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R . B . Lindsell , seconded by Bro . F . Broadsmith , and supported by Bro . J . T . Goulding , Bro . J . W . Byrom , Stamford Lodge , No . 1045 , Altrincham , was unanimously elected to that office .
The following Brethren were appointed Auditors , viz . : Bros . G . Ibeson , J . H . Bellyse / J . Armstrong , J . Cookson , and T . W . Markland .
The Provincial Grand Master invested his Officers for the ensuing year , as follow : — Bro . 3 . E . Perrin .... Senior Warden Ernest Brassey - Junior Warden Eev . O . Hylton Stewart - - - ) ^„„ i „ „„ Eev . C . E . Nunn ... - Chaplains
W . Byrom ----- Treasurer _ . Bettley Cooke - - - - Eegistrar E . Newhouse ( re-appointed ) - - Secretary W . w £ S £ : - " I I [ Senior Deacons
J ° ffln : : : : (* __ * _ _* __ W . Whyte M'Leod - Superintendent of Works H . Gordon Small - Director of Ceremonies J . White ..-.- Deputy Dir . of Oers . E . B . Gadden - 1
3 . Davenport - - - - >• Assistant Dirs . of Cers . John Nicholson - - - - ) William Dale . ... Sword Bearer G . - SSST I I : : [ Standard Bearers T . Brown -- --- Assistant Secretary James Parker .... Organist
John Taylor .... Pursuivant Stanley Bobinson - Assistant Pursuivant J . M'Ewen - - - - - \ J . Ferguson - Alderman H . Mainwaring - - - „ , „ , W . S . Coppock - - - - f Stewards William Slack - - - -
M . H . Wells - - - - / Alfred Huxley ... - Tyler .
A vote of thanks was passed to the Rev . W . M . B . Leutener , rector of St . George ' s , Altrincham , who had placed his church at the disposal of the Provincial Grand Lodge for the purposes of a Masonic service , on the motion of Sir H . Lloyd , seconded by Bro . T . Clayton .
An invitation was received from the Brethren at Hoylake to hold the next annual meeting at that place , but the Provincial Grand Master announced that he had arranged that the meeting should be held at Chester . Before the Lodge was closed , a collection was taken in
aid of the Masonic Chanties , which realised upwards of £ 17 . Subsequently the Brethren wentjin procession , headed by a band , to St . George ' s Church , where a sermon was preached by the Rev . C . R . Nunn Provincial Grand Chaplain . In the evening there was a banquet at the Town Hall , under the presidency of the Provincial Grand Master .
ON the afternoon of the 27 th ult . the annual meeting of this Provincial Grand Lodge was held at the Witham Testimonial Hall , Barnard Castle , this being the first time the Provincial Grand Lodge has held its annual meeting at that place . There was a large gathering , about 300 Provincial Officers and Masters and Officers of Lodges attending .
Sir Hedworth Williamson , Bart ., Provincial Grand Master presided , and Lord Barnard P . P . G . S . W . was the acting Deputy Provincial Grand Master .
Bro . John F . Wilson Prov . Grand Treasurer read the financial statement for the past year , which showed a balance in the National Provincial Bank , Newcastle-on-Tyne , of £ 354 The report was adopted .
Bro . C . S . Lane P . P . G . S . W . presented the report of the Benevolent Fund Committee , in which it was recommended that the sum of 200 guineas be subscribed to
the Durham Masonic Benevolent Festival Fund , thirty guineas to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , and twenty guineas each to the Royal Masonic Girls School and the Royal Masonic Boys School .
Bro . Richard Luck P . P . G . S . W . said it was hoped that such a good foundation having been laid for the Durham Masonic Hudson Benevolent Fund last year that by a Festival to be held next year this charity fund of the Province would be placed in a substantial position .
