Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Proxy Voting.
statements I mado in tho letter in qnestion , to the effect that it was possible to havo substituted proxy for personal voting at tho election of a successor to tho lato Bro . Little , and they fully agreo with mo . Now that the date of election has been fixed , of course any change will bo impossible . Fraternally yours , FAIR PLAY .
r piHE Annual Installation of Officers of tho Hamilton Lodge , J- Spanish Town , took place on 2 nd May , when the following wero duly installed : —Tho Wor . A . J . J . Lyou Master , Bros . A . Abra
hams Senior Warden , TV . G . McFarlaino Junior Warden , TV . 7 ) . Byles Treasurer , A . G . French Secretary , A . F . Rickards Senior Deacon , A . R . Inccy Junior Deacon , G . Levy Inner Guard , J . R . Do Leon Tyler .
Tho Installing Officer was the Right Worshipful Hon . Dr . R . Hamilton , District Grand Master of East Jamaica , assisted by the following Past Masters : —Wor . Bros . J . McGlashau , TV . T . Jamicson ,
of the Hamilton Lodge ; J . Tompsott , C . TV . lait , of tho Sussex Lodge ; S . It . Watson , B . M . Dias , L . G . Knox , of tho Glenlyon Lodge ; A . M . D . Levy , D . N . Berwick , of the Caledonian Lodge ; and G . French , of the Westmoreland Lodge .
At the close of the ceremony , tho brethren retired to a banquet , wero the nsual Loyal and Masonic toasts wero proposed and heartily responded too . The brethren retired at a very late hour .
Eoyal Lodge , No . 207 , Kingston . —The installation meeting was held on 8 th May , at the Friendly Hall , Hanoverstreet , presided over by TV . Bro . Andrews W . M . ; Bros . G . Sargeant S . W ., Duff J . W ., & c , & c , when tho Worshipful Master handed over the Oriental chair to the Right Worshipful Bro . Dr . Hamilton , District Grand Master of East Jamaica , as the Installing Officer , when
he was assisted by the following Past Masters : —Wor . Bros . C . H . Davis , R . Langley , and Andrews , of the Royal Lodge ; Bros . Tait and Francis , of tho Sussex Lodge ; Bros . Barned , Hollar , and Fonn , of tho Phoonix Lodge ; Bros . Burke , Dias , Knox , and Watson , of the Glenlyon Lodge ; A . J . J . Lyou , of the Hamilton Lodge . Tho following Officers were duly installed : —Wor . Bros . G . J . Sargeant W . M ., J .
Thirlwoll S . W ., G . A . Campbell J . W ., M . T . Lawrence Secretary , Stelfox Treasnrer , TV . Duff S . D ., F . G . Garsia J . D ., T . M . Simpson I . G ., Pewter and Ryder Stewards , G . Magnus Tyler . Au address was read and presented to the District Grand Master , complimenting him on his safe return to this island , and wishing him long life ; signed by all tho members of the Royal Lodgo . Tho District Grand
Master made a suitable reply . An address was reported by the Worshipful Master , prepared to bo presented to the R . W . Bro . J . TV . Whitebourue , Past Deputy District Grand Master for East Jamaica , expressing tho regret of tho members of tho Royal Lodgo on their having heard of his resignation as Depnty District Grand Master ; but , on account of ill health , tho TV . Bro . could not attend . A Committeo
of five P . M . ' s of tho Royal Lodge , and the Wardens , wero appointed to present the address . The Right Worshipful District Grand Master then read an address at the request of the members of tho lioyal Lodgo to Wor . Bro . Andrews , on his retirement from tho chair , which ho had ocenpied for two years , regretting that in a few days they will have to separate from him , as he will have to leave for the
Mother Country . He also decorated the Wor . Bro . TV . Andrews with a Past Master ' s Jewel , presented by the members of tho Royjl Lodge . Bro . Andrews made a very , touching reply . A letter from tho G . Secretary Bro . John Itervey , with regard to tho resolutions passed in the Grand Lodge of England in rcfereuco to the matter of the G . Orient of France , wero read and ordered to be entered on the minutes .
