Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Meetings.
We shall be pleased to receive particulars of Masonic meetings for insertion in our columns , and where desired will endeavour to send a representative , to report Lodge or other proceedings .
WESTBOURNE LODGE , No . 733 . AS anticipated list week an exceptional good muster of Brethren . assembled to support Bro . G . D . Mogford P . M . in the chair on Tuesday , when there were also present Bros . Knight P . M . S . W ., Halston J . W ., Dehane P . M . Preceptor , Kogers P . M . Treas ., Mogford P . M . See , Crow S . D ., Elliot J . D ., Thomas I . G ., Handover , Faircloth P . M ., Miller W . M . 2362 , Flack , Matthews , Graham , Meek , Armfield , Potter , Milner , Bodley , T . Mogford P . M ., Greenfield , Healy .
The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Handover candidate . The W . M . gave the charge . The Lodge was called off and on . The ceremony of installation was rehearsed , Bro . Flack being placed in the chair by the W . M . in a perfect manner , and he afterwards gave the three addresses very impressively , which was heartily enjoyed by every Brother present . Bro . Fleck invested the Officers . Bros . Armfield , Flack , Milner , and Bodley were accepted as members , and acknowledged the compliment .
It was proposed and carried , that a letter of condolence be sent to the widow of the late Bro . Reed , whose death occurred on Saturday , 24 th ult . A hearty vote of thanks was recorded on the minutes to Bro . Flack , for the way he had invested the Officers for the first time in this Lodge . Bro . Knight was elected to the chair for next meeting .
HYDE PARK LODGE , No . 1425 . AT the Prince of Wales Hotel , Eastbourne Terrace , Bishop ' s Boad , Paddington , W ., on the 26 th ult ., Bros . W . H . Smith W . M ., T . Middleweek W . M . 1793 S . W ., A . Collman J . W ., H . Dehane P . M . P . P . G . S . D . Essex Sec , W . H . Handover S . D ., 3 . Chubb J . D ., 3 . E . Beardon I . G ., T . M . Lamble Steward , W . 3 . Ferguson W . M . 177 Dep . Preceptor , H . Foskett P . M . 1642 , W . E . Jefferson , and the following Visitors : —Bros . H . Nash 1425 , S . Brooks 1681 , 0 . Ortner 1920 , F . Mills 1681 .
Bro . Handover , at the request of the W . M ., assumed the chair , and the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Jefferson candidate . The Lodge was called off and on . Bro . Middleweek then assumed the chair , and after the usual preliminaries the Lodge was opened in the second degree and the ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Mills candidate . The Lodge was resumed to the first degree .
The following Brethren were unanimously elected members : Bros . Nash , Brooks , Ortner , and Mills , all of whom acknowledged the compliment . Next meeting being Officers' night Bro . Middleweek was elected W . M , for the 10 th October , and appointed the Officers in rotation .
HUGH OWEN LODGE , No . 2593 . ON Friday , at the Frascati Bestaurant , Oxford Street , W ., Bros . J . B . Shrader W . M ., Fred Aris S . W ., 3 . Whipps J . W ., H . G . Holland P . M . P . P . G . S . B . Preceptor , B . H . Nicholls P . M . Treas ., H . Kobelt Sec , J . Barrett S . D ., W . G . Bead J . D ., Sidney Smith I . G ., W . B . Neville P . M ., T . Melville , C Drake , 0 . Bidgway , W . Bevan , J . Wynman , and others .
The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Bevan candidate . The W . M . proceeded to examine Bro . Neville for the second degree , and he was entrusted . The Lodge was opened up , and the ceremony of passing was rehearsed . Bro . W . Neville P . M . made a strong appeal for votes for the forthcoming election for Girls , on behalf of Marguerite Knott , which deserving case was most impressively supported by Bro . B . H . Nicholls P . M ., and other Brethren .
Bro . T . S . Melvill and W . G . Bevan were elected members , and Bro . Fred Aris was chosen W . M . for next meeting .
