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W . S ., J . H . OppenheimD . C . R . G . Thomas Org ., Steedman P . M . Tyler The resignation of two brethren was accepted , with regret , particularly so in the case of Bro . Knight , whoso ill-hoalth precluded his attending . Tho W . M . remarked that he now had a very pleasing duty to perform ; to present the retiring P . M . with the Jewel he so well merited , and he hoped Bro . Sims would bo spared many
years to wear it ; and ever bo blessed with health and prosperity . Bro . Sim thanked the W . M . and the brethren for the valuable gift , which was too great a recompense for such slight services as he had been ablo to render 3 howovor , ho would do all in his power for the comfort of tho Lodge , and his best exertions would always be afc their disposal . The Lodge wa 3 then closed , and tho brethren sat down to
a banquet and dessert , provided by Bro . Grist , whose catering gavo great satisfaction . Grace having been said , tho W . M . proposed the toast of II . M . tho Queen , who had endeared herself to all her sub . jects . To-day was her birthday , —and it was an eventfnl day for him ( the W . M . ) to bo installed into the ohair . He was sure all Her Majesty ' s subjects , wish her long life . Individually , he hoped he might
live among them for many years to celebrate this eventful day . The toasts of tho M . W . G . M . H . R . H . tho Prince of Wales ; the Pro G . M ., and tho D . G . M ., wero enthusiastically received . Bro . Sims I . P . M . then rose ; ho had great pleasure in proposing tho health of the W . M . Bro . Coombs ; he was sure he was expressing their feelings when he hoped he mig ht havo this toast to proposo afc the oxpiration of his
year of offico ; aud that he might havo tho satisfaction of knowing that Bro . Coombs had done his duty . Tho WM . thanked Bro . Sims for proposing , and the brethren for so cordially responding to tho toast ; ho was suro the members would assist him to carry out the duties of the chair faithfully and zealously . As one of the founders he would , with the guidanco of the Past Masters , do all required of
him . He hoped to carry out tho dutios of tho chair as successfully as had been done during the two years the Lodge had been iu existence . Tho W . M . then proposed the toast of the Initiates , Bros . Henri and Brower ; thoy wero pleased to seo them among them . The Lodge ¦ was proud to receive thom as members . Bro . Parslow here sang a very excellent song ; he was accompanied on the piauoforto by Bro .
Thomas . Bro . Brewer returned thanks , and Bro . Honri also responded . The W . M . thon proposed tho toast of the Visitors . Thero wero nineteen present , aud he , tho W . M ., as well as every member of tho Lodge was proud to see thom ; he would couplo with tho toast the names of Bros . H . Massey , II . M . Levy , and W . B . Kidder . The brethren named expressed their satisfaction afc the admirabio manner the
various ceremonies had been performed , and the hospitality afforded them . The W . M . them proposed the health of tho Past Masters . At present thero wero but two , still ho hoped they would live long to seo tho Lodge flourish . Bro . Somers responded ; and was followed by Bro . Sim , who thanked tho W . M . and brethren for their kind reception of his name . The members had
recognised his services as W . M . kindly aud considerately , and ho hoped for many years to bo among them . By the permission of tho W . M ., ho would now proposo the toast of the Masonic Charities . Bro . Sims spoke of the benefits conferred by tho three Institutions , and he hoped their funds would increase . He regretted tho absence of Bro . Terry , who was in Manchester . Bro . Rimell had represented
tho Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , and Bro . Norris had con . sented to act as Stoward for the Anniversary Festival of the Boys ; he hoped ou every occasion they would send a Steward from tho Lodge . Bro . Rimell , who replied , said : As a young Mason he was pleased to represent the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution ; ho hoped ou a future occasion again to serve as Steward , and hoped
to got large contributions . Bro . Norris was pleased to represent tho Lodge at the next Festival of the Boys ; he hoped tho brethren would liberally subscribe . He had attended the meeting of tho Stewards ; H . R . H . the Dnke of Conm . nght would take the chair on tho 8 th July , at the Alexandra Palace , where ladies would be present . He called attention to the excellent arrangements that had been made