Sir Hedworth Williamson expressed his approval of the proposal , and trusted that the example of Bro . R . Hudson Prov . G . Secretary , in devoting the sum to the foundation of this fund , which was last year subscribed in recognition of his long and faithful services to the Province , would lead to
a most successful result , and place the Provincial Educational and Benevolent Funds upon a firm and substantial footing . The roll of Lodges having been called , the Provincial Grand Master , in addressing the Lodge , thanked the W . M . and Officers of the Barnard Lodge for the ample
accommodation they had made for their reception . He also thanked the Brethren who had come from long distances for their attendance . After referring to the losses the Craft had sustained by death during the past year , he made reference to the regret which all felt at the severe accident which had befallen H . R . H . the Prince of Wales Grand Master of
England , and recognised the fortitude of His Royal Highness during the time he had been laid aside from his public duties . He also made feeling reference to the recent accident to the Rev . Canon Tristram , D . D ., Deputy Prov . G . M ., and to the loss sustained by the Earl of Lathom in the lamented death
from accident of the Countess of Lathom . The Prov . G . M . also referred to the number of Brethren in the Province—a total of 3 , 092 , a steady increase for the year . He also was pleased at the presence of Lord Barnard , who was near to the chair , and would , in time , he hoped , occupy it . He trusted that Masonry in the Province of Durham would continue to
prosper . Bro . R . Hudson Prov . G . Sec . read the acknowledgment of the address of condolence sent to Lord Lathom , and it was agreed , on the motion of Lord Barnard , seconded by the Hon . Victor Williamson , that Lord Lathom ' s reply be entered on the minutes .
Bro . Robert Stewart P . M . of the Borough Lodge , Gateshead , was elected to the office of Treasurer of the Province , and Bros . W . J . Heppell and W . J . Jobson were elected as Auditors . The Provincial Grand Master announced , in reply to an invitation from the Gateshead Lodges , conveyed by Bro . Holzapfel W . M . 49 , that in all probability the next annual meeting would be held at Gateshead .
The Provincial Grand Master then appointed and invested the following as his Officers for the ensuing year : — Bro . Bev . Canon Tristram , D . D . - - Deputy Cecil P . De Pledue . . . Senior Warden William Waldy - - - . - Junior Warden Eev . _ . D . Brookes - - I „ , , . Rev . B . E . Parr - Chaplains
Eobert Stewart .... Treasurer Thomas Metcalfe - - --- Eegistrar B . Hudson ----- Secretary ^ ffiSSh / 1 I I J s-ior Deacons ISSU ES *" : : : : |!« _«_____
0 . 3 . Walton - Superintendent of Works 0 . T . Johnson ... - Director of Ceremonies George 0 . Askew - - - - Deputy Dir . of Cers . John Lidster .... Assist . Dir . of Cers . John Taylor .... Sword Bearer
E . Lautebach - - - ( Q . , , _ Geo . T . Hyden - - - - f Standard Bearers John T . Eoss .... Organist John Joel -- --- Assistant Secretary James Lee ----- Pursuivant
Eichard Jack .... Assistant Pursuivant Eobert Teasdale - - - - \ Thomas Rutherford - - - James Willan - - - a , , William Hunter .... ^ Stewards , Geo . J . Clarkson - - - - [ James Bell - - - - - ) Thomas Grieve - Tyler .
A Grand Master's Adieu.
npHE Grand Master of Tasmania the Hon . C . E . Davies , JL M . L . C ., on the eve of . his departure for Tasmania entertained at a farewell dinner on Thursday evening , at Freemasons' Tavern , representatives of the various Orders and Degrees of Freemasonry by whom he had been
hospitably received during his stay in England . Among those present on the occasion were the Earl of Euston Pro Grand Master of the Grand Mark Lodge , Thomas Fenn Past Grand Warden Representative of Tasmania at the Grand Lodge of England , R . Loveland-Loveland , Q . C , President of the Board of General Purposes , John Strachan , Q . C ,
Grand Registrar , Colonel and Sheriff Clifford Probyn Grand Treasurer , Edward Letchworth Grand Secretary , Frank Richardson P . G . D . Representative of South Australia , Captain Hearn Grand Sword Bearer , C . Fitzgerald Matier Grand Mark Secretary , and Bro . Kelso King Past Grand Master of New South Wales Mark Masons .
