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Royal National Life-Boat Institution.
[ 8 Time of Day ? State of Tide ? About 3 o ' clock , a . m ., about High Wator . 9 Exact spot where Wrecked ? Gunfleefc Sands , about S . S . W . of C'lacton-on-Sea Pier , 10 NuailvT of Lives Saved by Nine , the Life-boat ?
11 Number of Lives Lost ? None . 12 Supposed cause of Wreck ? Thick and Squally Weather . 13 Was it a total Wreck , or Likely to become a Total Wreck . Stranded , or Sunk ? 14 Time of Launching Life-boat ? About 10 a . m .
15 Time of reaching Wreck ? About 1 p . m . 16 Time of returning ashore ? 5 p . m . 17 How did the Boat behave ? Capitally . 18 By whose authority was she Tho Committee ' s . ordered out ?
19 Was any Damage done to the No . Boat ? Extent of Repairs required ? Number of r ,. „„!„ Names of times afloat b ' F . Crew in the , i "_ >'
Life-boat " ""* 20 . State the Names of tho Crow Robt . Legerton 4 Nil of the Life-boat on this Wm . Willis 3 ,, occasion , and number of Robt . Osborne 4 ,, times these men havo been John Tye 4 „ off in a Life-boat to ft Joseph Cross 4 „ \ Vrnr » V -nnf . imr fin f hc \ thirA Tr \ l »« fii'tyan A .
" *""" ' O V" ""« ........ V ... KUU -j , ,, column ) any special caso of Harry Hill 8 „ individual exertion . Bonj . Ardiss 4 „ Isaac Root 3 „ Maurice Nicholls 4 „ Robt . Seaman 1 „ Joseph Pearco 1 „
21 . Amount , if any , of Reward None received locally or from elsewhere . 22 . Amount , if any , of Salvage . None . ( Signed ) ROBERT LEGERTON , Coxsivain-Supt . ( Certified ) FRED . J . NUNN , Honorary Secretary Date , 23 rd Mai ; 1378 .
CASE OP THE WRECK OF THE " GARLAND . " A return of the expenses incurred by the "Albert Edward " Lifeboat , on the 23 rd of May 1878 , in rendering assistance to tho Crew of the " Garland" as per annexed Wreck return .
NATURE OF EXPENSES . £ s a 1 . —Life-boat's Crew of 12 Men for service on the 23 rd of May , by saving , in S . S . W . wind , tho Lives of 9 porsons from the " Garland , " wrecked on Gunfleefc Sands ,
afc 10 shillings each man 6 0 0 2 . —20 persons for assisting to launch aud haul up tho Life-boat , at 2 shillings each person . - - -200 3 . —The hire of 6 Horses , or other means , for transport of the Life-boat to site of the Wreck , afc 3 s 6 d each Horse , and 3 Men with Horses , afc Is each - - - . 14 0
Total £ 9 4 0 We hereby certify tbafc tho Services above stated were actually performed , and that the items specified are correct . Given under our hands this 24 th day of May 1878 . ( Signed ) FRED . J . NUNN , Honorary Secretary . GEO . W . DUNX , Officer of Coastguard or Customs . ROBERT LEGERTOX , Coxswain of Life-boat .
To the Secretary of the Royal National Life-boat Institution . REMARKS , & C „ BY THE HONORARY SECRETARY , OR THE LOCAL COM
MITTEE , ON THIS SERVICE . Crew behaved well , and had some rough work to encounter . The Coxswain ia thoroughly master of his boat , and the Crew speak in high terms of him and the "Albert Edward . "
MINUTE OF THE CENTRA ! COMMITTEE IX LOXDOX ONLY . 1878 . 25 th May Received and acknowledged . 27 th „ Forwarded draft for £ 9 4 s to Local Honorary Secretary .
List of Lodges for which Warrants have been granted by tho M . W . Grand Master since the lasfc Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge : — 1740 . —Southern Cross Lodge , Cordova , Argentine Republic . 1741 . —Montgomerie Lodge , Diss , Norfolk . 1742 . —Lodge of Concord , Roseau , Island of Dominica .
1743 . —Lodgo of Perseverance , Holboru Viaduct . 1744 . —Royal Savoy Lodge , Henrietta Street , Covent Garden . 1745 . —Farringdon ( Without ) Lodgo , Holborn Viaduct . 1746 . —Fraternity and Perseverance , Benares , Bengal . 1747 . —Transvaal Lodge , Pretoria Transvaal , South Africa . 1748 . —Castlemartin Lodge , Perabroko , South Wales .