Tho usual Masonic silenco was observed ou account of the death of two brethren of the Lodge , and letters of condolence were directed to be written to tho nearest relatives . After the routine business , the Lodge was closed . A capital banquet was served , and the good things provided were done ample justice to . The several Loyal and Masonic toasts wero proposed and heartily responded toespecially
, the toast , '' To the District Grand Master of East Jamaica , and the Wor . Master installed . " Tho applause was repeated several times . A band was present , aud played several lively airs , and tho brethren retired at the small hours of the morning . About 150 to 200 brethren sat at tho banquet table . This is the oldest Lodge in the province , and will shortly get the Centennial Jewel .
Phoenix Lodge , Port Eoyal . — Wo reported that in the month of April Bro . G . P . M-o-s was elected Master , and on a protest being entered anu forwarded to the District Grand Master , informing him that that brother had not served twelve months , according to constitution , ho cancelled the election , aud a fresh election
will take place in June . At the ordinary meeting held in May , a few minutes silence was observed by the members in memento ' of the sudden death of Bro . Hull . Bro . Hull belonged to the navy and was chief carpenter of H . M . Dockyard , aud hail only been out here a few months . Bro . Hull was a very young Masonbut in so
, short a time had won tho esteem of ihu brethren . His- - -iess Jastecl only forty-eight hours ; he died from yellow fever . brother officers aud the members of the Lodge have agreed to ^ ' su c tablet to his memory .
Royal Alfred Lodge , No . 780 . —Wo have frequently had fo record successful gatherings of the members of tho Royal Alfred , and to-day it is onr pleasuro to give particulars of ono of the most successful meetings held since the Lodge was consecrated . For some time past the requirements of the brethren have taxed , to the uttermost , the capabilities of the " Star and Garter" to find suffi .
cient accommodation to enable them to transact the business of tho Lodge , and yet to provide for tho necessary requirements of the inner man . Kew , where the brethren of this Lodgo hold thoir meetings , is described in au old Gazetteer wo occasionally look into as " a pretty little village near unto Old Brentford ; famed for its puro atmosphere , and possessing a seat which belonged to tho late Princo of Wales . "
The little villago of Kew may now almost bo said to have merged itself into tho great village of London , as there is scarcely a break in tho continuity of houses that have been erected in the main road . Bro . Stanbury , fully conscious of tho disadvantages he labours under , and , moreover , ever desirous to study the comfort of those who patroniso him , intimated to the members of tho Lodge , afc their
meeting in March last , that it was his intention to erect a new Banqnetting Hall , and that ifc was his further intention to have it ready for thoir May meoting . On questioning our worthy brother , he declined going into particulars ; but romarked , it should be a room worthy for a prince to dino in , and , moreover , that ifc should be completed and furnished in the short period that yet remained for him to
get tho work done . Somo of the moro sceptical of his supporters put inquiries , —Was ho about to erect an Aladdin ' s Palace ? Had builders' strikes for ever ceased ? aud other pertinent questions . All of these received tho one reply , —Wait till your May meeting . Well , the dayat length arrived , and on Friday , 24 th nit ., at tho "Star and Garter , " Kew Bridge , tho Lodge was opened by the W . M . Bro . Walter Goss ,
who was supported by Bros . Charles May S . W ., TV . Gomm J . W ., TV . Hilton P . M . Sec , J . Smith P . G . P . Treas ., B . Blasby S . D ., Erwin J . D ., C . Costelow I . G ., and Gilbert Tyler . There were also present Past Masters J . Chambers Roe , Lloyd , Littlewood , Brown , Gardiner , Potter , & c , a goodly array of the members , and the following Visitors , besides several others whoso names we were not able to procure : —
Bros . Delevante , Jacobs , S . Page 1326 , W . Vassila 1326 , A . H . Smith 56 , A . Collins lato 780 , J . J . Michael P . M . 1107 , 1507 , and W . M . 1732 , E . J . Acworth 1612 , C . D . Hume , TV . Nye , E . Woodbridge 1612 , Attlee , E . Mathows , Robertson , G . S . Wright , J . Hodges , H . Norton , M . Levenston , Walter Joyce , TV . Game P . M . 511 , Thomas Bryetfc J . D . 834 , R . Clarke P . M . 1158 , C . Phillips 820 , John Humming
P . M . 534 , A . G . Dodson P . M . Joppa , D . Befcts S . W . 1563 , J . H . Cnmmings P . M . 534 , J . H . Shand S . D . 1563 , S . R . Lamble P . M . 27 , G . H . Tipper , Seymour Lucas , H . E . Tucker 1612 , J . 0 . Carter , TV . Hamilton , Hill P . M . 209 , G . TV . Lay 569 , W . TV . Morgan , & c . The minutes of last meeting having been read and confirmed , Bro . Goss proceeded with the ceremonial portion of his duties . This
comprised tho raising of Bro . William Eydmann , who , thanks to the efficient coaching of Bro . P . M . Clarke , again passed a most satisfactory examination ; tho passing of Bro . Botley ; aud the initiation of Messrs . Robert Crawford , A . T . Seeker , aud John Edward Sharp . In each of the ceremonies Bro . Goss evinced the care he had bestowed in acquiring a perfect knowledge of his duties , aud im .
