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Egyptian Lodge of Instruction , No . 27 . —AtLro . Maul . well's , the Hercules Tavern , 119 Leadenhall-street , ou Thursday evening last . Present—Bros . Grainmer , W . M ., Slaiter S . W ., Norden J . W ., Cantpbell S . D ., NcmoJ . D ., Maidwell I . G ., Webb Preceptor , and other brethren . Tho ceromonics of tho first and second degree wero
rehearsed , Bro . Forss as candidate . P > ro . Hollands P . M . then took tho chair , and Bro . Maidwell W . M . No . ' 17 gave a portion of the Installation ceremony , after which Bro . Granimcr resumed his position as W . M . Bro . Forss , No . 551 Lodge , was elected a member , and the Lodgo was closed .
Strong Man Lodge of Instruction , No . 45 . —At 12 Oldstreet , Goswell-road , on Monday , tho 27 th May . Present—Bros . Uallam W . M ., Wing S . W ., J . Millingtou J . W ., Tolmie Preceptor , Fenner Soc ., Stock S . D ., Ilyland J . D ., J . W . Smith I . G ., Christopher Tyler ; also Bros . Pearcy , Baldry , W . Cook , Curroy , Wilding , S . liallam , Dybdahl , & e . Lodge being opened , the minutes of last meeting wero read and confirmed . Tho ceremony of initiation was ably
rehearsed by tho W . M ., Bro . W . Cook candidate . Bro . Pearcy worked tho first , tho W . M . tho second , Bro . Fenner tho fourth , and Bro . T ' olmio tho fifth sections of the lccturo , assisted by the brethren . Bros . R . Nicholls and II . A . Barnes , both of tho Mother Lodgo , and Bro . Hyland , of tho Savoy Lodge , wero elected members . Bro . Wing was voted to tho chair for next Monday . Lodgo was thou closed and adjourned .
Sincerity Lodge of Instruction . No . 174 . —Hold its weekly meoting ou Monday , 27 th May , at the Railway Tavern , Fenchurch-street . Present—Bros . A . Ellis W . M ., F . Brown S . W ., J . S . Frasor J . W ., A . Ellis Secretary , P . M . Laccy Treasurer , J . Eraser S . D ., Webb J . D . Visitors—Bros . Bnrchell , Cull , Jones , Campbell , & c . The Lodge was opened in duo form , and minutes of last meeting wero
read and confirmed . Bro . Maidwell answered the questions leading to tho second degree , and tho ceremony of passing was rehearsed . The W . M . worked the first section , assisted by the brethren . Bro . F . Brown was appointed W . M . for tho ensuing week . Lodgo was closed indue form . Tho business of tho City Masonic Benevolent
Associotion was then proceeded with . Bro . Newton ( Hon . See . ) said ho had the pleasure to annonnce that tho Treasurer ( P . M . Verry ) had sufficient funds in hand to ballot for three Lifo Governorships . The ballot was taken , and prizes were drawn for Bros . J . S . Frasor Lodge No . 174 , Jones No . 171 , and Horsley No . 933 . A vote of thanks to the Chairman ( Bro . Webb ) closed the proceedings .
Joppa Chapter , No . 188 . —The regular convocation was held on Monday , the 27 th May , at tho Albion , Aldersgutc-stroct . Comps . W . Littanr Z ., L . Jacobs II ., P . Dickinson J ., H . Gulliford S . E ., 11 . P . Isaac as P . S . ; P . Z . ' s S . M . Lazarus , E . P . Albert , J . Lazarus , S . Pollitzcr , and II . M . Levy ; Comps . I . P . Cohen , W . A . Barrett , Riebold , L . Brail , Mann , Botibol , Haines , J . Davis , Myers , Budcrus , N .
