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District Grand Lodge Of British Burmah.
A T a Quarterly Communication holden at tho Masonic Temple , Can-- < - ¦» - tonment , Rangoon , on Tuesday , the 12 th March 1878 . Present —R . W . Bros . S . H . Krauss D . G . M ., J . Dawson D . D . G . M ., E . G . Man D . G . S . W ., Major G . Knox P . D . G . P . as D . G . J . W ., B . Samuel D . G . Treas ., W . A . Nicol D . G . Reg ., W . H . Porter D . G . Sec , W . Ford D . G . S . D ., Capt . G . 0 . Smith D . G . S . B ., W . H . Wootton D . G . Org .,
C . T . Baxendale D . G . Purs ., C . Preston , J . H . White , R . H . Pilcher and TV . G . Jackson D . G . Stewards , J . TV . Clarkson D . G . Tyler . Represontatives of Lodges : —Social Friendship , No . 497 , Star of Barman , No . 614 , Victoria in Burmah , No . 832 , Rangoon , No . 1268 , & c . The District Grand Lodgo was opened in ample form at 6 . 15 p . m ., and tho summons convening the Communication , and tho minutes
were read and confirmed . Tho District Grand Secretary reported receipt of apologies for absence from several brethren , and then read tho report of tho proceedings of the meeting of the Distriot Grand Lodge Committee , held at the office of R . W . Bro . H . Krauss D . G . M ., on tho 5 fch March 1878 , containing amongst other matters—Tho D . G . Treasurer's accounts since the date of last audit ( 3 rd
December 1877 ) , showing a balance in favour of tho District Grand Lodge Fund of Rs . 343 7 0 , and of District Grand Lodge Fund of Bonevolenco Rs . 232 14 0 . Report by D . Grand Sec . : —( 1 ) . That a roply to tho refcrenco made to tho Grand Secretary , relating to the reception by Lodgo Greonlaw , No . 1095 , Tonngoo , of a serving brother as a subscribing
member , to which allusion had been made in tho Proceedings of tho Quarterly Communication of 27 th December 1877 , page 4 , had been received in tho following terms : — "Tho question has been mooted hero again and again , but it has always been ruled , that although a serving brother was willing to pay np tho fees to which ho would have been subjected , had ho been initiated in tho ordinary way , that
the law was too decided to be overruled . " ( 2 ) . That a communication had been forwarded to the G . See ., London , to obtain tho sanction of the M . W . G . M . to the alteration in the D . G . Lodge Bye-Laws , at page 19 , increasing the number of tho members of the D . G . L . Committeo from five to seven , proposed at the Quarterly Communication of the 26 th June 1877 , and adopted at
the Quarterly Communication of tho 11 th September 1877 . ( 3 ) . That the G . S ., London , had forwarded copies of the Resolu . tions of the United Grand Lodge of Enerland , dated the 5 th December 1877 , on the appeal of Bros . A . L . Vaillant , T . N . Seymour , J . C . Jordan , E . T . Dover , and J . Marsh , against tho W . M . of Lodgo Victoria in Burmah , No . 832 , excluding them from the said Lodge ,
aud against the orders of the D . D . G . M . rejecting their appeals , also that on tho 14 th January 1878 , Bros . A . L . Vaillant , T . N . Seymour , and J . Marsh , complained that they had been refused admission to their Lodge . Tho R . W . the D . G . M . bad called upon the W . M . of Lodgo Victoria in Burmah , No . 832 , for an explanation , which had
been submitted and accopted . The R . W . tho D . G . M . had directed the brethren to bo summoned to the next regular meeting of the Lodge , and if they presented themselves , be received therein . W . Bro . C . T . Baxendale had since raised the question whether , as Bro . tire Rev . J . E . Marks ' s election as W . M . of No . 832 had been
declared illegal , and as ho was appointed to the ofhec of S . W . by Bro . the Rev . J . E . Marks , his , W . Bro . Baxendale ' s , appointment was not illegal also , and his election illegal , intimating that till this was decided by the G . L . of England he would not open his Lodge . Tho R . W . the D . G . M . had ruled that W . Bro . Baxendale had legitimately been elected to the Mastership of his Lodge , and that W . Bro .
Baxendale being a Past Warden of Lodgo Astrnsa , No . 13 ( 6 , Thayetmyo , was also eligible for election in that capacity . Tho R . W . D . G . M . having addressed the Lodge , commenting briefly on tho various matters referred to in the report of the D . G . Lodge Committee , ifc was proposed and carried that the report be adopted . On motion duly seconded , the D . G . Sec . was directed to place himself
in communication with tho G . Sec , London , and to intimate that in the recent appeal of Bros . A . L . Vaillant , T , N . Seymour , J . C . Jordan , E . T . Dover , and J . Marsh to tho M . W . G . M . of England , that the G . Sec . had omitted to give notice to the D . D . G . M ., whose decision was called into question , a 3 required by tho article headed ' of Appeal , ' page 95 , of the Book of Constitutions .