1749 . —Palmerston Lodge , Palmerston , Otago , New Zealand . 1750 . —Coleridge Lodge , Clevedon , Somerset . 1751 . —Palm Lodge , Bassein , British Burmah . 1752 . —Ogmore Lodge , Bridgend , Glamorganshire . 1753 . —Lodge of Obedience , Okeharnpton , Devon . 1754 . —Windsor Lodge , Penarth , Glamorganshire .
Quarterly Communication Of Grand Lodge.
Gi RAND Lodge will meet on Wednesday next , 5 th T June . The following is tho business to ho transacted : — 1 . The Minutes of tho Quarterly Communication of the Cfch March will bo put for confirmation . 2 . The Minutes of the Grand Festival of the 21 th April will be pat for confirmation .
3 . The M . W . GRAND MASTER will move" That this Grand Lodgo agree in a voto of congratulation to His Imperial Majesty tho Emperor of Germany , Grand Protector of Prussian Freemasons , on his happy and Providential oscapo from tho recent attempt on his life . " 4 . The M . W . GRAND MASTER will
move" That this Grand Lodge do grant tho sum of One Hundred Pounds to bo paid out of tho Fund of General Purposes for tho assistance of tho members of tho Ignaldad Lodgo , No . 053 , in tho Island of Curacoa , West Indies , who havo suffered from the hurricane which occurred there on the 23 rd September 1877 . "
5 . The M . W . GRAND MASTER will present the Report of the Committeo appointed at the lasfc Grand Lodge , on the 6 th March 1878 , to inquire into and report ; upon tho whole of tho financial and banking arrangements of Grand Lodge—and will move thereon .
G . Election of Members of the Board of General Purposes . 7 . Election of Members of tho Colonial Board . 8 . Election of Members for the Committee of Management of the "Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Agod Freemasons and Widows of Freemasons . "
9 . Report of the Lodgo of Benevolonco for the last quarter , in which are recommendations for the following Grant 3 , viz . : — The Widow of a Brother of tho South Saxon Lodgo , No . 311 , Lewes £ 75 0 0 A Brother of the St . Paul's Lodgo , No . 194 , London £ 125 0 0
Tho Widow of a Brother of the South Norwood Lodgo , No . 1139 , South Norwood £ 50 0 0 The Widow of a Brother of tho Royal Athelstan Lodge , No . 19 , Loudon £ 75 0 0 A Brother of the Lodge of Threo Grand Principles , No . 208 , Dewsbury £ 75 0 0
10 . REPORT OF THE BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES . To the United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England . The Board of General Purposes beg to report as follows i—1 . Several matters of Masonic complaint have been brought before tho Board since the last Quarterly Communication . These
have , however , cither been withdrawn or so disposed of as not to necessitate a specific report to Grand Lodge . 2 . An Application from Mr . Thomas Bacon , the lessee of " Bacon ' s Hotel , " for a now lease on tho expiration of the existing one , at the end of the present year , was referred to tho Premises Committee for
consideration and report ; and fcae Board of General Purposes unanimously' agreeing with the recommendtaion of that Committee now advise Grand Lodge that a new lease for 7 years from the expiration of the existing lease bo granted to Mr . Thomas Bacon at the present rental , subject to the proviso that such lease be nofc alienable on death or otherwise .
( Signed ) JOHN B . MONCKTON , President FREEMASONS' HAM , LONDON , 21 st May 1878 . Afc tho Meeting of the Board , held on Tuesday , the 21 sfc instant , after the ordinary business had been disposed of , ifc was unanimousl y rosolved : —
" That the thanks of tho Board are due , and are hereby tendered to the V . W . Brother John B . Monckton , the President , for hia attention to all matters of business that have been brought forward dnring the past year ; for the ability with which he has conducted the proceedings , and for his courteous bearing to all the Members of the Board . "
( Signed ) HENRY C , LEVANDER , Vice President . To the Report is subjoined a statement of the Grand Lodge Accounts at the last Meeting of the Finance Committee , held on
Friday , tho 17 th day of May instant , shewing a balance in the hands of the late Grand Treasurer of £ 3 , 543 13 s 9 d ; in the London and Westminster Bank £ 2 , 145 7 s ; and in the hands of the Grand Secretary , for Petty Cash , £ 75 ; and for Servants' Wages , £ 96 15 s .
11 . The Annual Report of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institu . tion for Aged Freemasons and Widows of Freemasons , dated the 17 th of May 1878 , will be laid before Grand Lodge . 12 . Proposed motion by W . Brother Benjamin Head , P . G . D .:
—" That the sum of £ 70 be given from the Fund of General Purposes ; that the money be placed in the hands of the Secretary of the ' Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and Widows of Freemasons , ' to supply tho Residents of the Institution at Croydon with Coals dnring the winter season . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal National Life-Boat Institution.