Baum , L . Aucrhaan , L . David , Tho Chapter was opened and the minutes confirmed . Bro . E . Goldbcrgcr , No . 1017 , was balloted for and duly exalted into R . A . Masonry , it is almost needless to say perfectly and impressively . Tho election for Principals , Treasurer , Junior Officers and Janitor took place , and resulted as follows : — Comps . W . Littanr M . E . Z . was re-elected , P . Dickinson II ., L . Lazarus
J ., II . Gulliford S . E ., I . P . Cohen S . N ., II . P . Isaac P . S ., W . A . Barrett , Musical Doctor , W . M . Orpheus Lodge , Assistant Soj ., and Smith Janitor . Comp . Chevalier Pollitzcr P . Z . proposed that a vote of thanks bo recorded on tho minutes , and that a sum be voted from tho funds of the Chapter for the purpose of presenting Comp . Littanr with a testimonial , for his skill and ability , and for the
ablo and efficient manner in which he had discharged his duties . This was carried niinnimously . Tho Chapter was then closed , and the Companions sat down to banquet , provided by Comp . Jennings , and superintended by Comp . Silver . Grace having been said by tho Rev . M . Myers , the M . E . Z . proposed the usual Loyal and R . A . toasts . In proposing the health of the newly exalted , ho gavo a beautiful
illustration of tho duties incumbent on R . A . Masons . Comp . Goldbcrgcr responded . Comp . E . P . Albert P . Z . P . G . P . proposed the loast of tho M . E . Z . In testimony of the respect in which ho is held , ho has been re-elected : under his careful direction tho Chapter would continue to prosper . The M . E . Z . replied iu eloquent terms , in eonelusion remarking that he had not anticipated tho honour of
beinn-reelected ; however , he would do all in his power for their comfort . The toast of the Visitors was then given . Each severally responded . Tho perfect working of the M . E . Z . was a pleasuro to listen to ; the same remark would appl y to each Officer . Iu spoiking to tlie toast of the P . Z . 's , the M . E . Z . referred to the manner they had performed their duties while holding office . Individually , ho was sure lie would
always have their support . The health of tho II . and J . came next , and Comps . Jacob and Dickinson responded . The rest of the Oliicers were not overlooked , and the M . E . Z . then summoned the Janitor . The following is a 'isfc of the Visitors : —Comps . E . II . Cutler 21 , J . Cox 5117 . 0 . K . Killick P . S . 228 , Br . W . Bull , H . Jarrett ( Kilwinning ) , Vv ' . If . Fisher , and L . Jacobs lato 1 SS .
EUCJUIIgliamLodge , No . 591 . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held at the GvM > iv . e Hotel , Aylesbury , on " Wednesday , the I 5 th May . 1 ' reseiit Urn ; : . —Gauge T . do Truinu W . M ., J . Adams S . W ., J . Lawstm as J . W ., T . Hoi-wood I' . M . Treas ., J . Williams P . M . Sec , G . A . J cileries S . D ., L . Ponltou J . D ., T . W . Robinson I . G . The minutes of the last Lodge , and Lodge of Emergency were read and confirmed . A ballot was taken for a candidate ; it proved unanimous , and ho was initiated into this mysteries of auoicut Freemasonry , Bro .
John Lawson P . M . gavo tho charge . Bro . J . Adams was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year , Bro . T . Horwootl Treas ., aud Bro . T . Cheshire Tyler . All business ended , tho Lodge was closed in ancient and solemn form aud adjourned .
Alliance Lodge , No . 667 . —This Lodgo held its regular meeting at Freemasons' Hall , Liverpool , on Tuesday , tho 21 st nit . Present—Bros . John Ellis W . M ., J . S . Wiliiugs I . P . M ., H . Firth S . W ., J . II . Gregory J . W ., Thos . Peako Sec , D . Lloyd S . D ., A . Bucknall J . D ., 11 . Foulds I . G ., Jas . Bailey Steward , Peter Ball Tyler . Past Masters Bros . J . E . Jacksou P . G . J . D ., John Devaynes ; and Bros .
