Article THE THEATRES, &c. Page 1 of 1 Article THE THEATRES, &c. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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The Theatres, &C.
Globe . —A friendly and sympathetic audience assembled here on 27 th ult ., for the purpose of witnessing the debut of Mr . David Christie M array as an actor of one of the personages in his own play , " Ned ' s Chnm . " The oooasion was decidedly interesting , and the literary and nrtistio worlds were well represented . The story is somewhat weak , but the admirable dialogue and literary polish are so
marked as to cover a multitude of dramatio omissions . In thia respect the author resembles poor James Albery , whose brilliant work was usually weak in stage construction . Mr . Murray ' s hero is a high minded | young fellow who , suffering under unmerited disgrace , emigrates to New Zealand and becomes manager of a station . Here he meets Mrs . Draycott , widow of an american swindler who had committed
the crime of whioh Ned Fellowes ia aooased . Two other members of the gang are John Farlong , alias "Square Jack , " and Stuart Willoughby , a Sootoh private detective , who also come to New Zealand in aid of further schemes in connection with a gold mine known as " Tho Great Expectations , " the shares of which are worthless and valuable by turns . Ned ' s chum is a little fellow named
Harold , of somewhat precocious proolivities , who , when Square Jack , brought to bay , fires at Ned , saves his life by jumping from a balconyi receiving the bullet himself . In accordance with dramatio justice the wound however proves alight , and all ends happily . The greatest success was achieved by Mr . David James jun ., as the crafty Willoughby , bis acting and delivery being alike admirable .
Mr . H . Reeves Smith plays Ned very carefully , but has few oppor tunities ; and Miss Violet Raye is pleasantly placed as Mrs . Draycott . Master Leo Byrne has plenty to do , and acquits himself most creditably , while Miss Rose Dearing makes a lively Araminta . Mr . Murray did not choose a very strong part for hia initial appearance ,
but gave a good oharaoter sketch of the scoundrel Square Jack , whioh will become more powerful by repetition . Miss Emily Miller , together with Messrs . A . Wood , E . Dagnall and Geo . Alison , were all well up to their work ; indeed the piece could not have been better aoted , even if intended for a long run instead of for one night only . It will doubtless be heard of again .
Princess ' s . —After a lapse of nigh upon a quarter of a century since its first production , Dion Bouoicault ' s popular Drama " Arrah . na-pogue" is once again attracting enthusiastic audiences to the same spot , and proves as enjoyable as ever . It has been revived several times in London , and in various parts of the country , since it was originally produced in 1865 , bat it has not been recently seen in
the metropolis . It was , therefore , a wise venture on the part of Mr . Herberte Basing , whioh we hope may prove successful . Mr . Wilfrid E . Shine now sustains the oharaoter of Shaun-the-Post , first played by the accomplished author ; and though he haa nob the dry quiet humour of Mr . Bouoioault , he gives an excellent rendering of the oharaoter that secures him a well merited recognition .
Another interesting performance ia that of Miss EllaTerriss as Arrah Meelish , whioh impersonation advanoes that winsome little lady ' s reputation in a considerable degree . Mr . Henry Neville once more assumes the part of the warm-hearted impetuous Colonel 0 'Grady , and of course shows to great advantage . Michael Feony finds a forcible representative in Mr . Charles Ashford , but Mr . Arthur Dacre is hardly well placed as Beamish McCoul , lacking the
necessary dash and abandon of the oharaoter . Miss Amy Roselle makes the most of the few opportunities afforded her as Fanny Power , and Messrs . Bassett Roe and Henry Bedford efficiently filled the small parts of Major Coffin and the Sergeant , while Mr . and Mrs . John Carter , old stagers , and Mr . T . Kingston a new comer , also deserve notice . The piece is well staged , under the experienced direction of Mr . Isaac Cohen , and everything has been done to ensure renewed popularity for this capital story of Irish life .
New Olympic . — " A Royal Divorce , " by W . G . Wills , is underlined for production at the Olympic Tneatre on Monday , 7 th Sept . Misa Grace Hawthorne will impersonate the Empress Josephine , and be supported by Mr . Murray Carson as Napoleon . The production will be staged under the personal direction of Mr . Henry Hermann .
Mr . William Bailey , who has for many years been manager of the Metropolitan Music Hall , has been appointed manager of the Alhambra Theatre of Varieties .
^ The death of Bro . James Robert Ling , a partner in the well-known firm of Messrs . Ling and Sons , King ' s Parade and St . Edward ' s Passage , which recently took place haa created a loss which will be felt by our Cambridge brethren . The deceased came from a musical family . He was the youngest son of the late Mr . Henry Ling , a
gentleman who distinguished himself by his fine tenor voice , some years ago . At an early age the deceased developed a taste for singing , and became a member of the Trinity College Choir . He then possessed a fine treble voice , which was cultivated to such a degree that he was frequently entrusted with the singine of difficult solos .
