Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
RJL 1275 Star , Stirling Castle , Church Street mm ^ . Camberwell , 7 780 Royal Alfred , Star and Garter , Kew Bridge , 8 8 . 14 Ranelach . Six Bells . Hammersmith
1056 Metropolitan , Portugal Hotel , Fleet Street , 7 1185 Lewis , Fishmongers' Arms , Wood Green , 7 * 30 1238 Beaoontree , Green Man , Leytonstone , 3 1298 Royal Standard , Builders' Arms , Canonbury , 1365 Clapton , White Hart , Lower Clapton , 7 * 30 1381 Kennington , The Horns , Kennington , 8 1457 Bagshaw , Public Hall , Loughton , Essex , 7 * 30
1643 E . Carnarvon , Ladbroke Hall , Notting Hill , 8 1901 Selwyn . Montpolior . Choumont Rd ., Peokham , 3 2021 Queen's ( Westminster ) and Marylebone , The Criterion . W .. 8 2030 Abbey Westminster , King ' s Arms , S . W ., 7 * 30 R . A . 95 Eastern Star , Hercules Tavern , E . C . R . A . 1275 Star . Stirling Castlo , Camberwell , 8 , Saturday , 12 th September
87 Vitrnvian , Duke of Albany , St . Catherine s Park , near Nunhoad Junction , 7 * 30
179 Manchester , 8 Tottenham Court Rood , W . C , 8 198 Percy , Jolly Farmers ' , Southgate Road , N ., 8 1275 Star , Dover Castle , Deptford Causeway , S . B ., 1288 Finsbury Park , Cook Tavern , Highbury , 8 1364 Earl of Zetland , Royal Edward , Hackney , 7 152-1 Duke of Connaught , Lord Stanley , Hackney ^ a 1624 Eccleston , 13 Cambridge Street , Pimlico . 7 2013 Chiswick , Windsor Castle , Hammersmith , 7 * 30
' R . A . Sinai , Red Lion , King Street , Regent , StW .,
^ glggK ARTHU R ALLISO N & CO . ^^^ tf' ^^ gg ^ TOr dE & " INTERNATIONAL INVENTIONS AND MUSIC EXHIBITION ^ V ^^^^^ 3 *^ y LONDON ! 88 8 . ^^^^^ Sat ^^ PRIZE MEDAL AWARDED FOR GOOD TONS 0 » P PIANOS . HARMONIUM , & AMERICAN ORGAN I ^^ S ^^^^ SH ^ Rf " 'ffi' with Patent Repeater Check Actions , & c . ^^ B g ^^^ BSlj-f efe ^ li ^ w ^! ? ' * * 'jSrfillll SCHOOL-ROOM AND ART PIANOS . W ttBaBTs = ^ iJ ^ ^ Wm SPECIAL PIANOS ALWAYS IN STOCK AS MSlIilr ^^^ 'ffiSH EXPORTED TO OUR AGENTS IN MADRAS , J ^| 2 ^[^ -U ^ Jtfr ^^ v ' v « j 3 H | LISTS * ILLUSTRATIONS OK APPLICATION . H ' ^ ' T & SzL- ;
EADE'S GOUT & RHEUMATIC PILLS . The SAFEST and most EFFECTUAL CURE for OOUT , RHEUMATISM , and all PAINS in the HEAD , FACE , and LIMBS . Cured by Eade ' s Pills , after suffering with Gout for 12 years ! I IMPORTANT TESTIMONIAL FROM GRANTHAM , LINCOLNSHIRE . Mr . 6 . EADB . Dec . 1 st 1690 . Dear Sir , —I feel it my duty to acknowledge thatyonr Gout Pills aro the beat I havo over taken . I HAVE SUFFERED FOR 12 YEARS WITH COUT in my big toe joint ; havo tried mnny remedies , without any effect nntil using yonr valnablo Pills . I shall be glad to highly recommend them to any one suffering from that horrid complaint , Gont . You are at liberty to use this . I am a native of Grantham , and shall be glad to mako your Pills as widely known as lies in my power to do so . I remain , yours gratefully , 14 Blnegate , Grantham , W . LAWSO » . Lincolnshire . PREPARED ONLY BY GEORGE EADE , 72 GOSWELL ROAD , LONDON . And sold by all Chemists and Medicino Vendors . IN BOTTLES , at Is ljd and 3 s 9 d eaoh .
Crown 8 vo , Is Paper Covers ; Is 6 d Cloth Lettered . G OSSIP ABOUT FREEMASONRY its History and Traditions . , -- A Paper read by Bro . S . VAiimriiif E , P . M . andZ . No . 9 , to the Brethren or the Albion Lodge of Instruction , 2 nd November 1889 . Free by post of W . W ., MOBQAW , Belvidere Works , Hermes Hill , Pentonville .
