Article JAMAICA. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MOHAWK MINSTRELS—Bro. THOMAS'S BENEFIT. Page 1 of 1
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called on to notice . Next camo the replies of the new members , which were brief , and uttered with a duo regard to the importance of tho responsibilities each had undertaken . With the toast of tho Visitors wero associated tho names of Bros . Carter P . G . D . Berks and Bucks , BettsP . M . St . Clements Danes Lodge , andS . R . Lamble P . M . 27 ; oachof theso brothren replied . Aftor a song— " Tho Bay of Dublin '
—which Bro . Goss sang most artistically , tho health of tho P . M . s was given , and briefly acknowledged by Bros . Roe , Littlewood , Lloyd , Gardiner , and Brown . Then camo the toast of tho Treasurer and Secretary , which gave Bro . TV . Hilton an opportunity to make somo happy remarks in reference to tho prefix Royal which was attached to tho name of tho Lodgo . Tho
W . M . then roso to givo what ho suggested might be accepted as tho toast of tho evening—tho health of their host , Bro . Stanbury , who had exerted himself so successfully to promote their comfort that evening . Aftor a song from Bro . Botloy , Bro . Stanbury roso : He felt ho stood in a very peculiar position . Tho way in which tho toast had been given and received was to him extremely gratifying .
Ho was pleased to notico that ou this occasion his namo had boon placed before tho toast of the Charities , and beforo tho builder who had so worthily worked out what ho contracted to do . A 3 a business man , ho ( Bro . Stanbury ) had only dono what any business man should havo dono under the cirenmstances . Ho appreciated tho support of those who wero around him , aud ho made them certain
promises , which ho had striven might and main—ho hopod ho might say successfully—to fulfil . Ho thanked tho W . M . and members of the Royal Alfred for their kind expressions of approval , and personally ho took tho opportunity of publicly acknowledging tho obligations ho folt under to Bro . Lamble for tho energy he had displayed in carrying out the work . Ho then assnred all present that if thoy felt ho had
done well in tho past , they might tako it as an earnest of his desire to oxort himself in the future , and to do all in his power to mako them comfortable . In responso to a special call , Bro . Lamblo remarked he hardly knew how to add anything to what Bro . Stanbury had said . However , he could look with feelings of pride on what they had jointly accomplished . Ho would merely add , that
he trusted it would not be long ere the now Hall would havo to bo enlarged , and that ho might be favoured with the contract . The remaining toasts were then fully honoured , and in due course tho final one—To all Distressed Masons—was given , and the brethren separated . In addition to those already named , several other brethren favoured the company with songs , and Bro . Delovanto was , as usual , most courteous in tendering his sorvicos as accompanyist .
William Preston Chapter , No . 706 . —Tho Convocation for installation of Principals was hold on Thursday last , at the Cannon-street Hotel . The Chapter was opened by Comp . George Newman M . E . Z ., Aug . Braun n ., and H . E . Frances as J ., Wm . Worrell P . Z . S . E „ E . H . GarrodP . Z . Treas ., W . E . Newton S . N ., Johu Gibson P . S . ; there wero also present Comps . Pilditch , Hiscox ,
Joseph , Sinclair , Barker , Miller , Riissmann , Steinmanu , Williams , Partridge , Rickwood , Barns , & c . Visitors—Jonathan Taylor Z . 1 ) 33 , S . D . Ewins W . M . 760 and Chap . 192 , II . E . Frances 857 , P . G . D . C . Surrey , H . F . Thompson 185 , W . W . Morgan 141 , James Stevens P . Z . 720 , and M . Klenck 1339 . The minutes of tho previous convocation having been read and confirmed , Bro . W . Walter Young , of the Earl
Spencer Lodge , No . 1420 , was balloted for , and being approved , wa 3 in due course exalted to the R . A . degree . Tho ceremony of installing Comps . Aug . Braun , Dr . TV . H . Kempster , and J . T . Gibson , as M . E . Z ., H ., and J . respectively , was then proceeded with , Comp . Garrod P . Z . officiating as installing officer . The following , with ono exception , wero then invested as the Officers for tho ensuing year ,
namely , Comps . Garrod P . Z . Treasurer , Worrell P . Z . Scribe E ., Dr . Cutmore ( unavoidably absent , but who will fill tho office of ) Scribe N ., Hiscox Pr . Soj ., and Joseph and Pilditch as 1 st and 2 nd Assist . Sojourners respectively . The report of the Audit Committee , which was then submitted , showed that the finances of the Chapter were in a most satisfactory state . A P . Z . ' s jewel was then
unanimously voted , and presented to Comp . G . Newman on his retirement from tho chair of first Principal . Sundry communications having been read , the Chapter was closed with the usual formalities , aud tho Companions adjourned to the banquet , which , considering that Comp . Rand had a voice in tho arrangements , our readers will judge was of unusual excellence . In the course of the evening the
customary toasts wero given , and among them may bo mentioned that of tho Installing Officer , Comp . Garrod , who expressed the pleasure he always felt in undertaking tho duties of that office . The toast of tho M . E . Z . was most cordially received and heartily acknowledged by Companion Braun . Companion Worrell , whoso name was associated with the toast of the P . Z . ' s ,
and of whom many kind things wero said in tho course of the evening , replied in a very manly speech , and in allusion to his candidature for the vacant Secretaryship of the Girls' School , ho mentioned incidentally , that the day fixed for the contest happened to be tho anniversary of' his birth-day , and ho regarded this as a very favourable augury . Ho said also that he had had tho pleasure of
meeting several of his competitors ; ho had found them , one and all , most companionable fellows . The toast of tho Pregs was acknowledged by Comps . Massey and Morgan . At intervals during the evening several songs were sung , and Comp . James Stevens delivered himself with much emphasis of his latest contribution to Masonic literature , in the shapo of the song we had so much pleasure in noticing last week , namely , Masons' Vows , set to music by that able musician , Comp .