pressed the candidates with tho importance of tho obligations they wore entailing on themselves . On the completion of tho ceremonies tho W . M . invested Bro . Tailing P . M . with the collar of Wine Steward , this office being at his disposal in consequence of the resignation of Bro . Hale P . M . Bros . Akhurst and Franckel were also invested with tho collars of D . C . and A . D . C . respectively . After the
discussion of home affairs , the Lodge was closed . Tho brethren now repaired to tho New Banqnetting Hall , which is indeed a handsome and substantial building . It measures thirty-six feet by thirty . four , is fifteen feet high , and is decorated by eleven handsome mirrors in elaborate but chaste frames . It is lighted by gas pendants all round the room , with elegant chandeliers for gas afc extreme ends , while a
substantial glass chandelier for candles adds a brilliant lustre to the general effect . The Hall , moreover , is furnished with a splendid carpet , which has been specially fitted for the occasion . All the guests were unanimous in their expression of approval , and Bro . Stanbury , the proprietor , and Bro . Lamble , the builder , could not but feel gratified at tho hearty congratulations that were
tendered them . The repast was admirably served , under Bro . Stanbury's personal superintendence , and although the new building had entailed entire re-arrangement of tho cuisine departmont , not a complaint was to be heard . On tho removal of the cloth , Bro . Goss proceeded with the toasts . After the health of Her Majesty had been given , with which the W . M . associated Prosperity to the Craft ,
the National Anthem was sung by Bro . Morgan , Bro . Delevante play , ing the accompaniment . The toasts of the M . W . G . M ., and the Earl of Carnarvon next received duo honour . With that of the D . Grand Master and the Grand Officers was associated the name of the Worthy Treasurer , Bro . J . Smith , Past Grand Pursuivant , After a song—" The Friar of Orders Grey" —by Bro . Hamilton
Bro . Roe I . P . M . in felicitous terms proposed tho health of the W . M . Bro . Walter Joyce here recited a descriptive account of tho historical Balaclava Charge , imparting to his delineation a vigour that was much appreciated . Then came tho reply of the W . M ., who expressed his satisfaction at tho brilliant assembly . Bro . Goss remarked that Bro . Stanbury had worthily fulfilled tho promise ho
had made on the occasion when last they met . The fouudation stono of the building they wore at present assembled in had been . laid ouly seven weeks ago , and they now had a structure perfect in all its parts . Ho the speaker , had only been a Mason but a few years , but he was proud to know that the Lodge over which he had the hononr to presido was so prosperous as to need the erection of such
a building in which to hold its meetings . He then thanked Bio . Roe for the kindness he had displayed in proposing tho toast , and tho brethren for the way they had honoured it . Before resum . i '" - seat V — "uld ask them to drink to tho health of tho T ^ . „ .. 3 fc then received due hononr , and a song from iiro , Eyclmaun ig the nexfe feature of the evening we arQ
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Proxy Voting.