On reaching manhood he devoted his time and energy to business . To him , as well as others members or the firm , the publio are much indebted for the classical entertainments whioh have been given from time to time in tho Guildhall . Previous to the establishment of this firm—now nearly half a century ago—a first-class entertain .
ment was rarely given in Cambridge , but now a term hardly ever passes withont several taking place . The deceased gentleman hadln recent years , held a prominent place among the Freemasons of tho town and district . He entered Freemasonrv in Fabrnarv 18 B 4 a . ul
was , a few months later , appointed to the office of Provincial Grand iHlf AV Whl 0 h he held in the bwo folIowin g years , and again in 1884 . After passing through the various chairs in his Lod"e he was appointed W . M . in the year 1870 , and served tho office for two ;
The Theatres, &C.
years . After he had ceased to oconpy the ohair he , for several yearsi filled the position of Organist , and hia labours for the Craft were recognised in 1877 by his being appointed Provincial Junior Grand Warden . He was likewise ' a devotee of Royal Arch Masonry , where he again succeeded to all the chairs iu the Pythagoras Chapter , and was not only P . Z ., but Past Provincial Grand Registrar in the
Provincial Chapter . Under these circumstances , and although the friends of the deceased wished the funeral to be as quiet aa possible , many of his brethren in Freemasonry were present at the funeral , whilst beautiful wreaths were sent on behalf of the Scientific Lodge and the Pythagoras Chapter , to both of whioh he belonged . The following members of the Soiontiflo Lodge , No . 88 , were present :
—Bros . A . H . Moyes P . M . Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Cambridgeshire , Frank Piggott W . M . So . N ., Thos . Nichols P . M . M . E . Z . Pythagoras Chapter , Oliver Papworth P . M . M . E . H ., J . V . Pryor P . M . M . E . J ., W . P . Spalding S . W . P . S ., T . Hunnybun P . M . Treas ., C . H . Banham S . D ., B . W . Bealea Steward , W . James Organist , J . P . Gray , R . Hills , 0 . W . Redin , and W . R . Bright . Several other brethren
were unable , through unavoidable oironmstanoes , to be present . Of the Lodge of the Three Grand Principles , No . 441 , there were present : —Bros . W . C . Dewberry W . M ., E . H . Jennings P . M ., F . Dewberry P . M ., J . F . Miller , Jas . Gatling , G . R . Barnes , and D . B . Flack . The first portion of the service took plaoe in the parish church ( St .
Edward's ) . The body was met at the west door by the Rev . W . H . Fulford , M . A ., of Glare , and tbe Rev . Dr . Poole , the ourate . The former read the opening sentences , aud the Psalm waa chanted . The lesson was read by Dr . Poole , after whioh the congregation joined in singing the funeral hymn , " Now the labourer ' s task is o ' er . " The interment took place iu Mill Road Cemetery .
THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE , A Weekly Record of Masonic Intelligence . Reports of United Grand Lodge are published with the Speoial Sanction of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales the M . W . tho Grand Master of England . THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE will be forwarded direct from the Office , Belvidere Works , Hermes Hill , Pentonville , N ., on receipt of Post Office Order for the amount . Intending Subscribers should forward their full Addresses , to prevent mistakes . Post Office Orders to be made payable to W . W . MORGANJ at Penton Street Office . Cheques crossed " London and County . " The Terms of Subscription ( payable in advance ) to THE FHKK . MASON ' S CHRONICLE are—Twelve Months , post free £ 0 13 6 Six Months ditto 0 7 0 Three Months ditto ... ... 0 3 6 SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS . Per Page £ 8 8 0 Back Page ... 10 10 0 Births , Marriages , and Deaths , Is per line . General Advertisements , Trade Announcements , & c , single column , 5 s per inch . Double column Advertisements Is per line . Special terms for a series of insertions on application . Advertisers will find Tns FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE an exceptionally good medium for Advertisements of every class . Agents , from whom copies can always be had : — HANSARD PUBLISHING UNION , LIMITED , 12 and 14 Catherine Street , W . C . Messrs . H . DARBYSIIIRE and Co ., 9 Red Lion Court , E . G ., and 43 A Market Street Manchester . Mr . RITCHIE , gRed Lion Court , E . C . Messrs . SIMPSON BROS ., Shoe Lane . Mr . H . SIMPSON , 7 Red Lion Court , E . C . Messrs . W . H . Sunn and S ON , 183 Strand . Messrs . SPENCER and Co ., 15 Great Queen Street , W . C . Messrs . STEEL and JONES , 4 Spring Gardens , Charing Cross . Mr . G . VICKERS Angel Court , Strand .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Theatres, &C.