J . Haudle Fletchor , of East Lancashire . In fact , the gathering was one of tho most erjoyablo it has been onr good fortune to be present at . TVe have omitted to mention that tho members of tho Craft appeared in mourning , out of respect to the late Comp . Dr . TV . Alban Attwood , and that a vote of condolence with his widow was unauiniously agroed to , Scribo E . being directed to commtmicato the resolution to her officially .
Mohawk Minstrels—Bro. Thomas's Benefit.
THE Annual Benefit of Bro . R . G . Thomas , the courteous mauager of tho Mohawk Minstrels , was held on Wednesday evening , aud proved a brilliant success . A special programme was provided , every portion of which went excellently well . Tho first part , which was of tho usual character , included three ballads by the hcafjiciaire himself , namolv , " Don't Forgot the Littlo Ones , " sung by Mr . II .
Ploreuce ; " Down whero tho Rippling Waters Flow , " snug by Mr . C . Templo ; and " Sweet Cuckoo , sing again , " by Mr . G . Eustaco . Theso formed a very pleasing feature iu this portion of the entertainment , being , as thoy were , admirably rendered by tho artists to whom thoy wero soveralty entrusted . Tho comic songs , " She danced tho Grey Cachnoa , " " That ' s what makes mo Grin , " and " Tally wa 3
a Welshman , " by Messrs . F . Duriah , Ted Snow , and W . Freeman respectively , wero received with well-merited applause , and Mr . F Dolby in his National Song " Tho Call to Arms , " was as usual most effective . Mr . James Fraucis's new whimsicality , entitled " Brauigaii ' s Band , " created quite a furore , the Mohawks being on this occasion roinforccd by thirty of the 1 st Life Guards Minstrel troupe
and band , who appeared by special permission of Colonel Keith Eraser . Their groat stature and tho extraordinarily grotesque cos . tnmesthoy appeared iu caused shouts of laughter , and as thocurtain fell on tho whimsicality tho audience expressed thoir approval most rapturously . Part II . opened with tho wonderful entertaiument of Prof . Peterson , specially engaged for tho occasion , and his
celebrated Dogs . Then followed a Gleo by tho Mohawk Minstrels choir , and tho entertainment of Mr . Sidney Franks , vocalist and mimic . A trio by Messrs . Stylos ( clarionet ) , Wottou ( bassoon ) , aud Lawsou ( horn ) of the 1 st Lifo Guards , ou a themo from liobert le Diablo , was a great performance , and gavo immense satisfaction . Bro . Jame 3 Francis followed with his amusing Temperance
Lecture Tho Rawliugs Family , tho well-known campanologists , who were specially engaged , appeared in thoir admirable entertainment , and the whole concluded with Julius ' s Promenado Concerts , in tho last item of which—the British Army Quadrilles—the war songs of all nations wero introduced , that of Russia being most cordially hissed , and those of France and Turkey being as cordially applauded .
In this , the combined bands of the Mohawks and Lifo Guards played together most . effectively , and the audience , or at least the greater part of it , departed in every way delighted with their entertainment ; . Tho Hall was then cleared , as rapidly as circumstances would permit , for the ball which was to follow , and this , with the Lifo Guards Band to furnish tho music , and Mr . Jarvis to render his valuable servicea
as Master of the Ceromonies , was a most agreeable conclusion to a very brilliant evening . The floral decoration of tho Hall showed great tasto on the part of those charged with ifc , the supper was well served , and the guests , who numbored about 170 , would havo been very hard indeed to please had they not been ablo to enjoy themselves most thoroughly .