statements I mado in tho letter in qnestion , to the effect that it was possible to havo substituted proxy for personal voting at tho election of a successor to tho lato Bro . Little , and they fully agreo with mo . Now that the date of election has been fixed , of course any change will bo impossible . Fraternally yours , FAIR PLAY .
r piHE Annual Installation of Officers of tho Hamilton Lodge , J- Spanish Town , took place on 2 nd May , when the following wero duly installed : —Tho Wor . A . J . J . Lyou Master , Bros . A . Abra
hams Senior Warden , TV . G . McFarlaino Junior Warden , TV . 7 ) . Byles Treasurer , A . G . French Secretary , A . F . Rickards Senior Deacon , A . R . Inccy Junior Deacon , G . Levy Inner Guard , J . R . Do Leon Tyler .
Tho Installing Officer was the Right Worshipful Hon . Dr . R . Hamilton , District Grand Master of East Jamaica , assisted by the following Past Masters : —Wor . Bros . J . McGlashau , TV . T . Jamicson ,
of the Hamilton Lodge ; J . Tompsott , C . TV . lait , of tho Sussex Lodge ; S . It . Watson , B . M . Dias , L . G . Knox , of tho Glenlyon Lodge ; A . M . D . Levy , D . N . Berwick , of the Caledonian Lodge ; and G . French , of the Westmoreland Lodge .
At the close of the ceremony , tho brethren retired to a banquet , wero the nsual Loyal and Masonic toasts wero proposed and heartily responded too . The brethren retired at a very late hour .
Eoyal Lodge , No . 207 , Kingston . —The installation meeting was held on 8 th May , at the Friendly Hall , Hanoverstreet , presided over by TV . Bro . Andrews W . M . ; Bros . G . Sargeant S . W ., Duff J . W ., & c , & c , when tho Worshipful Master handed over the Oriental chair to the Right Worshipful Bro . Dr . Hamilton , District Grand Master of East Jamaica , as the Installing Officer , when
he was assisted by the following Past Masters : —Wor . Bros . C . H . Davis , R . Langley , and Andrews , of the Royal Lodge ; Bros . Tait and Francis , of tho Sussex Lodge ; Bros . Barned , Hollar , and Fonn , of tho Phoonix Lodge ; Bros . Burke , Dias , Knox , and Watson , of the Glenlyon Lodge ; A . J . J . Lyou , of the Hamilton Lodge . Tho following Officers were duly installed : —Wor . Bros . G . J . Sargeant W . M ., J .
Thirlwoll S . W ., G . A . Campbell J . W ., M . T . Lawrence Secretary , Stelfox Treasnrer , TV . Duff S . D ., F . G . Garsia J . D ., T . M . Simpson I . G ., Pewter and Ryder Stewards , G . Magnus Tyler . Au address was read and presented to the District Grand Master , complimenting him on his safe return to this island , and wishing him long life ; signed by all tho members of the Royal Lodgo . Tho District Grand
Master made a suitable reply . An address was reported by the Worshipful Master , prepared to bo presented to the R . W . Bro . J . TV . Whitebourue , Past Deputy District Grand Master for East Jamaica , expressing tho regret of tho members of tho Royal Lodgo on their having heard of his resignation as Depnty District Grand Master ; but , on account of ill health , tho TV . Bro . could not attend . A Committeo
of five P . M . ' s of tho Royal Lodge , and the Wardens , wero appointed to present the address . The Right Worshipful District Grand Master then read an address at the request of the members of tho lioyal Lodgo to Wor . Bro . Andrews , on his retirement from tho chair , which ho had ocenpied for two years , regretting that in a few days they will have to separate from him , as he will have to leave for the
Mother Country . He also decorated the Wor . Bro . TV . Andrews with a Past Master ' s Jewel , presented by the members of tho Royjl Lodge . Bro . Andrews made a very , touching reply . A letter from tho G . Secretary Bro . John Itervey , with regard to tho resolutions passed in the Grand Lodge of England in rcfereuco to the matter of the G . Orient of France , wero read and ordered to be entered on the minutes .
