Article GRAND MARK LODGE. Page 1 of 1 Article CRIMINAL CARELESSNESS. Page 1 of 1
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Grand Mark Lodge.
THE Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and Wales and the Colonies and Dependencies of the British Crown was held on Tuesday evening , at Mark Masons' Hall , London . Bro . the Earl of Euston Deputy Grand Master presided ,
in the absence of the M . W . Grand Master and tbe Pro Grand Master . Bro . the Rov . J . Studholme Brownrigg P . G . Chaplain acted aa Deputy Grand Master , Bro . Frank Richardson G . Registrar acted as G . S . W ., and Bro . Col . A . B . Cook as G . J . W .
After Grand Lodge had been opened in due form , Brother Matier Grand Seoretary read the minntes of the last Communication , whioh were then put by the D . G . M .,
and confirmed . Bro . Col . A . B . Cook moved , aud Bro . the Rev . J . S . Brownrigg seconded , that the following report of the General Board be taken as read : —
During the three months ending 30 th Juno 1891 , there havo been issued : Mark certificates , 413 ; total number registered , 28 , 523 . Warrants for new Lodges , three , viz . : No . 431 , Hibernia , London . „ 432 , Moonta , South Australia .
„ 433 , Britannio , London . Royal Ark Mariner certificates , 84 ; total number registered , 3362 . His Royal Highness tbe Prince of Wales M . W . G . M . has been pleased to appoint—R . W . Bro . Claries Roper Martin to be District Grand Master for Vic tor iu , Australia , in succession to the late R . W .
Bro . Henry Wallace Lowry , and R . W . Bro . the Hon . Jndge Donald Grant MacLeod to be District Grand Master for Burma , in succession to the R . W . Bro . George Francis Travera-Drapes , whose term of office has expired . The Broxbourne Lodge , 428 , was consecrated on 28 th April 1891
at the Crown Hotel , Broxbourne , by the Prov . Grand Master of Hertfordshire , under the impression that place was in Herts . A question , however , having arisen in connection with Craft Lodges meeting there , as to whether the Crown Hotel was really in Herts or not , careful inquiry shows there is no doubt whatever that
the Crown Hotel is in the Parish of Nazmg and county of Essex . Under the circumstances , the M . W . Grand Master , with the concurrence of the Prov . Grand Master of East Anglia , M . W . Brother Lord Henniker , Past G . M ., has been pleased to sanction the Crown Hotel , Broxbourne , being considered as part of the Province of
Herts , BO far as regards the existing Lodge , No . 428 , with the stipulation that all future Lodges to be established at the Crown Hotel , Broxbourne , either by oonseoration or removal , shall belong to the Province of East Anglia . The total amount received on behalf of the Portal Memorial Organ Fund is £ 210 6 s 2 d .
The 23 rd Annual Festival was held at Freemasons' Tavern on the 22 nd July under the presidency of R . W . Bro . the Viscount Dungarvan P . G . W ., and the sum of £ 8156 0 s 6 d was announced . The Board have relieved the following cases : — Bro . A . R ., No . 91 £ 10 0 0 „ J . R ., No . 165 10 0 0
Mra . S . E . B . ( widow of a brother of No . 6 ) 10 0 0 ( Signed ) A . B . COOK , President . FHANK RICHAKDSON , Vice-President . C . FITZGERALD MATIEE , G . Seoretary . Bro . Col . A . B . Cook , in moving that the report be
received and entered on the minutes , said there was nothing particular arising out of this report , but if any brother would like to ask him any question on it he should be happy to reply . There was one point which arose out of an old subject , the consecration of the Broxbourne Lodge
at Broxbourne by mistake that Broxbourne was in Hertfordshire . It so happened that the same mistake was made in the Craft , but it was a very simple matter . The Crown Hotel , Broxbourne , was ont of the county . The town of Broxbourno was just over the bridge and the other side of
the river which divided Hertford and Essex , aud the Crown Hotel was in the Province of East Anglia . Under the circumstances it was thought advisable to have the same
thing done as was done in the Craft , and as was referred to in the report of the General Board , which he now moved be received and entered on the minutes . Bro . Prank Richardson seconded the motion .