A brother lias asked us if a Lodgo of Instruction working under the warrant of the Mother Lodgo can change its place of meeting with the consent of the W . M . of tho latter , or if the proposed chauge must he referred to tho Mother Lodge for its approval . The question is not one as to
which any direct information can be gathered from tho Constitutions , nor does Oliver , in his Maaouio JurisjJrudence , take notice of such a contingency . All we can say in reply is , that , in our opinion , the sanction of the W . M . for the removal is sufficient .
We have been asked by several of our readers as to the qualifications of voters for the Secretary of the Girls ' School , aud also as to the mode of voting . In reply , we refer our readers to the recently-issued edition of the Laws of the Masonic Schools , where they will 6 nd the needful
information . We may , however , state that the election rests with the General Committee of the Institution , and , as our readers are aware , this Committee is composed of the Vice-Patrons , Vice-Presidents , and Life Governors ,
together with twelve brethren annually elected from the Life and Annual Subscribers . This , then , is the constituency with which rests the choice of the new Secretary . As to the method of voting , brethren who are anxious to record their votes will have to attend the General Committee , a special meeting of which has been fixed for Thursday , the 11 th July , aud vote in person .
At the meeting to be held this day ( Saturday ) of the General Committee of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , the House Committee for tho year 1878-9 will be
elected . The following is . a list of tho candidates , twelve of whom will be chosen by ballot , namely , Bros . J . G . Chancellor ( nominated by Bro . Leopold Ruf ) , A . Durrant ( nominated by Bro . H . T . Thompson ) , and Bros . JJ . Head ,
H . W . Hunt , W . P . C . Moufcrie , J . J . Murray , W . Paas , W . Hyde Pullen , W . Roebuck , S . Rosenthal , G . J . Row , R . W . Stewart , and S . Wood ( uominated by Bro . L . Ruf )
The iollowmg will be elected , without ballot , ou the liuance aud Audit Committee , namely , Bros . J . Boyd , J . W . Dosell , E . B . Grabham , B . Head , W . Mann , D . W . Pearae , J . Turner , A , Wallace , and R , B . Webster ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
called on to notice . Next camo the replies of the new members , which were brief , and uttered with a duo regard to the importance of tho responsibilities each had undertaken . With the toast of tho Visitors wero associated tho names of Bros . Carter P . G . D . Berks and Bucks , BettsP . M . St . Clements Danes Lodge , andS . R . Lamble P . M . 27 ; oachof theso brothren replied . Aftor a song— " Tho Bay of Dublin '
—which Bro . Goss sang most artistically , tho health of tho P . M . s was given , and briefly acknowledged by Bros . Roe , Littlewood , Lloyd , Gardiner , and Brown . Then camo the toast of tho Treasurer and Secretary , which gave Bro . TV . Hilton an opportunity to make somo happy remarks in reference to tho prefix Royal which was attached to tho name of tho Lodgo . Tho
W . M . then roso to givo what ho suggested might be accepted as tho toast of tho evening—tho health of their host , Bro . Stanbury , who had exerted himself so successfully to promote their comfort that evening . Aftor a song from Bro . Botloy , Bro . Stanbury roso : He felt ho stood in a very peculiar position . Tho way in which tho toast had been given and received was to him extremely gratifying .
Ho was pleased to notico that ou this occasion his namo had boon placed before tho toast of the Charities , and beforo tho builder who had so worthily worked out what ho contracted to do . A 3 a business man , ho ( Bro . Stanbury ) had only dono what any business man should havo dono under the cirenmstances . Ho appreciated tho support of those who wero around him , aud ho made them certain
promises , which ho had striven might and main—ho hopod ho might say successfully—to fulfil . Ho thanked tho W . M . and members of the Royal Alfred for their kind expressions of approval , and personally ho took tho opportunity of publicly acknowledging tho obligations ho folt under to Bro . Lamble for tho energy he had displayed in carrying out the work . Ho then assnred all present that if thoy felt ho had
done well in tho past , they might tako it as an earnest of his desire to oxort himself in the future , and to do all in his power to mako them comfortable . In responso to a special call , Bro . Lamblo remarked he hardly knew how to add anything to what Bro . Stanbury had said . However , he could look with feelings of pride on what they had jointly accomplished . Ho would merely add , that
he trusted it would not be long ere the now Hall would havo to bo enlarged , and that ho might be favoured with the contract . The remaining toasts were then fully honoured , and in due course tho final one—To all Distressed Masons—was given , and the brethren separated . In addition to those already named , several other brethren favoured the company with songs , and Bro . Delovanto was , as usual , most courteous in tendering his sorvicos as accompanyist .
