Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article ST. BEDE'S LODGE, No. 1119. Page 1 of 1 Article HAMER LODGE, No. 1393. Page 1 of 1 Article HAMER LODGE, No. 1393. Page 1 of 1 Article LODGE OBEDIENCE, No. 1753. Page 1 of 1 Article PRINCE EDWARD OF SAXE.WEIMAR LODGE, No. 1903. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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BOCK LODGE , No . 1289 , v . EVERTON LODGE , No . 823 . MATCH AT BOWLS .
Tho annual match between the above Lodges took plaoe at Hunt ' s Cross ou Thursday , 20 th ult ., and resulted iu a very easy win for the Ruck Lodge . Score : — ROOK . SINGLES . EVEBTON . Bro . L . Ellis 13 Bro . Sims ( capt . ) ... 9
J . Daken 13 Lowe 11 R . Roberts 13 Webster 7 R . S . Roberts 13 Boylett 4 P . Davies 13 N . B aimer 1
King-Ellison 13 Gow 7 H . Archibald 13 Maddooks 6 D . Read 13 Britten 6 John Lee W . M . ... 13 W . H . Davies 9 R . S . Roberts ( sab . ) ... 13 Barnes 8
130 68 ROCK . DOUBLES , EVERTON . Ellis and Dakeu 11 Sims and Lowe 13 R . Roberts and R . S . Roberts 13 Webster and Boylett ... 7 Archibald aud Read ... 13 Maddooks and Britten ... 8 Lee aud Davies ... 13 Davies and Bulmer ... 12 Ellison aud S . Roberts ( sub . ) 13 Gow and Barnes 0 63 40
Majority on Singles ... 62 Majority on Doubles ... 23 Total 85
St. Bede's Lodge, No. 1119.
ST . BEDE'S LODGE , No . 1119 .
rJiHE annual meeting was held on the 26 th ult ., in the Freemasons ' J- Lodge , Jarrow , when there was a very large attendance of the Past Masters of tho Lodge and visiting brethren . The W . M . Brother James Robinson presided , and was supported by Bros , Soderburg I . P . M ., Brown P . M . P . P . G . A . D . C ., Davies P . G . Steward P . M .,
T . Rentou P . M . P . P . G . D ., Witter P . M . P . P . G . S . B ., Sedcole P . M ., Golder P . M . P . P . G . Standard Bearer , Chater S . W . W . M .-eleot , Taylor J . W ., Thomas Robinson Treasurer , MoDongall P . M . P . P . G . Standard Bearer Seoretary , Princo S . D ., Voss J . D ., Tate Organist P . G . O ., W . Ronton J . S ., Horner Tyler 1119 , and the following Visitors : —
Bros . Penney W . M . 1970 , Usher P . M . 481 P . P . G . P . Northumberland , Moor P . M . 97 2039 P . P . G . D ., Chadwiok P . M . P . P . G . S . B ., Sntoliffe
P . M . 240 , Cameron S . W . 240 , Shaw S . W . 424 , Roy I . G . 1643 , Harland S . W . 1970 , Bates , Dorio Lodge , 933 , Liverpool . Tho prinoipal business of the meeting was the installation of the W . M . for tho ensuing year . At last meeting Bro . Chater S . W . was olected to this the highest office in the Lodgo . He was presented for installation by Bro . Brown P . M . P . P . G . Dir . of Cers . to the Installing Master
Bro . James Robinson W . M ., who very ably undertook tho important duties , aud installed Bro . Chater iu the chair of K . S . amid the general appreciation of the brethren . The newly-installed W . M . was duly proclaimed and saluted , and afterwards invested the following as the Officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . Jas . Robiosou I . P . M ., Taylor S . W ., Prince J . W ., Thomas Robinson Treasurer ,
MoDongall P . M . Secretary , Voss S . D ., Rigby J . D ., Madgshon I . G ., Tate Organist , Davies P . M . Dir . of Cers ., W . F . Ronton , and J . F . Douglass Stewards , Horner Tyler . The W . M . afterwards presented a handsome Past Master ' s jewel to Bro . James Robinson I . P . M ., as a token of esteem , and as an expression of the high regard in which his services had been held by the Lodge for some time past .