The Earl of Euoton said this question had been before the general Board , and it was decided that Lodge 428 should belong to Herts , although at present it met in Essex . The President of the Board was quite right in what ho had stated—that the same course had been followed as was in
the Craft . The motion was put and carried . Bro . Robert Berridge moved , and Bro . A . B . Cook seconded— " That the report be adopted . " The motion was carried , and Grand Lodgo was closod in'due form .
Criminal Carelessness.
CRIMINAL carelessness in handling the ritual of the several branches of the Order is becoming too frequent . Time was when these rituals were guarded with the strictest care , but a slackness in this regard has become quite common . We frequently hear of some one
who left the book confided to his care lying exposed iu such position as to bo read by persons not entitled to that privilege . A recent report is to the effect that an Officer of a Lodge , having taken the ritual home for the purpose of committing the work to memory , left it lying where
a servant had access to it , and having read it , exultantly stated that suoh a thing had occurred . In another case a member of a Lodgo calling on the presiding Officer for
information on a particular matter , the Officer went to an unlocked bureau drawer , and in the presence of a wellgrown daughter , got the ritual and explained the point at issue . When remonstrated with for the carelessness
exhibited , the officer assured the visitor that such was the confidence reposed in the children of the family , that there wa 3 no danger that they would ever open and examine any such book I Such confidence is ofttimes misplaced . Evor since the unfortunate day when Mother Eve betrayed
not only the confidence of her companion , but that of the Supreme Creator also , no one has a right to risk the most sacred of secrets to the honour of any one . Curiosity is
a strong principle with most human beings , and if Eve , fresh from the band of Deity , was not exempt from the crime of prying curiosity , who is there who can be implicitly trusted ?
Another source of criminal carelessness is that of holding conversations concerning the secret transactions of Lodges before children and non-members . Some parents are prone
to believe that children of tender years are not sufficiently observant to note remarks made in their hearing on subjects unsuited to their age , yet , at second thought , every person of mature years knows to the contrary .
The work of the various Orders is thus unwittingly exposed in violation of the most binding obligations to maintain the secrecy of their affairs . And what is the remedy for this criminality ? Enforce the laws made and provided for such cases . —Savannah Independent .
It is to be hoped that the big athletic meetings to be hold to-day ( Saturday ) , at the Fairfield Athletic Grounds , will be favoured with that sine qua non to a big gate , fine weather , and then success is assured . The Liverpool Masonic Athletic Club are holding this meeting to benefit
the Masonic Charities , and no expense has been spared by the promoting body to secure a record attendance as far as Lancashire athletic meetings are concered . Tho prizes are on view in the Rudge Cycle Company ' s window at the top of Bold Street , and it is conceded by old athletes that
a better collection has never been gathered together . In addition to the bicycle racing and running handicaps , soveral special attractive items help to fill tho programme , including two performances by W . G . Hurst , the renowned Canadian bicycle trick rider , who will give two performances during the afternoon .
THE DUKE or PORTLAND AT THUBSO . —The Duke of Portland on the 27 th ult ., laid tbe foundation-stone of Thurso harbour , and also opened a bazaar promoted for the purpose of raising funds for tbe extension of the public library and museam of the town . The streets were gaily decorated for the occasion . His grace was received sit the railway station by the town council , magistrates and sonic <> £
the leading inhabitants , as well as the voluuteors nnd Freemasons ' A large crowd assembled along tho route from the station to tho hall , where tbe duke was " affiliated " to the local Lodge . Then his gracu proceeded to the harbour , whero he laid the fonndation-stone in the presence of a large concourse of people . Afterwards he was entertained at a banquet , at the Royal Hotel .
THE NEOBO AND THE PILLS . —At the Liverpool Police Court , tho other day , before Mr . Kingborn , deputy stipendiary magistrate , it came out in tho course of cross-examination of a witness in a trivial case of theft , that one of them , a young negro , had been some tinw ogo charged with stealing a lady ' s satchel , iu which was a box ot
Beechain a Pills . On looking at tho box , and seoiug on it that tbeV were " worth a guinea a box , " ho proceeded to take them , and notwithstanding that several of his friends implored him to let tho ffl have one or two , he swollowed tho contents of tho box . The fio 0 healthy appoarauco of tho witness showed that the pills moat < wr « tainly have agreed with him . — Liverpool Echo ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Grand Mark Lodge.