Bond , Willing 3 , Wood , Brocks , Barker , Stewart , Luyd , Williams , Jones , Beck , Hudson , Jackson , Lees , Bowyer , Elliman , Bnchauau , Broadbent , Hall , David Jones , Callow , B . Callow , Fowler , Mason , Formby , Ellery , Taylor , M . Davies , Swan , Creak , Francis , Rood . Visitors—Bros . Foster 72-1 , Kelly 073 , D . Callow 823 , S . M . Davies 22 G . R . C ., J . Masscy , Thomas Grant 823 , & c . Tho
Lodgo was opened in duo form , and tho usual business gone through , Bros . Jacksou , Barker , Wiliiugs , and Broadbent wero passed to tho F . C . degree . The Lodgo was thou opeuod in tho third degree , and Bros . Beck , Brooks and Stewart wero raised . The Lodgo was then resumed to tho iirst , aud thero being no further business , was closed in harmony with solemn prayer .
By request of tho W . M . the brethren adjourned to supper . In the course of the evening the usual Loyal aud Masonic toasts were proposed and severally replied to . A couple of hours round tho festive board was pleasantly passed , and the brethren wero in . debted to Bros . Lloyd , Willings , Joucs , Callow , and Williams , & c , for some good singing .
Panmure Lodge , No . 720 . —Tho installation meeting of this Lodgo was held at tho Balham Hotel , Balham , on Monday , the 20 th nit ., and was well attended . Lodge was opened by the W . M . Bro . D . Trnslor , supported by Bros . C . P . McKay S . W ., W . R . Sheadd JAY ., James Stevens P . M ., H . Payno P . M ., Thomas Poore P . M . and Secretary , W . Smith S . D ., W . McMnrray J . D ., E . Mitchell I . G ., A .
Blogg Org ., M . Spiegel D . C ., G . Lambert W . S ., W . Steedman Tyler ; also Bros . Gunner , Miilloy , Treves , Max Brenner , Pascal ! , Syer , Whittaker , G . Lillcy , Glcuister , Lavor , Anthony , Richardson , Ash , Mclluish , Kerr , & c . ; and Visitors Bros . C . Stuart Barker P . M . 1632 , Henry Baldwin 1 G 32 , A . G . Creako W . M . 159 , J . Coo WM . 1339 , J . Read P . M . 720 , E . Kidman W . M . 158 G , C . Pngsloy 158 G , W . Hope
Kirk P . M . 179 , J . Newton P . M . 1238 , H . Fowkes 10 S , and Joseph Wright P . M . 11 lli . Tho report of tho Audit Committee was read and adopted . The Lodge was raised and resumed , and Bro . Thomas Pooro P . M . having taken tho chair as installing Master , Bro . C . P . McKay was presented and installed W . M . for the ensuing year with the usual ceremony . Tho Oliicers wero appointed and invested as
follows , viz .: —Bros . D . Trusler I . P . M ., W . Sheadd S . W ., E . Mitchell JAY ., T . Pooro P . M . Treasurer and Secretary , M . Spiegel S . D ., W . Gunner J . D ., A . Blogg Organist , G . Lambert I . G ., F . C . Pascall D . C ., G . Mudey W . S ., and W . S . Steedman P . M . Tyler . The addresses , W . N . and E ., were then delivered by the Installing Master , aud tho Lodgo resumed to second degree . Bro . Laver proved his prolicioucy and was raised to the third degree by the newly-installed
Master , who acquitted himself in a most effective and perfect manner . Lodge having been closed down , propositions for initiation wero taken . The sanction of tho Lodgo was given to the proposed formation of a general Lodgo of Instruction under tho title of the Lodge , and to be held at Brixton . Other routine business having been disposed of , tho brethren adjourned to banquet , and under the presidency of tho new W . M ., who ably conducted tho proceedings , a very agreeable evening was spent in good fellowship and harmony .
Merchant Navy Lodge of Instruction , No . 781 . —A meeting of this Lodgo was held on Wednesday evening last , at tho Silver Tavern , Burdett-road . Present—Bros . Ives ( Treasurer of tho Lodge ) W . M ., Pringle S . W ., Clcgg J . W ., Robinson S . D ., Andrews J . D ., Jones I . G ., Brcdcn ( W . M . of the Mother Lodgo ) Sec , Turquand Preceptor ; also Bros . Ould , Warner , Wostcott , and other brethren .