, ^*****^ M _ IT 1 HI 8 raloable medioine , dlscorered and ^^^^ Bflk X invented by Mr . B IOHABD F BUXJJT in 1844 , J ^^^ H ^^ B ^ ^ introduced into India and Egypt in 1860 , and sobl ^^^^^^ Vr ' sequently all over the world , maintaina its euprej ^^^ K i j macy as a special and specific Remedy for the ^^ MmM ^^ m . Treatment and Core of Coughs , Colds , ConsumpmESKUP ^* ' tion , Cancer , Bronchitis , Asthma , Ague , Sore nflEMtf Throat , Influenza , Neuralgia , Diarrhcea , Dysentery , Asiatic Cholera , Colic , Gout , and all Fevers . n-rk-nTi-mr i win At Is l £ d , 2 s 9 d , 4 s 8 d , lis , and 20 s per bottle . FREEMAN O Sold by Patent Medicine Dealers in all parts of the world . ¦ ¦ AttTfTlSTAT K . B . —Lord Chancellor Selborne , Lord Justice UlVlUiriilli James , and Lord Justice Mellish decided in favour of FREEMAN'S ORIGINAL CHLORODYNE , and nrrr rip nrWWI ? against Brown and Davenport , compelling them to WiIUjlmULr 11 \ Et . pay all costs in the suit . —See Times of 24 th July 1873 .
Price One Shilling , Free by Post on reoeipt of 24 Halfpenny Stamps OCCASIONAL PAPERS ON THE HISTORY OF FREEMASONRY , Written expressly for delivery in Lodges of Instruction . LONDON : W . W . MORGAN , BELVIDERE WORKS , HERMES HILL , PENTONVILLE , N . AND BY ORDER OP ALL BOOKSELLERS .
BRO . JAMES STEVENS P . M . P . Z . is prepared to enter into arrangements with Metropolitan and Provincial Lodges ( however distant ) Eor tho Delivery of his Lectures on the Ritual and Ceremonial of the Symbolic Degrees in Freemasonry ( tw »» hours ) , in respect of which most favourable criticism has been published by the Masonic and Local Journals . "Brother Stevons must be heard within the four walls of onr respective Lodge Rooms , for there only can his most useful work be understood and appreciated , " —Adress , in first instance , | to the care of the Editor of this paper .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
RJL 1275 Star , Stirling Castle , Church Street mm ^ . Camberwell , 7 780 Royal Alfred , Star and Garter , Kew Bridge , 8 8 . 14 Ranelach . Six Bells . Hammersmith
1056 Metropolitan , Portugal Hotel , Fleet Street , 7 1185 Lewis , Fishmongers' Arms , Wood Green , 7 * 30 1238 Beaoontree , Green Man , Leytonstone , 3 1298 Royal Standard , Builders' Arms , Canonbury , 1365 Clapton , White Hart , Lower Clapton , 7 * 30 1381 Kennington , The Horns , Kennington , 8 1457 Bagshaw , Public Hall , Loughton , Essex , 7 * 30
1643 E . Carnarvon , Ladbroke Hall , Notting Hill , 8 1901 Selwyn . Montpolior . Choumont Rd ., Peokham , 3 2021 Queen's ( Westminster ) and Marylebone , The Criterion . W .. 8 2030 Abbey Westminster , King ' s Arms , S . W ., 7 * 30 R . A . 95 Eastern Star , Hercules Tavern , E . C . R . A . 1275 Star . Stirling Castlo , Camberwell , 8 , Saturday , 12 th September
87 Vitrnvian , Duke of Albany , St . Catherine s Park , near Nunhoad Junction , 7 * 30
179 Manchester , 8 Tottenham Court Rood , W . C , 8 198 Percy , Jolly Farmers ' , Southgate Road , N ., 8 1275 Star , Dover Castle , Deptford Causeway , S . B ., 1288 Finsbury Park , Cook Tavern , Highbury , 8 1364 Earl of Zetland , Royal Edward , Hackney , 7 152-1 Duke of Connaught , Lord Stanley , Hackney ^ a 1624 Eccleston , 13 Cambridge Street , Pimlico . 7 2013 Chiswick , Windsor Castle , Hammersmith , 7 * 30
' R . A . Sinai , Red Lion , King Street , Regent , StW .,