THE Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and Wales and the Colonies and Dependencies of the British Crown was held on Tuesday evening , at Mark Masons' Hall , London . Bro . the Earl of Euston Deputy Grand Master presided ,
in the absence of the M . W . Grand Master and tbe Pro Grand Master . Bro . the Rov . J . Studholme Brownrigg P . G . Chaplain acted aa Deputy Grand Master , Bro . Frank Richardson G . Registrar acted as G . S . W ., and Bro . Col . A . B . Cook as G . J . W .
After Grand Lodge had been opened in due form , Brother Matier Grand Seoretary read the minntes of the last Communication , whioh were then put by the D . G . M .,
and confirmed . Bro . Col . A . B . Cook moved , aud Bro . the Rev . J . S . Brownrigg seconded , that the following report of the General Board be taken as read : —
During the three months ending 30 th Juno 1891 , there havo been issued : Mark certificates , 413 ; total number registered , 28 , 523 . Warrants for new Lodges , three , viz . : No . 431 , Hibernia , London . „ 432 , Moonta , South Australia .
„ 433 , Britannio , London . Royal Ark Mariner certificates , 84 ; total number registered , 3362 . His Royal Highness tbe Prince of Wales M . W . G . M . has been pleased to appoint—R . W . Bro . Claries Roper Martin to be District Grand Master for Vic tor iu , Australia , in succession to the late R . W .
Bro . Henry Wallace Lowry , and R . W . Bro . the Hon . Jndge Donald Grant MacLeod to be District Grand Master for Burma , in succession to the R . W . Bro . George Francis Travera-Drapes , whose term of office has expired . The Broxbourne Lodge , 428 , was consecrated on 28 th April 1891
at the Crown Hotel , Broxbourne , by the Prov . Grand Master of Hertfordshire , under the impression that place was in Herts . A question , however , having arisen in connection with Craft Lodges meeting there , as to whether the Crown Hotel was really in Herts or not , careful inquiry shows there is no doubt whatever that
the Crown Hotel is in the Parish of Nazmg and county of Essex . Under the circumstances , the M . W . Grand Master , with the concurrence of the Prov . Grand Master of East Anglia , M . W . Brother Lord Henniker , Past G . M ., has been pleased to sanction the Crown Hotel , Broxbourne , being considered as part of the Province of
Herts , BO far as regards the existing Lodge , No . 428 , with the stipulation that all future Lodges to be established at the Crown Hotel , Broxbourne , either by oonseoration or removal , shall belong to the Province of East Anglia . The total amount received on behalf of the Portal Memorial Organ Fund is £ 210 6 s 2 d .
The 23 rd Annual Festival was held at Freemasons' Tavern on the 22 nd July under the presidency of R . W . Bro . the Viscount Dungarvan P . G . W ., and the sum of £ 8156 0 s 6 d was announced . The Board have relieved the following cases : — Bro . A . R ., No . 91 £ 10 0 0 „ J . R ., No . 165 10 0 0
Mra . S . E . B . ( widow of a brother of No . 6 ) 10 0 0 ( Signed ) A . B . COOK , President . FHANK RICHAKDSON , Vice-President . C . FITZGERALD MATIEE , G . Seoretary . Bro . Col . A . B . Cook , in moving that the report be
received and entered on the minutes , said there was nothing particular arising out of this report , but if any brother would like to ask him any question on it he should be happy to reply . There was one point which arose out of an old subject , the consecration of the Broxbourne Lodge
at Broxbourne by mistake that Broxbourne was in Hertfordshire . It so happened that the same mistake was made in the Craft , but it was a very simple matter . The Crown Hotel , Broxbourne , was ont of the county . The town of Broxbourno was just over the bridge and the other side of
the river which divided Hertford and Essex , aud the Crown Hotel was in the Province of East Anglia . Under the circumstances it was thought advisable to have the same
thing done as was done in the Craft , and as was referred to in the report of the General Board , which he now moved be received and entered on the minutes . Bro . Prank Richardson seconded the motion .
