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both these brethren were unanimously elected honorary members . The thanks of the Lodge were voted to thoso who had assisted in working tho Sections , after which Lodge was closed aud adjourned . Bro . Main , tho energetic Secretary of this Lodgo of Instruction , desires ns
to inform our readers that tho Lodgo has removed from the Rosemary Branch , Hoxton , to tho abovo address , where iu future all meetings will take place . Wo have pleasuro in making this announcement , as the spacious rooms at Bro . Fysh ' s aro admirably adapted for Masonic meetings .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . — The Fifteen Sections wero worked in this Lodgo of Instruction on Tnesday last . Bro . Tnrqnand P . M . 890 , 155 ( 5 presided , and was supported by Bros . Ives 781 as S . W ., Pinder P . M . 15 as J . W ., while Bro . Wallington P . M . SCO acted as I . P . M . Tho Sections were worked by tho following brethren : —1 st Lectnro—Bro 3 . Carr , Dallas ,
Wardell , Brasted , Webb , Pinder , Clegg . 2 nd Lecture—Bros . J . Lorkin , Fieldwick , McMillan , Ives and Hewlett . 3 rd Locturo—Bros . 0 . Lorkin , Webb , and Wallington . Tho evening ' s proceedings were admirably conducted by Bro . Turqnand , who though but a young Mason , has , by his perseverance and enorgy , obtained a foromost place amongst our Masonic instructors . Ho was rewarded on this occasion by tha hearty congratulations of tho motnbors , who
conferred on him the honorary membership of tho Lodge , in addition to a vote of thanks ; tho latter compliment was also paid Bros . Ives and Pinder , with thoso brethren who had assisted in tho work . There were several additions mado to the roll of members , and after a pertinent reply from Bro . Turquand tho Lodgo was closed . Tho members of this Lodgo of Instruction meet every Tuesday evening ; wo advise thoso of our readers who desire instruction to pay tho Lodge a visit .
Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 . —At Bros . Bolton and Lane ' s , King and Queen , Norton Folgate , on Friday tho 21 th ult . Present—Bros . Bolton W . M ., Kent S . W ., Poall J . W ., Fenner Preceptor , Townsend Secretary , Moss S . D ., A . W . Smith J . D ., Hine I . G ., also Bros . Crouch , Stroud , Richmond , Gieseko , Posener , & o Lodgo was opened , minutes oflast meeting wero read and coufirmed . The ceremony of Initiation was rehearsed by the W . M . Bro .
Richmond candidate . Bro . Posener answered the questions , and the W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of passing . Both ceremonies wero rehearsed by the W . M . in a very excellent manner . On tho Lodge being resumed , Bro . Fenner worked tho fourth section of tho lecture , assisted by Bro . Crouch afterwards the first section , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Richmond of Israel Lodge No . 205 was elected a m 6 mberofthe Lodge . Bro . Kent was appointed W . M . for the ensuing weok . Lodgo was then closed and adjourned .
Marquess of Ripon Lodge of Instruction , No . 1489 . — Held at tho Pembury Tavern , Amhurst-road , Hackney , on Monday last . Bros . Slaiter W . M ., E . Bishop S . W ., Jacob J . W ., Aspinnll S . D ., J . Lorkin J . D ., R . Bishop I . G . ; also Bros . Grist , McDowall , Caithness , Lockett , Mann , Trewinnard , McMillan , F . Badkin , & c All formalities regarded , the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed ,
Bro . Caithness candidate . Bro . McDowall answered the questions leading to the second degree , was entrusted and passed . Bro . Aspinall now assumed tho chair , and ably rehearsed the ceremony of the third degree , Bro . McDowall again acting as candidate . Bro . Trewinnard S . W . Lodge 1693 was unanimously elected a member . Lodgo was then closed and adjourned .
