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had become so successful . Being number one on the books of the Lodge he promised that while he lived no one else should occupy the position . He was connected with many other institutions , but ' could assure his auditors that he had no greater love for any above that he entertained towards Lodge of Instruction No . 581 . Other toasts followed .
HINDPOOL LODGE , No . 1225 . THE installation meeting was held on Tuesday afternoon , 20 th ult ., in the Masonic Hall , Abbey Boad , Barrow . Bro . John Harrison J . W . Master-elect was installed in the chair of K . S . by the outgoing Master Bro . Plato Harrison .
The Worshipful Master presented a very chaste gold Past Master s jewel to Bro . Plato Harrison , to mark the appreciation of the Brethren of the manner in which he had conducted the business of the Lodge during his year of office .
The Brethren afterwards adjourned to the Criterion Bestaurant , Cornwallis Street , where one of the best Masonic banquets ever held in Barrow took place . During the evening it was proposed by Bro . Dr . Thomas , seconded by Bro . Dr . Settle , and supported by Bro . W . P . Bell W . M . 1021 , Bro . G .
Bush W . M . 1390 , and Bro . M . W . Worrall P . M ., & c , that the Secretary forward letters of sympathy to Bro . E . C . Caton P . M ., and Bro . Jon Shaw , regretting that serious illness prevented them from being present . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were honoured .
ROYAL ALBERT EDWARD LODGE , No . 1362 . ABOUT five and twenty members of this Lodge , which has this year a popular W . M . in Bro . T . H . Boberts , of Covertside , spent a very pleasant afternoon together on Wednesday . They met at Laker's Hotel , Bedhill , whence they started , between two and three o'clock , upon a delightful drive , the route taken being Blethingley , Godstone , & c .
In the evening the party sat down to " a little dinner at Laker's , " which , it is needless to observe , everybody thoroughly enjoyed . The post prandial proceedings were not prolonged after ten o'clock , but they were rendered very delightful by a trio of excellent vocalists and musicians whom Bro . Boberts had invited from London .
CONCORD LODGE , No . 1534 . rHE members of this Lodge were entertained by Bro . J . B . Fletcher , J . P ., at a garden party at Heaton Park , on Saturday afternoon , 3 rd ult . On the arrival of each Brother and his lady they were received and welcomed by
Bro . and Mrs . Fletcher , who hed stationed themselves at a beautiful spot midway between " the hall " and the temple-like observatory which stood on the highest point in the park . After the reception , the party wandered up the hill to " the temple , "
where refreshments were partaken of and thoroughly enjoyed . Some of the friends then took a walk through the private pleasure gardens of the park , while others preferred to promenade the grounds within hearing of the music of the Besses o' th' Barn Prize Brass Band , and an exceptionally fine band of hand bell ringers .
The host and hostess were personally thanked many times by individual members for the afternoon's splendid enjoyment , and at the following regular meeting of the Lodge , held on the 15 th ult ., Bro . H . B . Fawsetfc W . M . moved a vote of thanks to Bro . Fletcher , which was unanimously passed and heartily endorsed by the Brethren present .
We may state that we received a very kind invitation to this function , but a temporary illness prevented our being present , and we are indebted to Bro . Jas . D . Eamage for the above particulars .
DRAMATIC LODGE , No . 1609 .,, IN Liverpool Masonic circles one of the most interesting events of the year is the installation of the W . M . of the Dramatic Lodge . The function took place on the 27 th ult . The retiring Master was Bro . Harry Bound , who had twice occupied the Master ' s chair in the Dramatic Lodge , and once in the
Apollo Lodge . He had the pleasure of installing as his successor , which he did with most impressive effect , Bro . Eustace Baxter , who had very efficiently filled all the subordinate Offices . Bro . Baxter was presented by Bros . W . W . Sandbrook P . P . G . D . and Joseph Bell P . P . G . D . There was a large attendance of representatives of the Provincial Grand Lodge , and of Past Masters and present Masters of local Lodges .
When the business of the Lodge had come to an end , the members and visiting Brethren dined together . After the repast , which was excellently served under the supervision of Bro . Capper , the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and heartily received . In the course of the proceedings , Bro . Harry Bound was the recipient of a handsome Past Master ' s jewel and a massive gold albert chain , and also accepted , on behalf of Mrs . Bound , a beautiful table centrepiece in silver , with silver side ornaments of Masonic pattern .
