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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
CANNON STREET HOTEL 7 CVVimON ^ STREET , LONDON , E . C . Has been thoroughly renovated ; tho Railway advantages , in direct communication with the Hotel , render this establishment unequalled in Ui . i Metropolis for MASONIC BANQUETS , PUBLIC & PRIVATE DINNERS , BREAKFASTS , & C . DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENTS , PUBLIC MEETINGS , ARBITRATIONS , & o , THE LARGE HALL IS CAPABLE OP SEATING UPWARDS OP TWELVE HUNDRED PEOPLE . VISITOBS AND FAMILIES visiting LONDON - , for LONG or SHOUT rations , will find tho AIH ' OINTMKXTS , and ACCOMMODATION- IWUIVALLEO . E . H . RAND , MANAGER .
PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS ON EASY TERMS , | GKROV ^ R ; & c QBOYBR j LET ON HIRE , WITH OPTION OF POKCHASK , I T ^^ Ml BEAUTI FUL AND PERFECT INSTRUMENTS . I i '^ SI PURCHASERS CHOOSE THEIR OWN TERMS , ¦ f / j ^^ *^ F 15 TO £ 3 3 s PER Q UARTER . j Ljjj I 5 f The Atlvantaxofl of Ji Trial , with l ! io t , '» i » Vi >» i < MW <» ol" ! IH-£ rf ? ( . ra . u ^ -J ff Three Tcnm' SJ -. MIPIU at I ' asli Prife , by I * ii . vi « i ( T ahuul a Qiim- <<> 3-wtsl—tju - —¦ 4 . y of tho value dinvii , the ISnlmx'e 5 > y Kany l * a . r 3 £ ii >» is , St'om ^^ tp ^^ V -., & H ,, er qujjrjp ,. . GEOVEK & OEOVER , 157-9 Kingsland Eoad . ; ESTAi : LISM 123 > 1830 . I TJt
T 1- " mT H rT ~ ° —ag'Ti 7 TiT" ; - ^" 111 **^ ' r m ^ " ' ¦ ¦ - " :- - *¦— " - — " ' ¦¦ ' ¦ ' " ' ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ "' -- --: ** - **—• - ' '•¦• 'v . —~ nf-i ^ | FIR 3 T-CLA 88 PROVISIONS AT WHOLESALE PRICES . ; MEMBERS 01 T THE CRAFT supplied with the vciy Kncsb qunlifcios of all kinds of PROVISIONS , which aro now Delivered Free iu all tho Suburban Districts Butters ... Aylesbury , Dorset , Cork , & c . Eggs ... Now Laid Country . I Bacon ... Finest Mild Cured . Hams ... Fine flavoured York and Irish . j ' . Bath . Chaps Finest Wiltshire Sausages Cheshire , HamandTonguo , Ac . frcslulaUy 1 Cheese ... American , Chechia Stilton , & a . Tongues Finest Smoked and Pickled Ox . \ Fi-cxli deliveries daily , at Wliolo-sale JPriceti , <> 1 " -A-n ^ lIEI ^ IO ^ -lsr FB . ESH BEEP , | Pronounced b y the Press to bo equal , if not superior , to tho BEST BKEF OP IIOMK QROWTU . i BULT & C 0 , 105 UPPER THAMES STREET , £ . 0 .
Bro . A . OLDEOYD , Stratford , London . MANUFACTURER OF TOBACCO POUCHES , With any name iu raised letters . CAN be obtained direct from tlie Maker , at tho undermentioned prices , on receipt of P . 0 , 0 . payable at Stratford . A . OLDROYI ) , Agent for Algerian Uigar 3 , anil Importer of Havana and Continental Cigars , 3 Gt HIGH STREET , STRATFORD , LONDON , E .