by Bros . Bertram and Roberts , who offered every accommodation to the brethren , and he trusted every member of the Lodge would support him . The W . M . then proposed the health of theTreasurer and Secretary . The former brother was unavoidably absent from illness . The Secretary , Bro . Osmond , had had his services appreciated by the presentation made him ; no man was more worthy . Bro . Osmond
said for two years he had acted as Secretary , and he hoped he had given them satisfaction . He never expected to receive so elegant and valuable a testimonial ; his duties had been a labour of love , and what he did was for the comfort of the brethren . He again thanked them for their elegant gift . He regretted the absence of the Treasurer , but he trusted that brother would be present on futnre occasions . The W . M . said he thought he had made a good selection of the officers
he had appointed ; in time he hoped to see them successivel y occupy the chair of the Lodge . Bro . A . Rowley S . W . returned thanks ; and then the Tyler ' s toast concluded the proceedings . Amongst the visitors were—Bros . Kew W . M . 179 , Clare 1507 , W . B . Kidder P . M . 12 , H . Massey P . M . G 19 , W . Rowlev 917 , Carter 1687 , Bateman P . M . 820 , Wood 128 S , Weaver P . M . 82 " o , W . Wiles P . M . 173 , G . Edwards 907 , Pcarcy 228 , Reason 12 G 0 , Gibson P . M . 1420 , Purkis 916 , H . M . Levy P . M . 188 , & o .
Eboraeum Lodge , No . 1611 . —An emergency meeting of this Lodgo was held on Monday , at York . Present—Bros . T . B . Whytehead W . M ., T . Cooper I . P . M ., J . S . Cumberland S . W ., C . G . Padel J . W ., G . Balmford P . M . Treas ., J . Kay Sec , J . T . Seller J . D ., T . Humphries Asst . Sec , M . Millington I . G ., T . D . Smith and A . T . B . Turner Stewards , P . Pearson Tyler ; aud Bros . Beanland P . M ., G .
Walker , W . P . Husband , Ware , Wilkinson , & o . The chief business consisted of au initiation and a passing , after which the W . M . said he had a pleasing duty to perform , which was to present to tho Lodgo , on behalf of Bro . R . W . Hollon , an old engraving of Sir Christopher Wren , one of the traditional Grand Masters of the Craft . This was the second gift of the kind that had come from Bro . Hollon , and he thought ifc very gratifying that ; the oldest Past Master of the York
Lodge , No . 236 , and ono who had attained tho dignity of Grand Lodge honours , should show such a keen interest in tho well-being of tho younger Lodge . Tho gift was received with hearty applause , and the Secretary was instructed to write to Bro . Hollon , convey . ing the best ; thanks of tho Lodge . Pursuant to notice , the W . M . brought forward tho subject of the contemplated visit to York ,
in July , of a party of Masons from Philadelphia . He said that Bro . Meyer , Grand Recorder of Pennsylvania , had written to him on tho matter some time ago , and had requested him to mako arrangements for their viewing any objeots of interest in the city , and ho thought that it would bo a good opportunity of extending to the visitors tho hand of fratornal fellowship . It was proposed to
hold a meeting of tho Ancient Ebor Proceptory 101 ( K . T . ) on tho day of tho visit of the Americans , who had expressed a wish to seo thafc degree worked , and probably a luncheon would be givon them under the banner of the Preceptory . If the brethren of tho Ebor acnm Lodge chose to take any steps , either in conjunction with the Preceptory or alone , to welcome their Transatlantic friends he
should be glad of ifc . As tho Amoricans were bringing ladies with them , he thought ifc would be both appropriate and pleasant to siezo tho opportunity of admitting ladies to the ontertainment whatever form it might lake . Several brethron spoke in terms of approval of the ideas thrown out , and eventually a committee was appointod
to consider the matter and report to the noxt regular Lodge . Subsequently the brethren met at refreshment , and a social and pleasant evening was spont , enlivened by solo and part singing . A quartette , consisting of members of the Lodgo , comprising Bros . J . S . Cumberland , J . E . Wilkinson , T . Humphries , and G . C . Lee performed sevoral glees in masterly stylo .