Tho ceremony of initiation was worked in a most efficient manner by tho W . M ., tho other Officers being well up in their respective duties . Four sections of the lecture were then worked , tho first aud second by tho J . W ., third by Bro . Ould , the fourth by Bro . Andrews , in each case assisted by the brethren . Bro . Pringle was duly elected to the position of W . M . for tho next meeting of tho Lodge . He , in
acknowledging the compliment , expressed the hope that ho would be found worthy of tho hononr which had thus , for tho first time , been conferred upon him . Ou the 2 Gtb prox ., tho Aunnal Bauqnet will be held , tickets for which may bo had of the Secretary , or any member of the Lodge , 3 s Gd each . Any brother who may honour tho Lodge with his company on that occasion will receive a cordial welcome .
New Concord Lodge of Instruction . No . 813—Held at Bro . Fysh's , the Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , N ., on Wednesday , 29 th May . Present—Bros . Saul W . M ., Pcarcy S . W ., Gibbs J . W ., Tolniio acting Preceptor , Main Sec , Slaiter I . G . ; also Bros . Fonncr ,
Hallam , Ames , Swales , Elliston , Braudram , Stock . Cusworth , Hobbs , Byng , Trcwinnard , Isaac , Halford , & c Lodge being opened , tho minutes of last meeting were read aud confirmed . Lodgo atlvauced to tho third degree , and resumed to tho first , when tho following brethren assisted to work tho Fifteen Sections : —1 st Lecture : Bros .
Gibbs , Hullain , leaner , Pearcy , Stock , Saul , and Tolniio . Sccoud Lecture : Bros . Byng , Tolniio , Pearcy , H . P . Isaac , and Pearcy . Third Lecture : Bros . Cusworth , Halford , and Stock . Bro . Slaiter , Caruarvon Lodge 801 , Brandram , Eclectic 1201 , wore elected members of tho Lodgo . A cordial vote of thanks was awarded Bro . Saul for working tho Sections ; also to Bro , Tolmie for his ablo assistance ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Egyptian Lodge of Instruction , No . 27 . —AtLro . Maul . well's , the Hercules Tavern , 119 Leadenhall-street , ou Thursday evening last . Present—Bros . Grainmer , W . M ., Slaiter S . W ., Norden J . W ., Cantpbell S . D ., NcmoJ . D ., Maidwell I . G ., Webb Preceptor , and other brethren . Tho ceromonics of tho first and second degree wero
rehearsed , Bro . Forss as candidate . P > ro . Hollands P . M . then took tho chair , and Bro . Maidwell W . M . No . ' 17 gave a portion of the Installation ceremony , after which Bro . Granimcr resumed his position as W . M . Bro . Forss , No . 551 Lodge , was elected a member , and the Lodgo was closed .
Strong Man Lodge of Instruction , No . 45 . —At 12 Oldstreet , Goswell-road , on Monday , tho 27 th May . Present—Bros . Uallam W . M ., Wing S . W ., J . Millingtou J . W ., Tolmie Preceptor , Fenner Soc ., Stock S . D ., Ilyland J . D ., J . W . Smith I . G ., Christopher Tyler ; also Bros . Pearcy , Baldry , W . Cook , Curroy , Wilding , S . liallam , Dybdahl , & e . Lodge being opened , the minutes of last meeting wero read and confirmed . Tho ceremony of initiation was ably
rehearsed by tho W . M ., Bro . W . Cook candidate . Bro . Pearcy worked tho first , tho W . M . tho second , Bro . Fenner tho fourth , and Bro . T ' olmio tho fifth sections of the lccturo , assisted by the brethren . Bros . R . Nicholls and II . A . Barnes , both of tho Mother Lodgo , and Bro . Hyland , of tho Savoy Lodge , wero elected members . Bro . Wing was voted to tho chair for next Monday . Lodgo was thou closed and adjourned .