W . Bro . J . Dawson proposed , and W . Bro . E . G . Man seconded the proposition , — " That the D . G . Lodgo subscribe for three Life Governorships in the Greenlaw Masonic Orphan Fund , at rnpeesOli each , and that the District Grand Treasurer bo authorised to disburse tho same , " this was carried unanimously . Worshipful Bro . B . Samuel thon made a few remarks deprecating the depletion of the D .
Grand Lodge Benevolent Fund , ifc was uncertain when a demand would bo made on that fund , which was a fund for distressed Masons and their widows . In this Bro . Samuel was supported by Bro . W . II . Porter , and to a large extent by tho R . W . tho D . G . M . Bro . Samuel did not wish to be misunderstood , ho was not antagonistic to the Greenlaw Masonic Orphan Fund ; he had given that
Fund his sympathy and support on all suitable occasions , but he did not wish to seo the D . G . Lodgo Fund of Benevolence , brought to a low ebb . W . Bro . TV . II . Porter proposed , and TV . Bro . Samnel seconded the proposition , " That when a vacancy occurred in the D . G . Lodge Committee , whether by retirement from tho Committee , from
Membership of any Lodgo in the district , or leaving Rangoon permanently , it shall bo competent for the R . W . the D . G . M . or his Deputy , on the vacancy being ascertained aud declared , to elect a now member thereto . " Bro . Porter shortly explained tho intent of this proposed addition
to tho bye-laws , which was necessitated by the ever changing conditions generally of Indian society , and yet more strongly in Burmah . If such au addition were not made to tho bye-laws , the D . G . L . Committee might before the ond of the Masonic year find its members too few in number to form a quorum . The R . W . the D . G . M . directed
District Grand Lodge Of British Burmah.
tho proposition to belaid before tho D . G . L . Committee for consideration and report . Other business having been transacted , the D . G . Lodge was closed in ample form .
We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our Cor . respondents . We cannot undertake to return rejected communications . All Letters must bear the name and address of the Writer , not necessarily for publication , but as a guarantee of good faith .
To the Editor of THE FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —The Order of tho Grand Lodge of Eng . land to tho Worshipful Master of Lodge " Victoria in Burmah , " No , 832 , Rangoon , to receive or re-admit Bros . A . L . Vaillant , T . N . Seymour , J . C . Jordan , E . T . Dover , and J . Marsh , to their Masonic privileges , was received by the W . M . on tho 10 th Jannary 1878 . A
mooting was hold on the 11 th idem ., when these Brethron presented themselves at tho Lodgo and wero refused admittance . It is now stated that tho Brethren wero not refused admittauco in open Lodge . The evasiveness of such a plea needs no further notice . Well , the W . M . decided on not opening his Lodgo till he had told Grand Lodgo or tho Grand Secretary what lie thought of both .
A Lodgo was called for the 29 th March , I send you tho summons , and would call your attention to tho agenda : — " To consider a communication from the Grand Lodge regarding the re-admission of Bros . Vaillant , Dover , Seymour , Marsh and Jordan . " Now the Grand Lodgo made an Order on the 5 th December 1877 that these brethren should be admitted ; there was no room for
consideration , but obedience was simply required . The five oxcluded Brethren wero summoned to attend this meeting but they did not go , because the Lodge was going to consider a communication from-the Grand Lodge regarding their re-admission , and because the brethren had knowledge of tho confidential circular of tho 1 st February , of which you havo a copy , wherein some of the brethren
were invited to say that they had conscientious scruples , and could not in conformity with their obligation sit in Lodgo with theso brethren . I say some of the brethren were to give their decision on the subject , under scaled cover and without delay . I earnestly believe that another Masonic community could not be found who would act as the officers and members of Lodge " Victoria in Burmah " have
dono , nor havo submitted to all this wrongdoing . The cry has beon , Perish Lodge" Victoria in Burmah" rather than that tee shall obey the edict of Ihe Grand , Lodge and receive these brethren who havo nofc committed an offence , moral or otherwise . At tho meeting of the 29 th March one brother enquired why tho Confidential Circular was not sent to him ? and was told by tho W . M .
