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The Approaching Festival Of The Boys' School.
"VTOT many weeks hence and the last of the Festivals of JL 1 our Charitable Institutions will have been held . True we are only this day entering on the month of June , and the Festival in question will not take place till the 8 th of next month . But the announcement that the first meetinsr of the Board of Stewards was held on Thursdav , the
23 rd ult ., and the statement that H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught , who will occupy the chair this year , had fixed the day for this annual gathering must have reminded our readers , if they needed any such reminder , that the time for considering the preliminary arrangements , as well as
for forming some estimate of the degree of success which may result from the Festival is at hand . It is possible to put off the preparations till what should be the completest regularity and order becomes inevitably a perfect chaos ; but , on the other hand , it is well-nigh impossible to make
too early a beginning . We have every confidence that the Stewards who have already signified their intention of acting in that important capacity , and their indefatigable Honorary Secretary , will exert themselves with the same energy and zeal as at previous Festivals of this Institution ;
but we are likewise anxious that the brethren should have the earliest opportunity afforded them , so that they may bring their valuable assistance to bear in supporting the Boys' School . There are several reasons , indeed , why we think ifc desirable that attention should be called to the
anniversary of this Institution even at an earlier date than usual . In the first place , H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught has graciously signified his intention of presiding , and ifc is well known that the many claims on his Royal Highness ' s time prevent him from taking so active a part in the
business of Freemasonry as he could wish . Therefore the Craft owe it as a duty to His Royal Highness , and to themselves , that they should exhibit more than their usual energy , in order the more worthily to second his efforts on behalf of the School . Again , the occasion will possess an unusual
degree of interest in one particular respect . The day selected happens to be the thirteenth anniversary of the opening of the present School building . Brethren , therefore , may glance with just pride at the magnificent success which has been achieved in that brief term of years , and
regarding this as ominous of good for the future , they will doubtless resolve upon making still more determined efforts in support of a School which has fulfilled its important duties so admirably . There is , however , a third , and , if possible , a still greater reason why a supreme effort should be made this year for the
Boys' School . The Governors have greatly extended its sphere of usefulness , and in a very short space of time there will be 211 boys borne on the strength of the School . Its funded property , however , is limited , and must be of little or no account in the event of any great emergency . Before
the new buiding was constructed , the invested Funds of the Institution amounted to £ 13 , 100 stock , which was sold towards defraying its erection . The successes of the last two or three Festivals have enabled the Governors to invest £ 8 , 000 . It follows , then , that a further sum of over £ 5 , 000
is necessary in order to raise the amount of the investments to what they were somewhat over thirteen years since , and if the Craft work well , there is , in spite of the general commercial depression , and the weighty political anxieties of the moment , no reason why the amount should not be forthcoming , especially when we bear in mind the unusually
The Approaching Festival Of The Boys' School.
favourable circumstances under which the Festival will this year take place . Nor must we leave out of the reckoning one other and most important consideration . Last year , owing to the almost overwhelming number of candidates who presented themselves for election at each of the
half-yearly ballots , and the very limited number of vacancies for which they competed , it was resolved on building additional premises , with a view to raising the number of pupils to about 215 or 216 . For this purpose ifc was determined to expend a sum of £ 3 , 200 , such being the estimated
cost of the additions proposed . This of itself constitutes an important reason why , if we had been unable to enumerate those we have already mentioned , the assistance of Craftsmen should be forthcoming more abundantly at this year ' s Festival than in ordinary years . We trust all these
circumstances will be taken into account and weighed seriously as they deserve to be ; and if the Craft will but bestir itself , as ifc can do when the emergency is great , wo shall have no fear as to the measure of success which it will be our duty to announce some time during the first half of Tnlv .
It remains for us to say a few words as to the arran gements made , or in contemplation , for the auspicious day . As at the later Festivals of this Institution , ladies will dine with the brethren , and tho place chosen is the Alexandra Palace . Bros . Bertram and Roberts , with the liberality
which distinguishes them , have kindly consented to place at the disposal of the Stewards the Concert Room , in which the dinner will be served , and which is capable of accommodating a thousand persons ; the Italian Garden , which will be opened for the recreation of the visitors ; the
Conservatory , m which tea and coffee will be served ; and the Picture Gallery , in which the guests will assemble . In the evening the Garden and Conservatory will be brilliantly illuminated , and there will be both vocal and instrumental music on the occasion , to enliven those gathered
together . There will , in fact , be a garden fete to supplement the Festival proper , while , though primarily and essentially a Masonic assembly , there will be no display of Masonic paraphernalia . The gentlemen will b » in ordinary morning dress , and the ladies
are to wear bonnets . That , as far as possible up to the present time , all the preliminary steps have been taken in order to make the Anniversary Festival of 1878 a grand success cannot for one moment be doubted . Further details
will , of course , be g iven as the day approaches , but the arrangements , even as they are now defined , will , in their general aspect , remain unaltered . That is , the scheme will remain , though the details here and there may undergo some slight modifications .
We trust we have said enough to excite in the minds of our readers , a just amount of enthusiasm for the approaching event . The Institution is one which , of course , like its two sister Institutions , must commend itself to the friendly offices of all worthy Craftsmen , and afc all times . But since
the memorable year in which the Prince of Wales presided , there has been no such conspicuous piece of good fortune awaiting the Boys' School as , it may be anticipated , will result from the kindly presidency of the Duke of Connaught . Hence it is Ave speak somewhat earlier than usual ,
so that brethren who think it possible they may be able to find an opportunity for contributing their assistence directly or indirectly , may , at all events , have sufficient
time allowed them for making one . There are now 222 Stewards , and if this number is increased , as it can and should be , to 300 , then the Eightieth Anniversary of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys will stand a mag-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Approaching Festival Of The Boys' School.