Lodge of Israel , No . 1502 . —The regular meeting of this Lodge took place at the Masonic Temple , Hope-street , Liverpool , on Menday , tho 20 th ult . Present—Bros . Alex . Jones W . M ., L . Courtney as S . W ., Rev . H . Marks J . W ., Maurice Hart I . P . M . Secretary , J . De Freece Treasurer , S . J . Wareing S . D ., S . J . Henochsberg J . D ., Rev . J . Prag Chaplain , W . G . Vealo Organist , R . Robinson P . M . D . C .,
J . Saber Steward , M . P . Tueski I . G ., W . H . Ball Tyler ; P . M . Bro . A . J . Henochsberg . Visitors—Bros . Reader 292 , Alexander 203 , L . Hart , Thomas 1617 , and Davies . After reading the minutes of tho previous meeting , and passing to other routine business , Bro . M . Hart , the energetic I . P . M . and courteous Hon . Secretary , gave the lectnro on the Tracing Board in the second degree in capital style .
Thero had been anticipation of working in tho third degree , but the candidate was unavoidably prevented from attending . This was a matter of great regret on the part of Bro . Davies , who had visited oxpressly for the purpose of witnessing the ceremony . Tho working of Israelitish Lodges generally is admirably carried out . Intelligent Masons will perceive that onr beautiful ritual , properly rendered by
our Israelitish brethren , brings tho ancient past into close sympathy and identity with the present . Lodge No . 1502 has a very excellent roll of members , amongst whom there is great ability , energy , and fraternity . That it is and will be prosperous cannot be questioned . A very pleasing feature iu the business of the evening was the announcement of Bro . A . Lyons , Treasurer of Ball Committee
that the net proceeds of the recent ball amounted to over £ 33 , and the satno would be applied to Fund of Benevolence of tho Lodge . Cordial votes of thanks wero tendered the Treasurer , Hon . Secretary , and Committee , for the able and satisfactory manner in which everything connected with the recent ball had been carried out . By command of the W . M ., the brethren adjourned to refreshment , and the
good things provided were approached according to ancient rite , aud enjoyed by the brethren . The W . M ., on rising to proposo tho first toast , said the brethren of tho Craft in every clime responded to the toast of the Queen most heartily , and he need not add another word to ensure its loyal reception by all present . It was drunk with enthusiasm , tho brethren singing the National Anthem . The next toast , H , E , H , tho Prince of Wales , tho Princess of Wales ,
and all the Royal Family , adding thereto our Masonic Rulers , Supremo and Subordinate , was most heartily drunk , tho brethren singing God Bless tho Princo of Walos . Bro . Hart , by permission , took tho gavel , and said he had tho great pleasure to proposo tho health of tho Worshipful Master . On occasions like the presont , when thev met rortnd tho festive board , thev endeavoured to show
their esteem to ono who was so thoroughly deserving . The arduous duties of a W . M . wero tolerabl y well known to all present , and tho members of the Lodge know well W . Bro . Joues had discharged thoso duties , by his ability , kindness , and zeal , to tho satisfaction of all . He now gavo them tho toast of their Worshipful Master , which was most cordially drank , with musical honours . Bro . Ilenoolisberg ,
in tho interval , gave a capital v'citation , after which the W . M . roso to respond to tho toast . Ho said : it is a very great honour for tho W . M . to have his health proposed in such a truly fraternal spirit , and groator still to witness the cordial mannor in which the brethren rocoivo tho toast , lie regretted not having had any work to do , especially as thoy all felt equal to tho occasion . Ho thanked the
oliicers for thoir promptitnde in attonding to their duties , and oxpressed himself anxious to do his duty at all timos , and trusted to bo ablo to do so for some timo to come . Bro . Klinkowstain favoured tho brethren with a classical selection , accompanied on tho piano by Bro . Voale . Tho Worshipful Master noxt proposed tho health of tho visitors , and , in doing so , informed his guests
that thoy were exceedingly welcome , and ho trusted to havo tho pleasure of their company whonovor they could make it convenient to visit No . 1502 . Ho called on tho brethren to drink to their visiting brethren , with their usual enthusiasm , which was eminently dono . Bro . Isaacs kindly gavo tho noxt song , after which Bro . Davies , Reader , and Morris responded on behalf of tho visitors ,