LODGE OF FAITH , No . 581 . THE regular meeting was held at the Gransmoor Hotel , Fairfield , on Wednesday , 21 st ult ., Bro . Bobert Adshead W . M . After the confirmation of minutes , the tracing board of the second degree was explained by Brother 3 . H . Smith P . M . P . D . G . S . B . Bombay , this being followed by the historical lecture of the third degree , which was delivered by Bro . Wm . Jones I . P . M .
We believe we are not anticipating matters in mentioning that a change of Lodge quarters is impending , and that it is quite possible future meetings may be held in rooms nearer to the city of Manchester , where the train and tram service will be more convenient for members of the Lodge than at present .
LODGE OF INSTRUCTION , No . 581 . nMHE regular meeting of this Lodge was held at the Old Boar ' s Head -L Hotel , Withy Grove , Manchester , on Thursday , Sth ult ., Bro . Alfred Hebden P . M . 1458 P . P . G . D . D . C . Preceptor . The general Lodge proceedings did not occupy much time , and after they were concluded the Brethren adjourned to the large room of the Hotel
, where an excellent banquet had been provided by Bro . J . Beardmore P . M . P . P . G . D . C . ( host ) . Bro . Hebden presided , being supported by Bros . Godfrey Higham P . M . 1083 P . P . G . D . D . C , Geo . T . Lenard P . M . 1077 Treasurer , G . VV . Davies P . M . 1459 Secretary , George Parker P . M . 1083 acting S . W ., Geo . B . Berry 1011 acting J . W ., W . Goodman P . M . 2185 , W . Yeadon W . M . 1496 ,
Matthew Goth 581 , G . Pettingor 1011 , E . Sawyer 1077 , A . Longworth 1083 , B . V . Clayton 1083 , J . J . Dean 1458 , M . Pogson 1459 , & c . A pleasant social evening was spent , the contributions by vocalists and reciters being well selected . Among those who , by their harmony , added to tho success of the meeting were Bros . R . W . Nuttall 163 , John Kenwick 1011 , H . Jackson 1077 , Jas . Doyle 1458 , Edward Boberts P . M . 1459 , T . C . Lord 1459 , A . Hart 1773 , Cuthbert Howard , and A ; Sneider , Albany , 151 , Newport , Isle of Wight .
Loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and heartily accepted , that of the Provincial Officers being responded to by Bros . Hebden and Higham . The former said ho attributed his success as a Provincial Officer to the fact of his connection with the Lodge of Instruction , and the latter , in the course of some very interesting remarks , said there was ono very important member of the Craft who ought to be induced to pay a visit to the Lodge ; he alluded to
the Provincial Grand Master of East Lancashire . The speaker said he was sure that if Col . Starkie could only be brought to recognise the immense work done by the Lodge he would certainly visit it , and his presence might be a great help in further spreading its influence . The Secretary read apologies for non-attendance from Bros . Bee , Crocker , Horsfield , Loebel , Massie , and others .
Bro . Higham proposed the health of the Preceptor , saying he remembered Bro . Hebden from the period of his first introduction inio the Lodge of Instruction , and at that time had recognised the fact that he had abilities which might be useful to them . Others noticed the same fact , and he was soon put into office , becoming Treasurer , and shortly after that Secretary , and a more zealous and energetic Officer the Lodge had never possessed . At that time the number of members was about forty , and if he made a guess he
should think it now stood at 200 , the increase being mainly attributable to Bro . Hebden , which fact proved that he had the interests of the Lodge at heart . The speaker reverted to the death of the late Preceptor , whose place at the annual meeting of twelve months ago he himself had filled . On that occasion he regarded Bro . Hebden as eminently suitable for the position , and he was elected at the December meeting . Many others among them might be qualified , but none were more so than their President of that evening . One great feature which he had noticed in connection with Bro . Hebden was
his manner in the Lodge , which made him pre-eminently successful in dealing with the members , for he gave everyone the impression that he was having pleasure bestowed upon him , rather than that he was merely performing the ordinary duties of his OfB . ce . These latter he might tell them were arduous , but their Preceptor , from his great knowledge and practice , was ever in advance of the candidate , and soon noticed any lapses . Some time ago he seemed likely to sever his connection with the Lodge , on account of precarious health , but he was now so much recovered as to be able to give his heart and soul to their useful institution .