Globe . —A friendly and sympathetic audience assembled here on 27 th ult ., for the purpose of witnessing the debut of Mr . David Christie M array as an actor of one of the personages in his own play , " Ned ' s Chnm . " The oooasion was decidedly interesting , and the literary and nrtistio worlds were well represented . The story is somewhat weak , but the admirable dialogue and literary polish are so
marked as to cover a multitude of dramatio omissions . In thia respect the author resembles poor James Albery , whose brilliant work was usually weak in stage construction . Mr . Murray ' s hero is a high minded | young fellow who , suffering under unmerited disgrace , emigrates to New Zealand and becomes manager of a station . Here he meets Mrs . Draycott , widow of an american swindler who had committed
the crime of whioh Ned Fellowes ia aooased . Two other members of the gang are John Farlong , alias "Square Jack , " and Stuart Willoughby , a Sootoh private detective , who also come to New Zealand in aid of further schemes in connection with a gold mine known as " Tho Great Expectations , " the shares of which are worthless and valuable by turns . Ned ' s chum is a little fellow named
Harold , of somewhat precocious proolivities , who , when Square Jack , brought to bay , fires at Ned , saves his life by jumping from a balconyi receiving the bullet himself . In accordance with dramatio justice the wound however proves alight , and all ends happily . The greatest success was achieved by Mr . David James jun ., as the crafty Willoughby , bis acting and delivery being alike admirable .
Mr . H . Reeves Smith plays Ned very carefully , but has few oppor tunities ; and Miss Violet Raye is pleasantly placed as Mrs . Draycott . Master Leo Byrne has plenty to do , and acquits himself most creditably , while Miss Rose Dearing makes a lively Araminta . Mr . Murray did not choose a very strong part for hia initial appearance ,
but gave a good oharaoter sketch of the scoundrel Square Jack , whioh will become more powerful by repetition . Miss Emily Miller , together with Messrs . A . Wood , E . Dagnall and Geo . Alison , were all well up to their work ; indeed the piece could not have been better aoted , even if intended for a long run instead of for one night only . It will doubtless be heard of again .
Princess ' s . —After a lapse of nigh upon a quarter of a century since its first production , Dion Bouoicault ' s popular Drama " Arrah . na-pogue" is once again attracting enthusiastic audiences to the same spot , and proves as enjoyable as ever . It has been revived several times in London , and in various parts of the country , since it was originally produced in 1865 , bat it has not been recently seen in
the metropolis . It was , therefore , a wise venture on the part of Mr . Herberte Basing , whioh we hope may prove successful . Mr . Wilfrid E . Shine now sustains the oharaoter of Shaun-the-Post , first played by the accomplished author ; and though he haa nob the dry quiet humour of Mr . Bouoioault , he gives an excellent rendering of the oharaoter that secures him a well merited recognition .
Another interesting performance ia that of Miss EllaTerriss as Arrah Meelish , whioh impersonation advanoes that winsome little lady ' s reputation in a considerable degree . Mr . Henry Neville once more assumes the part of the warm-hearted impetuous Colonel 0 'Grady , and of course shows to great advantage . Michael Feony finds a forcible representative in Mr . Charles Ashford , but Mr . Arthur Dacre is hardly well placed as Beamish McCoul , lacking the
necessary dash and abandon of the oharaoter . Miss Amy Roselle makes the most of the few opportunities afforded her as Fanny Power , and Messrs . Bassett Roe and Henry Bedford efficiently filled the small parts of Major Coffin and the Sergeant , while Mr . and Mrs . John Carter , old stagers , and Mr . T . Kingston a new comer , also deserve notice . The piece is well staged , under the experienced direction of Mr . Isaac Cohen , and everything has been done to ensure renewed popularity for this capital story of Irish life .
New Olympic . — " A Royal Divorce , " by W . G . Wills , is underlined for production at the Olympic Tneatre on Monday , 7 th Sept . Misa Grace Hawthorne will impersonate the Empress Josephine , and be supported by Mr . Murray Carson as Napoleon . The production will be staged under the personal direction of Mr . Henry Hermann .
Mr . William Bailey , who has for many years been manager of the Metropolitan Music Hall , has been appointed manager of the Alhambra Theatre of Varieties .
^ The death of Bro . James Robert Ling , a partner in the well-known firm of Messrs . Ling and Sons , King ' s Parade and St . Edward ' s Passage , which recently took place haa created a loss which will be felt by our Cambridge brethren . The deceased came from a musical family . He was the youngest son of the late Mr . Henry Ling , a
gentleman who distinguished himself by his fine tenor voice , some years ago . At an early age the deceased developed a taste for singing , and became a member of the Trinity College Choir . He then possessed a fine treble voice , which was cultivated to such a degree that he was frequently entrusted with the singine of difficult solos .