Sincerity Lodge of Instruction . No . 174 . —Hold its weekly meoting ou Monday , 27 th May , at the Railway Tavern , Fenchurch-street . Present—Bros . A . Ellis W . M ., F . Brown S . W ., J . S . Frasor J . W ., A . Ellis Secretary , P . M . Laccy Treasurer , J . Eraser S . D ., Webb J . D . Visitors—Bros . Bnrchell , Cull , Jones , Campbell , & c . The Lodge was opened in duo form , and minutes of last meeting wero
read and confirmed . Bro . Maidwell answered the questions leading to tho second degree , and tho ceremony of passing was rehearsed . The W . M . worked the first section , assisted by the brethren . Bro . F . Brown was appointed W . M . for tho ensuing week . Lodgo was closed indue form . Tho business of tho City Masonic Benevolent
Associotion was then proceeded with . Bro . Newton ( Hon . See . ) said ho had the pleasure to annonnce that tho Treasurer ( P . M . Verry ) had sufficient funds in hand to ballot for three Lifo Governorships . The ballot was taken , and prizes were drawn for Bros . J . S . Frasor Lodge No . 174 , Jones No . 171 , and Horsley No . 933 . A vote of thanks to the Chairman ( Bro . Webb ) closed the proceedings .
Joppa Chapter , No . 188 . —The regular convocation was held on Monday , the 27 th May , at tho Albion , Aldersgutc-stroct . Comps . W . Littanr Z ., L . Jacobs II ., P . Dickinson J ., H . Gulliford S . E ., 11 . P . Isaac as P . S . ; P . Z . ' s S . M . Lazarus , E . P . Albert , J . Lazarus , S . Pollitzcr , and II . M . Levy ; Comps . I . P . Cohen , W . A . Barrett , Riebold , L . Brail , Mann , Botibol , Haines , J . Davis , Myers , Budcrus , N .
Baum , L . Aucrhaan , L . David , Tho Chapter was opened and the minutes confirmed . Bro . E . Goldbcrgcr , No . 1017 , was balloted for and duly exalted into R . A . Masonry , it is almost needless to say perfectly and impressively . Tho election for Principals , Treasurer , Junior Officers and Janitor took place , and resulted as follows : — Comps . W . Littanr M . E . Z . was re-elected , P . Dickinson II ., L . Lazarus
J ., II . Gulliford S . E ., I . P . Cohen S . N ., II . P . Isaac P . S ., W . A . Barrett , Musical Doctor , W . M . Orpheus Lodge , Assistant Soj ., and Smith Janitor . Comp . Chevalier Pollitzcr P . Z . proposed that a vote of thanks bo recorded on tho minutes , and that a sum be voted from tho funds of the Chapter for the purpose of presenting Comp . Littanr with a testimonial , for his skill and ability , and for the
ablo and efficient manner in which he had discharged his duties . This was carried niinnimously . Tho Chapter was then closed , and the Companions sat down to banquet , provided by Comp . Jennings , and superintended by Comp . Silver . Grace having been said by tho Rev . M . Myers , the M . E . Z . proposed the usual Loyal and R . A . toasts . In proposing the health of the newly exalted , ho gavo a beautiful
illustration of tho duties incumbent on R . A . Masons . Comp . Goldbcrgcr responded . Comp . E . P . Albert P . Z . P . G . P . proposed the loast of tho M . E . Z . In testimony of the respect in which ho is held , ho has been re-elected : under his careful direction tho Chapter would continue to prosper . The M . E . Z . replied iu eloquent terms , in eonelusion remarking that he had not anticipated tho honour of
beinn-reelected ; however , he would do all in his power for their comfort . The toast of the Visitors was then given . Each severally responded . Tho perfect working of the M . E . Z . was a pleasuro to listen to ; the same remark would appl y to each Officer . Iu spoiking to tlie toast of the P . Z . 's , the M . E . Z . referred to the manner they had performed their duties while holding office . Individually , ho was sure lie would
always have their support . The health of tho II . and J . came next , and Comps . Jacob and Dickinson responded . The rest of the Oliicers were not overlooked , and the M . E . Z . then summoned the Janitor . The following is a 'isfc of the Visitors : —Comps . E . II . Cutler 21 , J . Cox 5117 . 0 . K . Killick P . S . 228 , Br . W . Bull , H . Jarrett ( Kilwinning ) , Vv ' . If . Fisher , and L . Jacobs lato 1 SS .