Tho usual Masonic silenco was observed ou account of the death of two brethren of the Lodge , and letters of condolence were directed to be written to tho nearest relatives . After the routine business , the Lodge was closed . A capital banquet was served , and the good things provided were done ample justice to . The several Loyal and Masonic toasts wero proposed and heartily responded toespecially
, the toast , '' To the District Grand Master of East Jamaica , and the Wor . Master installed . " Tho applause was repeated several times . A band was present , aud played several lively airs , and tho brethren retired at the small hours of the morning . About 150 to 200 brethren sat at tho banquet table . This is the oldest Lodge in the province , and will shortly get the Centennial Jewel .
Phoenix Lodge , Port Eoyal . — Wo reported that in the month of April Bro . G . P . M-o-s was elected Master , and on a protest being entered anu forwarded to the District Grand Master , informing him that that brother had not served twelve months , according to constitution , ho cancelled the election , aud a fresh election
will take place in June . At the ordinary meeting held in May , a few minutes silence was observed by the members in memento ' of the sudden death of Bro . Hull . Bro . Hull belonged to the navy and was chief carpenter of H . M . Dockyard , aud hail only been out here a few months . Bro . Hull was a very young Masonbut in so
, short a time had won tho esteem of ihu brethren . His- - -iess Jastecl only forty-eight hours ; he died from yellow fever . brother officers aud the members of the Lodge have agreed to ^ ' su c tablet to his memory .
Royal Alfred Lodge , No . 780 . —Wo have frequently had fo record successful gatherings of the members of tho Royal Alfred , and to-day it is onr pleasuro to give particulars of ono of the most successful meetings held since the Lodge was consecrated . For some time past the requirements of the brethren have taxed , to the uttermost , the capabilities of the " Star and Garter" to find suffi .
cient accommodation to enable them to transact the business of tho Lodge , and yet to provide for tho necessary requirements of the inner man . Kew , where the brethren of this Lodgo hold thoir meetings , is described in au old Gazetteer wo occasionally look into as " a pretty little village near unto Old Brentford ; famed for its puro atmosphere , and possessing a seat which belonged to tho late Princo of Wales . "
The little villago of Kew may now almost bo said to have merged itself into tho great village of London , as there is scarcely a break in tho continuity of houses that have been erected in the main road . Bro . Stanbury , fully conscious of tho disadvantages he labours under , and , moreover , ever desirous to study the comfort of those who patroniso him , intimated to the members of tho Lodge , afc their
meeting in March last , that it was his intention to erect a new Banqnetting Hall , and that ifc was his further intention to have it ready for thoir May meoting . On questioning our worthy brother , he declined going into particulars ; but romarked , it should be a room worthy for a prince to dino in , and , moreover , that ifc should be completed and furnished in the short period that yet remained for him to
get tho work done . Somo of the moro sceptical of his supporters put inquiries , —Was ho about to erect an Aladdin ' s Palace ? Had builders' strikes for ever ceased ? aud other pertinent questions . All of these received tho one reply , —Wait till your May meeting . Well , the dayat length arrived , and on Friday , 24 th nit ., at tho "Star and Garter , " Kew Bridge , tho Lodge was opened by the W . M . Bro . Walter Goss ,
who was supported by Bros . Charles May S . W ., TV . Gomm J . W ., TV . Hilton P . M . Sec , J . Smith P . G . P . Treas ., B . Blasby S . D ., Erwin J . D ., C . Costelow I . G ., and Gilbert Tyler . There were also present Past Masters J . Chambers Roe , Lloyd , Littlewood , Brown , Gardiner , Potter , & c , a goodly array of the members , and the following Visitors , besides several others whoso names we were not able to procure : —
Bros . Delevante , Jacobs , S . Page 1326 , W . Vassila 1326 , A . H . Smith 56 , A . Collins lato 780 , J . J . Michael P . M . 1107 , 1507 , and W . M . 1732 , E . J . Acworth 1612 , C . D . Hume , TV . Nye , E . Woodbridge 1612 , Attlee , E . Mathows , Robertson , G . S . Wright , J . Hodges , H . Norton , M . Levenston , Walter Joyce , TV . Game P . M . 511 , Thomas Bryetfc J . D . 834 , R . Clarke P . M . 1158 , C . Phillips 820 , John Humming
P . M . 534 , A . G . Dodson P . M . Joppa , D . Befcts S . W . 1563 , J . H . Cnmmings P . M . 534 , J . H . Shand S . D . 1563 , S . R . Lamble P . M . 27 , G . H . Tipper , Seymour Lucas , H . E . Tucker 1612 , J . 0 . Carter , TV . Hamilton , Hill P . M . 209 , G . TV . Lay 569 , W . TV . Morgan , & c . The minutes of last meeting having been read and confirmed , Bro . Goss proceeded with the ceremonial portion of his duties . This
comprised tho raising of Bro . William Eydmann , who , thanks to the efficient coaching of Bro . P . M . Clarke , again passed a most satisfactory examination ; tho passing of Bro . Botley ; aud the initiation of Messrs . Robert Crawford , A . T . Seeker , aud John Edward Sharp . In each of the ceremonies Bro . Goss evinced the care he had bestowed in acquiring a perfect knowledge of his duties , aud im .