Bro . James Robinson acknowledged the presentation , thanking the W . M ., Past Masters , and Brethren for their kind mark of recognition . Hearty good wishes were expressed towards the newly-inotalied W . M . by Officers of the following Lodges : Nos . 97 , 2039 , 240 , 1970 , 1643 , 424 , 933 , 431 , 481 , and Qnatuor Coronati . In the
evening the annual festival of tho Lodge was held at Brother Rutherford ' s , County Hotel , Jarrow . Bro . Chater W . M . presided , and over 60 Past Masters , members and Visitors sat down to an excellent well-served menu . The Loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and received with great enthusiasm .
Hamer Lodge, No. 1393.
HAMER LODGE , No . 1393 .
THE annual outing was held on Wednesday , 26 th ult ., when the brethren , with their wives and friends , numbering about 50 , left the Masonic Hall , Hope Street , in well-appointed wagonottes lor Aughtou , near Ormskirk . On arrival thore the company wero photographed by Bro . Mowll , of tho well-known firm of Mossre . Mowll and Morrison , by their new instantaneous process .
Aftowards the patty adjourned to the Stanley Arms Hole ) , whero a substantial knife-ami-fork tea had been prepared . The W . M . of th > - Lodge , Bro . J . A . flis ; uett , presided , and amongst tho general company present were Bro . and Mrs . James Pilling , Bro . R . J . L .
Kynaston , Bro . and Mrs . W . T . Ovcraby , Bro . and Mra . liaiubow , Bro . and Mrs . J . R . Haukey , Bro . J . C . Brooks , Bro . and Mrs . G . W . Baron , Bro . and Mrs . T . A . Laidlaw , Bro . aud Mra . Noils Christeudon , Dr . John and Mid . M'Murray , aud Bro . A . E . M'Dougall . The toutt list was conliued to throe , viz ., tho Queen , tho W . M . ( Bro . Higuett ) ,
Hamer Lodge, No. 1393.
aud the Ladies , the last one being humorously responded to by Miss Brooks , a visitor from Grimsby . Tho weather fortunately kept fine uotil tho party nearly reaohed Liverpool again . The whole of the
arrangemouts , which gave general satisfaction , wore effectively carried out under the personal superintendence of the W . M . Brother J . A . Hignett , ably assisted by Bro . R . J . L . Kynaston P . M . Treas ., and Bro . T . A . Laidlaw Secretary .
Lodge Obedience, No. 1753.
ON Monday the annual Installation was held , at the White Hart Hotel , Okehampton . The oeremony was ably performed by Bro Gregory P . P . G . A . D . C . Treas . 1254 , who acted as Installing Master-The W . M elect was Bro . Wonnacott who , having been installed , appointed his Officers , as follow : —Bros . Reddaway I . P . M ., Pierce S . W ., Mannell J . W ., Rowe Secretary , Reed I . G ., Piper S . D ., Sowell
J . D ., Elli 3 Organist , Masters D . C , Dorant Steward , Coombe Tyler . Bro . Gregory was appointed the representative on the Committee of Petitions . The following brethren wore present;—Gregory , Symons P . M ., Futoher P . M ., and Yen P . M . Treas . ; Bros . Coombe , Perkins , Ellis , Masters , Dorant , Powesland , and Moon : Visitors—Bros .
Hosken P . M . 1332 , Hector J . W . 1332 , Otton Chap . 1284 , Rowe Seo . 1332 , Pratt 106 , Pook 1284 , Boon 1254 , Ford 1284 , Hossell 325 , and Boyoo 302 , Hope Bradford . The brethren then adjourned to the White Hart Hotel , where the annual banquet was held . Host Leek provided a richerche " repast .
Prince Edward Of Saxe.Weimar Lodge, No. 1903.
