Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Eoyal Masonic Institution for Boys . ELECTION OF HOUSE COMMITTEE . SATUKDAY , 1 st JUNE 1878 . BROTHER CAPTAIN ALFRED DURRANT , r . M . 1135 , M . E . Z . ELECT 11 S 5 , Having licen nominated at tho last meeting of the General Committee to fill one of tho vacancies on tlie House Committee for the ensuing year , respectfully requests the votes of tho VICE PATRONS , VICE PRESIDENTS and LIFE G OVERNORS afc tho Ballot , which will be taken at tho Offico of tho Institution , Freemasons ' Hall , on Saturday next , from four to five o ' clock . Brabaneonne ; Wood Green , 23 th May 1878 .
GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS OP ENGLAND AND WALES AND THE COLONIES AND DEPENDENCIES OF THE RRITISH CROWN . The Right Hon . tho EARL OF LIMERICK M . W . Grand Master . The Rt . Hon . LOUD SKELMERSDALE , R . W . D . G . M ., Grand Master Elect . INSTALLATION OF M . W . GRAND MASTER . THE SUMMER HALF-YEARLY COMMUNICATION of this Grand Lodgo will be held at Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street , W . C . on Tuesday , thc ' ltli of June 1 S 78 , when and where all Grand Officers ( past and present ) , W . Masters , Past Masters and Overseers of private Lodges are hereby summoned to attend , and at which , by permission , all regularly registered Mark Master Masons may bo present . Grand Lodge will be opened at Five o ' clock p . m . The Banquet will be provided at Seven o ' clock . Tickets 15 s each , inclusivo of wine . Brethren iutending to bo present are requested to send their names to tho Grand Stewards , caro of tho Grand Secretary , not later than Saturday , tho 1 st of June . By command of the M . W . Grand Master , FREDERICK BINCKES , P . G . J . W ., Office—2 Red Lion-square , Holborn , W . C . Grand Secretary . 21 st May 1878 .
GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS or ENGLAND AND WALES , AND THE COLONIES AND DEPENDENCIES OF THE BRITISH CROWN " . The Right Hon . tho EARL or L IMERICK , M . W . Grand Master . The Right Hon . Loan S KBLUERSDALE , Grand Master Elect . A MOVEABLE GRAND LODGE will be held under tho auspices of tho Provincial Grand Lodgo of Cumberland aud Westmoreland , at tho COURT HOUSE , KESWICK , on FRIDAY , the 11 th of JUNE next . Grand Lodgo will be opened at One o'clock , yrecheh i . BUSINESS . Consecration of " Fletcher Lodge , No . 213 , " and " Henry Lodge , No . 216 , " AND Installation of Worshipful Masters thereof , by tho Jf . W . Grand Master , assisted by his Grand Ollicers . Tho Banquet will take place at tho Keswick Hotel , at Throe o ' clock . Tickets 7 s each , exclusive of wino . Application for which to bo mado to Bro . P . do E . Collin , T . G . S ., Maryport ; Bro . G . J . Mackay , Kondal ; or the W . Masters Elect . By command of the M . W . Grand Master , FREDERICK BINCKES , ( P . G . J . W . ) , Grand Secretary . Office , 2 Red Lion-square , London , W . C . 20 th May 1878 .