pressed the candidates with tho importance of tho obligations they wore entailing on themselves . On the completion of tho ceremonies tho W . M . invested Bro . Tailing P . M . with the collar of Wine Steward , this office being at his disposal in consequence of the resignation of Bro . Hale P . M . Bros . Akhurst and Franckel were also invested with tho collars of D . C . and A . D . C . respectively . After the
discussion of home affairs , the Lodge was closed . Tho brethren now repaired to tho New Banqnetting Hall , which is indeed a handsome and substantial building . It measures thirty-six feet by thirty . four , is fifteen feet high , and is decorated by eleven handsome mirrors in elaborate but chaste frames . It is lighted by gas pendants all round the room , with elegant chandeliers for gas afc extreme ends , while a
substantial glass chandelier for candles adds a brilliant lustre to the general effect . The Hall , moreover , is furnished with a splendid carpet , which has been specially fitted for the occasion . All the guests were unanimous in their expression of approval , and Bro . Stanbury , the proprietor , and Bro . Lamble , the builder , could not but feel gratified at tho hearty congratulations that were
tendered them . The repast was admirably served , under Bro . Stanbury's personal superintendence , and although the new building had entailed entire re-arrangement of tho cuisine departmont , not a complaint was to be heard . On tho removal of the cloth , Bro . Goss proceeded with the toasts . After the health of Her Majesty had been given , with which the W . M . associated Prosperity to the Craft ,
the National Anthem was sung by Bro . Morgan , Bro . Delevante play , ing the accompaniment . The toasts of the M . W . G . M ., and the Earl of Carnarvon next received duo honour . With that of the D . Grand Master and the Grand Officers was associated the name of the Worthy Treasurer , Bro . J . Smith , Past Grand Pursuivant , After a song—" The Friar of Orders Grey" —by Bro . Hamilton
Bro . Roe I . P . M . in felicitous terms proposed tho health of the W . M . Bro . Walter Joyce here recited a descriptive account of tho historical Balaclava Charge , imparting to his delineation a vigour that was much appreciated . Then came tho reply of the W . M ., who expressed his satisfaction at tho brilliant assembly . Bro . Goss remarked that Bro . Stanbury had worthily fulfilled tho promise ho
had made on the occasion when last they met . The fouudation stono of the building they wore at present assembled in had been . laid ouly seven weeks ago , and they now had a structure perfect in all its parts . Ho the speaker , had only been a Mason but a few years , but he was proud to know that the Lodge over which he had the hononr to presido was so prosperous as to need the erection of such
a building in which to hold its meetings . He then thanked Bio . Roe for the kindness he had displayed in proposing tho toast , and tho brethren for the way they had honoured it . Before resum . i '" - seat V — "uld ask them to drink to tho health of tho T ^ . „ .. 3 fc then received due hononr , and a song from iiro , Eyclmaun ig the nexfe feature of the evening we arQ