that he was not a fit person to receive it . Brethren who had shown these circulars to others were called Traitors . A cut and dried letter to be sent to tho Grand Secretary was produced for approval , and hurried through . This letter is couched in offensive language , and will be treated by tho Grand Secretary as it deserves to be . It will more than confirm all I havo stated regarding tho insane resistance
made to tho Grand Lodgo . It has been proposed , not in open , Lodge , that if a majority of signatories be obtaiued the Warrant should be surrendered to the Most Worshipful the Grand Master . I mention this to show that you havo not without reason charged the officers of " Victoria in Burmah " with ignorance , and that they have not studied tho Book of Constitu .
tions , or that if they have done so they havo not received any advantage in increased knowledge in doing so . Of course thero is a minority in tho Lodge which will work it , notwithstanding the desire of somo 18 brethren to destroy the Lodge ; that is , if the Lodge is not , for its contumacious disobedience to the G . L ., erased from tho Roll of Lodges . I am compelled to address you , becauso no sooner is one wrongful
act pointed out , than , like a bird hopping from branch to branch , a new offenco is discovered , and other acts of wrong doing perpetrated . Ifc is contemplated now that as soon as tho five brethren shall present themselves at the Lodge that tho W . M . shall either close his Lodgo or the Masonic phalanx under him shall walk out and leave the five brethren , or any one or more of them , in possession to do their own wicked will . What new folly may be porpotratcd , to provoke erasure , I
am not prepared to state or even surmise , but I sincerely trust that the Most Worshipful the Grand Master will not fail to remember that there are brethren in "Victoria iu Burmah" who do not approve of tho doings of tho Lodge for the last two years , and who aro unwilling that a Lodge which has heretofore done good Masonic work , and has so largo a voice iu our Ma . sonic Charities should become a wreck through the ignorance aud obstinacy of tho Master and mutiny of some of tho
crew . Yours faithfully , Rangoon , 13 th April 1878 . A LOOKER ON .
Proxy Voting.
To the Editor of the FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE . DEIR SIR AND BROTHER , —Permit mo to add to what I said iu my letter of last week , that , if my memory serves me rightly , thoro was , at the last revision of tho laws of tho two Masonic Schools , a great diversity of opiuiouas to tho manner in which tho votes at the elec . tion of officers should be recorded . 1 may mention further that I havo consulted two or three brethren of undoubted experience ns to tho
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
District Grand Lodge Of British Burmah.
A T a Quarterly Communication holden at tho Masonic Temple , Can-- < - ¦» - tonment , Rangoon , on Tuesday , the 12 th March 1878 . Present —R . W . Bros . S . H . Krauss D . G . M ., J . Dawson D . D . G . M ., E . G . Man D . G . S . W ., Major G . Knox P . D . G . P . as D . G . J . W ., B . Samuel D . G . Treas ., W . A . Nicol D . G . Reg ., W . H . Porter D . G . Sec , W . Ford D . G . S . D ., Capt . G . 0 . Smith D . G . S . B ., W . H . Wootton D . G . Org .,
C . T . Baxendale D . G . Purs ., C . Preston , J . H . White , R . H . Pilcher and TV . G . Jackson D . G . Stewards , J . TV . Clarkson D . G . Tyler . Represontatives of Lodges : —Social Friendship , No . 497 , Star of Barman , No . 614 , Victoria in Burmah , No . 832 , Rangoon , No . 1268 , & c . The District Grand Lodgo was opened in ample form at 6 . 15 p . m ., and tho summons convening the Communication , and tho minutes
were read and confirmed . Tho District Grand Secretary reported receipt of apologies for absence from several brethren , and then read tho report of tho proceedings of the meeting of the Distriot Grand Lodge Committee , held at the office of R . W . Bro . H . Krauss D . G . M ., on tho 5 fch March 1878 , containing amongst other matters—Tho D . G . Treasurer's accounts since the date of last audit ( 3 rd
December 1877 ) , showing a balance in favour of tho District Grand Lodge Fund of Rs . 343 7 0 , and of District Grand Lodge Fund of Bonevolenco Rs . 232 14 0 . Report by D . Grand Sec . : —( 1 ) . That a roply to tho refcrenco made to tho Grand Secretary , relating to the reception by Lodgo Greonlaw , No . 1095 , Tonngoo , of a serving brother as a subscribing
member , to which allusion had been made in tho Proceedings of tho Quarterly Communication of 27 th December 1877 , page 4 , had been received in tho following terms : — "Tho question has been mooted hero again and again , but it has always been ruled , that although a serving brother was willing to pay np tho fees to which ho would have been subjected , had ho been initiated in tho ordinary way , that