^ glggK ARTHU R ALLISO N & CO . ^^^ tf' ^^ gg ^ TOr dE & " INTERNATIONAL INVENTIONS AND MUSIC EXHIBITION ^ V ^^^^^ 3 *^ y LONDON ! 88 8 . ^^^^^ Sat ^^ PRIZE MEDAL AWARDED FOR GOOD TONS 0 » P PIANOS . HARMONIUM , & AMERICAN ORGAN I ^^ S ^^^^ SH ^ Rf " 'ffi' with Patent Repeater Check Actions , & c . ^^ B g ^^^ BSlj-f efe ^ li ^ w ^! ? ' * * 'jSrfillll SCHOOL-ROOM AND ART PIANOS . W ttBaBTs = ^ iJ ^ ^ Wm SPECIAL PIANOS ALWAYS IN STOCK AS MSlIilr ^^^ 'ffiSH EXPORTED TO OUR AGENTS IN MADRAS , J ^| 2 ^[^ -U ^ Jtfr ^^ v ' v « j 3 H | LISTS * ILLUSTRATIONS OK APPLICATION . H ' ^ ' T & SzL- ;
EADE'S GOUT & RHEUMATIC PILLS . The SAFEST and most EFFECTUAL CURE for OOUT , RHEUMATISM , and all PAINS in the HEAD , FACE , and LIMBS . Cured by Eade ' s Pills , after suffering with Gout for 12 years ! I IMPORTANT TESTIMONIAL FROM GRANTHAM , LINCOLNSHIRE . Mr . 6 . EADB . Dec . 1 st 1690 . Dear Sir , —I feel it my duty to acknowledge thatyonr Gout Pills aro the beat I havo over taken . I HAVE SUFFERED FOR 12 YEARS WITH COUT in my big toe joint ; havo tried mnny remedies , without any effect nntil using yonr valnablo Pills . I shall be glad to highly recommend them to any one suffering from that horrid complaint , Gont . You are at liberty to use this . I am a native of Grantham , and shall be glad to mako your Pills as widely known as lies in my power to do so . I remain , yours gratefully , 14 Blnegate , Grantham , W . LAWSO » . Lincolnshire . PREPARED ONLY BY GEORGE EADE , 72 GOSWELL ROAD , LONDON . And sold by all Chemists and Medicino Vendors . IN BOTTLES , at Is ljd and 3 s 9 d eaoh .
Crown 8 vo , Is Paper Covers ; Is 6 d Cloth Lettered . G OSSIP ABOUT FREEMASONRY its History and Traditions . , -- A Paper read by Bro . S . VAiimriiif E , P . M . andZ . No . 9 , to the Brethren or the Albion Lodge of Instruction , 2 nd November 1889 . Free by post of W . W ., MOBQAW , Belvidere Works , Hermes Hill , Pentonville .
, ^*****^ M _ IT 1 HI 8 raloable medioine , dlscorered and ^^^^ Bflk X invented by Mr . B IOHABD F BUXJJT in 1844 , J ^^^ H ^^ B ^ ^ introduced into India and Egypt in 1860 , and sobl ^^^^^^ Vr ' sequently all over the world , maintaina its euprej ^^^ K i j macy as a special and specific Remedy for the ^^ MmM ^^ m . Treatment and Core of Coughs , Colds , ConsumpmESKUP ^* ' tion , Cancer , Bronchitis , Asthma , Ague , Sore nflEMtf Throat , Influenza , Neuralgia , Diarrhcea , Dysentery , Asiatic Cholera , Colic , Gout , and all Fevers . n-rk-nTi-mr i win At Is l £ d , 2 s 9 d , 4 s 8 d , lis , and 20 s per bottle . FREEMAN O Sold by Patent Medicine Dealers in all parts of the world . ¦ ¦ AttTfTlSTAT K . B . —Lord Chancellor Selborne , Lord Justice UlVlUiriilli James , and Lord Justice Mellish decided in favour of FREEMAN'S ORIGINAL CHLORODYNE , and nrrr rip nrWWI ? against Brown and Davenport , compelling them to WiIUjlmULr 11 \ Et . pay all costs in the suit . —See Times of 24 th July 1873 .
Price One Shilling , Free by Post on reoeipt of 24 Halfpenny Stamps OCCASIONAL PAPERS ON THE HISTORY OF FREEMASONRY , Written expressly for delivery in Lodges of Instruction . LONDON : W . W . MORGAN , BELVIDERE WORKS , HERMES HILL , PENTONVILLE , N . AND BY ORDER OP ALL BOOKSELLERS .
BRO . JAMES STEVENS P . M . P . Z . is prepared to enter into arrangements with Metropolitan and Provincial Lodges ( however distant ) Eor tho Delivery of his Lectures on the Ritual and Ceremonial of the Symbolic Degrees in Freemasonry ( tw »» hours ) , in respect of which most favourable criticism has been published by the Masonic and Local Journals . "Brother Stevons must be heard within the four walls of onr respective Lodge Rooms , for there only can his most useful work be understood and appreciated , " —Adress , in first instance , | to the care of the Editor of this paper .