An enjoyable evening was spent , says the " Daily Chronicle , " and the kindest and best wishes of all present were offered to Bro . Davies .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
R . B . Lindsell , seconded by Bro . F . Broadsmith , and supported by Bro . J . T . Goulding , Bro . J . W . Byrom , Stamford Lodge , No . 1045 , Altrincham , was unanimously elected to that office .
The following Brethren were appointed Auditors , viz . : Bros . G . Ibeson , J . H . Bellyse / J . Armstrong , J . Cookson , and T . W . Markland .
The Provincial Grand Master invested his Officers for the ensuing year , as follow : — Bro . 3 . E . Perrin .... Senior Warden Ernest Brassey - Junior Warden Eev . O . Hylton Stewart - - - ) ^„„ i „ „„ Eev . C . E . Nunn ... - Chaplains
W . Byrom ----- Treasurer _ . Bettley Cooke - - - - Eegistrar E . Newhouse ( re-appointed ) - - Secretary W . w £ S £ : - " I I [ Senior Deacons
J ° ffln : : : : (* __ * _ _* __ W . Whyte M'Leod - Superintendent of Works H . Gordon Small - Director of Ceremonies J . White ..-.- Deputy Dir . of Oers . E . B . Gadden - 1
3 . Davenport - - - - >• Assistant Dirs . of Cers . John Nicholson - - - - ) William Dale . ... Sword Bearer G . - SSST I I : : [ Standard Bearers T . Brown -- --- Assistant Secretary James Parker .... Organist
John Taylor .... Pursuivant Stanley Bobinson - Assistant Pursuivant J . M'Ewen - - - - - \ J . Ferguson - Alderman H . Mainwaring - - - „ , „ , W . S . Coppock - - - - f Stewards William Slack - - - -
M . H . Wells - - - - / Alfred Huxley ... - Tyler .
A vote of thanks was passed to the Rev . W . M . B . Leutener , rector of St . George ' s , Altrincham , who had placed his church at the disposal of the Provincial Grand Lodge for the purposes of a Masonic service , on the motion of Sir H . Lloyd , seconded by Bro . T . Clayton .
An invitation was received from the Brethren at Hoylake to hold the next annual meeting at that place , but the Provincial Grand Master announced that he had arranged that the meeting should be held at Chester . Before the Lodge was closed , a collection was taken in
aid of the Masonic Chanties , which realised upwards of £ 17 . Subsequently the Brethren wentjin procession , headed by a band , to St . George ' s Church , where a sermon was preached by the Rev . C . R . Nunn Provincial Grand Chaplain . In the evening there was a banquet at the Town Hall , under the presidency of the Provincial Grand Master .
ON the afternoon of the 27 th ult . the annual meeting of this Provincial Grand Lodge was held at the Witham Testimonial Hall , Barnard Castle , this being the first time the Provincial Grand Lodge has held its annual meeting at that place . There was a large gathering , about 300 Provincial Officers and Masters and Officers of Lodges attending .
Sir Hedworth Williamson , Bart ., Provincial Grand Master presided , and Lord Barnard P . P . G . S . W . was the acting Deputy Provincial Grand Master .
Bro . John F . Wilson Prov . Grand Treasurer read the financial statement for the past year , which showed a balance in the National Provincial Bank , Newcastle-on-Tyne , of £ 354 The report was adopted .
Bro . C . S . Lane P . P . G . S . W . presented the report of the Benevolent Fund Committee , in which it was recommended that the sum of 200 guineas be subscribed to
the Durham Masonic Benevolent Festival Fund , thirty guineas to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , and twenty guineas each to the Royal Masonic Girls School and the Royal Masonic Boys School .
Bro . Richard Luck P . P . G . S . W . said it was hoped that such a good foundation having been laid for the Durham Masonic Hudson Benevolent Fund last year that by a Festival to be held next year this charity fund of the Province would be placed in a substantial position .