The musical programme was deserving of the highest praise , the Brethren who contributed to it being H . Pringle , A . Winckworth , Signor Salvi , Frank Wood , Thomas Shaw , T . Barlow , George Barton , F . Owens , J . Higginbottom , A . Weber , Eaton Batty , S . Kirkham , and Ben Boberts . Bro . Josef Cantor P . P . G . O . and Bro . A . E . Workman P . P . G . O . played the accompaniments and otherwise did their best to ensure the success of the musical portion of the proceedings at the installation and subsequently .
ECCLESBURNE LODGE , No . 2425 . THE anniversary was held on Monday , 19 th ult ., when Bro . Arthur William Allen , Assistant Accountant of the Midland Bailway Company , was installed , the ceremony being performed in the Beys' School room , Duffield , by Bro . T . Cox , assisted by the outgoing Master Bro . W . B . A . Tempest , and Bro . E . J . H . Hoskyns .
Co-operatloe Cruises ana tours , ORGANIZED BY HENRY S . LUNN , M . D ., B . Ch ., F . R . Q . S ., AND CONNOR F . S . PEROWNE . Six Guinea . Geneva . TOUT , vOlth Extensions to Chamonix and Zermatt . Lectures by Sir Robert Ball , Mr . EdvOard Whimper , and Dr . Lunn . Ten Guinea Oberland and Engadine Tours . Ten Guinea Norwegian Cruises . £ 21 Cruise to the Northern Capitals , st . Petersburg , Stockholm , Copenhagen , and Christiania , £ 3 5 s Cycling Tours . £ 3 5 s Scotch Tours . SpeciaS Hunting Expeditions , SOMALILAND : Elephant , Rhinoceros , Lion , & c . BRITISH COLUMBIA : Bear , Wolf , Moose , & c . Fishing Expedition , Lapland , Finland , NorvOatf , and Sweden . SPECIAL MASONIC CRUISE TO THE HOLY LAND . A Month's Cruise for Twenty-five Guineas , visiting Athens , Constantinople , the Holy Land , and Egypt . Chaplains : ReV . Canon Child , G . C ., and ReV . Canon Bullock , P . G . C . Full details , vt ? ith plan of the Steamer , from the Secretary , 5 Endsleigh Gardens , London , N . W .
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had become so successful . Being number one on the books of the Lodge he promised that while he lived no one else should occupy the position . He was connected with many other institutions , but ' could assure his auditors that he had no greater love for any above that he entertained towards Lodge of Instruction No . 581 . Other toasts followed .
HINDPOOL LODGE , No . 1225 . THE installation meeting was held on Tuesday afternoon , 20 th ult ., in the Masonic Hall , Abbey Boad , Barrow . Bro . John Harrison J . W . Master-elect was installed in the chair of K . S . by the outgoing Master Bro . Plato Harrison .
The Worshipful Master presented a very chaste gold Past Master s jewel to Bro . Plato Harrison , to mark the appreciation of the Brethren of the manner in which he had conducted the business of the Lodge during his year of office .
The Brethren afterwards adjourned to the Criterion Bestaurant , Cornwallis Street , where one of the best Masonic banquets ever held in Barrow took place . During the evening it was proposed by Bro . Dr . Thomas , seconded by Bro . Dr . Settle , and supported by Bro . W . P . Bell W . M . 1021 , Bro . G .
Bush W . M . 1390 , and Bro . M . W . Worrall P . M ., & c , that the Secretary forward letters of sympathy to Bro . E . C . Caton P . M ., and Bro . Jon Shaw , regretting that serious illness prevented them from being present . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were honoured .
ROYAL ALBERT EDWARD LODGE , No . 1362 . ABOUT five and twenty members of this Lodge , which has this year a popular W . M . in Bro . T . H . Boberts , of Covertside , spent a very pleasant afternoon together on Wednesday . They met at Laker's Hotel , Bedhill , whence they started , between two and three o'clock , upon a delightful drive , the route taken being Blethingley , Godstone , & c .
In the evening the party sat down to " a little dinner at Laker's , " which , it is needless to observe , everybody thoroughly enjoyed . The post prandial proceedings were not prolonged after ten o'clock , but they were rendered very delightful by a trio of excellent vocalists and musicians whom Bro . Boberts had invited from London .