West Middlesex Lodge of Instruction , No . 1612 . —Met at tho Feathors' Hotel , on Thursday , the 23 rd ult . A . Jones W . M ., H . E . Tucker Treas ., W . Seward jnu . S . W ., E . C . Porter J . W ., Le Grys S . D ., Coop J . D ., Clarko I . G ., J . Johnson Steward , Alais P . M . 834 acting as P . M . for tho ovening ; also Bros . Josey 834 , H . Stephens , Ackworth , Botley , Owen , & c . Lodge opened , and minutes
of tho last meeting were read , confirmed , and signed . At the request of tho W . M ., who was unwell , Bro . II . E . Tucket' took tho chair , and rehearsed the ceremony of initiation , Bro . Botley being candidate . The Lodgo was then opeuod up to the third degree , and Bro . Tucker rehearsed tho ceremony of raising , Bro . E . T . Browu being candidate . Tho Traditional History and Lecture on tho
Tracing Board in this dogreo wero given by Bro . Alais , and the ceremony having been fiuished by tho W . M ., tho Lodgo was resumed to the second . Tho W . Master gave tho Lecture on the Tracing Board in that degreo . A special voto of thanks was accorded Bro . Alais for tho assistance and instruction ho had rendered tho Lodge . Ou returning thanks , Bro . Alais congratulated the W . M . ou tho
manner ho had worked tho ceremonies , and said he had enjoyed the evening so much it would not be long before ho repeated his visit . Bro . W . Seward juu . was elected W . M . for Gth June . The Lodge used their own working tools and tracing boards on this occasion for the first time . These have been purchased out of tho funds of the Lodge .
Confidence Lodge of Instruction , No . 193 . —Met on Wednesday , the 29 th inst ., at tho Railway Tavern , London-street , E . C . There were present—Bros . Biddle W . M ., Walker S . W ., Bush J . W ., Gottheil P . M ., J . K . Pitt Secretary , Sayer S . D ., R . Harris J . D ., Metcalf I . G . ; Anderson , A . Posener , G . Harris , Wobb , Woodward . As had been announced at the last meeting , tho first and second
ceremonies were rehearsed . Bro . Biddle ' s work was scarcely up to his usual mark . We would advise more sustained application , and greater attention to what may appear unimportant detail , but which , nevertheless , is essential to make up what is understood to be efficient work . Bro . Harris ' s Deaconship requires improvement , but Bro . Sayer as Senior Deacon did his work with care . Several of the brethren were
lax ( a not unusual occurence ) in their mode of standing to order . This indifference , even in a Lodgo of Instruction , is most reprehensible , as laxity begets slovenliness , and , consequently inferior workmanship . Bro . Metcalf of the Mizpah Lodgo , who was elected a member , in thank - ing the brethren for having accepted him , said , that unfortunatel y his time was circumscribed by his avocations , and ho therefore was
nnable to attend to Masonic duty as frequently as was desirable , but holding the position of S . W . in his Lodge , he would strive to visit this Lodgo as often as possible , as from its reputation he was convinced that it was tho place to receive the instruction he was in search of . Bro . Walker was elected W . M ., bnt expressed his willingness to give way to any other Brother who on next Wednesday might express a wish to preside in bis stead .
