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Masonic Antiquities, Documents, &C. Jerusalem Encampment, Manchester.
5 th . " That if any Member of the E . E . be absent 30 Minutes after the appointed " time of Meeting he shall be fined one penny , and if absent the whole " night ho shall pay six pence , fonrpence of which shall go towards the expenses , " and tho other twopence shall belong to the general fund ; but if the absent " Member shall withold a Key so that the Bus / incss of the E . E . bo considerably
" impeded or omitted during the whole night through such neglect , he shall pay " 1 / - that is equal to a present Member , which shall in likewise he appropriated " to the same uses , but if any G . C . ho absent and give an approved reason " why he could not attend , having proA'iously sent his Key by a B . S . K . T . " so that no business is impeded , ho shall stand at the discretion of the present "Members of the E . E . as shall every S . K . T . also being absent , and giidng
" an approved reason why ho could not attend . " ( Addition agreed to 19 th Octr . 1819 . ) " That the officers of the Encampment viz ., the E . G . C . the 1 st . " Capt . and 2 nd . Capt . if absent half an hour after the time specified in tho "Notice for any Meeting shall be fined one shilling each . 6 th . " That all high officers of this E . E . shall he filled once every year
" by an election according to the Ancient usages practised in all ages and " nations heretofore , which election shall take place on the third Tuesday " in June in every year , hut no one shall be chosen into the Highest " Office of E . G . C . through favour and affection , but such as by their " known skill and merit are deemed worthy and capable of filling the " sameand have also blegal rotation passed through the two lower
, y " places of G . C ' s , but to tho end that a regular sucession of G . C . " may he kept up in order to perpetuate the duration of the E . E . " Whosoever being properly qualified and chosen as above refuseth the " place of G . C . shall be fined 2 s . 6 d . to be applied to the increase of " the General Fund and a HCAV G . C . shall be elected in his room .
7 th . " That if any member of this E . E . shall so far unknight himscll " a . s to curse , swear , offer to lay wagers , speak disresjiectfully of those " S . K . T . whether absent or present who ought to be much in his esteem , " or bo guilty of any other unsociable word or action not mentioned in " this article he shall be lined at the discretion of the present members
" of the E . E . and his fine become a part of tho General fund . 8 th . " That any B . S . K . T . desiring to become a member of this E . E . " if he be found worthy and is properly qualified he shall be admitted , " hut no Br . Free Mason though otherwise ever so worthy shall be
" admitted a member of this E . E . unless upon duo examination he be " found to have passed through the following important requisites" [ hero upwards of a line is erased in a fresher ink , ] " and has then , but not " til then , been initiated into the E . A ., and after that made a K . T ., " in this case he may be admitted into the E . E ., but if upon examination " it be found that he was made E . A . without such regular passing the
" chair or that he has been made a K . T . before a E . A . Mason in this " case he must have his irregular steps regulated by repassing in due " form , or being - remade according to the order prescribed in this article , " and then he may he admitted into the E . E .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Antiquities, Documents, &C. Jerusalem Encampment, Manchester.
5 th . " That if any Member of the E . E . be absent 30 Minutes after the appointed " time of Meeting he shall be fined one penny , and if absent the whole " night ho shall pay six pence , fonrpence of which shall go towards the expenses , " and tho other twopence shall belong to the general fund ; but if the absent " Member shall withold a Key so that the Bus / incss of the E . E . bo considerably
" impeded or omitted during the whole night through such neglect , he shall pay " 1 / - that is equal to a present Member , which shall in likewise he appropriated " to the same uses , but if any G . C . ho absent and give an approved reason " why he could not attend , having proA'iously sent his Key by a B . S . K . T . " so that no business is impeded , ho shall stand at the discretion of the present "Members of the E . E . as shall every S . K . T . also being absent , and giidng
" an approved reason why ho could not attend . " ( Addition agreed to 19 th Octr . 1819 . ) " That the officers of the Encampment viz ., the E . G . C . the 1 st . " Capt . and 2 nd . Capt . if absent half an hour after the time specified in tho "Notice for any Meeting shall be fined one shilling each . 6 th . " That all high officers of this E . E . shall he filled once every year
" by an election according to the Ancient usages practised in all ages and " nations heretofore , which election shall take place on the third Tuesday " in June in every year , hut no one shall be chosen into the Highest " Office of E . G . C . through favour and affection , but such as by their " known skill and merit are deemed worthy and capable of filling the " sameand have also blegal rotation passed through the two lower
, y " places of G . C ' s , but to tho end that a regular sucession of G . C . " may he kept up in order to perpetuate the duration of the E . E . " Whosoever being properly qualified and chosen as above refuseth the " place of G . C . shall be fined 2 s . 6 d . to be applied to the increase of " the General Fund and a HCAV G . C . shall be elected in his room .
7 th . " That if any member of this E . E . shall so far unknight himscll " a . s to curse , swear , offer to lay wagers , speak disresjiectfully of those " S . K . T . whether absent or present who ought to be much in his esteem , " or bo guilty of any other unsociable word or action not mentioned in " this article he shall be lined at the discretion of the present members
" of the E . E . and his fine become a part of tho General fund . 8 th . " That any B . S . K . T . desiring to become a member of this E . E . " if he be found worthy and is properly qualified he shall be admitted , " hut no Br . Free Mason though otherwise ever so worthy shall be
" admitted a member of this E . E . unless upon duo examination he be " found to have passed through the following important requisites" [ hero upwards of a line is erased in a fresher ink , ] " and has then , but not " til then , been initiated into the E . A ., and after that made a K . T ., " in this case he may be admitted into the E . E ., but if upon examination " it be found that he was made E . A . without such regular passing the
" chair or that he has been made a K . T . before a E . A . Mason in this " case he must have his irregular steps regulated by repassing in due " form , or being - remade according to the order prescribed in this article , " and then he may he admitted into the E . E .