The Earl of Euoton said this question had been before the general Board , and it was decided that Lodge 428 should belong to Herts , although at present it met in Essex . The President of the Board was quite right in what ho had stated—that the same course had been followed as was in
the Craft . The motion was put and carried . Bro . Robert Berridge moved , and Bro . A . B . Cook seconded— " That the report be adopted . " The motion was carried , and Grand Lodgo was closod in'due form .
Criminal Carelessness.
CRIMINAL carelessness in handling the ritual of the several branches of the Order is becoming too frequent . Time was when these rituals were guarded with the strictest care , but a slackness in this regard has become quite common . We frequently hear of some one
who left the book confided to his care lying exposed iu such position as to bo read by persons not entitled to that privilege . A recent report is to the effect that an Officer of a Lodge , having taken the ritual home for the purpose of committing the work to memory , left it lying where
a servant had access to it , and having read it , exultantly stated that suoh a thing had occurred . In another case a member of a Lodgo calling on the presiding Officer for
information on a particular matter , the Officer went to an unlocked bureau drawer , and in the presence of a wellgrown daughter , got the ritual and explained the point at issue . When remonstrated with for the carelessness
exhibited , the officer assured the visitor that such was the confidence reposed in the children of the family , that there wa 3 no danger that they would ever open and examine any such book I Such confidence is ofttimes misplaced . Evor since the unfortunate day when Mother Eve betrayed
not only the confidence of her companion , but that of the Supreme Creator also , no one has a right to risk the most sacred of secrets to the honour of any one . Curiosity is
a strong principle with most human beings , and if Eve , fresh from the band of Deity , was not exempt from the crime of prying curiosity , who is there who can be implicitly trusted ?
Another source of criminal carelessness is that of holding conversations concerning the secret transactions of Lodges before children and non-members . Some parents are prone
to believe that children of tender years are not sufficiently observant to note remarks made in their hearing on subjects unsuited to their age , yet , at second thought , every person of mature years knows to the contrary .
The work of the various Orders is thus unwittingly exposed in violation of the most binding obligations to maintain the secrecy of their affairs . And what is the remedy for this criminality ? Enforce the laws made and provided for such cases . —Savannah Independent .
It is to be hoped that the big athletic meetings to be hold to-day ( Saturday ) , at the Fairfield Athletic Grounds , will be favoured with that sine qua non to a big gate , fine weather , and then success is assured . The Liverpool Masonic Athletic Club are holding this meeting to benefit
the Masonic Charities , and no expense has been spared by the promoting body to secure a record attendance as far as Lancashire athletic meetings are concered . Tho prizes are on view in the Rudge Cycle Company ' s window at the top of Bold Street , and it is conceded by old athletes that
a better collection has never been gathered together . In addition to the bicycle racing and running handicaps , soveral special attractive items help to fill tho programme , including two performances by W . G . Hurst , the renowned Canadian bicycle trick rider , who will give two performances during the afternoon .
THE DUKE or PORTLAND AT THUBSO . —The Duke of Portland on the 27 th ult ., laid tbe foundation-stone of Thurso harbour , and also opened a bazaar promoted for the purpose of raising funds for tbe extension of the public library and museam of the town . The streets were gaily decorated for the occasion . His grace was received sit the railway station by the town council , magistrates and sonic <> £
the leading inhabitants , as well as the voluuteors nnd Freemasons ' A large crowd assembled along tho route from the station to tho hall , where tbe duke was " affiliated " to the local Lodge . Then his gracu proceeded to the harbour , whero he laid the fonndation-stone in the presence of a large concourse of people . Afterwards he was entertained at a banquet , at the Royal Hotel .
THE NEOBO AND THE PILLS . —At the Liverpool Police Court , tho other day , before Mr . Kingborn , deputy stipendiary magistrate , it came out in tho course of cross-examination of a witness in a trivial case of theft , that one of them , a young negro , had been some tinw ogo charged with stealing a lady ' s satchel , iu which was a box ot
Beechain a Pills . On looking at tho box , and seoiug on it that tbeV were " worth a guinea a box , " ho proceeded to take them , and notwithstanding that several of his friends implored him to let tho ffl have one or two , he swollowed tho contents of tho box . The fio 0 healthy appoarauco of tho witness showed that the pills moat < wr « tainly have agreed with him . — Liverpool Echo ,