" There should ho a better reason for the race of Depositors than a fluctuating rate of two or three per cent . "—INVESTOn ' s GUARDIAN . T 0 MBARD BANK ( Limited ) , Nos . J-J . 13 Lombard-street , City . Established iwai , receives Deposits . Or . Dcmiind , 3 per cent . Subject to Nnticrj , B per cent . Opens cm-rent Accounts . Supplies Cheque Books , lu-Testors arc invited to examine this new and improved system , that ensures a high rate of interest with perfect security . Tho Directors haveneverre-discounted or i-e-liypothecatcd any of the securities . TO BOKUOWKRS . —It oilers pre-eminent advantages for prompt advances on leases , reversions , policies , trade stocks , farmproducc , warrants , and furniture , without removal publicity , sureties , or fees . IUCIIABD TYLER , Secretary . TOMBABD BUILDIHGr SOCIETY , J-J 35 Lombard-street , City . EaUihUrihort IS 6 ' . ) . Incorporutetl under the Kew Act , 187-1 . TO INVESTORS . —Deposits received at liberal interest . The Directors by strict economy have hitherto paid every investor 10 nnd VJ pev cent , per annum . Borrowers aro oll ' urod unusual facilities for the purchase of Houses , Shops , Farms , & u . Kev / and Special Feature . —Tho . Society will build Houses , etc ., in any approved , pnrt of Great Britain , * finding tho whole coat of the build in" -at 5 percent ., repayable by in .-. t ; ilments , the applicant merely FuulmEr the pian and puyinff or jrivinir security for tho Ilrst * 5 yertr . s' itif'ux-rit . I f'ospe < ! tu > -cs ' , luihincc-sheets , and pvc ^ s opinions )\ 'ee . Active Agents wan led . ^ CIIAUDJUVT / I * : n _! _ Scerct : ir . v .
NEW MASONIC SONG . "Will be ready on the 23 rd of May . " MASOfsIS VOWS , " A so . vo ro . i TJU ! TirniD J ) j : tu : i ; i ; . Originally adapted and recited by BROTHER JAMES STEVENS , T . M . 720 , 1216 , 1-120 ; P . Z . 720 , 771 , & c , & C , & c . Mrsrn nv BRO . J . HANDLE FLETCHER , V . M . 191 , Prov . Grand Organist ( Klect ) for Kn . st Lancashire , Past Prov . Grand Organist Royal Arch Chapter East Lancashire , & c . PRICE TWO SHILLNGS , MAY UK ir . IT ) FROM BRO . FLKTCHEB , 29 FLEET STRKET . BURy , I . AJfC'ASUIRK A " ~ CCIDENT INSUKANOE " oOML ANY Limited , 7 Bank Buildings , Lothbnry , E . C . General accidents . I Personal injuriw . Railway accidents , I Death by accident . C , HARDING , ManaRer ,
TAIAE INDIEN . SPECIAIi CAV'JTIOX . OWING to tho marked snecess of this modicinc , the only patent medicine universally prescribed , hy tho faculty , and tho acknowledged euro for eonsLipjition , headache , bllt' , liifuir-rrhoids , l '< c , JJASR I . MITATIONS , containing diastic irritaias , arc beinir foisted on the public . The t , 'eriu . no prupavation beaiM the title "Tainarlndien / 'andthe sitfnature K . ( .. '( : rr . I . O . V , Coleman-. st . London , E . C . Prico - ¦; ( id per box . In a recent case , ( 87 ti , G . Nu . ' . Ul . a perpetual mjimctlou to restrain the deToudaut from applying the name "Tainar" to his lozenge * was awarded , with costs , liy Yice-Ciiancellor Hn-ion , ou I'Jth January 1 S 77 , aud all such piracies will be Rummnrily proceeded against . N . B . —Seo tint tho outer wrapper ( directions ) aro printed in tho Kni , dfsh laii ^ uajje , nnd that each box bears tho Guvevnmeut 'id stamp .
^ WHAT ia YOUR CHEST and Jg / M MOTTO ? UysendlnsNameandCounty ^ 3 b | with S » Gd , a plain drawing will be Kent ; if rrJ-OJ painted in Heraldic Colours , 7 s . Pedi # rec 3 jtfi jPJv * traced . Tho Arms of Man and "Wife blended . K 5 ^ 5 ^ 1 ^\ Proper colour for Servants * Livery , what i ^ aSPC I buttons to bo uaed , and how the Carriage should \ r ^ SSfc & J bo Painted , according to Heraldic Kules . Cul-\ A & y ^*& i leton's "Book of Family Crests and Mottoes /* Tp"V »^ y 4 , 000 Enspraviiiga , printed in colours , £ l ( i 10 *; /\ ffiA / "The Manual of Heraldry , " 4 ( H ) cnfrravi : i ; ia , h f \ /_ 3 d ( Id ; post freo by T . CULLETON , Gcnealo-^ iLm ^ S . JSS ^ Ldat 2 T > Cranbourne-streab ( corner of St . Afartin ' s-laue , W . C . ) Tho Heraldic Library open from 10 till 4 . QEAL-ENGEAVINGS , by ^ CULLETOisT . — ^ J Crest engraved on Seals , Rings , Eook-pl .-ites , nnd Steel Dies , for stamping paper , prieo 73 ( id . Livery llutton Dies , £ 2 lis . Crests engraved on silver .--poons und family j ) lato , r . 3 per dozen articles . A neat Desk Seal , with enirraved Crest , 123 Cd . Registered letter , ed er . trn . —T . OUI . I . K t'ON , V . ngraver to the Queen and Royal i'ainily , ' £ , Cranbouvne-street ( corner of St . Martin's-lane ) .
