Article CORRESPONDENCE. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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titular Grand Master—the Earl of Zetland—for the twenty-second time , no doubt feeling "he may he king , but I will continue viceroy over him "and so he Avill , unless some brother having tlie car of the titular Grand Master will endeavour to aAvaken him from his lethargy , and show him IIOAV his authority is abused by his satrap , Avho , I believe , is Avithout exception the best-detested brother in the craft—and deservedly so—though ho is useful hi one respect , he deters the brethren from going to his , nominal , office and
asking questions , as men with the slightest spice of independence do not choose to submit to the impertinence of the I AM . The farce of putting the titular Grand Master into nomination having been gone through , the President of the Board of General Purposes—AVHY cannot the Grand Master appoint to this office some brother Avho can make himself heard three feet beyond the dais F—moved that the report of the board be taken as read , but Avithout saying one word of its being
imperfect . This having- been aeeecded to , some lodges AVIIO have neglected to make returns Avere summoned to show cause Avhy they should not he struck off the official lists ; and a vote passed by Avhich past Grand Steivards , in future , rank between the Grand Stewards Lodge and the other lodges , thus giving them some recognized standing , Avith a distinctive clothing , Avhich they have not hitherto possessed . This portion of the business having been satisfactorily disposed ofthe
, eloquent President of the Board of General Purposes rose to move a A ariety of resolutions , giving to Colonial , Provincial , or , as they are henceforth to be uniformly called , District Grand Masters , more extensive poivers Avithin their districts , and , very properly , proAuding for the continuance of distinct Grand Lodges in tho event of removal , or death , of the District Grand Master , and until bis successor can be appointed . So far so good . But now the President of the Board of General Purposes explained , or is supposed
to have done so—for those near me could only judge by the subsequent discussion—that a most material clause had been omitted in the printed report of the Board of General Purposes , and Avhich ought to have appeared on the agenda paper , continuing the poAver , to District Grand Lodges , of suspending lodges and brethren , though he assured the Grand Lodge that it appeared in the original copy ; and ho therefore proposed it should be reinsertedand form part of the enactments relative to District Grand Lod .
, ges Upon this arose a mighty Avar of Avords , in ivhich laivyer Avas pitted against lawyer—the Grand Registrar against the ex-Grand Registrar—and various other grand officers , for scarcely anybody else took part in the discussionone opposing the other to SIIOAV how it might be legall y done , and IIOAV legall y it could , not be done , and a very amusing bout they had of it . The opponents of the legality of the proceedings certainlhad the best of
y the argument ,. if the Booh of Constitutions is to be anything more than Avaste paper , notAvithstanding tho advocates of the other course had the support of the titular Grand Master and . the Deputy Grand Master , the latter going in for expediency rather than for laAV , and gave CAddent proof that the accident of being born a peer—and it must be admitted a very respectable statesman—has spoiled a most excellent Old Bailey Lawyer .
Ultimately Bro . Havers came to tlie rescue , and moved a resolution , which certainly , Avhilst it AvhitcAvashcd the President of the Board of General Purposes , cast ivhat ivould appear to be a somcivhat unmerited ( for once ) , slur on the Grand Secretary ' s office , and Avas made Averse by an insinuation that some future Grand Secretary—of course not the present , no one Avould think of such a thing—might burke a notice of motion purposely , if distasteful to himself , and therefore it Avould not do to adhere too strictl y to the law's , by refusing to consider c-A-ery motion of Avhich notice had not been given in print to the brethren . Very pretty this , but I should like
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titular Grand Master—the Earl of Zetland—for the twenty-second time , no doubt feeling "he may he king , but I will continue viceroy over him "and so he Avill , unless some brother having tlie car of the titular Grand Master will endeavour to aAvaken him from his lethargy , and show him IIOAV his authority is abused by his satrap , Avho , I believe , is Avithout exception the best-detested brother in the craft—and deservedly so—though ho is useful hi one respect , he deters the brethren from going to his , nominal , office and
asking questions , as men with the slightest spice of independence do not choose to submit to the impertinence of the I AM . The farce of putting the titular Grand Master into nomination having been gone through , the President of the Board of General Purposes—AVHY cannot the Grand Master appoint to this office some brother Avho can make himself heard three feet beyond the dais F—moved that the report of the board be taken as read , but Avithout saying one word of its being
imperfect . This having- been aeeecded to , some lodges AVIIO have neglected to make returns Avere summoned to show cause Avhy they should not he struck off the official lists ; and a vote passed by Avhich past Grand Steivards , in future , rank between the Grand Stewards Lodge and the other lodges , thus giving them some recognized standing , Avith a distinctive clothing , Avhich they have not hitherto possessed . This portion of the business having been satisfactorily disposed ofthe
, eloquent President of the Board of General Purposes rose to move a A ariety of resolutions , giving to Colonial , Provincial , or , as they are henceforth to be uniformly called , District Grand Masters , more extensive poivers Avithin their districts , and , very properly , proAuding for the continuance of distinct Grand Lodges in tho event of removal , or death , of the District Grand Master , and until bis successor can be appointed . So far so good . But now the President of the Board of General Purposes explained , or is supposed
to have done so—for those near me could only judge by the subsequent discussion—that a most material clause had been omitted in the printed report of the Board of General Purposes , and Avhich ought to have appeared on the agenda paper , continuing the poAver , to District Grand Lodges , of suspending lodges and brethren , though he assured the Grand Lodge that it appeared in the original copy ; and ho therefore proposed it should be reinsertedand form part of the enactments relative to District Grand Lod .
, ges Upon this arose a mighty Avar of Avords , in ivhich laivyer Avas pitted against lawyer—the Grand Registrar against the ex-Grand Registrar—and various other grand officers , for scarcely anybody else took part in the discussionone opposing the other to SIIOAV how it might be legall y done , and IIOAV legall y it could , not be done , and a very amusing bout they had of it . The opponents of the legality of the proceedings certainlhad the best of
y the argument ,. if the Booh of Constitutions is to be anything more than Avaste paper , notAvithstanding tho advocates of the other course had the support of the titular Grand Master and . the Deputy Grand Master , the latter going in for expediency rather than for laAV , and gave CAddent proof that the accident of being born a peer—and it must be admitted a very respectable statesman—has spoiled a most excellent Old Bailey Lawyer .
Ultimately Bro . Havers came to tlie rescue , and moved a resolution , which certainly , Avhilst it AvhitcAvashcd the President of the Board of General Purposes , cast ivhat ivould appear to be a somcivhat unmerited ( for once ) , slur on the Grand Secretary ' s office , and Avas made Averse by an insinuation that some future Grand Secretary—of course not the present , no one Avould think of such a thing—might burke a notice of motion purposely , if distasteful to himself , and therefore it Avould not do to adhere too strictl y to the law's , by refusing to consider c-A-ery motion of Avhich notice had not been given in print to the brethren . Very pretty this , but I should like