Royal Savoy Lodge , No . 1744 . —Tho first regular meeting of this Lodge was held at Ashley ' s Hotel , Covent Garden , on Tuesday , the 28 th May . Bros . J . Willing jnn . W . M ., Douglass S . W ., Clemow J . W ., Treadwell Treas ., Stiles Sec , Jones S . D ., Hyland J . D ., Smith I . G ., Barham , Tomkins , Jaqncs , Sillis , Deller , Holt , and many others . The Lodge was opened in duo form , aud the W . M ., by permission of
the W . M . ' s of 45 and 177 , raised Bros . Lowe anciJBaldrey . Messrs . Arthur Douglass , Mabey , Philpott , Hixon and Lloyd were impressively initiated into Freemasonry , and seventeen brethren were balloted for and admitted as joining members . The B ye-Laws were proposed , discussed , and agreed to , so as to be submitted to Grand
Lodgo for approval , and arrangements for a summer festival wero discussed . The brethren then adjourned to bauquefc , which Bro . Mitchell obly served . The only hitch that occurred arose from the waiters being foreigners , and this occasioned some little delay between the courses . Tho Lodge will meet again on tho fourth Tuesday in June .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
W . S ., J . H . OppenheimD . C . R . G . Thomas Org ., Steedman P . M . Tyler The resignation of two brethren was accepted , with regret , particularly so in the case of Bro . Knight , whoso ill-hoalth precluded his attending . Tho W . M . remarked that he now had a very pleasing duty to perform ; to present the retiring P . M . with the Jewel he so well merited , and he hoped Bro . Sims would bo spared many
years to wear it ; and ever bo blessed with health and prosperity . Bro . Sim thanked the W . M . and the brethren for the valuable gift , which was too great a recompense for such slight services as he had been ablo to render 3 howovor , ho would do all in his power for the comfort of tho Lodge , and his best exertions would always be afc their disposal . The Lodge wa 3 then closed , and tho brethren sat down to
a banquet and dessert , provided by Bro . Grist , whose catering gavo great satisfaction . Grace having been said , tho W . M . proposed the toast of II . M . tho Queen , who had endeared herself to all her sub . jects . To-day was her birthday , —and it was an eventfnl day for him ( the W . M . ) to bo installed into the ohair . He was sure all Her Majesty ' s subjects , wish her long life . Individually , he hoped he might
live among them for many years to celebrate this eventful day . The toasts of tho M . W . G . M . H . R . H . tho Prince of Wales ; the Pro G . M ., and tho D . G . M ., wero enthusiastically received . Bro . Sims I . P . M . then rose ; ho had great pleasure in proposing tho health of the W . M . Bro . Coombs ; he was sure he was expressing their feelings when he hoped he mig ht havo this toast to proposo afc the oxpiration of his
year of offico ; aud that he might havo tho satisfaction of knowing that Bro . Coombs had done his duty . Tho WM . thanked Bro . Sims for proposing , and the brethren for so cordially responding to tho toast ; ho was suro the members would assist him to carry out the duties of the chair faithfully and zealously . As one of the founders he would , with the guidanco of the Past Masters , do all required of
him . He hoped to carry out tho dutios of tho chair as successfully as had been done during the two years the Lodge had been iu existence . Tho W . M . then proposed the toast of the Initiates , Bros . Henri and Brower ; thoy wero pleased to seo them among them . The Lodge ¦ was proud to receive thom as members . Bro . Parslow here sang a very excellent song ; he was accompanied on the piauoforto by Bro .
Thomas . Bro . Brewer returned thanks , and Bro . Honri also responded . The W . M . thon proposed tho toast of the Visitors . Thero wero nineteen present , aud he , tho W . M ., as well as every member of tho Lodge was proud to see thom ; he would couplo with tho toast the names of Bros . H . Massey , II . M . Levy , and W . B . Kidder . The brethren named expressed their satisfaction afc the admirabio manner the
various ceremonies had been performed , and the hospitality afforded them . The W . M . them proposed the health of tho Past Masters . At present thero wero but two , still ho hoped they would live long to seo tho Lodge flourish . Bro . Somers responded ; and was followed by Bro . Sim , who thanked tho W . M . and brethren for their kind reception of his name . The members had
recognised his services as W . M . kindly aud considerately , and ho hoped for many years to bo among them . By the permission of tho W . M ., ho would now proposo the toast of the Masonic Charities . Bro . Sims spoke of the benefits conferred by tho three Institutions , and he hoped their funds would increase . He regretted tho absence of Bro . Terry , who was in Manchester . Bro . Rimell had represented