Bro . Hebden responded , saying he was placed in an awkwardpredicament in trying to respond to the toast so ably proposed by Bro . Higham , and so heartily accepted by the Brethren . When he joined the Lodge he received such kindness from all the members—some of whom had since passed away —that he thought it only right for him to do what he could in return . He
had never had a wrong word with any one from that period up to the present , and he hoped he would be in harmonious touch with them for many years to come . At present he was only on probation , for he had not yot completed his first year of office as Preceptor . He should be glad at all times to help anyone who applied to him , and would regret if anything happened to cause
him to sever his connection with them . Bro . George Parker P . M . proposed the health of the Secretary , saying he believed they had now a good successor to Bro . Hebden in the position , and commending him for the regularity with which he had sent ont the Lodge summonses . Bro . Davies Secretary replied , thanking Bro . Parker for his remarks . He had only been in the office six months , having accepted it out of respect alone for the worthy Preceptor and Bro . Higham , and from the nature of the
work he wondered how he could possibly have found time , to perform it . Indeed , it might ultimately be necessary to appoint an assistant , but in the meantime , he himself would do all he could . The speaker , after enumerating the various positions he held or had passed through in Freemasonry , and which occupied a great portion of his time , gave sonic interesting statistics about the Lodge , which proved that an increase in membership was taking place . He also referred to one of their number who had satisfactorily attempted nearly every portion of Craft work as a preparatory training for his own Lodge .
Bro . John Westall S . W . 1083 proposed the health of the Treasurer Bro . Geo . T . Lenard P . M . They had been informed that evening that they had a Preceptor second to none in the Province , and others had also been spoken well of , but there was still another Officer required—one who could look after their finances—and that was the Treasurer . Tho speaker referred to Bro . Lenard in very flattering terms , and added that he performed his work in a quiet and respectable manner which commended him to everybody . He had been the means of introducing many members into their midst , and really had the institution at heart .
Bro . Lenard replied , thanking Bro . Westall , and acknowledging at the same time that he had certainly introduced many members into the Lodge , for , finding they wanted instruction , he thought it was his bounden duty to get them to join . In recurring to the many benefits derived from the Lodge of Instruction , he said that the practice there took off the newness and awkwardness , and fitted members for the right performance of the various duties when called upon in their own Craft Lodge . In concluding a capital speech he promised to assist both Preceptor and Secretary when required .
Bro . Hebden , in proposing Bro . Higham ' s health , said that the latter claimed this to be the largest recognised Lodge of instruction in connection with Freemasonry , and a challenge to this effect had been thrown out , but not yet answered . Whatever credit was due to thc workers of later years , the fact must not be forgotten that to Bro . Higham , the lather of the Lodge , they were indebted for bravely surmounting all its initial difficulties . They were glad to see him looking so well , and hoped for his continued good health .
Bro . Higham said he heartily thanked Bro . Hebden for the flattering words he had uttered , and the Brethren generally for the manner in which they had endorsed them . He would be compelled to revert to the past ; it was one of the privileges of an old man that he could be retrogressive . Before the close of the present year he would have been a member of the Lodgo of Instruction thirty-one years . He spoke of its early struggles , and of his own appointment as Preceptor , in which ofiice ho had continued for twelve years .
His motive for taking so great an interest in the Lodge was one of gratitude , for had it not been for the help anil instruction received there , his promotion to tho principal chair in his own Craft Lodge would havo been considerabl y retarded . He might inform them that the best Past Mastecs in the Townley Parker Lodge , to which he referred , were those who had beon connected with the" Lodge of Instruction . He took to himself thc credit of having inaugurated those annual gatherings , and he was proud of thc fact that thoy
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Meetings.
