Article A DENOUNCER DENOUNCED. ← Page 2 of 2 Article A " REVIVAL " MOVEMENT Page 1 of 1 Article A " REVIVAL " MOVEMENT Page 1 of 1 Article UNITED GRAND LODGE. Page 1 of 2 →
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A Denouncer Denounced.
Bociety , simply because its members " profess belief in the existence of a God . " If a belief in God disqualifies a person from becoming a member of the Boston Baptist Church , there must be a great opening for missionary work in Boston .
Then he adds tbat " it is not a personal God which is tho object of his faith . " Masons do not know anything about more Gods than one . They define the word God , ns they understand it , to mean the Great Architect of tho Universe ; that is , he who caused all things to exist .
If the Rev . J . B . Stoddard knows of any other God than the one defined above , it must be some God who devotes his whole time to looking after the Boston Baptists . He also says that , " Masonry , it is said , quotes from tho Bible . So did the Devil when he wanted to go into
partnership with Christ . " The gentleman might havo added , So do all Christian ministers quote from the Bible . All that I have to say here is , If the Boston Baptists do not quote from the Bible , I am not surprised that they feel " bitter " towards Masonry .
Then he says , " There are even ministers who go into the ( Masonio ) Order and profess these things , and they also profess that ordination is an evidence of sanctification . " Now , what awful things are "these things" which ministers profess , who go into tho Order ? First , they
" profess a belief in the existence of a God . " Second , they " quote from the Bible . " Third , " They also profess that ordination is an evidence of sanctification . " This last should read , that we profess that ordination is an evidence
of sanctification , but we are convinced that there are some exceptions ; that is , wo do not believe that it is possible , by the ceremony of ordination , to sanctify any man whose heart is filled with hate for all men that do not believe as he believes . —Voice of Masonry .
A " Revival " Movement
A WAVE of religion and cestheticism commingled is passing over some parts of France . In tho Department of tbe Gard several Protestant peasants have taken tents , like Israel , and are going about preaching the " end of the world . " They call themselves the Adventists , and walk bare-headed , with naked feet , like begging friars . They are
most abstemious in their diet , and drink nothing stronger than spring water . Every morning and evening they hold forth in a new district , and instruct in their dogmas the country people , who flock to hear them . According to the Adventists the signs and presages of tho approaching
" crack of doom" are the phylloxera , the locusts in Algeria , the eclipses of the sun , the hurricanes , and the cyclones . The Adventists might have also added to their list the railway accidents , of which there is at least one daily . In order not to be behind the Adventists in
the matter of prophecy some one once again has dragged forth from obscurity the predictions of Nostradamus . This worthy foretold vaguely that the greatest war ever known would be waged between France , England , Spain , Italy , Austria , Turkey , Greece , and Egypt during the
years 1897 , 1898 , and 1899 . In 1892 Turkey is to be transformed , and there will be a Republican Confederation of the Balkans . Christ will arrive in Jerusalem on 11 th April 1901 , and the end of the world will then , be at hand . It is probably in view of all these terrible prognostications of the
Adventists and Nostradamists that the aesthetic gentleman who calls himself " Sar Peladan " has founded a new sect of Rosicrucians , or Members of the Salon -de la Rose Croix . The fantastic author explains to-day the object of his order or society , whioh finds an adherent in M . Antoine
de la Rochefoucauld ; but according to what is known by ordinary beings unacquainted with symbolism and regarding mysticism as a ridiculous fad , it is unworthy of practical consideration . M . Peladan and his friends intend to hold an annual exhibition of pictures of the sestlietic
school . So far everything is clear . The modern Rosicrucians , however , have enveloped their project in a nebulous jargon , most of which is intelligible only to the initiated . M . Antoine de la Rochefoucauld is to be the
chief—the Grand Prior of the Guild—and with him are the Comte de Larmandie , M . Peladan , and a few others , all animated with the desire to make aesthetic art triumph over the disdain of cynics and the mockery of the Philistine
multitude . The salon of the Rose Croix is , according to
A " Revival " Movement
M . Peladan , to be a temple dedicated to the Art-Dieu , with masterpieces as its theological principles , and geniuses as its saints . For the past twenty years M . Zola has influenced Art in an unworthy manner , and the latter Rosicrucians are determined to put an end to this .