THERE was a numerous and representative gathering of members of tbe anoient Craft ( including several W . M . ' s and P . M . ' s ) at the Freemasons' Hall , Portsmouth , on Tuesday , 18 th ult ., on tha occasion of the installation of Bro . Lieutenant Hubert G . Giles R . N ., H . M . S . Orontes , as Worshipful Master for the ensuing year , in succession to Bro . E . Anstiu . The ceremony was ably and impressively
performed by the retiring W . M ., who was afterwards presented with a Past Master ' s jewel as a mark of appreciation of the ability and efficiency with which he has discharged his duties during the past year . The W . M . installed his Officers , as under : Bros . Lieut . H . G . Gilos W . M ., Austin I . P . M ., Captain the Hon . Carzon-Howe S . W .,
Rev . Betts J . W ., Backler Treasurer , Willson P . M . Secretary , Cliurcher S . D ., Townshend J . D ., Martyr Dir . Cer ., Wilton Organist , Eyro I . G ., Queonly and Candish Stewards . At the banquet whioh followed the W . M . was supported by the V . W . the Deputy Prov . Grand Master ( Bro . J . E . Le Fouvre , J . P . ) , Bro . Edc » ar Goble Prov .
G . Secretary , and Bro . Lioutenant James Knowles , R . N ., Prov . G . S . Warden . The banquet was woll served by Bro . Butler , of Osborne Road , Suuthson . Subsequently the usual loyal and Masonio toasts wero proposed and responded to , and the speeches wero interspersed with vocal selections admirably rendered by Master W . T . Porter and Bros . Brown , Gawthrop , Turle , Lee , and Grice .
, Warner Lodge of Instruction , No . 2192 . —The wookly meeting wns held at Bridge Chambers , Hoe Street , Walthamstow , on Monday , 31 st ult . Bros . Trickett W . M ., Briginshaw P . G . S . S . W ., Smith J . W ., Ives P . M . acting Preceptor , Wilson S . D ., Clark J . D ., Short I . G ., Bestow Assistant Secretary , Bateman Steward , Bail lie , T . Maynard , S . B . Thorogood , Horst , Jeremy , Bastiok , Fuller ,
James Pinder P . M ., Maun , Lewis , Gray jun . ; and others . After preliminaries had been dnly observed , tho ceremony of the second degree was rehearsed , Bro . Fuller candidate . The Lodgo was called off , and after having been duly called on , the ceremony of installation was rehearsed . Bro . Briginshaw was presented and duly installed into the chair of K . S . according to anciont custom . The brethren
saluted the W . M . in tho three degrees , after which the W . M . appointed nnd invested his Officers , and the Installing Master delivered the addresses . Bro . Briginshaw was unanimously eleoted to occupy the chair at ongoing meeting , and appointed Officers in rotation . Nothing further offering for the good of Freemasonry , after hearty good wishes , the Lodge was closed and adjourned until Monday , 7 th inst .
Royal Arch.
ST . JOHN'S CHAPTER , No . 70 .
rjMHE regular convocation was held on the 27 th nit ., at the Free--1- masons' Hall , Plymouth . Three members wero exalted , and t . io following Officers wero elected : —Ex-Couips W . J . Hockiug Z ., W . F . Wostcott II ., W . King J ., G . Sercombe I . P . Z ., J . B . Lord P . Z . S . E ., T . B . Gover P . Z . S . N ., Comps . J . Hicks P . Soj ., John Goad 1 st A . S .,
, loiiu Burton 2 nu A . b ., ex-Comp . F . B . Westlake P . Z . Treasurer , Comps . J . S . Hall D . C , A . G . Colliugs A . D . C ., E . J . Seymour Organist , J . H . Hamilton , Hon . H . V . Duncombo Stewards , W . H . Phillips Janitor .
