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suited . We are inclined to go much further , and to prove a much more intimate connection between the Order of Christ of Portugal , —tho real and only legitimate successors of the original Knights Templar , —and the branch of the same knoAvn as Masonic Knights Templar . But , Avith this difference of opinion , AA'O cannot shut' our eyes to tho fact that Sir Knt . Woof has written a very excellent little book on a most intricate subject ; has carefully and minutely sifted e-very grain of evidence before him , and has succeeded in
producing not only a A-ery useful manual for the student , but a readable essay which those uninterested in tracing any claim , to belong- to cither Order , Avill read Avith pleasure and gratification . If the old proverb , "Good Avine needs no bush , " be applicable to literary wares , then Sir Knt . AVoof's production needed no more than ordinary type , but , like a true antiquary enamoured of his subject , lie has sent his book out into the world a beautiful specimen of typography—Avorthy of the Orders to Avhich its author belongs , and of Avhom he so happily treats .
On the Seals and Anns of the City of Worcester . Being the substance of a Paper read at a Meeting of tho Worcester Avchsoological Club , by RICHAIID WOOF , F . S . A ., Town Clerk of Worcester . Privately printed . JfffffE can do little else than mention this brochure by Bro . Woof . He has ^ Jy & devoted ton pages , Avith a plate and fac-simile extra , to a very charming bit of gossip on the seals and arms of tho " faithful city . " In his capacity
of Town Clerk the seals appropriately fell under his observation . As an antiquary , armorial bearings as naturally find in him an exponent . This paper Bro . Woof has rendered equally readable with the oue noticed aboA'o , and , Avliilc he never neglects tho true objects of antiquarian research , he contrives to avoid tho " Dry-as-dust" style , and to convey to his readers tho best information , set forth in tho most attractive words . AVe fear our own discretion , —as this kind of study is one of our personal hobbies , —and therefore unwillingly refrain from entering upon the matter at greater length .
[ The meeting of Grand Conclave , on the 8 th . ultimo gave rise to the publication of the folloAving happy rhymes . Their point , Avit , and rollicking fun , have determined us to preserve them in THE MASONIC PEESS . —ED . ] NO SMOKIN & IS ALLOWED . e 'LL tell all storythe truth of which I know
y you a , , . ... j ^ Of funny people that I met at fourteen B d R—AV ; Of the Union and its Iron House , I am hy no means proud , For its one of those strict places Avhere no smoking is alknv-oAV-OAv-oiv-ed . No smoking is allowed . Last Friday nightas ever AvasI stopped to see the fun
, , , When dear old S 1 left the chair , and all our ivork Avas done ; Of gentle and of simple there Avas really quite a croAvcl , But among the rest Avere some , I think , a little hit too lou-ou-ou-ou-oud . A little hit too loud .
Says A ., "Most imminent Supreme , pray let us hai ' e a smoke ;" Says B ., "The Chairman ' s not Supreme ; " and A . regrets he spoke . B . adds , "You sha ' nt smoke in the Hall ; " and A . felt no Avay proud Of dining at the Union , As hei-e no smoking is allow-ow-OAV-OAv-ed . No smoking is alloAved .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
suited . We are inclined to go much further , and to prove a much more intimate connection between the Order of Christ of Portugal , —tho real and only legitimate successors of the original Knights Templar , —and the branch of the same knoAvn as Masonic Knights Templar . But , Avith this difference of opinion , AA'O cannot shut' our eyes to tho fact that Sir Knt . Woof has written a very excellent little book on a most intricate subject ; has carefully and minutely sifted e-very grain of evidence before him , and has succeeded in
producing not only a A-ery useful manual for the student , but a readable essay which those uninterested in tracing any claim , to belong- to cither Order , Avill read Avith pleasure and gratification . If the old proverb , "Good Avine needs no bush , " be applicable to literary wares , then Sir Knt . AVoof's production needed no more than ordinary type , but , like a true antiquary enamoured of his subject , lie has sent his book out into the world a beautiful specimen of typography—Avorthy of the Orders to Avhich its author belongs , and of Avhom he so happily treats .
On the Seals and Anns of the City of Worcester . Being the substance of a Paper read at a Meeting of tho Worcester Avchsoological Club , by RICHAIID WOOF , F . S . A ., Town Clerk of Worcester . Privately printed . JfffffE can do little else than mention this brochure by Bro . Woof . He has ^ Jy & devoted ton pages , Avith a plate and fac-simile extra , to a very charming bit of gossip on the seals and arms of tho " faithful city . " In his capacity
of Town Clerk the seals appropriately fell under his observation . As an antiquary , armorial bearings as naturally find in him an exponent . This paper Bro . Woof has rendered equally readable with the oue noticed aboA'o , and , Avliilc he never neglects tho true objects of antiquarian research , he contrives to avoid tho " Dry-as-dust" style , and to convey to his readers tho best information , set forth in tho most attractive words . AVe fear our own discretion , —as this kind of study is one of our personal hobbies , —and therefore unwillingly refrain from entering upon the matter at greater length .
[ The meeting of Grand Conclave , on the 8 th . ultimo gave rise to the publication of the folloAving happy rhymes . Their point , Avit , and rollicking fun , have determined us to preserve them in THE MASONIC PEESS . —ED . ] NO SMOKIN & IS ALLOWED . e 'LL tell all storythe truth of which I know
y you a , , . ... j ^ Of funny people that I met at fourteen B d R—AV ; Of the Union and its Iron House , I am hy no means proud , For its one of those strict places Avhere no smoking is alknv-oAV-OAv-oiv-ed . No smoking is allowed . Last Friday nightas ever AvasI stopped to see the fun
, , , When dear old S 1 left the chair , and all our ivork Avas done ; Of gentle and of simple there Avas really quite a croAvcl , But among the rest Avere some , I think , a little hit too lou-ou-ou-ou-oud . A little hit too loud .
Says A ., "Most imminent Supreme , pray let us hai ' e a smoke ;" Says B ., "The Chairman ' s not Supreme ; " and A . regrets he spoke . B . adds , "You sha ' nt smoke in the Hall ; " and A . felt no Avay proud Of dining at the Union , As hei-e no smoking is allow-ow-OAV-OAv-ed . No smoking is alloAved .