the law was too decided to be overruled . " ( 2 ) . That a communication had been forwarded to the G . See ., London , to obtain tho sanction of the M . W . G . M . to the alteration in the D . G . Lodge Bye-Laws , at page 19 , increasing the number of tho members of the D . G . L . Committeo from five to seven , proposed at the Quarterly Communication of the 26 th June 1877 , and adopted at
the Quarterly Communication of tho 11 th September 1877 . ( 3 ) . That the G . S ., London , had forwarded copies of the Resolu . tions of the United Grand Lodge of Enerland , dated the 5 th December 1877 , on the appeal of Bros . A . L . Vaillant , T . N . Seymour , J . C . Jordan , E . T . Dover , and J . Marsh , against tho W . M . of Lodgo Victoria in Burmah , No . 832 , excluding them from the said Lodge ,
aud against the orders of the D . D . G . M . rejecting their appeals , also that on tho 14 th January 1878 , Bros . A . L . Vaillant , T . N . Seymour , and J . Marsh , complained that they had been refused admission to their Lodge . Tho R . W . the D . G . M . bad called upon the W . M . of Lodgo Victoria in Burmah , No . 832 , for an explanation , which had
been submitted and accopted . The R . W . tho D . G . M . had directed the brethren to bo summoned to the next regular meeting of the Lodge , and if they presented themselves , be received therein . W . Bro . C . T . Baxendale had since raised the question whether , as Bro . tire Rev . J . E . Marks ' s election as W . M . of No . 832 had been
declared illegal , and as ho was appointed to the ofhec of S . W . by Bro . the Rev . J . E . Marks , his , W . Bro . Baxendale ' s , appointment was not illegal also , and his election illegal , intimating that till this was decided by the G . L . of England he would not open his Lodge . Tho R . W . the D . G . M . had ruled that W . Bro . Baxendale had legitimately been elected to the Mastership of his Lodge , and that W . Bro .
Baxendale being a Past Warden of Lodgo Astrnsa , No . 13 ( 6 , Thayetmyo , was also eligible for election in that capacity . Tho R . W . D . G . M . having addressed the Lodge , commenting briefly on tho various matters referred to in the report of the D . G . Lodge Committee , ifc was proposed and carried that the report be adopted . On motion duly seconded , the D . G . Sec . was directed to place himself
in communication with tho G . Sec , London , and to intimate that in the recent appeal of Bros . A . L . Vaillant , T , N . Seymour , J . C . Jordan , E . T . Dover , and J . Marsh to tho M . W . G . M . of England , that the G . Sec . had omitted to give notice to the D . D . G . M ., whose decision was called into question , a 3 required by tho article headed ' of Appeal , ' page 95 , of the Book of Constitutions .
W . Bro . J . Dawson proposed , and W . Bro . E . G . Man seconded the proposition , — " That the D . G . Lodgo subscribe for three Life Governorships in the Greenlaw Masonic Orphan Fund , at rnpeesOli each , and that the District Grand Treasurer bo authorised to disburse tho same , " this was carried unanimously . Worshipful Bro . B . Samuel thon made a few remarks deprecating the depletion of the D .
Grand Lodge Benevolent Fund , ifc was uncertain when a demand would bo made on that fund , which was a fund for distressed Masons and their widows . In this Bro . Samuel was supported by Bro . W . II . Porter , and to a large extent by tho R . W . tho D . G . M . Bro . Samuel did not wish to be misunderstood , ho was not antagonistic to the Greenlaw Masonic Orphan Fund ; he had given that
Fund his sympathy and support on all suitable occasions , but he did not wish to seo the D . G . Lodgo Fund of Benevolence , brought to a low ebb . W . Bro . TV . II . Porter proposed , and TV . Bro . Samnel seconded the proposition , " That when a vacancy occurred in the D . G . Lodge Committee , whether by retirement from tho Committee , from
Membership of any Lodgo in the district , or leaving Rangoon permanently , it shall bo competent for the R . W . the D . G . M . or his Deputy , on the vacancy being ascertained aud declared , to elect a now member thereto . " Bro . Porter shortly explained tho intent of this proposed addition
to tho bye-laws , which was necessitated by the ever changing conditions generally of Indian society , and yet more strongly in Burmah . If such au addition were not made to tho bye-laws , the D . G . L . Committee might before the ond of the Masonic year find its members too few in number to form a quorum . The R . W . the D . G . M . directed
District Grand Lodge Of British Burmah.
tho proposition to belaid before tho D . G . L . Committee for consideration and report . Other business having been transacted , the D . G . Lodge was closed in ample form .