VIic TOWBB FUH . VISKISC COUPAHX LIMITED suppy gooils on Hire direct from Hiriut'iietiirers ; one , two or three years ' credit without security . Purchasers have the choice of 1 UO WhoIes ; ilo Houses . Call or write for Prospectus . Address—Secretary , 43 Great Tower Street , E . C ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
BOCK LODGE , No . 1289 , v . EVERTON LODGE , No . 823 . MATCH AT BOWLS .
Tho annual match between the above Lodges took plaoe at Hunt ' s Cross ou Thursday , 20 th ult ., and resulted iu a very easy win for the Ruck Lodge . Score : — ROOK . SINGLES . EVEBTON . Bro . L . Ellis 13 Bro . Sims ( capt . ) ... 9
J . Daken 13 Lowe 11 R . Roberts 13 Webster 7 R . S . Roberts 13 Boylett 4 P . Davies 13 N . B aimer 1
King-Ellison 13 Gow 7 H . Archibald 13 Maddooks 6 D . Read 13 Britten 6 John Lee W . M . ... 13 W . H . Davies 9 R . S . Roberts ( sab . ) ... 13 Barnes 8
130 68 ROCK . DOUBLES , EVERTON . Ellis and Dakeu 11 Sims and Lowe 13 R . Roberts and R . S . Roberts 13 Webster and Boylett ... 7 Archibald aud Read ... 13 Maddooks and Britten ... 8 Lee aud Davies ... 13 Davies and Bulmer ... 12 Ellison aud S . Roberts ( sub . ) 13 Gow and Barnes 0 63 40
Majority on Singles ... 62 Majority on Doubles ... 23 Total 85
St. Bede's Lodge, No. 1119.
ST . BEDE'S LODGE , No . 1119 .
rJiHE annual meeting was held on the 26 th ult ., in the Freemasons ' J- Lodge , Jarrow , when there was a very large attendance of the Past Masters of tho Lodge and visiting brethren . The W . M . Brother James Robinson presided , and was supported by Bros , Soderburg I . P . M ., Brown P . M . P . P . G . A . D . C ., Davies P . G . Steward P . M .,
T . Rentou P . M . P . P . G . D ., Witter P . M . P . P . G . S . B ., Sedcole P . M ., Golder P . M . P . P . G . Standard Bearer , Chater S . W . W . M .-eleot , Taylor J . W ., Thomas Robinson Treasurer , MoDongall P . M . P . P . G . Standard Bearer Seoretary , Princo S . D ., Voss J . D ., Tate Organist P . G . O ., W . Ronton J . S ., Horner Tyler 1119 , and the following Visitors : —
Bros . Penney W . M . 1970 , Usher P . M . 481 P . P . G . P . Northumberland , Moor P . M . 97 2039 P . P . G . D ., Chadwiok P . M . P . P . G . S . B ., Sntoliffe
P . M . 240 , Cameron S . W . 240 , Shaw S . W . 424 , Roy I . G . 1643 , Harland S . W . 1970 , Bates , Dorio Lodge , 933 , Liverpool . Tho prinoipal business of the meeting was the installation of the W . M . for tho ensuing year . At last meeting Bro . Chater S . W . was olected to this the highest office in the Lodgo . He was presented for installation by Bro . Brown P . M . P . P . G . Dir . of Cers . to the Installing Master
Bro . James Robinson W . M ., who very ably undertook tho important duties , aud installed Bro . Chater iu the chair of K . S . amid the general appreciation of the brethren . The newly-installed W . M . was duly proclaimed and saluted , and afterwards invested the following as the Officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . Jas . Robiosou I . P . M ., Taylor S . W ., Prince J . W ., Thomas Robinson Treasurer ,
MoDongall P . M . Secretary , Voss S . D ., Rigby J . D ., Madgshon I . G ., Tate Organist , Davies P . M . Dir . of Cers ., W . F . Ronton , and J . F . Douglass Stewards , Horner Tyler . The W . M . afterwards presented a handsome Past Master ' s jewel to Bro . James Robinson I . P . M ., as a token of esteem , and as an expression of the high regard in which his services had been held by the Lodge for some time past .