William Preston Chapter , No . 706 . —Tho Convocation for installation of Principals was hold on Thursday last , at the Cannon-street Hotel . The Chapter was opened by Comp . George Newman M . E . Z ., Aug . Braun n ., and H . E . Frances as J ., Wm . Worrell P . Z . S . E „ E . H . GarrodP . Z . Treas ., W . E . Newton S . N ., Johu Gibson P . S . ; there wero also present Comps . Pilditch , Hiscox ,
Joseph , Sinclair , Barker , Miller , Riissmann , Steinmanu , Williams , Partridge , Rickwood , Barns , & c . Visitors—Jonathan Taylor Z . 1 ) 33 , S . D . Ewins W . M . 760 and Chap . 192 , II . E . Frances 857 , P . G . D . C . Surrey , H . F . Thompson 185 , W . W . Morgan 141 , James Stevens P . Z . 720 , and M . Klenck 1339 . The minutes of tho previous convocation having been read and confirmed , Bro . W . Walter Young , of the Earl
Spencer Lodge , No . 1420 , was balloted for , and being approved , wa 3 in due course exalted to the R . A . degree . Tho ceremony of installing Comps . Aug . Braun , Dr . TV . H . Kempster , and J . T . Gibson , as M . E . Z ., H ., and J . respectively , was then proceeded with , Comp . Garrod P . Z . officiating as installing officer . The following , with ono exception , wero then invested as the Officers for tho ensuing year ,
namely , Comps . Garrod P . Z . Treasurer , Worrell P . Z . Scribe E ., Dr . Cutmore ( unavoidably absent , but who will fill tho office of ) Scribe N ., Hiscox Pr . Soj ., and Joseph and Pilditch as 1 st and 2 nd Assist . Sojourners respectively . The report of the Audit Committee , which was then submitted , showed that the finances of the Chapter were in a most satisfactory state . A P . Z . ' s jewel was then
unanimously voted , and presented to Comp . G . Newman on his retirement from tho chair of first Principal . Sundry communications having been read , the Chapter was closed with the usual formalities , aud tho Companions adjourned to the banquet , which , considering that Comp . Rand had a voice in tho arrangements , our readers will judge was of unusual excellence . In the course of the evening the
customary toasts wero given , and among them may bo mentioned that of tho Installing Officer , Comp . Garrod , who expressed the pleasure he always felt in undertaking tho duties of that office . The toast of tho M . E . Z . was most cordially received and heartily acknowledged by Companion Braun . Companion Worrell , whoso name was associated with the toast of the P . Z . ' s ,
and of whom many kind things wero said in tho course of the evening , replied in a very manly speech , and in allusion to his candidature for the vacant Secretaryship of the Girls' School , ho mentioned incidentally , that the day fixed for the contest happened to be tho anniversary of' his birth-day , and ho regarded this as a very favourable augury . Ho said also that he had had tho pleasure of
meeting several of his competitors ; ho had found them , one and all , most companionable fellows . The toast of tho Pregs was acknowledged by Comps . Massey and Morgan . At intervals during the evening several songs were sung , and Comp . James Stevens delivered himself with much emphasis of his latest contribution to Masonic literature , in the shapo of the song we had so much pleasure in noticing last week , namely , Masons' Vows , set to music by that able musician , Comp .
J . Haudle Fletchor , of East Lancashire . In fact , the gathering was one of tho most erjoyablo it has been onr good fortune to be present at . TVe have omitted to mention that tho members of tho Craft appeared in mourning , out of respect to the late Comp . Dr . TV . Alban Attwood , and that a vote of condolence with his widow was unauiniously agroed to , Scribo E . being directed to commtmicato the resolution to her officially .
Mohawk Minstrels—Bro. Thomas's Benefit.
THE Annual Benefit of Bro . R . G . Thomas , the courteous mauager of tho Mohawk Minstrels , was held on Wednesday evening , aud proved a brilliant success . A special programme was provided , every portion of which went excellently well . Tho first part , which was of tho usual character , included three ballads by the hcafjiciaire himself , namolv , " Don't Forgot the Littlo Ones , " sung by Mr . II .