Equally unpopular with the aesthetes are the juries of the salons of the Champs Elysees and the Champ de Mars , which officially crush the ideal . War is therefore to bo waged against the realists and the official refrigerators of oostheticism , who are now warned to look out for next
spring , when the Rosicrucians will come to the front with their pictures by eminent artists , including Purvis de Chavannes , Dagnan-Bouveret , and many more . The Rosicrucians will go to London also , and invite Mr . Burne-Jones and the pre . Raphaelites to
join them . They will send similar invitations to German artists , and will endeavour to exclude low mundane subjects from those selected for exhibition , on the other hand welcoming effusively everything allegorical , mystical , mythical , legendary , and lovely . After Painting
and Sculpture , Music will be honoured—Bach and Wagner being taken into the Rosicrncian Temple with Berlioz and Cesar Franck . The date fixed for the dazzling of France and the universe is 10 th March 1892 , when Paris will eclipse Bayreuth . M . Peladan declares in his official
communique about the Order that the Rosicrucians have no belief either in the progress or the salvation of the world The Latin race is abont to become extinct , and tho new guild intends to organise its final festival in order to obfuscate the barbarians whose sway has begun . Tho
utilitarian people and Philistines whom the Rosicrucians so despise will , in the meantime , be sure to see what the aesthetes will have to exhibit . So extensive a programme as that drawn np by the members of the new Order will
need a large measure of performance , unless , indeed , M . Peladan has allowed his fantastio imagination to run riot in chimerical labyrinths , and promises what ho will never be able to carry out . —Daily Telegraph .
United Grand Lodge.
THE Quarterly Communication was held on Wednesday last , in the Temple , Freemasons' Hall . The Earl of Mount Edgcumbe Deputy Grand Master presided , the Earl of Euston P . G . M . Norths and Hunts acted as Past
Grand Master , and the Hon . Justice T . Prinsep District G . M . Bengal as Deputy Grand Master , Lord Wantage S . W ., the Rev . J . Studholme Brownrigg P . G . Chaplain as J . W ., with an attendance of over 200 members .
Grand Lodge having been formally opened , the Grand Secretary read the minutes of the Quarterly Communication of 3 rd June , which were unanimously confirmed .
Grand Secretary next read the report of the Board of Benevolence for June , July and August , in" which the recommendations , as appeared in our last issue , were agreed to .
Bro . Lennox Browne , Vice-President of the Board of General Purposes , proposed , and Bro . Sir Albert W . Woods G . D . C . seconded , the taking as read and the acceptance and entering on the minutes of the Report of the Board of General Purposes . This was unanimously
agreed to . The Earl of Mount Edgcumbe , the Earl of Limerick , the Earl of Euston , and Bro . Thomas Feun were appointed to fill the vacancies in the trusteeship of Grand Lodge for the real property , and the Earl of Moant Edgcumbe and the Earl of Limerick for the personal property .
With respect to the appeal by the Worshipful Master and Brethren of Lodge La Csasaree , No . 590 , Jersey , against a sentence of suspension passed on their Lodge by the Provincial Grand Master of the Province of Jersey ,
for wilful and deliberate disobedience of his orders , the Worshipful Master and Junior Warden were in attendance , and on the motion of the Grand Registrar , duly seconded , it was resolved by Grand Lodge that they be admitted .
Bro . Philbrick then briefly stated the case . In November 1890 , Bro . John Darell , a P . M . of Lodge La Casaree , a member of something like 20 years and upwards , who had served the chair three times , and had been Treasurer of the
Lodge , wrote a letter to the W . M . stating that he had just received a letter from his son Walter , who was in Mashonaland , South Africa , who had been a member of the Lodge , asking for a certificate of clearance , as he was
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A Denouncer Denounced.
