Article ART IN CONNECTION WITH FREEMASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article ART IN CONNECTION WITH FREEMASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Art In Connection With Freemasonry.
ANY suggestion on the subject of Freemasonry emanating from his Boyal Highness the Prince of Wales Grand Master of England cannot be otherwise than valuable . In the course of a speech , recently made by his Boyal Highness , he ia reported to have said that any press article treating of Masonic matters from an Art point of view could not fail to prove interesting to those desirous of advancing the well being of the Craft . In accordance with this suggestion , we have been at some pains to gather as much information on the subject as possible , and the views herein expressed may be taken as being an epitome of the opinions of a large number of leading members of the Order in England and abroad .
Twenty years ago , it may be said , that , almost without exception , every article used in Masonic adornment was of the most inartistic , crude , and meretricious character . Wretchedly designed , badly manufactured , and when completed much too theatrical and tawdry in effect , the appointments of most Lodges were unworthy of their object . In fact , at ono time anything was considered good enough for Masonic purposes as long as it was showy , pretentious , and cheap . Hence the furniture , fittings , regalia , badges , & c
of many Lodges excited in the minds ot the higher cultured a certain degree of ridicule , which prevailed until a more perfect knowledge of the correct principles of Art had become more widely diffused , and the standard of critical taste had been raised to its proper altitude . It is marvellous that in the interests of the Craft , to say nothing of the interests of Art , thab such a state of things should have so long ' endured . To quote the remarks of a prominent member of the Craft , speaking at Leeds , in 1878 : — " No surer
means could ever have been adopted to bring Masonry into contempt than the introduction of tawdry ornaments into its Lodges . It is useless blaming manufacturers , it is entirely our own fault for not demanding artistic and well-made productions , and paying such prices as will ensure the delivery oi high-class work . " At the time when this remark was made there were many firms engaged in supplying regalia , & c , to Masonic , friendly , and other societies without distinction ; but only one which actually confined its
attention to the manufacture of requisites used in Masonry . This firm—that of Messrs . Spencer and Co ., of 15 Great Queen Street , Holborn , W . C , still occupies this unique position , and it is generally admitted that much of the present artistic excellence of Masonic insignia , & c , as worn by the Officers and Brethren of the Craft , is largely due to their exertions , they having for nearly one hundred years steadfastly advocated by precept and example the adoption of artistic design and solid workmanship , to the exclusion of the
crude and inferior . The aim of the firm—and it is the oldest manufactory of its kind the world can produce—has from the first been to secure recognition of high art as a factor in advancing the interests of Masonry . By keeping this point in view , Messrs . Spencer have succeeded in attaining the apex of distinction as manufacturers of Masonic requisites . _ or years they have taken a pardonable pride in the artistic excellence of their various designs , and in the solid character of the workmanship of their manufactures . They
have the credit of employing , both at their works in London and in Birmingham , the best designers and workers in precious metals , and the most talented painters on enamel it is possible to procure . The specimens of enamel paintings on view at their premises in Great Queen Street are veritable triumphs of the enameller ' s art . The exquisite figures , landscapes , and other subjects which add so greatly to the beauty of many of the higher-priced jewels , could not possibly be surpassed . In the gold embroidery department
alone over fifty young ladies are constantly engaged ; and to give an idea of the degree of excellence expected by the firm from its hands , we may say that only about one iu six of those applying for employment are capable of successfully accomplishing the difficult task the firm has instituted as its probationary test . That the efforts of Messrs . Spencer and Co . to create a taste for , and to supply , high art in all branches of Masonic equipment , is appreciated by the Officers and Brethren of the Craft , is amply testified by the important works which have at various times been entrusted to them . Our readers will
remember the recent Centenary of the Eoyal Masonic Institution for Boys held at the Albert Hall , where , by-the-bye , the enormous sum of £ 134 ; 000 was collected for the purposes of the charity . At this function over 4 , 000 Stewards officiated , each being distinguished by a jewel . On the occasion of a former celebration of a somewhat similar character , the making of the jewels had been entrusted to a number of firms , but this particular centenary being one of special importance , the jewels were required to be of exceptional merit , and the work was therefore offered to public competition . It is sufficient to
Art In Connection With Freemasonry.