[ 8 Time of Day ? State of Tide ? About 3 o ' clock , a . m ., about High Wator . 9 Exact spot where Wrecked ? Gunfleefc Sands , about S . S . W . of C'lacton-on-Sea Pier , 10 NuailvT of Lives Saved by Nine , the Life-boat ?
11 Number of Lives Lost ? None . 12 Supposed cause of Wreck ? Thick and Squally Weather . 13 Was it a total Wreck , or Likely to become a Total Wreck . Stranded , or Sunk ? 14 Time of Launching Life-boat ? About 10 a . m .
15 Time of reaching Wreck ? About 1 p . m . 16 Time of returning ashore ? 5 p . m . 17 How did the Boat behave ? Capitally . 18 By whose authority was she Tho Committee ' s . ordered out ?
19 Was any Damage done to the No . Boat ? Extent of Repairs required ? Number of r ,. „„!„ Names of times afloat b ' F . Crew in the , i "_ >'
Life-boat " ""* 20 . State the Names of tho Crow Robt . Legerton 4 Nil of the Life-boat on this Wm . Willis 3 ,, occasion , and number of Robt . Osborne 4 ,, times these men havo been John Tye 4 „ off in a Life-boat to ft Joseph Cross 4 „ \ Vrnr » V -nnf . imr fin f hc \ thirA Tr \ l »« fii'tyan A .
" *""" ' O V" ""« ........ V ... KUU -j , ,, column ) any special caso of Harry Hill 8 „ individual exertion . Bonj . Ardiss 4 „ Isaac Root 3 „ Maurice Nicholls 4 „ Robt . Seaman 1 „ Joseph Pearco 1 „
21 . Amount , if any , of Reward None received locally or from elsewhere . 22 . Amount , if any , of Salvage . None . ( Signed ) ROBERT LEGERTON , Coxsivain-Supt . ( Certified ) FRED . J . NUNN , Honorary Secretary Date , 23 rd Mai ; 1378 .
CASE OP THE WRECK OF THE " GARLAND . " A return of the expenses incurred by the "Albert Edward " Lifeboat , on the 23 rd of May 1878 , in rendering assistance to tho Crew of the " Garland" as per annexed Wreck return .
NATURE OF EXPENSES . £ s a 1 . —Life-boat's Crew of 12 Men for service on the 23 rd of May , by saving , in S . S . W . wind , tho Lives of 9 porsons from the " Garland , " wrecked on Gunfleefc Sands ,
afc 10 shillings each man 6 0 0 2 . —20 persons for assisting to launch aud haul up tho Life-boat , at 2 shillings each person . - - -200 3 . —The hire of 6 Horses , or other means , for transport of the Life-boat to site of the Wreck , afc 3 s 6 d each Horse , and 3 Men with Horses , afc Is each - - - . 14 0
Total £ 9 4 0 We hereby certify tbafc tho Services above stated were actually performed , and that the items specified are correct . Given under our hands this 24 th day of May 1878 . ( Signed ) FRED . J . NUNN , Honorary Secretary . GEO . W . DUNX , Officer of Coastguard or Customs . ROBERT LEGERTOX , Coxswain of Life-boat .
To the Secretary of the Royal National Life-boat Institution . REMARKS , & C „ BY THE HONORARY SECRETARY , OR THE LOCAL COM
MITTEE , ON THIS SERVICE . Crew behaved well , and had some rough work to encounter . The Coxswain ia thoroughly master of his boat , and the Crew speak in high terms of him and the "Albert Edward . "
MINUTE OF THE CENTRA ! COMMITTEE IX LOXDOX ONLY . 1878 . 25 th May Received and acknowledged . 27 th „ Forwarded draft for £ 9 4 s to Local Honorary Secretary .
List of Lodges for which Warrants have been granted by tho M . W . Grand Master since the lasfc Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge : — 1740 . —Southern Cross Lodge , Cordova , Argentine Republic . 1741 . —Montgomerie Lodge , Diss , Norfolk . 1742 . —Lodge of Concord , Roseau , Island of Dominica .
1743 . —Lodgo of Perseverance , Holboru Viaduct . 1744 . —Royal Savoy Lodge , Henrietta Street , Covent Garden . 1745 . —Farringdon ( Without ) Lodgo , Holborn Viaduct . 1746 . —Fraternity and Perseverance , Benares , Bengal . 1747 . —Transvaal Lodge , Pretoria Transvaal , South Africa . 1748 . —Castlemartin Lodge , Perabroko , South Wales .