EUCJUIIgliamLodge , No . 591 . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held at the GvM > iv . e Hotel , Aylesbury , on " Wednesday , the I 5 th May . 1 ' reseiit Urn ; : . —Gauge T . do Truinu W . M ., J . Adams S . W ., J . Lawstm as J . W ., T . Hoi-wood I' . M . Treas ., J . Williams P . M . Sec , G . A . J cileries S . D ., L . Ponltou J . D ., T . W . Robinson I . G . The minutes of the last Lodge , and Lodge of Emergency were read and confirmed . A ballot was taken for a candidate ; it proved unanimous , and ho was initiated into this mysteries of auoicut Freemasonry , Bro .
John Lawson P . M . gavo tho charge . Bro . J . Adams was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year , Bro . T . Horwootl Treas ., aud Bro . T . Cheshire Tyler . All business ended , tho Lodge was closed in ancient and solemn form aud adjourned .
Alliance Lodge , No . 667 . —This Lodgo held its regular meeting at Freemasons' Hall , Liverpool , on Tuesday , tho 21 st nit . Present—Bros . John Ellis W . M ., J . S . Wiliiugs I . P . M ., H . Firth S . W ., J . II . Gregory J . W ., Thos . Peako Sec , D . Lloyd S . D ., A . Bucknall J . D ., 11 . Foulds I . G ., Jas . Bailey Steward , Peter Ball Tyler . Past Masters Bros . J . E . Jacksou P . G . J . D ., John Devaynes ; and Bros .
Bond , Willing 3 , Wood , Brocks , Barker , Stewart , Luyd , Williams , Jones , Beck , Hudson , Jackson , Lees , Bowyer , Elliman , Bnchauau , Broadbent , Hall , David Jones , Callow , B . Callow , Fowler , Mason , Formby , Ellery , Taylor , M . Davies , Swan , Creak , Francis , Rood . Visitors—Bros . Foster 72-1 , Kelly 073 , D . Callow 823 , S . M . Davies 22 G . R . C ., J . Masscy , Thomas Grant 823 , & c . Tho
Lodgo was opened in duo form , and tho usual business gone through , Bros . Jacksou , Barker , Wiliiugs , and Broadbent wero passed to tho F . C . degree . The Lodgo was thou opeuod in tho third degree , and Bros . Beck , Brooks and Stewart wero raised . The Lodgo was then resumed to tho iirst , aud thero being no further business , was closed in harmony with solemn prayer .
By request of tho W . M . the brethren adjourned to supper . In the course of the evening the usual Loyal aud Masonic toasts were proposed and severally replied to . A couple of hours round tho festive board was pleasantly passed , and the brethren wero in . debted to Bros . Lloyd , Willings , Joucs , Callow , and Williams , & c , for some good singing .
Panmure Lodge , No . 720 . —Tho installation meeting of this Lodgo was held at tho Balham Hotel , Balham , on Monday , the 20 th nit ., and was well attended . Lodge was opened by the W . M . Bro . D . Trnslor , supported by Bros . C . P . McKay S . W ., W . R . Sheadd JAY ., James Stevens P . M ., H . Payno P . M ., Thomas Poore P . M . and Secretary , W . Smith S . D ., W . McMnrray J . D ., E . Mitchell I . G ., A .