pULLETON'S GUINEA IJOX oE STA-^ - ^ TIONERY contains a ream of the very liert paper and BOO envelopes , all beautifully stamped with ( Jrest and . llot . to . Monogram , or Address , and tlw Hteel Hie eniriaved tree of charge . —T . CULLET 021 , Die . Sinker to U'e Uo ; ird of Trade , a Cranboume-street ( corner of St . Hartin ' s-lano ) . QIGNET EINGS , bfcULLETON , silt IS- ^ carat , Hall-marked . The most eU'traut n .- 'tttcnit in f London . ' 2 , VOO to select from : —X'J 2 M , , f . l : ; .- » , £ 4 is , L ' ii ( ts , jL ' fJ lt ' yi ; very massive , £ 10 10 s ; heavy knuckle flu ^ tmv , , L'I' ; 1 ;;^ , , Send siv . e of UUITCV by tittuig a pit'CG of fare ad , and meriting ! tho price rinKrequiifd . Arms , Crest or ;« iouu *; 'raiuons'ravcd ' ontheKInirs . —T . CULLETON , Seal Engraver , iI . "» t ' rardKJi ; riiflstreet ( corner of St . Martin ' s-laue ) , W . C .
pULLETON'S PLATES for MARKING Vy T . TNKN require no prepaintfon , and aro easily used . Initial l'lates , U ; Name riat-s , -is 1 M ; Set o £ Moveable i ' nni . bers , 2 s Gd ; Crest or 3 Ionogre . ni I'lnte , " ^ , witii directions , post freo for cash or stamp-, by T . CULLETON , 23 Cranbourne-street ( corner of St . Martins ' s-lane ) , W . C . TTISITING 0 AEDS , by CULLETON . — T Fifty , best quality , 2 s 8 d , post freo , inehuling tlie engraving of copper plate . Wedding cards , fifty each , fifty embossed envelopes with maiden name , 2 " . s Cd . Memorial cards printed , and hatohments painted on the shortest notice . —T . CULLETON , Seal Engraver , 2 o Cranboume-street ( corner of St . Martin's-Iane ) , W . C .
BALL PROGRAMMES , by CULLETON . —AU tho newest designs iuBALL PROGEA 7 . f JfES and MENU CARTES for the season . Ball , dinner , breakfast , and wedding invitation card 3 and notes of every description , printed in gold , silver , and colour , and beautifully stamped with arms , crest , or monogram . Sl ! 3 c banners painted , iilu . minuted vellums for presentations , votes of thanks , & o . Paintings on . Rerlln paper for needlework . —T . CULLETON , Engraver to the Queen and all the Royal Family , 25 Cran . boume-strcct ( corner of St . Martin '» -lanc ) , W . C . SOLID GOLD SEALS , engraved with crest , £ 1 Is Od . £ 2 23 0 : 1 , £ 3 3 s Od , £ 4 4 s Od , £ 5 53 Od , £ 0 Cs Od , and £ 7 7 s 0 d . —T . CULLETON , 23 Cranbourn-strcet , London W . C . Post Offlga ord . « rn pay » bl « afc Crunbourne-atreet , London ,
EUPTIT leTis s . BY UOVAr . I . KTTRI 1 S PATENT . WHITE'S MO 0-MAIN LEVER TRUSS COMl'ANY LIMITED . Vy ittTE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS V / i-: idtowod hy upwards of , ") 00 3 feuiual Sfen to ho tho j j gja most t'iVoctlvo invention in the curative tveat-/ ri % inentof Hernia . TJie use of a steel spring , so kiJr o : t (' hurtful in Us ciTects , is hen : avoided , a j * I ^ P ^ . ' ' hand ! i ; rc hnin ^ worn round tho body , while ) < V ^ Tfft th - r-qni .-ii . e re -U tins power is supplied by tho * 7 l /\ m HW-M'U - * PADaiui l'ATHNTLKV'KniUtin ^ W l' }/ M 11 w ''' * Iau ° h taso aud looseness triat it cannot Q j ' J }\\ l ijedOLucLed , and may be worn during sleep . < f \ s- ^| y A descriptive circular may he hud , and the £ t CT / Lf T 1 ' 11 ' ^ ' r . 