Bociety , simply because its members " profess belief in the existence of a God . " If a belief in God disqualifies a person from becoming a member of the Boston Baptist Church , there must be a great opening for missionary work in Boston .
Then he adds tbat " it is not a personal God which is tho object of his faith . " Masons do not know anything about more Gods than one . They define the word God , ns they understand it , to mean the Great Architect of tho Universe ; that is , he who caused all things to exist .
If the Rev . J . B . Stoddard knows of any other God than the one defined above , it must be some God who devotes his whole time to looking after the Boston Baptists . He also says that , " Masonry , it is said , quotes from tho Bible . So did the Devil when he wanted to go into
partnership with Christ . " The gentleman might havo added , So do all Christian ministers quote from the Bible . All that I have to say here is , If the Boston Baptists do not quote from the Bible , I am not surprised that they feel " bitter " towards Masonry .
Then he says , " There are even ministers who go into the ( Masonio ) Order and profess these things , and they also profess that ordination is an evidence of sanctification . " Now , what awful things are "these things" which ministers profess , who go into tho Order ? First , they
" profess a belief in the existence of a God . " Second , they " quote from the Bible . " Third , " They also profess that ordination is an evidence of sanctification . " This last should read , that we profess that ordination is an evidence
of sanctification , but we are convinced that there are some exceptions ; that is , wo do not believe that it is possible , by the ceremony of ordination , to sanctify any man whose heart is filled with hate for all men that do not believe as he believes . —Voice of Masonry .
A " Revival " Movement
A WAVE of religion and cestheticism commingled is passing over some parts of France . In tho Department of tbe Gard several Protestant peasants have taken tents , like Israel , and are going about preaching the " end of the world . " They call themselves the Adventists , and walk bare-headed , with naked feet , like begging friars . They are
most abstemious in their diet , and drink nothing stronger than spring water . Every morning and evening they hold forth in a new district , and instruct in their dogmas the country people , who flock to hear them . According to the Adventists the signs and presages of tho approaching
" crack of doom" are the phylloxera , the locusts in Algeria , the eclipses of the sun , the hurricanes , and the cyclones . The Adventists might have also added to their list the railway accidents , of which there is at least one daily . In order not to be behind the Adventists in
the matter of prophecy some one once again has dragged forth from obscurity the predictions of Nostradamus . This worthy foretold vaguely that the greatest war ever known would be waged between France , England , Spain , Italy , Austria , Turkey , Greece , and Egypt during the
years 1897 , 1898 , and 1899 . In 1892 Turkey is to be transformed , and there will be a Republican Confederation of the Balkans . Christ will arrive in Jerusalem on 11 th April 1901 , and the end of the world will then , be at hand . It is probably in view of all these terrible prognostications of the
Adventists and Nostradamists that the aesthetic gentleman who calls himself " Sar Peladan " has founded a new sect of Rosicrucians , or Members of the Salon -de la Rose Croix . The fantastic author explains to-day the object of his order or society , whioh finds an adherent in M . Antoine
de la Rochefoucauld ; but according to what is known by ordinary beings unacquainted with symbolism and regarding mysticism as a ridiculous fad , it is unworthy of practical consideration . M . Peladan and his friends intend to hold an annual exhibition of pictures of the sestlietic
school . So far everything is clear . The modern Rosicrucians , however , have enveloped their project in a nebulous jargon , most of which is intelligible only to the initiated . M . Antoine de la Rochefoucauld is to be the
chief—the Grand Prior of the Guild—and with him are the Comte de Larmandie , M . Peladan , and a few others , all animated with the desire to make aesthetic art triumph over the disdain of cynics and the mockery of the Philistine
multitude . The salon of the Rose Croix is , according to
A " Revival " Movement
M . Peladan , to be a temple dedicated to the Art-Dieu , with masterpieces as its theological principles , and geniuses as its saints . For the past twenty years M . Zola has influenced Art in an unworthy manner , and the latter Rosicrucians are determined to put an end to this .