Blogg Org ., M . Spiegel D . C ., G . Lambert W . S ., W . Steedman Tyler ; also Bros . Gunner , Miilloy , Treves , Max Brenner , Pascal ! , Syer , Whittaker , G . Lillcy , Glcuister , Lavor , Anthony , Richardson , Ash , Mclluish , Kerr , & c . ; and Visitors Bros . C . Stuart Barker P . M . 1632 , Henry Baldwin 1 G 32 , A . G . Creako W . M . 159 , J . Coo WM . 1339 , J . Read P . M . 720 , E . Kidman W . M . 158 G , C . Pngsloy 158 G , W . Hope
Kirk P . M . 179 , J . Newton P . M . 1238 , H . Fowkes 10 S , and Joseph Wright P . M . 11 lli . Tho report of tho Audit Committee was read and adopted . The Lodge was raised and resumed , and Bro . Thomas Pooro P . M . having taken tho chair as installing Master , Bro . C . P . McKay was presented and installed W . M . for the ensuing year with the usual ceremony . Tho Oliicers wero appointed and invested as
follows , viz .: —Bros . D . Trusler I . P . M ., W . Sheadd S . W ., E . Mitchell JAY ., T . Pooro P . M . Treasurer and Secretary , M . Spiegel S . D ., W . Gunner J . D ., A . Blogg Organist , G . Lambert I . G ., F . C . Pascall D . C ., G . Mudey W . S ., and W . S . Steedman P . M . Tyler . The addresses , W . N . and E ., were then delivered by the Installing Master , aud tho Lodgo resumed to second degree . Bro . Laver proved his prolicioucy and was raised to the third degree by the newly-installed
Master , who acquitted himself in a most effective and perfect manner . Lodge having been closed down , propositions for initiation wero taken . The sanction of tho Lodgo was given to the proposed formation of a general Lodgo of Instruction under tho title of the Lodge , and to be held at Brixton . Other routine business having been disposed of , tho brethren adjourned to banquet , and under the presidency of tho new W . M ., who ably conducted tho proceedings , a very agreeable evening was spent in good fellowship and harmony .
Merchant Navy Lodge of Instruction , No . 781 . —A meeting of this Lodgo was held on Wednesday evening last , at tho Silver Tavern , Burdett-road . Present—Bros . Ives ( Treasurer of tho Lodge ) W . M ., Pringle S . W ., Clcgg J . W ., Robinson S . D ., Andrews J . D ., Jones I . G ., Brcdcn ( W . M . of the Mother Lodgo ) Sec , Turquand Preceptor ; also Bros . Ould , Warner , Wostcott , and other brethren .
Tho ceremony of initiation was worked in a most efficient manner by tho W . M ., tho other Officers being well up in their respective duties . Four sections of the lecture were then worked , tho first aud second by tho J . W ., third by Bro . Ould , the fourth by Bro . Andrews , in each case assisted by the brethren . Bro . Pringle was duly elected to the position of W . M . for tho next meeting of tho Lodge . He , in
acknowledging the compliment , expressed the hope that ho would be found worthy of tho hononr which had thus , for tho first time , been conferred upon him . Ou the 2 Gtb prox ., tho Aunnal Bauqnet will be held , tickets for which may bo had of the Secretary , or any member of the Lodge , 3 s Gd each . Any brother who may honour tho Lodge with his company on that occasion will receive a cordial welcome .
New Concord Lodge of Instruction . No . 813—Held at Bro . Fysh's , the Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , N ., on Wednesday , 29 th May . Present—Bros . Saul W . M ., Pcarcy S . W ., Gibbs J . W ., Tolniio acting Preceptor , Main Sec , Slaiter I . G . ; also Bros . Fonncr ,
Hallam , Ames , Swales , Elliston , Braudram , Stock . Cusworth , Hobbs , Byng , Trcwinnard , Isaac , Halford , & c Lodge being opened , tho minutes of last meeting were read aud confirmed . Lodgo atlvauced to tho third degree , and resumed to tho first , when tho following brethren assisted to work tho Fifteen Sections : —1 st Lecture : Bros .
Gibbs , Hullain , leaner , Pearcy , Stock , Saul , and Tolniio . Sccoud Lecture : Bros . Byng , Tolniio , Pearcy , H . P . Isaac , and Pearcy . Third Lecture : Bros . Cusworth , Halford , and Stock . Bro . Slaiter , Caruarvon Lodge 801 , Brandram , Eclectic 1201 , wore elected members of tho Lodgo . A cordial vote of thanks was awarded Bro . Saul for working tho Sections ; also to Bro , Tolmie for his ablo assistance ,