and thanked tho W . M . and brethren for tho very hearty manner in which Bro . Jones gave tho toast , and the truly Masonic way in which tho brethron had drunk their healths . Bro . Courtney delighted his hearers with a recitation , in his usual splendid style . Tho W . M . rose to proposo the health of tho Past Masters of the Lodge , and in doing so paid a high tribute of praise to the abilities of Bros . Robinson and
Hart , the former brother was ever present to render his valuable assistance to tho W . M ., and in his capacity of D . of Cer ., kept the Lodgo in perfect order . Then Bro . Hart , acting likewise in a double capacity , as Secretary and as [ . P . M ., rendered invaluable assistance by his indefatigable exertions . They both work so effectively aud silently , in and out of tho Lodge , for tho welfare of the Craft in general , and
particularly the Israel Lodge , that tho heartiest thanks are due them . Bro . Hart , at the request of the W . M ., sang ono of his capital melodies . Bro . Robinson in responding to the toast of tho Past Masters , thanked the W . Master and tho brethren for the kind manner in which his name had been given and received . He assured them that he was more than compensated for tho duties he performed in being
nble to come amongst thorn to enjoy their pleasant society . Bro . Hart sincerely thanked tho W . M . and brethren for tho mark of esteem shown him , and stated that in all his proceedings ho was actuated by the sole desire to promoto the welfare of tho Lodge and tho general interest of tho Craft . Bro . Smago favoured tho brethren with a song . Tho W . M . roso with groat pleasure to propose tho health
of tho Officers of tho Lodge ; ho regretted the absence of tho S . W ., but nothing except vory urgent business could have kept him from his post . Ho alluded to the satisfaction ho had in the constant attendance of his talented J . W ., who camo to his Lodgo at great inconvenience . Ho paid a tribute of just commendation to the worthy Treas ., who had acted in that capacity over since the Lodge
was established ; he had done his duty faithfully . Ho next reforred in tho same kind manner to the other Officers ; before ho concluded , he must inform all that with snch talented and energetic Officers his duties were made really light and pleasing . Bro . Robinson greatly amused the brethren with a song . Bros . Marks , Frece , aud Courtney
severally expressed their high appreciation of the kindness of tho W . M . in proposing their health , and thanked the brethren for the reception of the toast . Bro . Jacobs responded to the wish of the W . M . for the last song , after which the Lodge was called to resume labour , and was closed in harmony in due and antient form .
Sir Hugh Middelton Lodge , No . 1602 . —This Lodge has only been two years in existence , it has , however , paid its liabilities and has a benevolent fund , and has already sent up six stewards to tho Charities . Tho installation meeting was held on Friday , tho 21 th May , at tho Agricultural Hall , Islington . Bros . E . G . Sim W . M ., T . J . Coombs S . W ., A . F . Rowley P . M . J . W ., J . Osbora Secretary ,
J . Weston Senior Deacon , W . Norris Junior Deacon , W . F . Poulton Inner Guard , R . G . Thomas Org ., Somors I . P . M ., and Bros . Field , Dawson , Opponhoim , S . Rowley , H . Lnnd , Furlong , Parslow , E . Abrams , Tallant , Gibbs , Allison , Greenfield , Payno , Pearcy , J . Francis , Rimell , W . Francis , & c . The Lodgo oponed and the minutes wero read and confirmed . Tho report of tho audit
committee was adopted , it showed the funds wero in a flourishing state , aud Bro . Furlong , as ono of the auditors , testified to the able mannor in which the accounts were kept by tho Secretary . Ballots wero taken for the admission of Messrs . G . Henri and Jas . Brewer , who were initiated into tho Order by tho W . M . The W . M . in the name of tho Lodge then presented a very elegant ami artistically designed
jewel to the worthy Secretary Bro . J . Osborn , and m addition an inscription on vellum , in testimony of the esteem and regard in which he is held . For this Bro . Osborn returned thanks : ho hoped the valuable gift would be handed down to his children . . A board of Installed Masters was oponed , and Bro . T . J . Coombs S . W . and W . M . Elect was installed into the chair by tho retiring Master , whose
perfect rendering of tho ceremony was much admired . Ou tho readmission of the brethren , tho W . M . was saluted according to ancient custom ; aud he appointed his Officers : Bros . E . G . Sim I . P . M ., A . Rowley S . W ., J . Weston J . W . ; the Treasurer , Bro . Payne , was n nable to attend on account of illness ; J . Osborn Sec , W . Norris g . D ., W . F . Poulton J . D ., Field I . G ., Rimell W . S ., Parslow Asst .