Equally unpopular with the aesthetes are the juries of the salons of the Champs Elysees and the Champ de Mars , which officially crush the ideal . War is therefore to bo waged against the realists and the official refrigerators of oostheticism , who are now warned to look out for next
spring , when the Rosicrucians will come to the front with their pictures by eminent artists , including Purvis de Chavannes , Dagnan-Bouveret , and many more . The Rosicrucians will go to London also , and invite Mr . Burne-Jones and the pre . Raphaelites to
join them . They will send similar invitations to German artists , and will endeavour to exclude low mundane subjects from those selected for exhibition , on the other hand welcoming effusively everything allegorical , mystical , mythical , legendary , and lovely . After Painting
and Sculpture , Music will be honoured—Bach and Wagner being taken into the Rosicrncian Temple with Berlioz and Cesar Franck . The date fixed for the dazzling of France and the universe is 10 th March 1892 , when Paris will eclipse Bayreuth . M . Peladan declares in his official
communique about the Order that the Rosicrucians have no belief either in the progress or the salvation of the world The Latin race is abont to become extinct , and tho new guild intends to organise its final festival in order to obfuscate the barbarians whose sway has begun . Tho
utilitarian people and Philistines whom the Rosicrucians so despise will , in the meantime , be sure to see what the aesthetes will have to exhibit . So extensive a programme as that drawn np by the members of the new Order will
need a large measure of performance , unless , indeed , M . Peladan has allowed his fantastio imagination to run riot in chimerical labyrinths , and promises what ho will never be able to carry out . —Daily Telegraph .
United Grand Lodge.
THE Quarterly Communication was held on Wednesday last , in the Temple , Freemasons' Hall . The Earl of Mount Edgcumbe Deputy Grand Master presided , the Earl of Euston P . G . M . Norths and Hunts acted as Past
Grand Master , and the Hon . Justice T . Prinsep District G . M . Bengal as Deputy Grand Master , Lord Wantage S . W ., the Rev . J . Studholme Brownrigg P . G . Chaplain as J . W ., with an attendance of over 200 members .
Grand Lodge having been formally opened , the Grand Secretary read the minutes of the Quarterly Communication of 3 rd June , which were unanimously confirmed .
Grand Secretary next read the report of the Board of Benevolence for June , July and August , in" which the recommendations , as appeared in our last issue , were agreed to .
Bro . Lennox Browne , Vice-President of the Board of General Purposes , proposed , and Bro . Sir Albert W . Woods G . D . C . seconded , the taking as read and the acceptance and entering on the minutes of the Report of the Board of General Purposes . This was unanimously
agreed to . The Earl of Mount Edgcumbe , the Earl of Limerick , the Earl of Euston , and Bro . Thomas Feun were appointed to fill the vacancies in the trusteeship of Grand Lodge for the real property , and the Earl of Moant Edgcumbe and the Earl of Limerick for the personal property .
With respect to the appeal by the Worshipful Master and Brethren of Lodge La Csasaree , No . 590 , Jersey , against a sentence of suspension passed on their Lodge by the Provincial Grand Master of the Province of Jersey ,
for wilful and deliberate disobedience of his orders , the Worshipful Master and Junior Warden were in attendance , and on the motion of the Grand Registrar , duly seconded , it was resolved by Grand Lodge that they be admitted .
Bro . Philbrick then briefly stated the case . In November 1890 , Bro . John Darell , a P . M . of Lodge La Casaree , a member of something like 20 years and upwards , who had served the chair three times , and had been Treasurer of the
Lodge , wrote a letter to the W . M . stating that he had just received a letter from his son Walter , who was in Mashonaland , South Africa , who had been a member of the Lodge , asking for a certificate of clearance , as he was