'iih : h eannos fail to fit , fur warded by / > [ 3 l' - ' ^ t ( , u t " - circumference of the body two j s /?(] f inches holow tho loina behiij sent to the inanuk // \ iOf faoUnvr , VH \\ Mv . JOHN' WHITE , 2-2 B PICCADILLY , LONDOX , |* J \ J t ' rice of a single Truss , ItH . 'Jlrf . iWsb'd & 3 Is ) irl . W I / l ' < x- ^ ' ^ - Price of a Double Truss nia Od .-l'Js ¦ Xg _ crj u ^ j , and . ' ^ sCd . Postage ! freo . Price of an Umbilical ¦ ' lirSSLi ^ ' J'in : ; s , Usaud . V' sfid . Postaifo free . PosCOtlica " -- .-.-,.. —* ' Orders to bo made payable to JOHN WHITE , Po . ifc Oflic ' . , l'icoftdilly . T 71 LASTIC STOCKING KNEE CAPS , & c , 1 _ J VAT 1 TC 0 S R VEINS , and all cases of WEAKNESS aud SWKI , I , IKCr ! i i . i tho LKUS , Sl'IlAINS , & c . They are porous , iigiii . iu texture , and inexpensive , and drawn on like an ordinary stocking-. Prico Is cd , rs Cd , 10 s aud Its each , post free . piIEST EXPANDING BRACES ( for both ^ - ^ sexes . ) For Gentlemen they act as a substitute for tho ordinary braces . For children thoy aro invaluable ; they prevent stooping aud preserve tho symmetry of tho chest . Prices for children . " u ltd , 7 s 0 d and 10 s ( Id ; adults l . ' n Cd and :. 'ls , pojfc free . . TOUN WIU'PE , IKftCTVC-iuivEtt , 228 PICCADILLY , LONDON .
F . ACLASB'S JEWEL ~ ATTAGHER . rA ^ ^ r- *~ "" » jf tin < g-5 . 555 ' / / " 2 a § wj „ sj ";« A . a /^/ .. "ApSvg J > x- '" t / jf / , . * , : a > -3 ? s S & u ^^ frw [ ifiil ID ? - < a •/ 3 ' - *' Y . - ¦»¦¦¦ ' 3 ~ £ 7-4 '; •_< -S M J I / * " * ' i 2 , £ * v ! ' 3 o S 3 ;; 2 i - . v * . . ^ , '' s-I . ^ II 22 s " HIGH HOLBORN , W . G .
CRICKET . TOT-IN LILLYWITITE has tlie most oxton . * 3 aive Stonk of ClUOKKTIN'O GOODS in tho trado to select from , and invites an inspection of tlia same . C'anu-Iiiindlo Tiats , from 10 s to 2 U each ; IVeseriLition Hats , from 'Jos to 32 a B : l each ; Pads p o 1 ¦ i nil-. I . is Cxi to l . " . <; I iattirif ; Gloves per pair , 8 s C J ; \ Vic ! -: i't-I : ef'nin > r Gloves pel- pair . IDs ; Stumps , from " s to lis ji .. r . sot ; Ji .-ig-.-f , >' rom 12 s to *! . - ) Oil each ; Wi : i ; . c N ' cls , hit . Send for fast of Prices , which eoni : 'ins every information , and is sont post free . Carriage paid on all orders of C 3 and upwards . Patronized liy IT . R .. K . tho Fitr . vcE op TVAIES . JOHfl ULLYWillTF . 'G CP . IQETE ? S' COMPMIIOK , POSTFPEE 1 : 1 I'iofiao i'Oi ¦ " tlie ovt . v vnnr . Ess : — JOHM LILLYWHITE , 10 Seymour Street , Eastern Square , London , JST . W . 5 s . 15 . —No connexion whatever with ftny other Firm advertising as "J . LillywhitQ . " \
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
CANNON STREET HOTEL 7 CVVimON ^ STREET , LONDON , E . C . Has been thoroughly renovated ; tho Railway advantages , in direct communication with the Hotel , render this establishment unequalled in Ui . i Metropolis for MASONIC BANQUETS , PUBLIC & PRIVATE DINNERS , BREAKFASTS , & C . DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENTS , PUBLIC MEETINGS , ARBITRATIONS , & o , THE LARGE HALL IS CAPABLE OP SEATING UPWARDS OP TWELVE HUNDRED PEOPLE . VISITOBS AND FAMILIES visiting LONDON - , for LONG or SHOUT rations , will find tho AIH ' OINTMKXTS , and ACCOMMODATION- IWUIVALLEO . E . H . RAND , MANAGER .
PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS ON EASY TERMS , | GKROV ^ R ; & c QBOYBR j LET ON HIRE , WITH OPTION OF POKCHASK , I T ^^ Ml BEAUTI FUL AND PERFECT INSTRUMENTS . I i '^ SI PURCHASERS CHOOSE THEIR OWN TERMS , ¦ f / j ^^ *^ F 15 TO £ 3 3 s PER Q UARTER . j Ljjj I 5 f The Atlvantaxofl of Ji Trial , with l ! io t , '» i » Vi >» i < MW <» ol" ! IH-£ rf ? ( . ra . u ^ -J ff Three Tcnm' SJ -. MIPIU at I ' asli Prife , by I * ii . vi « i ( T ahuul a Qiim- <<> 3-wtsl—tju - —¦ 4 . y of tho value dinvii , the ISnlmx'e 5 > y Kany l * a . r 3 £ ii >» is , St'om ^^ tp ^^ V -., & H ,, er qujjrjp ,. . GEOVEK & OEOVER , 157-9 Kingsland Eoad . ; ESTAi : LISM 123 > 1830 . I TJt
T 1- " mT H rT ~ ° —ag'Ti 7 TiT" ; - ^" 111 **^ ' r m ^ " ' ¦ ¦ - " :- - *¦— " - — " ' ¦¦ ' ¦ ' " ' ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ "' -- --: ** - **—• - ' '•¦• 'v . —~ nf-i ^ | FIR 3 T-CLA 88 PROVISIONS AT WHOLESALE PRICES . ; MEMBERS 01 T THE CRAFT supplied with the vciy Kncsb qunlifcios of all kinds of PROVISIONS , which aro now Delivered Free iu all tho Suburban Districts Butters ... Aylesbury , Dorset , Cork , & c . Eggs ... Now Laid Country . I Bacon ... Finest Mild Cured . Hams ... Fine flavoured York and Irish . j ' . Bath . Chaps Finest Wiltshire Sausages Cheshire , HamandTonguo , Ac . frcslulaUy 1 Cheese ... American , Chechia Stilton , & a . Tongues Finest Smoked and Pickled Ox . \ Fi-cxli deliveries daily , at Wliolo-sale JPriceti , <> 1 " -A-n ^ lIEI ^ IO ^ -lsr FB . ESH BEEP , | Pronounced b y the Press to bo equal , if not superior , to tho BEST BKEF OP IIOMK QROWTU . i BULT & C 0 , 105 UPPER THAMES STREET , £ . 0 .
Bro . A . OLDEOYD , Stratford , London . MANUFACTURER OF TOBACCO POUCHES , With any name iu raised letters . CAN be obtained direct from tlie Maker , at tho undermentioned prices , on receipt of P . 0 , 0 . payable at Stratford . A . OLDROYI ) , Agent for Algerian Uigar 3 , anil Importer of Havana and Continental Cigars , 3 Gt HIGH STREET , STRATFORD , LONDON , E .