Sir Hedworth Williamson expressed his approval of the proposal , and trusted that the example of Bro . R . Hudson Prov . G . Secretary , in devoting the sum to the foundation of this fund , which was last year subscribed in recognition of his long and faithful services to the Province , would lead to
a most successful result , and place the Provincial Educational and Benevolent Funds upon a firm and substantial footing . The roll of Lodges having been called , the Provincial Grand Master , in addressing the Lodge , thanked the W . M . and Officers of the Barnard Lodge for the ample
accommodation they had made for their reception . He also thanked the Brethren who had come from long distances for their attendance . After referring to the losses the Craft had sustained by death during the past year , he made reference to the regret which all felt at the severe accident which had befallen H . R . H . the Prince of Wales Grand Master of
England , and recognised the fortitude of His Royal Highness during the time he had been laid aside from his public duties . He also made feeling reference to the recent accident to the Rev . Canon Tristram , D . D ., Deputy Prov . G . M ., and to the loss sustained by the Earl of Lathom in the lamented death
from accident of the Countess of Lathom . The Prov . G . M . also referred to the number of Brethren in the Province—a total of 3 , 092 , a steady increase for the year . He also was pleased at the presence of Lord Barnard , who was near to the chair , and would , in time , he hoped , occupy it . He trusted that Masonry in the Province of Durham would continue to
prosper . Bro . R . Hudson Prov . G . Sec . read the acknowledgment of the address of condolence sent to Lord Lathom , and it was agreed , on the motion of Lord Barnard , seconded by the Hon . Victor Williamson , that Lord Lathom ' s reply be entered on the minutes .
Bro . Robert Stewart P . M . of the Borough Lodge , Gateshead , was elected to the office of Treasurer of the Province , and Bros . W . J . Heppell and W . J . Jobson were elected as Auditors . The Provincial Grand Master announced , in reply to an invitation from the Gateshead Lodges , conveyed by Bro . Holzapfel W . M . 49 , that in all probability the next annual meeting would be held at Gateshead .
The Provincial Grand Master then appointed and invested the following as his Officers for the ensuing year : — Bro . Bev . Canon Tristram , D . D . - - Deputy Cecil P . De Pledue . . . Senior Warden William Waldy - - - . - Junior Warden Eev . _ . D . Brookes - - I „ , , . Rev . B . E . Parr - Chaplains
Eobert Stewart .... Treasurer Thomas Metcalfe - - --- Eegistrar B . Hudson ----- Secretary ^ ffiSSh / 1 I I J s-ior Deacons ISSU ES *" : : : : |!« _«_____
0 . 3 . Walton - Superintendent of Works 0 . T . Johnson ... - Director of Ceremonies George 0 . Askew - - - - Deputy Dir . of Cers . John Lidster .... Assist . Dir . of Cers . John Taylor .... Sword Bearer
E . Lautebach - - - ( Q . , , _ Geo . T . Hyden - - - - f Standard Bearers John T . Eoss .... Organist John Joel -- --- Assistant Secretary James Lee ----- Pursuivant
Eichard Jack .... Assistant Pursuivant Eobert Teasdale - - - - \ Thomas Rutherford - - - James Willan - - - a , , William Hunter .... ^ Stewards , Geo . J . Clarkson - - - - [ James Bell - - - - - ) Thomas Grieve - Tyler .
A Grand Master's Adieu.
npHE Grand Master of Tasmania the Hon . C . E . Davies , JL M . L . C ., on the eve of . his departure for Tasmania entertained at a farewell dinner on Thursday evening , at Freemasons' Tavern , representatives of the various Orders and Degrees of Freemasonry by whom he had been
hospitably received during his stay in England . Among those present on the occasion were the Earl of Euston Pro Grand Master of the Grand Mark Lodge , Thomas Fenn Past Grand Warden Representative of Tasmania at the Grand Lodge of England , R . Loveland-Loveland , Q . C , President of the Board of General Purposes , John Strachan , Q . C ,
Grand Registrar , Colonel and Sheriff Clifford Probyn Grand Treasurer , Edward Letchworth Grand Secretary , Frank Richardson P . G . D . Representative of South Australia , Captain Hearn Grand Sword Bearer , C . Fitzgerald Matier Grand Mark Secretary , and Bro . Kelso King Past Grand Master of New South Wales Mark Masons .
An enjoyable evening was spent , says the " Daily Chronicle , " and the kindest and best wishes of all present were offered to Bro . Davies .