say that the entire contract for the 4 , 000 jewels was secured by Messrs . Spencer and Co ., who were also entrusted witu the order for tho magnificent replica in diamonds presented to the Princo of Wales , the chairman of the Festival . As we have before intimated , his Boyal Highness is particularly interested in all that concerns the artistic embellishment of Craft requisites ; therefore it is not surprising that Messrs . Spencer have been entrusted with
many commissions for jewels , & c , for his personal use . On glancing over their list of patrons we find the names of Lord Lathom the Pro Grand Master of England , his Grace the Duke of Portland Provincial Grand Master of Nottinghamshire , the Duke of Connaught , Lord Euston , Lord Egerton of Tatton , Lord Dungarvan , Lord Burton , Earl of Portarlington , Viscount Folkestone , Earl of Warwick , Baron Ferdinand de Rothschild , Marquis of Dalhousie , Lord Addington , Marquis of Hertford , Lord Skelmersdale , Earl of Yarborough , Duke of Devonshire , Marquis of Granby , Lord Halsbury , Sir
Matthew White Ridley , Crown Prince of Denmark , & c . We note also that they are the manufacturers for the Grand Mark Lodge of England , and Great Priory . It was Messrs . Spencer and Co . who carried off , in the face of considerable competition from other firms , Masonic and otherwise , the contract' for furnishing and fitting tho Masonio Rooms at the Hotel Cecil , which are admitted to be the most unique and appropriately fitted in London . They also succeeded , under similar conditions , in securing the contract for the Masonic furniture at the Holborn Restaurant . For both these contracts
special designs were made ; indeed , the firm makes it a point to specially prepare designs for every order given them . The Navy Lodge at the Hotel Cecil , of which the Prince of Wales is perpetual Worshipful Master ; the Fellowship Lodge at Frascati's , and quite a number of other prominent Lodges in various parts of the kingdom , have also been fitted up by this firm , ft was to Messrs . Spencer that the design for the distinctive Star for the Founders of the special Lodge formed by the Masters of Masonic Lodges for
the express purpose of signalising Jubilee Year , was entrusted . The Jewel for the Founders of the Household Brigade Lodge , No . 2614 , of which his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales is also perpetual Worshipful Master , was also supplied by them . The design for this Jewel , when submitted to the M . W . Grand Master , was much commended . It comprehends in its design the badges borne by the six regiments of the Household Guards . The entire furniture of this Lodge ,
together with the collars and badges of office , aprons , & c , were also designed and executed by Messrs . Spencer . It may be mentioned , by-the-way , in respect to this particular Lodge , that nearly all the Brethren are members of the peerage . Amongst other of the works which havo been executed by the firm we may name the entire fittings of the District Grand Lodge of Japan , the Grand Lodge of Egypt at Cairo—one of the most important Masonic
centres in the East—and a host of other Lodges in the Colonies , India , Ceylon , Straits Settlements , Hong Kong and other Chinese ports , and in South Africa as far as the advanced post of Rhodesia . They had the honour of making and supplying the magnificent gold-embroidered banner presented to the Grand Lodge of Egypt by the Grand Master Idris Bey Ragheb . This beautiful specimen of art embroidery was made at an expense of close upon 100 guineas .
We have before stated that Messrs . Spencer and Co . confine themselves as regards Lodge business solely to Masonic work , but this does not necessarily mean they do not execute other work , such as Medals , Illuminated Testimonials , etc . As a matter of fact , they do considerable business in such directions . Of medals alone they have supplied an enormous number ; as an instance , many thousands to various high-class and other schools . Their
work is also much in demand for athletic and other clubs . In Illuminated Addresses , Testimonials , Votes of Thanks , and Condolences , the firm is capable above all other firms of turning out magnificent specimens of highart workmanship . In this direction original design is invariably supplied , this , as we have before stated , being a noticeable feature in connection with all work undertaken by the firm .
To conclude , a visit to Messrs . Spencer's establishment in Great Queen Street is an art education in itself . The thousands of productions in Regalia , Jewels , and the various requisites of Masonic adornment , charm by their beauty and appropriateness of design , the solid character of their workmanship , and their exquisite finish . It is generally admitted that for good work
the firm stands pre-eminent . It deserves its reputation , first for its long continued efforts to advance the cause of Art in connection with Masonry , and , secondly , for confining its attention solely to Masonic work , and thus not degrading it by contact with business foreign to , and , indeed , in some cases , antagonistic to its interests . — " Whitehall Review . "
Eoyal Masonic Institntion for Girls . «/ / ; Offices—5 Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street , London , W . C . Chief Patroness . —HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . Grand Patron and President . —H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M . Grand Patroness . — -H . R . H . THE PRINCESS OF WALES . Bankers . —LONDON & WESTMINSTER BANK , LTD . ( BLOOMSBURY BRANCH ) , HIGH HOLBORN , W . C . 1 , 928 Girls faaPe been provided vtiith Education , Clothing , and Maintenance , the full number of Girls novQ receiving its benefits being 267 . The llltli Anniversary Festival will be held in May 1899 nnder the distinguished presidency of The Right Hon . Viscount Dungarvan , D . L ., R . W . Prov . G . M . Somerset . The names ot * Brethren willing to act as Stewards are earnestly solicited . Every information will be gladly given , and Subscriptions and Donations thankfully received by F . R . W . HEDGES , Secretary , 5 FREEMASONS' HALL , LONDON , W . C .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Art In Connection With Freemasonry.