Bro . James Robinson acknowledged the presentation , thanking the W . M ., Past Masters , and Brethren for their kind mark of recognition . Hearty good wishes were expressed towards the newly-inotalied W . M . by Officers of the following Lodges : Nos . 97 , 2039 , 240 , 1970 , 1643 , 424 , 933 , 431 , 481 , and Qnatuor Coronati . In the
evening the annual festival of tho Lodge was held at Brother Rutherford ' s , County Hotel , Jarrow . Bro . Chater W . M . presided , and over 60 Past Masters , members and Visitors sat down to an excellent well-served menu . The Loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and received with great enthusiasm .
Hamer Lodge, No. 1393.
HAMER LODGE , No . 1393 .
THE annual outing was held on Wednesday , 26 th ult ., when the brethren , with their wives and friends , numbering about 50 , left the Masonic Hall , Hope Street , in well-appointed wagonottes lor Aughtou , near Ormskirk . On arrival thore the company wero photographed by Bro . Mowll , of tho well-known firm of Mossre . Mowll and Morrison , by their new instantaneous process .
Aftowards the patty adjourned to the Stanley Arms Hole ) , whero a substantial knife-ami-fork tea had been prepared . The W . M . of th > - Lodge , Bro . J . A . flis ; uett , presided , and amongst tho general company present were Bro . and Mrs . James Pilling , Bro . R . J . L .
Kynaston , Bro . and Mrs . W . T . Ovcraby , Bro . and Mra . liaiubow , Bro . and Mrs . J . R . Haukey , Bro . J . C . Brooks , Bro . and Mrs . G . W . Baron , Bro . and Mrs . T . A . Laidlaw , Bro . aud Mra . Noils Christeudon , Dr . John and Mid . M'Murray , aud Bro . A . E . M'Dougall . The toutt list was conliued to throe , viz ., tho Queen , tho W . M . ( Bro . Higuett ) ,
Hamer Lodge, No. 1393.
aud the Ladies , the last one being humorously responded to by Miss Brooks , a visitor from Grimsby . Tho weather fortunately kept fine uotil tho party nearly reaohed Liverpool again . The whole of the
arrangemouts , which gave general satisfaction , wore effectively carried out under the personal superintendence of the W . M . Brother J . A . Hignett , ably assisted by Bro . R . J . L . Kynaston P . M . Treas ., and Bro . T . A . Laidlaw Secretary .
Lodge Obedience, No. 1753.
ON Monday the annual Installation was held , at the White Hart Hotel , Okehampton . The oeremony was ably performed by Bro Gregory P . P . G . A . D . C . Treas . 1254 , who acted as Installing Master-The W . M elect was Bro . Wonnacott who , having been installed , appointed his Officers , as follow : —Bros . Reddaway I . P . M ., Pierce S . W ., Mannell J . W ., Rowe Secretary , Reed I . G ., Piper S . D ., Sowell
J . D ., Elli 3 Organist , Masters D . C , Dorant Steward , Coombe Tyler . Bro . Gregory was appointed the representative on the Committee of Petitions . The following brethren wore present;—Gregory , Symons P . M ., Futoher P . M ., and Yen P . M . Treas . ; Bros . Coombe , Perkins , Ellis , Masters , Dorant , Powesland , and Moon : Visitors—Bros .
Hosken P . M . 1332 , Hector J . W . 1332 , Otton Chap . 1284 , Rowe Seo . 1332 , Pratt 106 , Pook 1284 , Boon 1254 , Ford 1284 , Hossell 325 , and Boyoo 302 , Hope Bradford . The brethren then adjourned to the White Hart Hotel , where the annual banquet was held . Host Leek provided a richerche " repast .
Prince Edward Of Saxe.Weimar Lodge, No. 1903.