" There should ho a better reason for the race of Depositors than a fluctuating rate of two or three per cent . "—INVESTOn ' s GUARDIAN . T 0 MBARD BANK ( Limited ) , Nos . J-J . 13 Lombard-street , City . Established iwai , receives Deposits . Or . Dcmiind , 3 per cent . Subject to Nnticrj , B per cent . Opens cm-rent Accounts . Supplies Cheque Books , lu-Testors arc invited to examine this new and improved system , that ensures a high rate of interest with perfect security . Tho Directors haveneverre-discounted or i-e-liypothecatcd any of the securities . TO BOKUOWKRS . —It oilers pre-eminent advantages for prompt advances on leases , reversions , policies , trade stocks , farmproducc , warrants , and furniture , without removal publicity , sureties , or fees . IUCIIABD TYLER , Secretary . TOMBABD BUILDIHGr SOCIETY , J-J 35 Lombard-street , City . EaUihUrihort IS 6 ' . ) . Incorporutetl under the Kew Act , 187-1 . TO INVESTORS . —Deposits received at liberal interest . The Directors by strict economy have hitherto paid every investor 10 nnd VJ pev cent , per annum . Borrowers aro oll ' urod unusual facilities for the purchase of Houses , Shops , Farms , & u . Kev / and Special Feature . —Tho . Society will build Houses , etc ., in any approved , pnrt of Great Britain , * finding tho whole coat of the build in" -at 5 percent ., repayable by in .-. t ; ilments , the applicant merely FuulmEr the pian and puyinff or jrivinir security for tho Ilrst * 5 yertr . s' itif'ux-rit . I f'ospe < ! tu > -cs ' , luihincc-sheets , and pvc ^ s opinions )\ 'ee . Active Agents wan led . ^ CIIAUDJUVT / I * : n _! _ Scerct : ir . v .
NEW MASONIC SONG . "Will be ready on the 23 rd of May . " MASOfsIS VOWS , " A so . vo ro . i TJU ! TirniD J ) j : tu : i ; i ; . Originally adapted and recited by BROTHER JAMES STEVENS , T . M . 720 , 1216 , 1-120 ; P . Z . 720 , 771 , & c , & C , & c . Mrsrn nv BRO . J . HANDLE FLETCHER , V . M . 191 , Prov . Grand Organist ( Klect ) for Kn . st Lancashire , Past Prov . Grand Organist Royal Arch Chapter East Lancashire , & c . PRICE TWO SHILLNGS , MAY UK ir . IT ) FROM BRO . FLKTCHEB , 29 FLEET STRKET . BURy , I . AJfC'ASUIRK A " ~ CCIDENT INSUKANOE " oOML ANY Limited , 7 Bank Buildings , Lothbnry , E . C . General accidents . I Personal injuriw . Railway accidents , I Death by accident . C , HARDING , ManaRer ,
TAIAE INDIEN . SPECIAIi CAV'JTIOX . OWING to tho marked snecess of this modicinc , the only patent medicine universally prescribed , hy tho faculty , and tho acknowledged euro for eonsLipjition , headache , bllt' , liifuir-rrhoids , l '< c , JJASR I . MITATIONS , containing diastic irritaias , arc beinir foisted on the public . The t , 'eriu . no prupavation beaiM the title "Tainarlndien / 'andthe sitfnature K . ( .. '( : rr . I . O . V , Coleman-. st . London , E . C . Prico - ¦; ( id per box . In a recent case , ( 87 ti , G . Nu . ' . Ul . a perpetual mjimctlou to restrain the deToudaut from applying the name "Tainar" to his lozenge * was awarded , with costs , liy Yice-Ciiancellor Hn-ion , ou I'Jth January 1 S 77 , aud all such piracies will be Rummnrily proceeded against . N . B . —Seo tint tho outer wrapper ( directions ) aro printed in tho Kni , dfsh laii ^ uajje , nnd that each box bears tho Guvevnmeut 'id stamp .
^ WHAT ia YOUR CHEST and Jg / M MOTTO ? UysendlnsNameandCounty ^ 3 b | with S » Gd , a plain drawing will be Kent ; if rrJ-OJ painted in Heraldic Colours , 7 s . Pedi # rec 3 jtfi jPJv * traced . Tho Arms of Man and "Wife blended . K 5 ^ 5 ^ 1 ^\ Proper colour for Servants * Livery , what i ^ aSPC I buttons to bo uaed , and how the Carriage should \ r ^ SSfc & J bo Painted , according to Heraldic Kules . Cul-\ A & y ^*& i leton's "Book of Family Crests and Mottoes /* Tp"V »^ y 4 , 000 Enspraviiiga , printed in colours , £ l ( i 10 *; /\ ffiA / "The Manual of Heraldry , " 4 ( H ) cnfrravi : i ; ia , h f \ /_ 3 d ( Id ; post freo by T . CULLETON , Gcnealo-^ iLm ^ S . JSS ^ Ldat 2 T > Cranbourne-streab ( corner of St . Afartin ' s-laue , W . C . ) Tho Heraldic Library open from 10 till 4 . QEAL-ENGEAVINGS , by ^ CULLETOisT . — ^ J Crest engraved on Seals , Rings , Eook-pl .-ites , nnd Steel Dies , for stamping paper , prieo 73 ( id . Livery llutton Dies , £ 2 lis . Crests engraved on silver .--poons und family j ) lato , r . 3 per dozen articles . A neat Desk Seal , with enirraved Crest , 123 Cd . Registered letter , ed er . trn . —T . OUI . I . K t'ON , V . ngraver to the Queen and Royal i'ainily , ' £ , Cranbouvne-street ( corner of St . Martin's-lane ) .