We shall be pleased to receive particulars of Masonic meetings for insertion in our columns , and where desired will endeavour to send a representative , to report Lodge or other proceedings .
WESTBOURNE LODGE , No . 733 . AS anticipated list week an exceptional good muster of Brethren . assembled to support Bro . G . D . Mogford P . M . in the chair on Tuesday , when there were also present Bros . Knight P . M . S . W ., Halston J . W ., Dehane P . M . Preceptor , Kogers P . M . Treas ., Mogford P . M . See , Crow S . D ., Elliot J . D ., Thomas I . G ., Handover , Faircloth P . M ., Miller W . M . 2362 , Flack , Matthews , Graham , Meek , Armfield , Potter , Milner , Bodley , T . Mogford P . M ., Greenfield , Healy .
The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Handover candidate . The W . M . gave the charge . The Lodge was called off and on . The ceremony of installation was rehearsed , Bro . Flack being placed in the chair by the W . M . in a perfect manner , and he afterwards gave the three addresses very impressively , which was heartily enjoyed by every Brother present . Bro . Fleck invested the Officers . Bros . Armfield , Flack , Milner , and Bodley were accepted as members , and acknowledged the compliment .
It was proposed and carried , that a letter of condolence be sent to the widow of the late Bro . Reed , whose death occurred on Saturday , 24 th ult . A hearty vote of thanks was recorded on the minutes to Bro . Flack , for the way he had invested the Officers for the first time in this Lodge . Bro . Knight was elected to the chair for next meeting .
HYDE PARK LODGE , No . 1425 . AT the Prince of Wales Hotel , Eastbourne Terrace , Bishop ' s Boad , Paddington , W ., on the 26 th ult ., Bros . W . H . Smith W . M ., T . Middleweek W . M . 1793 S . W ., A . Collman J . W ., H . Dehane P . M . P . P . G . S . D . Essex Sec , W . H . Handover S . D ., 3 . Chubb J . D ., 3 . E . Beardon I . G ., T . M . Lamble Steward , W . 3 . Ferguson W . M . 177 Dep . Preceptor , H . Foskett P . M . 1642 , W . E . Jefferson , and the following Visitors : —Bros . H . Nash 1425 , S . Brooks 1681 , 0 . Ortner 1920 , F . Mills 1681 .
Bro . Handover , at the request of the W . M ., assumed the chair , and the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Jefferson candidate . The Lodge was called off and on . Bro . Middleweek then assumed the chair , and after the usual preliminaries the Lodge was opened in the second degree and the ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Mills candidate . The Lodge was resumed to the first degree .
The following Brethren were unanimously elected members : Bros . Nash , Brooks , Ortner , and Mills , all of whom acknowledged the compliment . Next meeting being Officers' night Bro . Middleweek was elected W . M , for the 10 th October , and appointed the Officers in rotation .
HUGH OWEN LODGE , No . 2593 . ON Friday , at the Frascati Bestaurant , Oxford Street , W ., Bros . J . B . Shrader W . M ., Fred Aris S . W ., 3 . Whipps J . W ., H . G . Holland P . M . P . P . G . S . B . Preceptor , B . H . Nicholls P . M . Treas ., H . Kobelt Sec , J . Barrett S . D ., W . G . Bead J . D ., Sidney Smith I . G ., W . B . Neville P . M ., T . Melville , C Drake , 0 . Bidgway , W . Bevan , J . Wynman , and others .
The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Bevan candidate . The W . M . proceeded to examine Bro . Neville for the second degree , and he was entrusted . The Lodge was opened up , and the ceremony of passing was rehearsed . Bro . W . Neville P . M . made a strong appeal for votes for the forthcoming election for Girls , on behalf of Marguerite Knott , which deserving case was most impressively supported by Bro . B . H . Nicholls P . M ., and other Brethren .
Bro . T . S . Melvill and W . G . Bevan were elected members , and Bro . Fred Aris was chosen W . M . for next meeting .