CONCORD LODGE , No . 1534 . rHE members of this Lodge were entertained by Bro . J . B . Fletcher , J . P ., at a garden party at Heaton Park , on Saturday afternoon , 3 rd ult . On the arrival of each Brother and his lady they were received and welcomed by
Bro . and Mrs . Fletcher , who hed stationed themselves at a beautiful spot midway between " the hall " and the temple-like observatory which stood on the highest point in the park . After the reception , the party wandered up the hill to " the temple , "
where refreshments were partaken of and thoroughly enjoyed . Some of the friends then took a walk through the private pleasure gardens of the park , while others preferred to promenade the grounds within hearing of the music of the Besses o' th' Barn Prize Brass Band , and an exceptionally fine band of hand bell ringers .
The host and hostess were personally thanked many times by individual members for the afternoon's splendid enjoyment , and at the following regular meeting of the Lodge , held on the 15 th ult ., Bro . H . B . Fawsetfc W . M . moved a vote of thanks to Bro . Fletcher , which was unanimously passed and heartily endorsed by the Brethren present .
We may state that we received a very kind invitation to this function , but a temporary illness prevented our being present , and we are indebted to Bro . Jas . D . Eamage for the above particulars .
DRAMATIC LODGE , No . 1609 .,, IN Liverpool Masonic circles one of the most interesting events of the year is the installation of the W . M . of the Dramatic Lodge . The function took place on the 27 th ult . The retiring Master was Bro . Harry Bound , who had twice occupied the Master ' s chair in the Dramatic Lodge , and once in the
Apollo Lodge . He had the pleasure of installing as his successor , which he did with most impressive effect , Bro . Eustace Baxter , who had very efficiently filled all the subordinate Offices . Bro . Baxter was presented by Bros . W . W . Sandbrook P . P . G . D . and Joseph Bell P . P . G . D . There was a large attendance of representatives of the Provincial Grand Lodge , and of Past Masters and present Masters of local Lodges .
When the business of the Lodge had come to an end , the members and visiting Brethren dined together . After the repast , which was excellently served under the supervision of Bro . Capper , the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and heartily received . In the course of the proceedings , Bro . Harry Bound was the recipient of a handsome Past Master ' s jewel and a massive gold albert chain , and also accepted , on behalf of Mrs . Bound , a beautiful table centrepiece in silver , with silver side ornaments of Masonic pattern .
The musical programme was deserving of the highest praise , the Brethren who contributed to it being H . Pringle , A . Winckworth , Signor Salvi , Frank Wood , Thomas Shaw , T . Barlow , George Barton , F . Owens , J . Higginbottom , A . Weber , Eaton Batty , S . Kirkham , and Ben Boberts . Bro . Josef Cantor P . P . G . O . and Bro . A . E . Workman P . P . G . O . played the accompaniments and otherwise did their best to ensure the success of the musical portion of the proceedings at the installation and subsequently .
ECCLESBURNE LODGE , No . 2425 . THE anniversary was held on Monday , 19 th ult ., when Bro . Arthur William Allen , Assistant Accountant of the Midland Bailway Company , was installed , the ceremony being performed in the Beys' School room , Duffield , by Bro . T . Cox , assisted by the outgoing Master Bro . W . B . A . Tempest , and Bro . E . J . H . Hoskyns .
Co-operatloe Cruises ana tours , ORGANIZED BY HENRY S . LUNN , M . D ., B . Ch ., F . R . Q . S ., AND CONNOR F . S . PEROWNE . Six Guinea . Geneva . TOUT , vOlth Extensions to Chamonix and Zermatt . Lectures by Sir Robert Ball , Mr . EdvOard Whimper , and Dr . Lunn . Ten Guinea Oberland and Engadine Tours . Ten Guinea Norwegian Cruises . £ 21 Cruise to the Northern Capitals , st . Petersburg , Stockholm , Copenhagen , and Christiania , £ 3 5 s Cycling Tours . £ 3 5 s Scotch Tours . SpeciaS Hunting Expeditions , SOMALILAND : Elephant , Rhinoceros , Lion , & c . BRITISH COLUMBIA : Bear , Wolf , Moose , & c . Fishing Expedition , Lapland , Finland , NorvOatf , and Sweden . SPECIAL MASONIC CRUISE TO THE HOLY LAND . A Month's Cruise for Twenty-five Guineas , visiting Athens , Constantinople , the Holy Land , and Egypt . Chaplains : ReV . Canon Child , G . C ., and ReV . Canon Bullock , P . G . C . Full details , vt ? ith plan of the Steamer , from the Secretary , 5 Endsleigh Gardens , London , N . W .