tho Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , and Bro . Norris had con . sented to act as Stoward for the Anniversary Festival of the Boys ; he hoped ou every occasion they would send a Steward from tho Lodge . Bro . Rimell , who replied , said : As a young Mason he was pleased to represent the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution ; ho hoped ou a future occasion again to serve as Steward , and hoped
to got large contributions . Bro . Norris was pleased to represent tho Lodge at the next Festival of the Boys ; he hoped tho brethren would liberally subscribe . He had attended the meeting of tho Stewards ; H . R . H . the Dnke of Conm . nght would take the chair on tho 8 th July , at the Alexandra Palace , where ladies would be present . He called attention to the excellent arrangements that had been made
by Bros . Bertram and Roberts , who offered every accommodation to the brethren , and he trusted every member of the Lodge would support him . The W . M . then proposed the health of theTreasurer and Secretary . The former brother was unavoidably absent from illness . The Secretary , Bro . Osmond , had had his services appreciated by the presentation made him ; no man was more worthy . Bro . Osmond
said for two years he had acted as Secretary , and he hoped he had given them satisfaction . He never expected to receive so elegant and valuable a testimonial ; his duties had been a labour of love , and what he did was for the comfort of the brethren . He again thanked them for their elegant gift . He regretted the absence of the Treasurer , but he trusted that brother would be present on futnre occasions . The W . M . said he thought he had made a good selection of the officers
he had appointed ; in time he hoped to see them successivel y occupy the chair of the Lodge . Bro . A . Rowley S . W . returned thanks ; and then the Tyler ' s toast concluded the proceedings . Amongst the visitors were—Bros . Kew W . M . 179 , Clare 1507 , W . B . Kidder P . M . 12 , H . Massey P . M . G 19 , W . Rowlev 917 , Carter 1687 , Bateman P . M . 820 , Wood 128 S , Weaver P . M . 82 " o , W . Wiles P . M . 173 , G . Edwards 907 , Pcarcy 228 , Reason 12 G 0 , Gibson P . M . 1420 , Purkis 916 , H . M . Levy P . M . 188 , & o .
Eboraeum Lodge , No . 1611 . —An emergency meeting of this Lodgo was held on Monday , at York . Present—Bros . T . B . Whytehead W . M ., T . Cooper I . P . M ., J . S . Cumberland S . W ., C . G . Padel J . W ., G . Balmford P . M . Treas ., J . Kay Sec , J . T . Seller J . D ., T . Humphries Asst . Sec , M . Millington I . G ., T . D . Smith and A . T . B . Turner Stewards , P . Pearson Tyler ; aud Bros . Beanland P . M ., G .
Walker , W . P . Husband , Ware , Wilkinson , & o . The chief business consisted of au initiation and a passing , after which the W . M . said he had a pleasing duty to perform , which was to present to tho Lodgo , on behalf of Bro . R . W . Hollon , an old engraving of Sir Christopher Wren , one of the traditional Grand Masters of the Craft . This was the second gift of the kind that had come from Bro . Hollon , and he thought ifc very gratifying that ; the oldest Past Master of the York
Lodge , No . 236 , and ono who had attained tho dignity of Grand Lodge honours , should show such a keen interest in tho well-being of tho younger Lodge . Tho gift was received with hearty applause , and the Secretary was instructed to write to Bro . Hollon , convey . ing the best ; thanks of tho Lodge . Pursuant to notice , the W . M . brought forward tho subject of the contemplated visit to York ,
in July , of a party of Masons from Philadelphia . He said that Bro . Meyer , Grand Recorder of Pennsylvania , had written to him on tho matter some time ago , and had requested him to mako arrangements for their viewing any objeots of interest in the city , and ho thought that it would bo a good opportunity of extending to the visitors tho hand of fratornal fellowship . It was proposed to
hold a meeting of tho Ancient Ebor Proceptory 101 ( K . T . ) on tho day of tho visit of the Americans , who had expressed a wish to seo thafc degree worked , and probably a luncheon would be givon them under the banner of the Preceptory . If the brethren of tho Ebor acnm Lodge chose to take any steps , either in conjunction with the Preceptory or alone , to welcome their Transatlantic friends he
should be glad of ifc . As tho Amoricans were bringing ladies with them , he thought ifc would be both appropriate and pleasant to siezo tho opportunity of admitting ladies to the ontertainment whatever form it might lake . Several brethron spoke in terms of approval of the ideas thrown out , and eventually a committee was appointod
to consider the matter and report to the noxt regular Lodge . Subsequently the brethren met at refreshment , and a social and pleasant evening was spont , enlivened by solo and part singing . A quartette , consisting of members of the Lodgo , comprising Bros . J . S . Cumberland , J . E . Wilkinson , T . Humphries , and G . C . Lee performed sevoral glees in masterly stylo .