On reaching manhood he devoted his time and energy to business . To him , as well as others members or the firm , the publio are much indebted for the classical entertainments whioh have been given from time to time in tho Guildhall . Previous to the establishment of this firm—now nearly half a century ago—a first-class entertain .
ment was rarely given in Cambridge , but now a term hardly ever passes withont several taking place . The deceased gentleman hadln recent years , held a prominent place among the Freemasons of tho town and district . He entered Freemasonrv in Fabrnarv 18 B 4 a . ul
was , a few months later , appointed to the office of Provincial Grand iHlf AV Whl 0 h he held in the bwo folIowin g years , and again in 1884 . After passing through the various chairs in his Lod"e he was appointed W . M . in the year 1870 , and served tho office for two ;
The Theatres, &C.
years . After he had ceased to oconpy the ohair he , for several yearsi filled the position of Organist , and hia labours for the Craft were recognised in 1877 by his being appointed Provincial Junior Grand Warden . He was likewise ' a devotee of Royal Arch Masonry , where he again succeeded to all the chairs iu the Pythagoras Chapter , and was not only P . Z ., but Past Provincial Grand Registrar in the
Provincial Chapter . Under these circumstances , and although the friends of the deceased wished the funeral to be as quiet aa possible , many of his brethren in Freemasonry were present at the funeral , whilst beautiful wreaths were sent on behalf of the Scientific Lodge and the Pythagoras Chapter , to both of whioh he belonged . The following members of the Soiontiflo Lodge , No . 88 , were present :
—Bros . A . H . Moyes P . M . Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Cambridgeshire , Frank Piggott W . M . So . N ., Thos . Nichols P . M . M . E . Z . Pythagoras Chapter , Oliver Papworth P . M . M . E . H ., J . V . Pryor P . M . M . E . J ., W . P . Spalding S . W . P . S ., T . Hunnybun P . M . Treas ., C . H . Banham S . D ., B . W . Bealea Steward , W . James Organist , J . P . Gray , R . Hills , 0 . W . Redin , and W . R . Bright . Several other brethren
were unable , through unavoidable oironmstanoes , to be present . Of the Lodge of the Three Grand Principles , No . 441 , there were present : —Bros . W . C . Dewberry W . M ., E . H . Jennings P . M ., F . Dewberry P . M ., J . F . Miller , Jas . Gatling , G . R . Barnes , and D . B . Flack . The first portion of the service took plaoe in the parish church ( St .
Edward's ) . The body was met at the west door by the Rev . W . H . Fulford , M . A ., of Glare , and tbe Rev . Dr . Poole , the ourate . The former read the opening sentences , aud the Psalm waa chanted . The lesson was read by Dr . Poole , after whioh the congregation joined in singing the funeral hymn , " Now the labourer ' s task is o ' er . " The interment took place iu Mill Road Cemetery .
THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE , A Weekly Record of Masonic Intelligence . Reports of United Grand Lodge are published with the Speoial Sanction of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales the M . W . tho Grand Master of England . THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE will be forwarded direct from the Office , Belvidere Works , Hermes Hill , Pentonville , N ., on receipt of Post Office Order for the amount . Intending Subscribers should forward their full Addresses , to prevent mistakes . Post Office Orders to be made payable to W . W . MORGANJ at Penton Street Office . Cheques crossed " London and County . " The Terms of Subscription ( payable in advance ) to THE FHKK . MASON ' S CHRONICLE are—Twelve Months , post free £ 0 13 6 Six Months ditto 0 7 0 Three Months ditto ... ... 0 3 6 SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS . Per Page £ 8 8 0 Back Page ... 10 10 0 Births , Marriages , and Deaths , Is per line . General Advertisements , Trade Announcements , & c , single column , 5 s per inch . Double column Advertisements Is per line . Special terms for a series of insertions on application . Advertisers will find Tns FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE an exceptionally good medium for Advertisements of every class . Agents , from whom copies can always be had : — HANSARD PUBLISHING UNION , LIMITED , 12 and 14 Catherine Street , W . C . Messrs . H . DARBYSIIIRE and Co ., 9 Red Lion Court , E . G ., and 43 A Market Street Manchester . Mr . RITCHIE , gRed Lion Court , E . C . Messrs . SIMPSON BROS ., Shoe Lane . Mr . H . SIMPSON , 7 Red Lion Court , E . C . Messrs . W . H . Sunn and S ON , 183 Strand . Messrs . SPENCER and Co ., 15 Great Queen Street , W . C . Messrs . STEEL and JONES , 4 Spring Gardens , Charing Cross . Mr . G . VICKERS Angel Court , Strand .