ANY suggestion on the subject of Freemasonry emanating from his Boyal Highness the Prince of Wales Grand Master of England cannot be otherwise than valuable . In the course of a speech , recently made by his Boyal Highness , he ia reported to have said that any press article treating of Masonic matters from an Art point of view could not fail to prove interesting to those desirous of advancing the well being of the Craft . In accordance with this suggestion , we have been at some pains to gather as much information on the subject as possible , and the views herein expressed may be taken as being an epitome of the opinions of a large number of leading members of the Order in England and abroad .
Twenty years ago , it may be said , that , almost without exception , every article used in Masonic adornment was of the most inartistic , crude , and meretricious character . Wretchedly designed , badly manufactured , and when completed much too theatrical and tawdry in effect , the appointments of most Lodges were unworthy of their object . In fact , at ono time anything was considered good enough for Masonic purposes as long as it was showy , pretentious , and cheap . Hence the furniture , fittings , regalia , badges , & c
of many Lodges excited in the minds ot the higher cultured a certain degree of ridicule , which prevailed until a more perfect knowledge of the correct principles of Art had become more widely diffused , and the standard of critical taste had been raised to its proper altitude . It is marvellous that in the interests of the Craft , to say nothing of the interests of Art , thab such a state of things should have so long ' endured . To quote the remarks of a prominent member of the Craft , speaking at Leeds , in 1878 : — " No surer
means could ever have been adopted to bring Masonry into contempt than the introduction of tawdry ornaments into its Lodges . It is useless blaming manufacturers , it is entirely our own fault for not demanding artistic and well-made productions , and paying such prices as will ensure the delivery oi high-class work . " At the time when this remark was made there were many firms engaged in supplying regalia , & c , to Masonic , friendly , and other societies without distinction ; but only one which actually confined its
attention to the manufacture of requisites used in Masonry . This firm—that of Messrs . Spencer and Co ., of 15 Great Queen Street , Holborn , W . C , still occupies this unique position , and it is generally admitted that much of the present artistic excellence of Masonic insignia , & c , as worn by the Officers and Brethren of the Craft , is largely due to their exertions , they having for nearly one hundred years steadfastly advocated by precept and example the adoption of artistic design and solid workmanship , to the exclusion of the
crude and inferior . The aim of the firm—and it is the oldest manufactory of its kind the world can produce—has from the first been to secure recognition of high art as a factor in advancing the interests of Masonry . By keeping this point in view , Messrs . Spencer have succeeded in attaining the apex of distinction as manufacturers of Masonic requisites . _ or years they have taken a pardonable pride in the artistic excellence of their various designs , and in the solid character of the workmanship of their manufactures . They
have the credit of employing , both at their works in London and in Birmingham , the best designers and workers in precious metals , and the most talented painters on enamel it is possible to procure . The specimens of enamel paintings on view at their premises in Great Queen Street are veritable triumphs of the enameller ' s art . The exquisite figures , landscapes , and other subjects which add so greatly to the beauty of many of the higher-priced jewels , could not possibly be surpassed . In the gold embroidery department
alone over fifty young ladies are constantly engaged ; and to give an idea of the degree of excellence expected by the firm from its hands , we may say that only about one iu six of those applying for employment are capable of successfully accomplishing the difficult task the firm has instituted as its probationary test . That the efforts of Messrs . Spencer and Co . to create a taste for , and to supply , high art in all branches of Masonic equipment , is appreciated by the Officers and Brethren of the Craft , is amply testified by the important works which have at various times been entrusted to them . Our readers will
remember the recent Centenary of the Eoyal Masonic Institution for Boys held at the Albert Hall , where , by-the-bye , the enormous sum of £ 134 ; 000 was collected for the purposes of the charity . At this function over 4 , 000 Stewards officiated , each being distinguished by a jewel . On the occasion of a former celebration of a somewhat similar character , the making of the jewels had been entrusted to a number of firms , but this particular centenary being one of special importance , the jewels were required to be of exceptional merit , and the work was therefore offered to public competition . It is sufficient to
Art In Connection With Freemasonry.