"VTOT many weeks hence and the last of the Festivals of JL 1 our Charitable Institutions will have been held . True we are only this day entering on the month of June , and the Festival in question will not take place till the 8 th of next month . But the announcement that the first meetinsr of the Board of Stewards was held on Thursdav , the
23 rd ult ., and the statement that H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught , who will occupy the chair this year , had fixed the day for this annual gathering must have reminded our readers , if they needed any such reminder , that the time for considering the preliminary arrangements , as well as
for forming some estimate of the degree of success which may result from the Festival is at hand . It is possible to put off the preparations till what should be the completest regularity and order becomes inevitably a perfect chaos ; but , on the other hand , it is well-nigh impossible to make
too early a beginning . We have every confidence that the Stewards who have already signified their intention of acting in that important capacity , and their indefatigable Honorary Secretary , will exert themselves with the same energy and zeal as at previous Festivals of this Institution ;
but we are likewise anxious that the brethren should have the earliest opportunity afforded them , so that they may bring their valuable assistance to bear in supporting the Boys' School . There are several reasons , indeed , why we think ifc desirable that attention should be called to the
anniversary of this Institution even at an earlier date than usual . In the first place , H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught has graciously signified his intention of presiding , and ifc is well known that the many claims on his Royal Highness ' s time prevent him from taking so active a part in the
business of Freemasonry as he could wish . Therefore the Craft owe it as a duty to His Royal Highness , and to themselves , that they should exhibit more than their usual energy , in order the more worthily to second his efforts on behalf of the School . Again , the occasion will possess an unusual
degree of interest in one particular respect . The day selected happens to be the thirteenth anniversary of the opening of the present School building . Brethren , therefore , may glance with just pride at the magnificent success which has been achieved in that brief term of years , and
regarding this as ominous of good for the future , they will doubtless resolve upon making still more determined efforts in support of a School which has fulfilled its important duties so admirably . There is , however , a third , and , if possible , a still greater reason why a supreme effort should be made this year for the
Boys' School . The Governors have greatly extended its sphere of usefulness , and in a very short space of time there will be 211 boys borne on the strength of the School . Its funded property , however , is limited , and must be of little or no account in the event of any great emergency . Before
the new buiding was constructed , the invested Funds of the Institution amounted to £ 13 , 100 stock , which was sold towards defraying its erection . The successes of the last two or three Festivals have enabled the Governors to invest £ 8 , 000 . It follows , then , that a further sum of over £ 5 , 000
is necessary in order to raise the amount of the investments to what they were somewhat over thirteen years since , and if the Craft work well , there is , in spite of the general commercial depression , and the weighty political anxieties of the moment , no reason why the amount should not be forthcoming , especially when we bear in mind the unusually
The Approaching Festival Of The Boys' School.
favourable circumstances under which the Festival will this year take place . Nor must we leave out of the reckoning one other and most important consideration . Last year , owing to the almost overwhelming number of candidates who presented themselves for election at each of the
half-yearly ballots , and the very limited number of vacancies for which they competed , it was resolved on building additional premises , with a view to raising the number of pupils to about 215 or 216 . For this purpose ifc was determined to expend a sum of £ 3 , 200 , such being the estimated
cost of the additions proposed . This of itself constitutes an important reason why , if we had been unable to enumerate those we have already mentioned , the assistance of Craftsmen should be forthcoming more abundantly at this year ' s Festival than in ordinary years . We trust all these
circumstances will be taken into account and weighed seriously as they deserve to be ; and if the Craft will but bestir itself , as ifc can do when the emergency is great , wo shall have no fear as to the measure of success which it will be our duty to announce some time during the first half of Tnlv .
It remains for us to say a few words as to the arran gements made , or in contemplation , for the auspicious day . As at the later Festivals of this Institution , ladies will dine with the brethren , and tho place chosen is the Alexandra Palace . Bros . Bertram and Roberts , with the liberality
which distinguishes them , have kindly consented to place at the disposal of the Stewards the Concert Room , in which the dinner will be served , and which is capable of accommodating a thousand persons ; the Italian Garden , which will be opened for the recreation of the visitors ; the
Conservatory , m which tea and coffee will be served ; and the Picture Gallery , in which the guests will assemble . In the evening the Garden and Conservatory will be brilliantly illuminated , and there will be both vocal and instrumental music on the occasion , to enliven those gathered
together . There will , in fact , be a garden fete to supplement the Festival proper , while , though primarily and essentially a Masonic assembly , there will be no display of Masonic paraphernalia . The gentlemen will b » in ordinary morning dress , and the ladies
are to wear bonnets . That , as far as possible up to the present time , all the preliminary steps have been taken in order to make the Anniversary Festival of 1878 a grand success cannot for one moment be doubted . Further details
will , of course , be g iven as the day approaches , but the arrangements , even as they are now defined , will , in their general aspect , remain unaltered . That is , the scheme will remain , though the details here and there may undergo some slight modifications .
We trust we have said enough to excite in the minds of our readers , a just amount of enthusiasm for the approaching event . The Institution is one which , of course , like its two sister Institutions , must commend itself to the friendly offices of all worthy Craftsmen , and afc all times . But since
the memorable year in which the Prince of Wales presided , there has been no such conspicuous piece of good fortune awaiting the Boys' School as , it may be anticipated , will result from the kindly presidency of the Duke of Connaught . Hence it is Ave speak somewhat earlier than usual ,
so that brethren who think it possible they may be able to find an opportunity for contributing their assistence directly or indirectly , may , at all events , have sufficient
time allowed them for making one . There are now 222 Stewards , and if this number is increased , as it can and should be , to 300 , then the Eightieth Anniversary of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys will stand a mag-