THERE was a numerous and representative gathering of members of tbe anoient Craft ( including several W . M . ' s and P . M . ' s ) at the Freemasons' Hall , Portsmouth , on Tuesday , 18 th ult ., on tha occasion of the installation of Bro . Lieutenant Hubert G . Giles R . N ., H . M . S . Orontes , as Worshipful Master for the ensuing year , in succession to Bro . E . Anstiu . The ceremony was ably and impressively
performed by the retiring W . M ., who was afterwards presented with a Past Master ' s jewel as a mark of appreciation of the ability and efficiency with which he has discharged his duties during the past year . The W . M . installed his Officers , as under : Bros . Lieut . H . G . Gilos W . M ., Austin I . P . M ., Captain the Hon . Carzon-Howe S . W .,
Rev . Betts J . W ., Backler Treasurer , Willson P . M . Secretary , Cliurcher S . D ., Townshend J . D ., Martyr Dir . Cer ., Wilton Organist , Eyro I . G ., Queonly and Candish Stewards . At the banquet whioh followed the W . M . was supported by the V . W . the Deputy Prov . Grand Master ( Bro . J . E . Le Fouvre , J . P . ) , Bro . Edc » ar Goble Prov .
G . Secretary , and Bro . Lioutenant James Knowles , R . N ., Prov . G . S . Warden . The banquet was woll served by Bro . Butler , of Osborne Road , Suuthson . Subsequently the usual loyal and Masonio toasts wero proposed and responded to , and the speeches wero interspersed with vocal selections admirably rendered by Master W . T . Porter and Bros . Brown , Gawthrop , Turle , Lee , and Grice .
, Warner Lodge of Instruction , No . 2192 . —The wookly meeting wns held at Bridge Chambers , Hoe Street , Walthamstow , on Monday , 31 st ult . Bros . Trickett W . M ., Briginshaw P . G . S . S . W ., Smith J . W ., Ives P . M . acting Preceptor , Wilson S . D ., Clark J . D ., Short I . G ., Bestow Assistant Secretary , Bateman Steward , Bail lie , T . Maynard , S . B . Thorogood , Horst , Jeremy , Bastiok , Fuller ,
James Pinder P . M ., Maun , Lewis , Gray jun . ; and others . After preliminaries had been dnly observed , tho ceremony of the second degree was rehearsed , Bro . Fuller candidate . The Lodgo was called off , and after having been duly called on , the ceremony of installation was rehearsed . Bro . Briginshaw was presented and duly installed into the chair of K . S . according to anciont custom . The brethren
saluted the W . M . in tho three degrees , after which the W . M . appointed nnd invested his Officers , and the Installing Master delivered the addresses . Bro . Briginshaw was unanimously eleoted to occupy the chair at ongoing meeting , and appointed Officers in rotation . Nothing further offering for the good of Freemasonry , after hearty good wishes , the Lodge was closed and adjourned until Monday , 7 th inst .
Royal Arch.
ST . JOHN'S CHAPTER , No . 70 .
rjMHE regular convocation was held on the 27 th nit ., at the Free--1- masons' Hall , Plymouth . Three members wero exalted , and t . io following Officers wero elected : —Ex-Couips W . J . Hockiug Z ., W . F . Wostcott II ., W . King J ., G . Sercombe I . P . Z ., J . B . Lord P . Z . S . E ., T . B . Gover P . Z . S . N ., Comps . J . Hicks P . Soj ., John Goad 1 st A . S .,
, loiiu Burton 2 nu A . b ., ex-Comp . F . B . Westlake P . Z . Treasurer , Comps . J . S . Hall D . C , A . G . Colliugs A . D . C ., E . J . Seymour Organist , J . H . Hamilton , Hon . H . V . Duncombo Stewards , W . H . Phillips Janitor .
VIic TOWBB FUH . VISKISC COUPAHX LIMITED suppy gooils on Hire direct from Hiriut'iietiirers ; one , two or three years ' credit without security . Purchasers have the choice of 1 UO WhoIes ; ilo Houses . Call or write for Prospectus . Address—Secretary , 43 Great Tower Street , E . C ,