say that the entire contract for the 4 , 000 jewels was secured by Messrs . Spencer and Co ., who were also entrusted witu the order for tho magnificent replica in diamonds presented to the Princo of Wales , the chairman of the Festival . As we have before intimated , his Boyal Highness is particularly interested in all that concerns the artistic embellishment of Craft requisites ; therefore it is not surprising that Messrs . Spencer have been entrusted with
many commissions for jewels , & c , for his personal use . On glancing over their list of patrons we find the names of Lord Lathom the Pro Grand Master of England , his Grace the Duke of Portland Provincial Grand Master of Nottinghamshire , the Duke of Connaught , Lord Euston , Lord Egerton of Tatton , Lord Dungarvan , Lord Burton , Earl of Portarlington , Viscount Folkestone , Earl of Warwick , Baron Ferdinand de Rothschild , Marquis of Dalhousie , Lord Addington , Marquis of Hertford , Lord Skelmersdale , Earl of Yarborough , Duke of Devonshire , Marquis of Granby , Lord Halsbury , Sir
Matthew White Ridley , Crown Prince of Denmark , & c . We note also that they are the manufacturers for the Grand Mark Lodge of England , and Great Priory . It was Messrs . Spencer and Co . who carried off , in the face of considerable competition from other firms , Masonic and otherwise , the contract' for furnishing and fitting tho Masonio Rooms at the Hotel Cecil , which are admitted to be the most unique and appropriately fitted in London . They also succeeded , under similar conditions , in securing the contract for the Masonic furniture at the Holborn Restaurant . For both these contracts
special designs were made ; indeed , the firm makes it a point to specially prepare designs for every order given them . The Navy Lodge at the Hotel Cecil , of which the Prince of Wales is perpetual Worshipful Master ; the Fellowship Lodge at Frascati's , and quite a number of other prominent Lodges in various parts of the kingdom , have also been fitted up by this firm , ft was to Messrs . Spencer that the design for the distinctive Star for the Founders of the special Lodge formed by the Masters of Masonic Lodges for
the express purpose of signalising Jubilee Year , was entrusted . The Jewel for the Founders of the Household Brigade Lodge , No . 2614 , of which his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales is also perpetual Worshipful Master , was also supplied by them . The design for this Jewel , when submitted to the M . W . Grand Master , was much commended . It comprehends in its design the badges borne by the six regiments of the Household Guards . The entire furniture of this Lodge ,
together with the collars and badges of office , aprons , & c , were also designed and executed by Messrs . Spencer . It may be mentioned , by-the-way , in respect to this particular Lodge , that nearly all the Brethren are members of the peerage . Amongst other of the works which havo been executed by the firm we may name the entire fittings of the District Grand Lodge of Japan , the Grand Lodge of Egypt at Cairo—one of the most important Masonic
centres in the East—and a host of other Lodges in the Colonies , India , Ceylon , Straits Settlements , Hong Kong and other Chinese ports , and in South Africa as far as the advanced post of Rhodesia . They had the honour of making and supplying the magnificent gold-embroidered banner presented to the Grand Lodge of Egypt by the Grand Master Idris Bey Ragheb . This beautiful specimen of art embroidery was made at an expense of close upon 100 guineas .
We have before stated that Messrs . Spencer and Co . confine themselves as regards Lodge business solely to Masonic work , but this does not necessarily mean they do not execute other work , such as Medals , Illuminated Testimonials , etc . As a matter of fact , they do considerable business in such directions . Of medals alone they have supplied an enormous number ; as an instance , many thousands to various high-class and other schools . Their
work is also much in demand for athletic and other clubs . In Illuminated Addresses , Testimonials , Votes of Thanks , and Condolences , the firm is capable above all other firms of turning out magnificent specimens of highart workmanship . In this direction original design is invariably supplied , this , as we have before stated , being a noticeable feature in connection with all work undertaken by the firm .
To conclude , a visit to Messrs . Spencer's establishment in Great Queen Street is an art education in itself . The thousands of productions in Regalia , Jewels , and the various requisites of Masonic adornment , charm by their beauty and appropriateness of design , the solid character of their workmanship , and their exquisite finish . It is generally admitted that for good work
the firm stands pre-eminent . It deserves its reputation , first for its long continued efforts to advance the cause of Art in connection with Masonry , and , secondly , for confining its attention solely to Masonic work , and thus not degrading it by contact with business foreign to , and , indeed , in some cases , antagonistic to its interests . — " Whitehall Review . "
Eoyal Masonic Institntion for Girls . «/ / ; Offices—5 Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street , London , W . C . Chief Patroness . —HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . Grand Patron and President . —H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M . Grand Patroness . — -H . R . H . THE PRINCESS OF WALES . Bankers . —LONDON & WESTMINSTER BANK , LTD . ( BLOOMSBURY BRANCH ) , HIGH HOLBORN , W . C . 1 , 928 Girls faaPe been provided vtiith Education , Clothing , and Maintenance , the full number of Girls novQ receiving its benefits being 267 . The llltli Anniversary Festival will be held in May 1899 nnder the distinguished presidency of The Right Hon . Viscount Dungarvan , D . L ., R . W . Prov . G . M . Somerset . The names ot * Brethren willing to act as Stewards are earnestly solicited . Every information will be gladly given , and Subscriptions and Donations thankfully received by F . R . W . HEDGES , Secretary , 5 FREEMASONS' HALL , LONDON , W . C .