We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our Cor . respondents . We cannot undertake to return rejected communications . All Letters must bear the name and address of the Writer , not necessarily for publication , but as a guarantee of good faith .
To the Editor of THE FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —The Order of tho Grand Lodge of Eng . land to tho Worshipful Master of Lodge " Victoria in Burmah , " No , 832 , Rangoon , to receive or re-admit Bros . A . L . Vaillant , T . N . Seymour , J . C . Jordan , E . T . Dover , and J . Marsh , to their Masonic privileges , was received by the W . M . on tho 10 th Jannary 1878 . A
mooting was hold on the 11 th idem ., when these Brethron presented themselves at tho Lodgo and wero refused admittance . It is now stated that tho Brethren wero not refused admittauco in open Lodge . The evasiveness of such a plea needs no further notice . Well , the W . M . decided on not opening his Lodgo till he had told Grand Lodgo or tho Grand Secretary what lie thought of both .
A Lodgo was called for the 29 th March , I send you tho summons , and would call your attention to tho agenda : — " To consider a communication from the Grand Lodge regarding the re-admission of Bros . Vaillant , Dover , Seymour , Marsh and Jordan . " Now the Grand Lodgo made an Order on the 5 th December 1877 that these brethren should be admitted ; there was no room for
consideration , but obedience was simply required . The five oxcluded Brethren wero summoned to attend this meeting but they did not go , because the Lodge was going to consider a communication from-the Grand Lodge regarding their re-admission , and because the brethren had knowledge of tho confidential circular of tho 1 st February , of which you havo a copy , wherein some of the brethren
were invited to say that they had conscientious scruples , and could not in conformity with their obligation sit in Lodgo with theso brethren . I say some of the brethren were to give their decision on the subject , under scaled cover and without delay . I earnestly believe that another Masonic community could not be found who would act as the officers and members of Lodge " Victoria in Burmah " have
dono , nor havo submitted to all this wrongdoing . The cry has beon , Perish Lodge" Victoria in Burmah" rather than that tee shall obey the edict of Ihe Grand , Lodge and receive these brethren who havo nofc committed an offence , moral or otherwise . At tho meeting of the 29 th March one brother enquired why tho Confidential Circular was not sent to him ? and was told by tho W . M .
that he was not a fit person to receive it . Brethren who had shown these circulars to others were called Traitors . A cut and dried letter to be sent to tho Grand Secretary was produced for approval , and hurried through . This letter is couched in offensive language , and will be treated by tho Grand Secretary as it deserves to be . It will more than confirm all I havo stated regarding tho insane resistance
made to tho Grand Lodgo . It has been proposed , not in open , Lodge , that if a majority of signatories be obtaiued the Warrant should be surrendered to the Most Worshipful the Grand Master . I mention this to show that you havo not without reason charged the officers of " Victoria in Burmah " with ignorance , and that they have not studied tho Book of Constitu .
tions , or that if they have done so they havo not received any advantage in increased knowledge in doing so . Of course thero is a minority in tho Lodge which will work it , notwithstanding the desire of somo 18 brethren to destroy the Lodge ; that is , if the Lodge is not , for its contumacious disobedience to the G . L ., erased from tho Roll of Lodges . I am compelled to address you , becauso no sooner is one wrongful
act pointed out , than , like a bird hopping from branch to branch , a new offenco is discovered , and other acts of wrong doing perpetrated . Ifc is contemplated now that as soon as tho five brethren shall present themselves at the Lodge that tho W . M . shall either close his Lodgo or the Masonic phalanx under him shall walk out and leave the five brethren , or any one or more of them , in possession to do their own wicked will . What new folly may be porpotratcd , to provoke erasure , I
am not prepared to state or even surmise , but I sincerely trust that the Most Worshipful the Grand Master will not fail to remember that there are brethren in "Victoria iu Burmah" who do not approve of tho doings of tho Lodge for the last two years , and who aro unwilling that a Lodge which has heretofore done good Masonic work , and has so largo a voice iu our Ma . sonic Charities should become a wreck through the ignorance aud obstinacy of tho Master and mutiny of some of tho
crew . Yours faithfully , Rangoon , 13 th April 1878 . A LOOKER ON .
Proxy Voting.
To the Editor of the FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE . DEIR SIR AND BROTHER , —Permit mo to add to what I said iu my letter of last week , that , if my memory serves me rightly , thoro was , at the last revision of tho laws of tho two Masonic Schools , a great diversity of opiuiouas to tho manner in which tho votes at the elec . tion of officers should be recorded . 1 may mention further that I havo consulted two or three brethren of undoubted experience ns to tho