West Middlesex Lodge of Instruction , No . 1612 . —Met at tho Feathors' Hotel , on Thursday , the 23 rd ult . A . Jones W . M ., H . E . Tucker Treas ., W . Seward jnu . S . W ., E . C . Porter J . W ., Le Grys S . D ., Coop J . D ., Clarko I . G ., J . Johnson Steward , Alais P . M . 834 acting as P . M . for tho ovening ; also Bros . Josey 834 , H . Stephens , Ackworth , Botley , Owen , & c . Lodge opened , and minutes
of tho last meeting were read , confirmed , and signed . At the request of tho W . M ., who was unwell , Bro . II . E . Tucket' took tho chair , and rehearsed the ceremony of initiation , Bro . Botley being candidate . The Lodgo was then opeuod up to the third degree , and Bro . Tucker rehearsed tho ceremony of raising , Bro . E . T . Browu being candidate . Tho Traditional History and Lecture on tho
Tracing Board in this dogreo wero given by Bro . Alais , and the ceremony having been fiuished by tho W . M ., tho Lodgo was resumed to the second . Tho W . Master gave tho Lecture on the Tracing Board in that degreo . A special voto of thanks was accorded Bro . Alais for tho assistance and instruction ho had rendered tho Lodge . Ou returning thanks , Bro . Alais congratulated the W . M . ou tho
manner ho had worked tho ceremonies , and said he had enjoyed the evening so much it would not be long before ho repeated his visit . Bro . W . Seward juu . was elected W . M . for Gth June . The Lodge used their own working tools and tracing boards on this occasion for the first time . These have been purchased out of tho funds of the Lodge .
Confidence Lodge of Instruction , No . 193 . —Met on Wednesday , the 29 th inst ., at tho Railway Tavern , London-street , E . C . There were present—Bros . Biddle W . M ., Walker S . W ., Bush J . W ., Gottheil P . M ., J . K . Pitt Secretary , Sayer S . D ., R . Harris J . D ., Metcalf I . G . ; Anderson , A . Posener , G . Harris , Wobb , Woodward . As had been announced at the last meeting , tho first and second
ceremonies were rehearsed . Bro . Biddle ' s work was scarcely up to his usual mark . We would advise more sustained application , and greater attention to what may appear unimportant detail , but which , nevertheless , is essential to make up what is understood to be efficient work . Bro . Harris ' s Deaconship requires improvement , but Bro . Sayer as Senior Deacon did his work with care . Several of the brethren were
lax ( a not unusual occurence ) in their mode of standing to order . This indifference , even in a Lodgo of Instruction , is most reprehensible , as laxity begets slovenliness , and , consequently inferior workmanship . Bro . Metcalf of the Mizpah Lodgo , who was elected a member , in thank - ing the brethren for having accepted him , said , that unfortunatel y his time was circumscribed by his avocations , and ho therefore was
nnable to attend to Masonic duty as frequently as was desirable , but holding the position of S . W . in his Lodge , he would strive to visit this Lodgo as often as possible , as from its reputation he was convinced that it was tho place to receive the instruction he was in search of . Bro . Walker was elected W . M ., bnt expressed his willingness to give way to any other Brother who on next Wednesday might express a wish to preside in bis stead .
Royal Savoy Lodge , No . 1744 . —Tho first regular meeting of this Lodge was held at Ashley ' s Hotel , Covent Garden , on Tuesday , the 28 th May . Bros . J . Willing jnn . W . M ., Douglass S . W ., Clemow J . W ., Treadwell Treas ., Stiles Sec , Jones S . D ., Hyland J . D ., Smith I . G ., Barham , Tomkins , Jaqncs , Sillis , Deller , Holt , and many others . The Lodge was opened in duo form , aud the W . M ., by permission of
the W . M . ' s of 45 and 177 , raised Bros . Lowe anciJBaldrey . Messrs . Arthur Douglass , Mabey , Philpott , Hixon and Lloyd were impressively initiated into Freemasonry , and seventeen brethren were balloted for and admitted as joining members . The B ye-Laws were proposed , discussed , and agreed to , so as to be submitted to Grand
Lodgo for approval , and arrangements for a summer festival wero discussed . The brethren then adjourned to bauquefc , which Bro . Mitchell obly served . The only hitch that occurred arose from the waiters being foreigners , and this occasioned some little delay between the courses . Tho Lodge will meet again on tho fourth Tuesday in June .