pULLETON'S GUINEA IJOX oE STA-^ - ^ TIONERY contains a ream of the very liert paper and BOO envelopes , all beautifully stamped with ( Jrest and . llot . to . Monogram , or Address , and tlw Hteel Hie eniriaved tree of charge . —T . CULLET 021 , Die . Sinker to U'e Uo ; ird of Trade , a Cranboume-street ( corner of St . Hartin ' s-lano ) . QIGNET EINGS , bfcULLETON , silt IS- ^ carat , Hall-marked . The most eU'traut n .- 'tttcnit in f London . ' 2 , VOO to select from : —X'J 2 M , , f . l : ; .- » , £ 4 is , L ' ii ( ts , jL ' fJ lt ' yi ; very massive , £ 10 10 s ; heavy knuckle flu ^ tmv , , L'I' ; 1 ;;^ , , Send siv . e of UUITCV by tittuig a pit'CG of fare ad , and meriting ! tho price rinKrequiifd . Arms , Crest or ;« iouu *; 'raiuons'ravcd ' ontheKInirs . —T . CULLETON , Seal Engraver , iI . "» t ' rardKJi ; riiflstreet ( corner of St . Martin ' s-laue ) , W . C .
pULLETON'S PLATES for MARKING Vy T . TNKN require no prepaintfon , and aro easily used . Initial l'lates , U ; Name riat-s , -is 1 M ; Set o £ Moveable i ' nni . bers , 2 s Gd ; Crest or 3 Ionogre . ni I'lnte , " ^ , witii directions , post freo for cash or stamp-, by T . CULLETON , 23 Cranbourne-street ( corner of St . Martins ' s-lane ) , W . C . TTISITING 0 AEDS , by CULLETON . — T Fifty , best quality , 2 s 8 d , post freo , inehuling tlie engraving of copper plate . Wedding cards , fifty each , fifty embossed envelopes with maiden name , 2 " . s Cd . Memorial cards printed , and hatohments painted on the shortest notice . —T . CULLETON , Seal Engraver , 2 o Cranboume-street ( corner of St . Martin's-Iane ) , W . C .
BALL PROGRAMMES , by CULLETON . —AU tho newest designs iuBALL PROGEA 7 . f JfES and MENU CARTES for the season . Ball , dinner , breakfast , and wedding invitation card 3 and notes of every description , printed in gold , silver , and colour , and beautifully stamped with arms , crest , or monogram . Sl ! 3 c banners painted , iilu . minuted vellums for presentations , votes of thanks , & o . Paintings on . Rerlln paper for needlework . —T . CULLETON , Engraver to the Queen and all the Royal Family , 25 Cran . boume-strcct ( corner of St . Martin '» -lanc ) , W . C . SOLID GOLD SEALS , engraved with crest , £ 1 Is Od . £ 2 23 0 : 1 , £ 3 3 s Od , £ 4 4 s Od , £ 5 53 Od , £ 0 Cs Od , and £ 7 7 s 0 d . —T . CULLETON , 23 Cranbourn-strcet , London W . C . Post Offlga ord . « rn pay » bl « afc Crunbourne-atreet , London ,
EUPTIT leTis s . BY UOVAr . I . KTTRI 1 S PATENT . WHITE'S MO 0-MAIN LEVER TRUSS COMl'ANY LIMITED . Vy ittTE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS V / i-: idtowod hy upwards of , ") 00 3 feuiual Sfen to ho tho j j gja most t'iVoctlvo invention in the curative tveat-/ ri % inentof Hernia . TJie use of a steel spring , so kiJr o : t (' hurtful in Us ciTects , is hen : avoided , a j * I ^ P ^ . ' ' hand ! i ; rc hnin ^ worn round tho body , while ) < V ^ Tfft th - r-qni .