Ploreuce ; " Down whero tho Rippling Waters Flow , " snug by Mr . C . Templo ; and " Sweet Cuckoo , sing again , " by Mr . G . Eustaco . Theso formed a very pleasing feature iu this portion of the entertainment , being , as thoy were , admirably rendered by tho artists to whom thoy wero soveralty entrusted . Tho comic songs , " She danced tho Grey Cachnoa , " " That ' s what makes mo Grin , " and " Tally wa 3
a Welshman , " by Messrs . F . Duriah , Ted Snow , and W . Freeman respectively , wero received with well-merited applause , and Mr . F Dolby in his National Song " Tho Call to Arms , " was as usual most effective . Mr . James Fraucis's new whimsicality , entitled " Brauigaii ' s Band , " created quite a furore , the Mohawks being on this occasion roinforccd by thirty of the 1 st Life Guards Minstrel troupe
and band , who appeared by special permission of Colonel Keith Eraser . Their groat stature and tho extraordinarily grotesque cos . tnmesthoy appeared iu caused shouts of laughter , and as thocurtain fell on tho whimsicality tho audience expressed thoir approval most rapturously . Part II . opened with tho wonderful entertaiument of Prof . Peterson , specially engaged for tho occasion , and his
celebrated Dogs . Then followed a Gleo by tho Mohawk Minstrels choir , and tho entertainment of Mr . Sidney Franks , vocalist and mimic . A trio by Messrs . Stylos ( clarionet ) , Wottou ( bassoon ) , aud Lawsou ( horn ) of the 1 st Lifo Guards , ou a themo from liobert le Diablo , was a great performance , and gavo immense satisfaction . Bro . Jame 3 Francis followed with his amusing Temperance
Lecture Tho Rawliugs Family , tho well-known campanologists , who were specially engaged , appeared in thoir admirable entertainment , and the whole concluded with Julius ' s Promenado Concerts , in tho last item of which—the British Army Quadrilles—the war songs of all nations wero introduced , that of Russia being most cordially hissed , and those of France and Turkey being as cordially applauded .
In this , the combined bands of the Mohawks and Lifo Guards played together most . effectively , and the audience , or at least the greater part of it , departed in every way delighted with their entertainment ; . Tho Hall was then cleared , as rapidly as circumstances would permit , for the ball which was to follow , and this , with the Lifo Guards Band to furnish tho music , and Mr . Jarvis to render his valuable servicea
as Master of the Ceromonies , was a most agreeable conclusion to a very brilliant evening . The floral decoration of tho Hall showed great tasto on the part of those charged with ifc , the supper was well served , and the guests , who numbored about 170 , would havo been very hard indeed to please had they not been ablo to enjoy themselves most thoroughly .
A brother lias asked us if a Lodgo of Instruction working under the warrant of the Mother Lodgo can change its place of meeting with the consent of the W . M . of tho latter , or if the proposed chauge must he referred to tho Mother Lodge for its approval . The question is not one as to
which any direct information can be gathered from tho Constitutions , nor does Oliver , in his Maaouio JurisjJrudence , take notice of such a contingency . All we can say in reply is , that , in our opinion , the sanction of the W . M . for the removal is sufficient .
We have been asked by several of our readers as to the qualifications of voters for the Secretary of the Girls ' School , aud also as to the mode of voting . In reply , we refer our readers to the recently-issued edition of the Laws of the Masonic Schools , where they will 6 nd the needful
information . We may , however , state that the election rests with the General Committee of the Institution , and , as our readers are aware , this Committee is composed of the Vice-Patrons , Vice-Presidents , and Life Governors ,
together with twelve brethren annually elected from the Life and Annual Subscribers . This , then , is the constituency with which rests the choice of the new Secretary . As to the method of voting , brethren who are anxious to record their votes will have to attend the General Committee , a special meeting of which has been fixed for Thursday , the 11 th July , aud vote in person .
At the meeting to be held this day ( Saturday ) of the General Committee of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , the House Committee for tho year 1878-9 will be
elected . The following is . a list of tho candidates , twelve of whom will be chosen by ballot , namely , Bros . J . G . Chancellor ( nominated by Bro . Leopold Ruf ) , A . Durrant ( nominated by Bro . H . T . Thompson ) , and Bros . JJ . Head ,
H . W . Hunt , W . P . C . Moufcrie , J . J . Murray , W . Paas , W . Hyde Pullen , W . Roebuck , S . Rosenthal , G . J . Row , R . W . Stewart , and S . Wood ( uominated by Bro . L . Ruf )
The iollowmg will be elected , without ballot , ou the liuance aud Audit Committee , namely , Bros . J . Boyd , J . W . Dosell , E . B . Grabham , B . Head , W . Mann , D . W . Pearae , J . Turner , A , Wallace , and R , B . Webster ,