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A WONDERFUL MEDICM 11 BEECHAM ' S PILLS ARE UNIVERSALLY ADMITTED TO BE Beecham ' s Fills WORTH A GUINEA A BOX . Beecham's Pills , for Bilious and Nervous Disorders , such as Wind <• and Pain in the Stomach , Sick Headache , Giddi-TtaonhaYYi'c Plllc ness » Fulne 8 S and Swelling after Meals , Dizziness "D / j o /» 'ha'm *« Plllc JJCClfUUiUi b JTlllb and Drowsiness , Cold Chills , Flushings of Heat , -DtJCUllCMIl b Jt . LUb - —— - » -- __»______»___»________ Loss of Appetite , Shortness of Breath , Costive- _____________________»__ - ____ ness , Scurvy , Blotches on the Skin , Disturbed "RpOpham ^ Q Plllc Sleep > Fri S htfnl Dreams , and all Nervous and "D / j / jpllQtYl ^ a Pill * -LFCCOIiClIU b Jt lUb Trembling Sensations , & o . The first dose will JOOCUlUUII b JTJLUb ¦ —— , give relief in twenty minutes . This is no fiction , __—_—____—___—___ for they have done it in countless cases . Every Ttaanhom'a Plllc sufferer is earnestly invited to try one Box of these T > oOf » Tia"m ' a Plllc JjGGblldbllL b rilLb Kll 8 j and they will be acknowledged to be JJCCWldiU b JTlXib — WORTH A GUINEA A BOX . For Females of all ages these Pills are invaluable . Beecham ' s Pills *^ ajumia i » without them There isno Beecham s Pills -- * v WUVUUJ . w * . Medicine to be found to equal Beecham ' s Pills for W *» W- _ , M »** » * . ——— ¦ removing any Obstruction or Irregularity of the ——————————————WORTH A SUINEA A BOX . System . If taken according to the Directions I Beecham ' s Pills f e ° ™* h .. «* *** > thej fl * » * ° r Beecham ' s Pills Females of all ages to sound and robust health . ~—— - ——————————— - r pjjjg nag | jeen proved Dy Thousands who have - __ - __——_—>__—tried them and found the benefits which are Beecham ' s Pills »«¦»* h i ? ™ - ,,,., „ . > . „ Beecham ' s Pills For a Weak Stomach , Impaired Digestion and ' all Disorders of the Liver , they act like "Magic , " ~""~—————————and a few doses will be found to work wonders Beecham ' s Pills np ° n the most im p ° rtant ° rgans ° f the human Beecham ' s Pills machine . They strengthen the whole Muscular . System , restore the long-lost Complexion , bring ~ " —^—————————back the keen edge of Appetite , and arouse into 'Beecham ' s Fills action > with the Ro 3 ebud of Healththe whole Beecham ' s Pills physical energy of the human frame . These are facts testified continually by members of all classes of Society ; and one of the best guarantees to 9 Beechams Pills the Nervoiia and Debiiitated *> . Beecham ' s Pilis Beeciiams Pills have the Largest Sale of any Patent Medicine in the World . BEECHAMS PILLS ! FULL DIRECTIONS GIVEN WITH EACH BOX . PREPARED BY THOMAS BEECHAM , ST . HELENS , LANCASHIRE , and Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers everywhere , in Boxes , 9 Jd , Is lid , and 2 s 9 d each .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A WONDERFUL MEDICM 11 BEECHAM ' S PILLS ARE UNIVERSALLY ADMITTED TO BE Beecham ' s Fills WORTH A GUINEA A BOX . Beecham's Pills , for Bilious and Nervous Disorders , such as Wind <• and Pain in the Stomach , Sick Headache , Giddi-TtaonhaYYi'c Plllc ness » Fulne 8 S and Swelling after Meals , Dizziness "D / j o /» 'ha'm *« Plllc JJCClfUUiUi b JTlllb and Drowsiness , Cold Chills , Flushings of Heat , -DtJCUllCMIl b Jt . LUb - —— - » -- __»______»___»________ Loss of Appetite , Shortness of Breath , Costive- _____________________»__ - ____ ness , Scurvy , Blotches on the Skin , Disturbed "RpOpham ^ Q Plllc Sleep > Fri S htfnl Dreams , and all Nervous and "D / j / jpllQtYl ^ a Pill * -LFCCOIiClIU b Jt lUb Trembling Sensations , & o . The first dose will JOOCUlUUII b JTJLUb ¦ —— , give relief in twenty minutes . This is no fiction , __—_—____—___—___ for they have done it in countless cases . Every Ttaanhom'a Plllc sufferer is earnestly invited to try one Box of these T > oOf » Tia"m ' a Plllc JjGGblldbllL b rilLb Kll 8 j and they will be acknowledged to be JJCCWldiU b JTlXib — WORTH A GUINEA A BOX . For Females of all ages these Pills are invaluable . Beecham ' s Pills *^ ajumia i » without them There isno Beecham s Pills -- * v WUVUUJ . w * . Medicine to be found to equal Beecham ' s Pills for W *» W- _ , M »** » * . ——— ¦ removing any Obstruction or Irregularity of the ——————————————WORTH A SUINEA A BOX . System . If taken according to the Directions I Beecham ' s Pills f e ° ™* h .. «* *** > thej fl * » * ° r Beecham ' s Pills Females of all ages to sound and robust health . ~—— - ——————————— - r pjjjg nag | jeen proved Dy Thousands who have - __ - __——_—>__—tried them and found the benefits which are Beecham ' s Pills »«¦»* h i ? ™ - ,,,., „ . > . „ Beecham ' s Pills For a Weak Stomach , Impaired Digestion and ' all Disorders of the Liver , they act like "Magic , " ~""~—————————and a few doses will be found to work wonders Beecham ' s Pills np ° n the most im p ° rtant ° rgans ° f the human Beecham ' s Pills machine . They strengthen the whole Muscular . System , restore the long-lost Complexion , bring ~ " —^—————————back the keen edge of Appetite , and arouse into 'Beecham ' s Fills action > with the Ro 3 ebud of Healththe whole Beecham ' s Pills physical energy of the human frame . These are facts testified continually by members of all classes of Society ; and one of the best guarantees to 9 Beechams Pills the Nervoiia and Debiiitated *> . Beecham ' s Pilis Beeciiams Pills have the Largest Sale of any Patent Medicine in the World . BEECHAMS PILLS ! FULL DIRECTIONS GIVEN WITH EACH BOX . PREPARED BY THOMAS BEECHAM , ST . HELENS , LANCASHIRE , and Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers everywhere , in Boxes , 9 Jd , Is lid , and 2 s 9 d each .