of his power in the valley bearing his name . He Avas succeeded by several of his descendants , down to the year 990 , when Jabel , son of Lamech , assumed the reins
of poAver . " Under this illustrious chief , the first Grand Lodge of Adoption Avas founded . * The first Grand Mistress Avas Noema , sister of Tubal Cain , AVIIO Avas "polite Avithout being proud , graceful Avithout airs , affable Avithout familiarity , and beautiful Avithout pretension ; " notwithstanding which it appears Noah left them on shore , lvhen he entered the ark , from Avhcnce Ave conclude they Avere drowned . Be this as it mayit appears that Noah
, kept the sacred fire burning in the Ark , Avhence the present illumination and the deep research Ave are now bringing to light . This A'enorable Order , hoary Avith age , rich in traditions reaching back to the very daAvn of the Avorld ' s being , after having been duly established and proclaimed in Paris , Avas laid before the Grand Orient of France , and its acknoAvledgment sought . We take great pleasure in citing a feAV
paragraphs from the reply of that august body , if for nothing else , to shoAv that a prophet seldom has honour in his OAVII country . '" ' Tlie Eite of Misraim , having gathered under its protection various irregular associations , presents itself to the Grand Orient , and asks for recognition ; but the G . . O . ., belicAdng that it Avould be in accordance neither with its dignity or dutyto present its subordinates Avith a rite
, , the origin and authenticity of which arc in noAvise proved—a rite Avhich , notwithstanding its ninety degrees , has nothing IIOAV but its more than suspicious antiquity , at the session of December 27 , 1816 , adopted a scries of resolutions , and sent them to the lodges , Avaming them against this error .
" The rite , it is true , presents nothing reprehensible ; it contains the principles of morality and philosophy ; but the same may be found in our own degrees . As to the claim , that it demonstrates the laivs of nature , * Hideyour diminished heads , ye of little faith , Avho imagine that no Grand Lodge existed previous to the eighteenth century ; here is the proof clear as noonday—not only a Grand Lodge , but a Grand Lodge of Adoptive Masonry , showing conclusively that some things can he done as Avell as others .