LODGE OF FAITH , No . 581 . THE regular meeting was held at the Gransmoor Hotel , Fairfield , on Wednesday , 21 st ult ., Bro . Bobert Adshead W . M . After the confirmation of minutes , the tracing board of the second degree was explained by Brother 3 . H . Smith P . M . P . D . G . S . B . Bombay , this being followed by the historical lecture of the third degree , which was delivered by Bro . Wm . Jones I . P . M .
We believe we are not anticipating matters in mentioning that a change of Lodge quarters is impending , and that it is quite possible future meetings may be held in rooms nearer to the city of Manchester , where the train and tram service will be more convenient for members of the Lodge than at present .
LODGE OF INSTRUCTION , No . 581 . nMHE regular meeting of this Lodge was held at the Old Boar ' s Head -L Hotel , Withy Grove , Manchester , on Thursday , Sth ult ., Bro . Alfred Hebden P . M . 1458 P . P . G . D . D . C . Preceptor . The general Lodge proceedings did not occupy much time , and after they were concluded the Brethren adjourned to the large room of the Hotel
, where an excellent banquet had been provided by Bro . J . Beardmore P . M . P . P . G . D . C . ( host ) . Bro . Hebden presided , being supported by Bros . Godfrey Higham P . M . 1083 P . P . G . D . D . C , Geo . T . Lenard P . M . 1077 Treasurer , G . VV . Davies P . M . 1459 Secretary , George Parker P . M . 1083 acting S . W ., Geo . B . Berry 1011 acting J . W ., W . Goodman P . M . 2185 , W . Yeadon W . M . 1496 ,
Matthew Goth 581 , G . Pettingor 1011 , E . Sawyer 1077 , A . Longworth 1083 , B . V . Clayton 1083 , J . J . Dean 1458 , M . Pogson 1459 , & c . A pleasant social evening was spent , the contributions by vocalists and reciters being well selected . Among those who , by their harmony , added to tho success of the meeting were Bros . R . W . Nuttall 163 , John Kenwick 1011 , H . Jackson 1077 , Jas . Doyle 1458 , Edward Boberts P . M . 1459 , T . C . Lord 1459 , A . Hart 1773 , Cuthbert Howard , and A ; Sneider , Albany , 151 , Newport , Isle of Wight .
Loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and heartily accepted , that of the Provincial Officers being responded to by Bros . Hebden and Higham . The former said ho attributed his success as a Provincial Officer to the fact of his connection with the Lodge of Instruction , and the latter , in the course of some very interesting remarks , said there was ono very important member of the Craft who ought to be induced to pay a visit to the Lodge ; he alluded to
the Provincial Grand Master of East Lancashire . The speaker said he was sure that if Col . Starkie could only be brought to recognise the immense work done by the Lodge he would certainly visit it , and his presence might be a great help in further spreading its influence . The Secretary read apologies for non-attendance from Bros . Bee , Crocker , Horsfield , Loebel , Massie , and others .
Bro . Higham proposed the health of the Preceptor , saying he remembered Bro . Hebden from the period of his first introduction inio the Lodge of Instruction , and at that time had recognised the fact that he had abilities which might be useful to them . Others noticed the same fact , and he was soon put into office , becoming Treasurer , and shortly after that Secretary , and a more zealous and energetic Officer the Lodge had never possessed . At that time the number of members was about forty , and if he made a guess he
should think it now stood at 200 , the increase being mainly attributable to Bro . Hebden , which fact proved that he had the interests of the Lodge at heart . The speaker reverted to the death of the late Preceptor , whose place at the annual meeting of twelve months ago he himself had filled . On that occasion he regarded Bro . Hebden as eminently suitable for the position , and he was elected at the December meeting . Many others among them might be qualified , but none were more so than their President of that evening . One great feature which he had noticed in connection with Bro . Hebden was
his manner in the Lodge , which made him pre-eminently successful in dealing with the members , for he gave everyone the impression that he was having pleasure bestowed upon him , rather than that he was merely performing the ordinary duties of his OfB . ce . These latter he might tell them were arduous , but their Preceptor , from his great knowledge and practice , was ever in advance of the candidate , and soon noticed any lapses . Some time ago he seemed likely to sever his connection with the Lodge , on account of precarious health , but he was now so much recovered as to be able to give his heart and soul to their useful institution .