NOW OPEN THE OXFORD RESTAURANT , OXFORD STREET , W . AN arrangement has been entered into with the Proprietors of the Oxford Music Hall , by wliich its Itab ' iluit and the public can be served with Luncheons and Dinners in tho ® OXijD JEaSTGHEilSIH : STYLE . A SKILIED citr . r HAS BEEN ENGAGED . DINNERS AND SUPPERS AT ALL TIMES TABLE D' HOTE , including 2 Soups , 2 sorts of Fish , 3 Entrees , Poultry , Sweets , Ice Pudding , Cheese , and Salad ( according to season ) ,
FISH DINNERS in PERFECTION , 2 s each , including entrees , poultry , joints , choose , aud salad . Served from Twelve to Pour dailv — GEORGE TAVERN , Billingsgate Market . Solo Proprietor , GEORGE SMITH , from Andorton ' s Hotel . ' " " ' " " ¦ - ----- - - : ¦ : -
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN . GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON " , W . C . The admirable and unri ' .-a ! le . T v mmodation provided at this Establisment for nyc ^ LSOivric BAUQTJETS PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , ' BALLS , & c . Is too well known to need comment . The entire mana . soment has been changed and the Establishment In all its branches thoroughly ve-organised . ° ' The attention of tho Masonic Body is directed to tho many advanta"C 3 offered . CUISIJSTJ 3 OTP THE HIGHEST CI-I ^ lLvCTJER . WINKS I * £ BFECT Hf COJMMTJtOJV AAI > QBAHIV . N . B .-DINOS PROVIDED FROM 3 > . RESTAURANT , WINE , SMOKING & HE Til . i .. ROOMS . The fullest measure of public confidence and snppoi . ntrec ! . I ALFRED BEST , PROPRIETOR , j ^ ^
To the Life Governors of the Eoyal Masonic Institution for Girls . BRETHREN , —I beg to offer myself as a Candidate for the offico of Secretary , rendered vacant by the death of Bro . Little . Should you dome the honour to elect me , I can only say that I will endeavour to fill tho office efficiently , and I hope that the manner in which I have discharged my various duties in Masonry will bo considered a sufficient qualification . W . SMALLPEICE , Assoc . Inst . CE . P . M . 1393 , Secretary 969 , Z . Cyras Chapter 21 Secretary Emulation Lodgo of Improvement . 6 OKAYS' INN PI . ACK , 1 V . C , And—KINGFIEID , WOKING .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS . ELECTION OP SECRETARY . THE Votes and Interest of the General Committee aro respectfullyrequested in favour oJ BROTHER W . CLIFTON CRICK , ( Bachelor of Sciences Paris University ) , P . M . Oanontmvy Lodgo 657 , awl Secretary Sunbnry Lodgo 1733 . 102 CHANCERY LANE , W . C .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS . — : o : — Committee for securing the Election , as Secretary , of BRO . CHARLES FITZ GERALD MATIER . — : o : — The Right Hon . the EARL of DOKOUGHMORB , L . G . The Rt . Hon . the EARL of BECTIVE , M . P ., Prov . G . M . Cumberland and West . moreland , L . G . "W . W . B . BEACH , M . P ., Prov . G . M . Hampshire and Isle of Wight , L . G . Lt .-Col . LE GENDHE N . SIABKIE , Prov . G . M . East Lancashire , V . Patron . BARON GEORGE DE WORMS , L . G . J . WHTIE MELVIIXE , M . W . Past G . M . Scotland . J . L . HINE , Chairman of Charity Committee East Lancashire , L . G . Capt . RICHARD COPE , Chairman of the Charity Committee of Cheshire , V . Pres . GEORGE MELLOR , Dep . Prov . G . M . East Lancashire , V . President . The Rov . Dr . DANIEL ACE , P . P . G . G . for Lincolnshire , L . G . Israel Abrahams , L . G . J . G . McKay , L . G ., Ctunb . and West . i \ Adlard , L . G . J . D . Moore , L . G ., W . Lancashire . John Barker , L . G . J . Joyce Murray , L . G . T . J . Barnes , L . G . : W . H . Myers , L . G . K A . Baylis , L . G . Chalmers I . Paton , L . G ., Edinburgh . Capt . Bennett ; J . P . V . Pros . J . P . Piatt , L . G ., Cheshire . W . B . Brand , L . G . Hy . Preston , L . G ., N . and E . Yorks . G . P . Brockbank , V . Pros ., E . Lane . Hyde Pullen , L . G . Henry Bulley , L . G ., Cheshire . E . Rath , L . G . J . G . Chancellor , V . Pres . Wm . Roebuck , L . G . R . Churchill , L . G . David Rose , L . G . John Constable , V . Patron . J . H . Ross , L . G . Thos . Cubitt , V . Pres . Edward A . Sacre " , L . G . J . E . Curteis , L . G ., Devon . Alfred Scargill , L . G ., AVest Yorkshire Frederick Davison , L . G . Catterson Smith , L . G . G . H . Daw , L . G . George Smith , L . G . P . H . Ebsworth , L . G . J . R . Smith , L . G . Thos . Entwislo , L . G ., E . Lancashire . Walter Sowdon , V . P ., Aldershotfc . Richard Eve , V . Pres ., Aldorshot . Capt . Jas . Stalfard , L . G ., Dublin . Egerton C . Gilbert , L . G ., Cheshire . John G . Stevens , L . G . J . Robt . Goopel , L . G ., W . Lancashire . Jack Sutclifie , V . Pres ., Lincoln . E . Gottheil , L . G . Dr . W . H . Thomas , L . G ., VV . Yorks . Dr . F . Griffiths , L . G ., West Yorks . Georgo Toller , jun . P . G . S . B ., L . G . Henry Hacker , L . G ., Hampshire John Tunnah , V . P ., E . Lancashire . Capt . Hiirrap , L . G ., E . Lancashire . J . F . Tweedale , L . G . AVm . Harrison , V . P ., E . Lancashire . H . Venn , L . G . John Healey , L . G . G . H . AValshaw , L . G ., N . andE . Yorks . Capt . S . G . Homfray , V . P ., Monmouth . Chas . Henry Waters , L . G . John Francis Hooper , L . G . G . E . Webster , L . G ., W . Yorkshire . W . James Hughan , L . G ., Cornwall . R . B . Webster , V . Pres . H . W . Hunt , L . G . J . M . Wike , V . Pres . James Jackson , L . G . Jas . Winter , L . G . Chas . Laccy , L . G . T . B . Winter , L . G ., Northumberland . John H . Leggott , V . Pres . John Wordsworth , V . Pat ., W . Yorks . H . C . Levander , L . G . Reginald Young , L . G ., Wt . Lancashire Brethren desirous of assisting aro respectfully requested to forward their names to—Biio . STEPHEN BARTON WILSON , L . G ., Hon , Secretary , 27 Walbrook , E . C . - ¦¦¦ " ^ ' " ¦———""^—— - ¦ ™ ¦¦¦¦» ¦¦¦¦¦^ ^ «« — i — ' fil" - ' l Ml fc —<<^« u— m
To the Vice - Patrons , Vice - Presidents , and Life Governors of the $ 0 pl S ( itS 0 irix | nsti . ta : tt 0 it foe ( Krk Mr LOKDS , LADIES , AND BIIETIIBEN , — I beg mo 3 t respectfully to offer myself as a , candidate for tho post of Secretary to your valuable Institution , rendered vacant by tho lamented death of onr esteemed Brother E . WENIWORIK LIIILE . I havo been a Freemason upwards of Nine years , during which time I havo taken a very active interest in the Order . I am a P . M ., and have been for some time past , Secretary of my Lodge , and Scribe E . of my Chapter . I am now the Secretary of an Orphan Asylum , a position which I havo held nearly four years , and am therefore thoroughly acquainted with the practical working of a Public Institution . I am thirty-three years of age , and in good health , and previous to receiving my present appointment , I was engaged in business with a Marine Insurance Broker at Lloyds ' . Soliciting the favour of your kind interest and support , I have the honour to be , My Lords , Ladies and Brethren , Yours obediently and fraternally , WILLIAM WORRELL , P . M . and Sec . No . 76 ( 5 . P . M . 1339 . P . Z . and S . E . Chapter No . 760 . P . M . afla Sec . Macdonald Mark , 101 . and Past Grand Organist ( Mark ) , W KwtfiiE ROAD , b ^ ixioir , S . W . Man 1 S 78 ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Eoyal Masonic Institution for Boys . ELECTION OF HOUSE COMMITTEE . SATUKDAY , 1 st JUNE 1878 . BROTHER CAPTAIN ALFRED DURRANT , r . M . 1135 , M . E . Z . ELECT 11 S 5 , Having licen nominated at tho last meeting of the General Committee to fill one of tho vacancies on tlie House Committee for the ensuing year , respectfully requests the votes of tho VICE PATRONS , VICE PRESIDENTS and LIFE G OVERNORS afc tho Ballot , which will be taken at tho Offico of tho Institution , Freemasons ' Hall , on Saturday next , from four to five o ' clock . Brabaneonne ; Wood Green , 23 th May 1878 .
GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS OP ENGLAND AND WALES AND THE COLONIES AND DEPENDENCIES OF THE RRITISH CROWN . The Right Hon . tho EARL OF LIMERICK M . W . Grand Master . The Rt . Hon . LOUD SKELMERSDALE , R . W . D . G . M ., Grand Master Elect . INSTALLATION OF M . W . GRAND MASTER . THE SUMMER HALF-YEARLY COMMUNICATION of this Grand Lodgo will be held at Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street , W . C . on Tuesday , thc ' ltli of June 1 S 78 , when and where all Grand Officers ( past and present ) , W . Masters , Past Masters and Overseers of private Lodges are hereby summoned to attend , and at which , by permission , all regularly registered Mark Master Masons may bo present . Grand Lodge will be opened at Five o ' clock p . m . The Banquet will be provided at Seven o ' clock . Tickets 15 s each , inclusivo of wine . Brethren iutending to bo present are requested to send their names to tho Grand Stewards , caro of tho Grand Secretary , not later than Saturday , tho 1 st of June . By command of the M . W . Grand Master , FREDERICK BINCKES , P . G . J . W ., Office—2 Red Lion-square , Holborn , W . C . Grand Secretary . 21 st May 1878 .
GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS or ENGLAND AND WALES , AND THE COLONIES AND DEPENDENCIES OF THE BRITISH CROWN " . The Right Hon . tho EARL or L IMERICK , M . W . Grand Master . The Right Hon . Loan S KBLUERSDALE , Grand Master Elect . A MOVEABLE GRAND LODGE will be held under tho auspices of tho Provincial Grand Lodgo of Cumberland aud Westmoreland , at tho COURT HOUSE , KESWICK , on FRIDAY , the 11 th of JUNE next . Grand Lodgo will be opened at One o'clock , yrecheh i . BUSINESS . Consecration of " Fletcher Lodge , No . 213 , " and " Henry Lodge , No . 216 , " AND Installation of Worshipful Masters thereof , by tho Jf . W . Grand Master , assisted by his Grand Ollicers . Tho Banquet will take place at tho Keswick Hotel , at Throe o ' clock . Tickets 7 s each , exclusive of wino . Application for which to bo mado to Bro . P . do E . Collin , T . G . S ., Maryport ; Bro . G . J . Mackay , Kondal ; or the W . Masters Elect . By command of the M . W . Grand Master , FREDERICK BINCKES , ( P . G . J . W . ) , Grand Secretary . Office , 2 Red Lion-square , London , W . C . 20 th May 1878 .