-ii . e re -U tins power is supplied by tho * 7 l /\ m HW-M'U - * PADaiui l'ATHNTLKV'KniUtin ^ W l' }/ M 11 w ''' * Iau ° h taso aud looseness triat it cannot Q j ' J }\\ l ijedOLucLed , and may be worn during sleep . < f \ s- ^| y A descriptive circular may he hud , and the £ t CT / Lf T 1 ' 11 ' ^ ' r . 'iih : h eannos fail to fit , fur warded by / > [ 3 l' - ' ^ t ( , u t " - circumference of the body two j s /?(] f inches holow tho loina behiij sent to the inanuk // \ iOf faoUnvr , VH \\ Mv . JOHN' WHITE , 2-2 B PICCADILLY , LONDOX , |* J \ J t ' rice of a single Truss , ItH . 'Jlrf . iWsb'd & 3 Is ) irl . W I / l ' < x- ^ ' ^ - Price of a Double Truss nia Od .-l'Js ¦ Xg _ crj u ^ j , and . ' ^ sCd . Postage ! freo . Price of an Umbilical ¦ ' lirSSLi ^ ' J'in : ; s , Usaud . V' sfid . Postaifo free . PosCOtlica " -- .-.-,.. —* ' Orders to bo made payable to JOHN WHITE , Po . ifc Oflic ' . , l'icoftdilly . T 71 LASTIC STOCKING KNEE CAPS , & c , 1 _ J VAT 1 TC 0 S R VEINS , and all cases of WEAKNESS aud SWKI , I , IKCr ! i i . i tho LKUS , Sl'IlAINS , & c . They are porous , iigiii . iu texture , and inexpensive , and drawn on like an ordinary stocking-. Prico Is cd , rs Cd , 10 s aud Its each , post free . piIEST EXPANDING BRACES ( for both ^ - ^ sexes . ) For Gentlemen they act as a substitute for tho ordinary braces . For children thoy aro invaluable ; they prevent stooping aud preserve tho symmetry of tho chest . Prices for children . " u ltd , 7 s 0 d and 10 s ( Id ; adults l . ' n Cd and :. 'ls , pojfc free . . TOUN WIU'PE , IKftCTVC-iuivEtt , 228 PICCADILLY , LONDON .
F . ACLASB'S JEWEL ~ ATTAGHER . rA ^ ^ r- *~ "" » jf tin < g-5 . 555 ' / / " 2 a § wj „ sj ";« A . a /^/ .. "ApSvg J > x- '" t / jf / , . * , : a > -3 ? s S & u ^^ frw [ ifiil ID ? - < a •/ 3 ' - *' Y . - ¦»¦¦¦ ' 3 ~ £ 7-4 '; •_< -S M J I / * " * ' i 2 , £ * v ! ' 3 o S 3 ;; 2 i - . v * . . ^ , '' s-I . ^ II 22 s " HIGH HOLBORN , W . G .
CRICKET . TOT-IN LILLYWITITE has tlie most oxton . * 3 aive Stonk of ClUOKKTIN'O GOODS in tho trado to select from , and invites an inspection of tlia same . C'anu-Iiiindlo Tiats , from 10 s to 2 U each ; IVeseriLition Hats , from 'Jos to 32 a B : l each ; Pads p o 1 ¦ i nil-. I . is Cxi to l . " . <; I iattirif ; Gloves per pair , 8 s C J ; \ Vic ! -: i't-I : ef'nin > r Gloves pel- pair . IDs ; Stumps , from " s to lis ji .. r . sot ; Ji .-ig-.-f , >' rom 12 s to *! . - ) Oil each ; Wi : i ; . c N ' cls , hit . Send for fast of Prices , which eoni : 'ins every information , and is sont post free . Carriage paid on all orders of C 3 and upwards . Patronized liy IT . R .. K . tho Fitr . vcE op TVAIES . JOHfl ULLYWillTF . 'G CP . IQETE ? S' COMPMIIOK , POSTFPEE 1 : 1 I'iofiao i'Oi ¦ " tlie ovt . v vnnr . Ess : — JOHM LILLYWHITE , 10 Seymour Street , Eastern Square , London , JST . W . 5 s . 15 . —No connexion whatever with ftny other Firm advertising as "J . LillywhitQ . " \