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both these brethren were unanimously elected honorary members . The thanks of the Lodge were voted to thoso who had assisted in working tho Sections , after which Lodge was closed aud adjourned . Bro . Main , tho energetic Secretary of this Lodgo of Instruction , desires ns
to inform our readers that tho Lodgo has removed from the Rosemary Branch , Hoxton , to tho abovo address , where iu future all meetings will take place . Wo have pleasuro in making this announcement , as the spacious rooms at Bro . Fysh ' s aro admirably adapted for Masonic meetings .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . — The Fifteen Sections wero worked in this Lodgo of Instruction on Tnesday last . Bro . Tnrqnand P . M . 890 , 155 ( 5 presided , and was supported by Bros . Ives 781 as S . W ., Pinder P . M . 15 as J . W ., while Bro . Wallington P . M . SCO acted as I . P . M . Tho Sections were worked by tho following brethren : —1 st Lectnro—Bro 3 . Carr , Dallas ,
Wardell , Brasted , Webb , Pinder , Clegg . 2 nd Lecture—Bros . J . Lorkin , Fieldwick , McMillan , Ives and Hewlett . 3 rd Locturo—Bros . 0 . Lorkin , Webb , and Wallington . Tho evening ' s proceedings were admirably conducted by Bro . Turqnand , who though but a young Mason , has , by his perseverance and enorgy , obtained a foromost place amongst our Masonic instructors . Ho was rewarded on this occasion by tha hearty congratulations of tho motnbors , who
conferred on him the honorary membership of tho Lodge , in addition to a vote of thanks ; tho latter compliment was also paid Bros . Ives and Pinder , with thoso brethren who had assisted in tho work . There were several additions mado to the roll of members , and after a pertinent reply from Bro . Turquand tho Lodgo was closed . Tho members of this Lodgo of Instruction meet every Tuesday evening ; wo advise thoso of our readers who desire instruction to pay tho Lodge a visit .
Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 . —At Bros . Bolton and Lane ' s , King and Queen , Norton Folgate , on Friday tho 21 th ult . Present—Bros . Bolton W . M ., Kent S . W ., Poall J . W ., Fenner Preceptor , Townsend Secretary , Moss S . D ., A . W . Smith J . D ., Hine I . G ., also Bros . Crouch , Stroud , Richmond , Gieseko , Posener , & o Lodgo was opened , minutes oflast meeting wero read and coufirmed . The ceremony of Initiation was rehearsed by the W . M . Bro .
Richmond candidate . Bro . Posener answered the questions , and the W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of passing . Both ceremonies wero rehearsed by the W . M . in a very excellent manner . On tho Lodge being resumed , Bro . Fenner worked tho fourth section of tho lecture , assisted by Bro . Crouch afterwards the first section , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Richmond of Israel Lodge No . 205 was elected a m 6 mberofthe Lodge . Bro . Kent was appointed W . M . for the ensuing weok . Lodgo was then closed and adjourned .
Marquess of Ripon Lodge of Instruction , No . 1489 . — Held at tho Pembury Tavern , Amhurst-road , Hackney , on Monday last . Bros . Slaiter W . M ., E . Bishop S . W ., Jacob J . W ., Aspinnll S . D ., J . Lorkin J . D ., R . Bishop I . G . ; also Bros . Grist , McDowall , Caithness , Lockett , Mann , Trewinnard , McMillan , F . Badkin , & c All formalities regarded , the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed ,
Bro . Caithness candidate . Bro . McDowall answered the questions leading to the second degree , was entrusted and passed . Bro . Aspinall now assumed tho chair , and ably rehearsed the ceremony of the third degree , Bro . McDowall again acting as candidate . Bro . Trewinnard S . W . Lodge 1693 was unanimously elected a member . Lodgo was then closed and adjourned .