NOW OPEN THE OXFORD RESTAURANT , OXFORD STREET , W . AN arrangement has been entered into with the Proprietors of the Oxford Music Hall , by wliich its Itab ' iluit and the public can be served with Luncheons and Dinners in tho ® OXijD JEaSTGHEilSIH : STYLE . A SKILIED citr . r HAS BEEN ENGAGED . DINNERS AND SUPPERS AT ALL TIMES TABLE D' HOTE , including 2 Soups , 2 sorts of Fish , 3 Entrees , Poultry , Sweets , Ice Pudding , Cheese , and Salad ( according to season ) ,
FISH DINNERS in PERFECTION , 2 s each , including entrees , poultry , joints , choose , aud salad . Served from Twelve to Pour dailv — GEORGE TAVERN , Billingsgate Market . Solo Proprietor , GEORGE SMITH , from Andorton ' s Hotel . ' " " ' " " ¦ - ----- - - : ¦ : -
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN . GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON " , W . C . The admirable and unri ' .-a ! le . T v mmodation provided at this Establisment for nyc ^ LSOivric BAUQTJETS PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , ' BALLS , & c . Is too well known to need comment . The entire mana . soment has been changed and the Establishment In all its branches thoroughly ve-organised . ° ' The attention of tho Masonic Body is directed to tho many advanta"C 3 offered . CUISIJSTJ 3 OTP THE HIGHEST CI-I ^ lLvCTJER . WINKS I * £ BFECT Hf COJMMTJtOJV AAI > QBAHIV . N . B .-DINOS PROVIDED FROM 3 > . RESTAURANT , WINE , SMOKING & HE Til . i .. ROOMS . The fullest measure of public confidence and snppoi . ntrec ! . I ALFRED BEST , PROPRIETOR , j ^ ^
To the Life Governors of the Eoyal Masonic Institution for Girls . BRETHREN , —I beg to offer myself as a Candidate for the offico of Secretary , rendered vacant by the death of Bro . Little . Should you dome the honour to elect me , I can only say that I will endeavour to fill tho office efficiently , and I hope that the manner in which I have discharged my various duties in Masonry will bo considered a sufficient qualification . W . SMALLPEICE , Assoc . Inst . CE . P . M . 1393 , Secretary 969 , Z . Cyras Chapter 21 Secretary Emulation Lodgo of Improvement . 6 OKAYS' INN PI . ACK , 1 V . C , And—KINGFIEID , WOKING .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS . ELECTION OP SECRETARY . THE Votes and Interest of the General Committee aro respectfullyrequested in favour oJ BROTHER W . CLIFTON CRICK , ( Bachelor of Sciences Paris University ) , P . M . Oanontmvy Lodgo 657 , awl Secretary Sunbnry Lodgo 1733 . 102 CHANCERY LANE , W . C .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS . — : o : — Committee for securing the Election , as Secretary , of BRO . CHARLES FITZ GERALD MATIER . — : o : — The Right Hon . the EARL of DOKOUGHMORB , L . G . The Rt . Hon . the EARL of BECTIVE , M . P ., Prov . G . M . Cumberland and West . moreland , L . G . "W . W . B . BEACH , M . P ., Prov . G . M . Hampshire and Isle of Wight , L . G . Lt .-Col . LE GENDHE N . SIABKIE , Prov . G . M . East Lancashire , V . Patron . BARON GEORGE DE WORMS , L . G . J . WHTIE MELVIIXE , M . W . Past G . M . Scotland . J . L . HINE , Chairman of Charity Committee East Lancashire , L . G . Capt . RICHARD COPE , Chairman of the Charity Committee of Cheshire , V . Pres . GEORGE MELLOR , Dep . Prov . G . M . East Lancashire , V . President . The Rov . Dr . DANIEL ACE , P . P . G . G . for Lincolnshire , L . G . Israel Abrahams , L . G . J . G . McKay , L . G ., Ctunb . and West . i \ Adlard , L . G . J . D . Moore , L . G ., W . Lancashire . John Barker , L . G . J . Joyce Murray , L . G . T . J . Barnes , L . G . : W . H . Myers , L . G . K A . Baylis , L . G . Chalmers I . Paton , L . G ., Edinburgh . Capt . Bennett ; J . P . V . Pros . J . P . Piatt , L . G ., Cheshire . W . B . Brand , L . G . Hy . Preston , L . G ., N . and E . Yorks . G . P . Brockbank , V . Pros ., E . Lane . Hyde Pullen , L . G . Henry Bulley , L . G ., Cheshire . E . Rath , L . G . J . G . Chancellor , V . Pres . Wm . Roebuck , L . G . R . Churchill , L . G . David Rose , L . G . John Constable , V . Patron . J . H . Ross , L . G . Thos . Cubitt , V . Pres . Edward A . Sacre " , L . G . J . E . Curteis , L . G ., Devon . Alfred Scargill , L . G ., AVest Yorkshire Frederick Davison , L . G . Catterson Smith , L . G . G . H . Daw , L . G . George Smith , L . G . P . H . Ebsworth , L . G . J . R . Smith , L . G . Thos . Entwislo , L . G ., E . Lancashire . Walter Sowdon , V . P ., Aldershotfc . Richard Eve , V . Pres ., Aldorshot . Capt . Jas . Stalfard , L . G ., Dublin . Egerton C . Gilbert , L . G ., Cheshire . John G . Stevens , L . G . J . Robt . Goopel , L . G ., W . Lancashire . Jack Sutclifie , V . Pres ., Lincoln . E . Gottheil , L . G . Dr . W . H . Thomas , L . G ., VV . Yorks . Dr . F . Griffiths , L . G ., West Yorks . Georgo Toller , jun . P . G . S . B ., L . G . Henry Hacker , L . G ., Hampshire John Tunnah , V . P ., E . Lancashire . Capt . Hiirrap , L . G ., E . Lancashire . J . F . Tweedale , L . G . AVm . Harrison , V . P ., E . Lancashire . H . Venn , L . G . John Healey , L . G . G . H . AValshaw , L . G ., N . andE . Yorks . Capt . S . G . Homfray , V . P ., Monmouth . Chas . Henry Waters , L . G . John Francis Hooper , L . G . G . E . Webster , L . G ., W . Yorkshire . W . James Hughan , L . G ., Cornwall . R . B . Webster , V . Pres . H . W . Hunt , L . G . J . M . Wike , V . Pres . James Jackson , L . G . Jas . Winter , L . G . Chas . Laccy , L . G . T . B . Winter , L . G ., Northumberland . John H . Leggott , V . Pres . John Wordsworth , V . Pat ., W . Yorks . H . C . Levander , L . G . Reginald Young , L . G ., Wt . Lancashire Brethren desirous of assisting aro respectfully requested to forward their names to—Biio . STEPHEN BARTON WILSON , L . G ., Hon , Secretary , 27 Walbrook , E . C . - ¦¦¦ " ^ ' " ¦———""^—— - ¦ ™ ¦¦¦¦» ¦¦¦¦¦^ ^ «« — i — ' fil" - ' l Ml fc —<<^« u— m
To the Vice - Patrons , Vice - Presidents , and Life Governors of the $ 0 pl S ( itS 0 irix | nsti . ta : tt 0 it foe ( Krk Mr LOKDS , LADIES , AND BIIETIIBEN , — I beg mo 3 t respectfully to offer myself as a , candidate for tho post of Secretary to your valuable Institution , rendered vacant by tho lamented death of onr esteemed Brother E . WENIWORIK LIIILE . I havo been a Freemason upwards of Nine years , during which time I havo taken a very active interest in the Order . I am a P . M ., and have been for some time past , Secretary of my Lodge , and Scribe E . of my Chapter . I am now the Secretary of an Orphan Asylum , a position which I havo held nearly four years , and am therefore thoroughly acquainted with the practical working of a Public Institution . I am thirty-three years of age , and in good health , and previous to receiving my present appointment , I was engaged in business with a Marine Insurance Broker at Lloyds ' . Soliciting the favour of your kind interest and support , I have the honour to be , My Lords , Ladies and Brethren , Yours obediently and fraternally , WILLIAM WORRELL , P . M . and Sec . No . 76 ( 5 . P . M . 1339 . P . Z . and S . E . Chapter No . 760 . P . M . afla Sec . Macdonald Mark , 101 . and Past Grand Organist ( Mark ) , W KwtfiiE ROAD , b ^ ixioir , S . W . Man 1 S 78 ,