1749 . —Palmerston Lodge , Palmerston , Otago , New Zealand . 1750 . —Coleridge Lodge , Clevedon , Somerset . 1751 . —Palm Lodge , Bassein , British Burmah . 1752 . —Ogmore Lodge , Bridgend , Glamorganshire . 1753 . —Lodge of Obedience , Okeharnpton , Devon . 1754 . —Windsor Lodge , Penarth , Glamorganshire .
Quarterly Communication Of Grand Lodge.
Gi RAND Lodge will meet on Wednesday next , 5 th T June . The following is tho business to ho transacted : — 1 . The Minutes of tho Quarterly Communication of the Cfch March will bo put for confirmation . 2 . The Minutes of the Grand Festival of the 21 th April will be pat for confirmation .
3 . The M . W . GRAND MASTER will move" That this Grand Lodgo agree in a voto of congratulation to His Imperial Majesty tho Emperor of Germany , Grand Protector of Prussian Freemasons , on his happy and Providential oscapo from tho recent attempt on his life . " 4 . The M . W . GRAND MASTER will
move" That this Grand Lodge do grant tho sum of One Hundred Pounds to bo paid out of tho Fund of General Purposes for tho assistance of tho members of tho Ignaldad Lodgo , No . 053 , in tho Island of Curacoa , West Indies , who havo suffered from the hurricane which occurred there on the 23 rd September 1877 . "
5 . The M . W . GRAND MASTER will present the Report of the Committeo appointed at the lasfc Grand Lodge , on the 6 th March 1878 , to inquire into and report ; upon tho whole of tho financial and banking arrangements of Grand Lodge—and will move thereon .
G . Election of Members of the Board of General Purposes . 7 . Election of Members of tho Colonial Board . 8 . Election of Members for the Committee of Management of the "Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Agod Freemasons and Widows of Freemasons . "
9 . Report of the Lodgo of Benevolonco for the last quarter , in which are recommendations for the following Grant 3 , viz . : — The Widow of a Brother of tho South Saxon Lodgo , No . 311 , Lewes £ 75 0 0 A Brother of the St . Paul's Lodgo , No . 194 , London £ 125 0 0
Tho Widow of a Brother of the South Norwood Lodgo , No . 1139 , South Norwood £ 50 0 0 The Widow of a Brother of tho Royal Athelstan Lodge , No . 19 , Loudon £ 75 0 0 A Brother of the Lodge of Threo Grand Principles , No . 208 , Dewsbury £ 75 0 0
10 . REPORT OF THE BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES . To the United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England . The Board of General Purposes beg to report as follows i—1 . Several matters of Masonic complaint have been brought before tho Board since the last Quarterly Communication . These
have , however , cither been withdrawn or so disposed of as not to necessitate a specific report to Grand Lodge . 2 . An Application from Mr . Thomas Bacon , the lessee of " Bacon ' s Hotel , " for a now lease on tho expiration of the existing one , at the end of the present year , was referred to tho Premises Committee for
consideration and report ; and fcae Board of General Purposes unanimously' agreeing with the recommendtaion of that Committee now advise Grand Lodge that a new lease for 7 years from the expiration of the existing lease bo granted to Mr . Thomas Bacon at the present rental , subject to the proviso that such lease be nofc alienable on death or otherwise .
( Signed ) JOHN B . MONCKTON , President FREEMASONS' HAM , LONDON , 21 st May 1878 . Afc tho Meeting of the Board , held on Tuesday , the 21 sfc instant , after the ordinary business had been disposed of , ifc was unanimousl y rosolved : —
" That the thanks of tho Board are due , and are hereby tendered to the V . W . Brother John B . Monckton , the President , for hia attention to all matters of business that have been brought forward dnring the past year ; for the ability with which he has conducted the proceedings , and for his courteous bearing to all the Members of the Board . "
( Signed ) HENRY C , LEVANDER , Vice President . To the Report is subjoined a statement of the Grand Lodge Accounts at the last Meeting of the Finance Committee , held on
Friday , tho 17 th day of May instant , shewing a balance in the hands of the late Grand Treasurer of £ 3 , 543 13 s 9 d ; in the London and Westminster Bank £ 2 , 145 7 s ; and in the hands of the Grand Secretary , for Petty Cash , £ 75 ; and for Servants' Wages , £ 96 15 s .
11 . The Annual Report of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institu . tion for Aged Freemasons and Widows of Freemasons , dated the 17 th of May 1878 , will be laid before Grand Lodge . 12 . Proposed motion by W . Brother Benjamin Head , P . G . D .:
—" That the sum of £ 70 be given from the Fund of General Purposes ; that the money be placed in the hands of the Secretary of the ' Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and Widows of Freemasons , ' to supply tho Residents of the Institution at Croydon with Coals dnring the winter season . "