Lodge of Israel , No . 1502 . —The regular meeting of this Lodge took place at the Masonic Temple , Hope-street , Liverpool , on Menday , tho 20 th ult . Present—Bros . Alex . Jones W . M ., L . Courtney as S . W ., Rev . H . Marks J . W ., Maurice Hart I . P . M . Secretary , J . De Freece Treasurer , S . J . Wareing S . D ., S . J . Henochsberg J . D ., Rev . J . Prag Chaplain , W . G . Vealo Organist , R . Robinson P . M . D . C .,
J . Saber Steward , M . P . Tueski I . G ., W . H . Ball Tyler ; P . M . Bro . A . J . Henochsberg . Visitors—Bros . Reader 292 , Alexander 203 , L . Hart , Thomas 1617 , and Davies . After reading the minutes of tho previous meeting , and passing to other routine business , Bro . M . Hart , the energetic I . P . M . and courteous Hon . Secretary , gave the lectnro on the Tracing Board in the second degree in capital style .
Thero had been anticipation of working in tho third degree , but the candidate was unavoidably prevented from attending . This was a matter of great regret on the part of Bro . Davies , who had visited oxpressly for the purpose of witnessing the ceremony . Tho working of Israelitish Lodges generally is admirably carried out . Intelligent Masons will perceive that onr beautiful ritual , properly rendered by
our Israelitish brethren , brings tho ancient past into close sympathy and identity with the present . Lodge No . 1502 has a very excellent roll of members , amongst whom there is great ability , energy , and fraternity . That it is and will be prosperous cannot be questioned . A very pleasing feature iu the business of the evening was the announcement of Bro . A . Lyons , Treasurer of Ball Committee
that the net proceeds of the recent ball amounted to over £ 33 , and the satno would be applied to Fund of Benevolence of tho Lodge . Cordial votes of thanks wero tendered the Treasurer , Hon . Secretary , and Committee , for the able and satisfactory manner in which everything connected with the recent ball had been carried out . By command of the W . M ., the brethren adjourned to refreshment , and the
good things provided were approached according to ancient rite , aud enjoyed by the brethren . The W . M ., on rising to proposo tho first toast , said the brethren of tho Craft in every clime responded to the toast of the Queen most heartily , and he need not add another word to ensure its loyal reception by all present . It was drunk with enthusiasm , tho brethren singing the National Anthem . The next toast , H , E , H , tho Prince of Wales , tho Princess of Wales ,
and all the Royal Family , adding thereto our Masonic Rulers , Supremo and Subordinate , was most heartily drunk , tho brethren singing God Bless tho Princo of Walos . Bro . Hart , by permission , took tho gavel , and said he had tho great pleasure to proposo tho health of tho Worshipful Master . On occasions like the presont , when thev met rortnd tho festive board , thev endeavoured to show
their esteem to ono who was so thoroughly deserving . The arduous duties of a W . M . wero tolerabl y well known to all present , and tho members of the Lodge know well W . Bro . Joues had discharged thoso duties , by his ability , kindness , and zeal , to tho satisfaction of all . He now gavo them tho toast of their Worshipful Master , which was most cordially drank , with musical honours . Bro . Ilenoolisberg ,
in tho interval , gave a capital v'citation , after which the W . M . roso to respond to tho toast . Ho said : it is a very great honour for tho W . M . to have his health proposed in such a truly fraternal spirit , and groator still to witness the cordial mannor in which the brethren rocoivo tho toast , lie regretted not having had any work to do , especially as thoy all felt equal to tho occasion . Ho thanked the
oliicers for thoir promptitnde in attonding to their duties , and oxpressed himself anxious to do his duty at all timos , and trusted to bo ablo to do so for some timo to come . Bro . Klinkowstain favoured tho brethren with a classical selection , accompanied on tho piano by Bro . Voale . Tho Worshipful Master noxt proposed tho health of tho visitors , and , in doing so , informed his guests
that thoy were exceedingly welcome , and ho trusted to havo tho pleasure of their company whonovor they could make it convenient to visit No . 1502 . Ho called on tho brethren to drink to their visiting brethren , with their usual enthusiasm , which was eminently dono . Bro . Isaacs kindly gavo tho noxt song , after which Bro . Davies , Reader , and Morris responded on behalf of tho visitors ,