Bro . Hebden responded , saying he was placed in an awkwardpredicament in trying to respond to the toast so ably proposed by Bro . Higham , and so heartily accepted by the Brethren . When he joined the Lodge he received such kindness from all the members—some of whom had since passed away —that he thought it only right for him to do what he could in return . He
had never had a wrong word with any one from that period up to the present , and he hoped he would be in harmonious touch with them for many years to come . At present he was only on probation , for he had not yot completed his first year of office as Preceptor . He should be glad at all times to help anyone who applied to him , and would regret if anything happened to cause
him to sever his connection with them . Bro . George Parker P . M . proposed the health of the Secretary , saying he believed they had now a good successor to Bro . Hebden in the position , and commending him for the regularity with which he had sent ont the Lodge summonses . Bro . Davies Secretary replied , thanking Bro . Parker for his remarks . He had only been in the office six months , having accepted it out of respect alone for the worthy Preceptor and Bro . Higham , and from the nature of the
work he wondered how he could possibly have found time , to perform it . Indeed , it might ultimately be necessary to appoint an assistant , but in the meantime , he himself would do all he could . The speaker , after enumerating the various positions he held or had passed through in Freemasonry , and which occupied a great portion of his time , gave sonic interesting statistics about the Lodge , which proved that an increase in membership was taking place . He also referred to one of their number who had satisfactorily attempted nearly every portion of Craft work as a preparatory training for his own Lodge .
Bro . John Westall S . W . 1083 proposed the health of the Treasurer Bro . Geo . T . Lenard P . M . They had been informed that evening that they had a Preceptor second to none in the Province , and others had also been spoken well of , but there was still another Officer required—one who could look after their finances—and that was the Treasurer . Tho speaker referred to Bro . Lenard in very flattering terms , and added that he performed his work in a quiet and respectable manner which commended him to everybody . He had been the means of introducing many members into their midst , and really had the institution at heart .
Bro . Lenard replied , thanking Bro . Westall , and acknowledging at the same time that he had certainly introduced many members into the Lodge , for , finding they wanted instruction , he thought it was his bounden duty to get them to join . In recurring to the many benefits derived from the Lodge of Instruction , he said that the practice there took off the newness and awkwardness , and fitted members for the right performance of the various duties when called upon in their own Craft Lodge . In concluding a capital speech he promised to assist both Preceptor and Secretary when required .
Bro . Hebden , in proposing Bro . Higham ' s health , said that the latter claimed this to be the largest recognised Lodge of instruction in connection with Freemasonry , and a challenge to this effect had been thrown out , but not yet answered . Whatever credit was due to thc workers of later years , the fact must not be forgotten that to Bro . Higham , the lather of the Lodge , they were indebted for bravely surmounting all its initial difficulties . They were glad to see him looking so well , and hoped for his continued good health .
Bro . Higham said he heartily thanked Bro . Hebden for the flattering words he had uttered , and the Brethren generally for the manner in which they had endorsed them . He would be compelled to revert to the past ; it was one of the privileges of an old man that he could be retrogressive . Before the close of the present year he would have been a member of the Lodgo of Instruction thirty-one years . He spoke of its early struggles , and of his own appointment as Preceptor , in which ofiice ho had continued for twelve years .
His motive for taking so great an interest in the Lodge was one of gratitude , for had it not been for the help anil instruction received there , his promotion to tho principal chair in his own Craft Lodge would havo been considerabl y retarded . He might inform them that the best Past Mastecs in the Townley Parker Lodge , to which he referred , were those who had beon connected with the" Lodge of Instruction . He took to himself thc credit of having inaugurated those annual gatherings , and he was proud of thc fact that thoy