and thanked tho W . M . and brethren for tho very hearty manner in which Bro . Jones gave tho toast , and the truly Masonic way in which tho brethron had drunk their healths . Bro . Courtney delighted his hearers with a recitation , in his usual splendid style . Tho W . M . rose to proposo the health of tho Past Masters of the Lodge , and in doing so paid a high tribute of praise to the abilities of Bros . Robinson and
Hart , the former brother was ever present to render his valuable assistance to tho W . M ., and in his capacity of D . of Cer ., kept the Lodgo in perfect order . Then Bro . Hart , acting likewise in a double capacity , as Secretary and as [ . P . M ., rendered invaluable assistance by his indefatigable exertions . They both work so effectively aud silently , in and out of tho Lodge , for tho welfare of the Craft in general , and
particularly the Israel Lodge , that tho heartiest thanks are due them . Bro . Hart , at the request of the W . M ., sang ono of his capital melodies . Bro . Robinson in responding to the toast of tho Past Masters , thanked the W . Master and tho brethren for the kind manner in which his name had been given and received . He assured them that he was more than compensated for tho duties he performed in being
nble to come amongst thorn to enjoy their pleasant society . Bro . Hart sincerely thanked tho W . M . and brethren for tho mark of esteem shown him , and stated that in all his proceedings ho was actuated by the sole desire to promoto the welfare of tho Lodge and tho general interest of tho Craft . Bro . Smago favoured tho brethren with a song . Tho W . M . roso with groat pleasure to propose tho health
of tho Officers of tho Lodge ; ho regretted the absence of tho S . W ., but nothing except vory urgent business could have kept him from his post . Ho alluded to the satisfaction ho had in the constant attendance of his talented J . W ., who camo to his Lodgo at great inconvenience . Ho paid a tribute of just commendation to the worthy Treas ., who had acted in that capacity over since the Lodge
was established ; he had done his duty faithfully . Ho next reforred in tho same kind manner to the other Officers ; before ho concluded , he must inform all that with snch talented and energetic Officers his duties were made really light and pleasing . Bro . Robinson greatly amused the brethren with a song . Bros . Marks , Frece , aud Courtney
severally expressed their high appreciation of the kindness of tho W . M . in proposing their health , and thanked the brethren for the reception of the toast . Bro . Jacobs responded to the wish of the W . M . for the last song , after which the Lodge was called to resume labour , and was closed in harmony in due and antient form .
Sir Hugh Middelton Lodge , No . 1602 . —This Lodge has only been two years in existence , it has , however , paid its liabilities and has a benevolent fund , and has already sent up six stewards to tho Charities . Tho installation meeting was held on Friday , tho 21 th May , at tho Agricultural Hall , Islington . Bros . E . G . Sim W . M ., T . J . Coombs S . W ., A . F . Rowley P . M . J . W ., J . Osbora Secretary ,
J . Weston Senior Deacon , W . Norris Junior Deacon , W . F . Poulton Inner Guard , R . G . Thomas Org ., Somors I . P . M ., and Bros . Field , Dawson , Opponhoim , S . Rowley , H . Lnnd , Furlong , Parslow , E . Abrams , Tallant , Gibbs , Allison , Greenfield , Payno , Pearcy , J . Francis , Rimell , W . Francis , & c . The Lodgo oponed and the minutes wero read and confirmed . Tho report of tho audit
committee was adopted , it showed the funds wero in a flourishing state , aud Bro . Furlong , as ono of the auditors , testified to the able mannor in which the accounts were kept by tho Secretary . Ballots wero taken for the admission of Messrs . G . Henri and Jas . Brewer , who were initiated into tho Order by tho W . M . The W . M . in the name of tho Lodge then presented a very elegant ami artistically designed
jewel to the worthy Secretary Bro . J . Osborn , and m addition an inscription on vellum , in testimony of the esteem and regard in which he is held . For this Bro . Osborn returned thanks : ho hoped the valuable gift would be handed down to his children . . A board of Installed Masters was oponed , and Bro . T . J . Coombs S . W . and W . M . Elect was installed into the chair by tho retiring Master , whose
perfect rendering of tho ceremony was much admired . Ou tho readmission of the brethren , tho W . M . was saluted according to ancient custom ; aud he appointed his Officers : Bros . E . G . Sim I . P . M ., A . Rowley S . W ., J . Weston J . W . ; the Treasurer , Bro . Payne , was n nable to attend on account of illness ; J . Osborn Sec , W . Norris g . D ., W . F . Poulton J . D ., Field I . G ., Rimell W . S ., Parslow Asst .