Article FREEMASONRY, &c. Page 1 of 1
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Freemasonry, &C.
SPECIAL . —List of Rare Works offered for Sale by W . W . MOKGAN , " Freemason ' s Chronicle" Office , Hermes Hill , London , N .
SOI The Constitutions of the Freemasons . Containing the 10 10 0 History , Charges , Regulations , to ., of that Most Ancient and Right Worshipful Fraternity . For the * aae of the Lodges . London : Printed by William Hunter , for John Senex at the Globe , and John Hooko . at theFlower-de-Luce over-against St . Dnnstan ' s Church , in Fleet-street , in the year of Masonry , 6723 . Anno Domini , 1723 .
This waa the first Edition of the Constitutions published . It is now very difficult to procure a copy ; in fact , we know of no other in the market . As much as £ 20 haa recently been paid for this edition . 603 Reprint of The Old Constitutions [ 1722 ] belonging 0 15 0 to tho Ancient and Honourable Sooiety of Free and Accepted Masons . Taken from a manuscript wrote abovo five hundred years since . London , 1870 . f
504 The Old Constitutions belonging to the Ancient and 0 10 0 Honourable Society of Free and Accepted Masons of England and Ireland . Edited by the Rev . John Edmund Cos , D . D ., F . S . A . London , 1871 . t
605 Constitutions of Free and Accepted Masons . 1873 . f 0 2 6 8 07 A List of Lodges on the Roll of the United Grand 0 10 0
Lodge of England , A . D . 1814 . Compiled and Arranged from Official Calendars and Documents . By Wm . Jas . Hughan . Truro , 1875 . t 608 Connecting Links between Anoient and Modern Free . 0 5 0 masonry , from a non-Masonic Standpoint . By W . J . Hughan . 1887 . t
611 The Ansayrii ( or Assassins ) , with Travels in the 1 10 0 Further East , in 1860-51 , including A Visit to Nineveh . By Lieut , the Hon . F . Walpolo , R . N . ( late Prov . Grand Master of Norfolk ) . 3 vols . 1861 . f 612 The History and Articles of Masonry . By Matthew 0 5 0 Cooke . 1861 . t
513 Motes and Aaron . Civil and Eoolesiasticall rites used 6 6 0 by the Ancient Hebrewes ; observed , and at largo opened , for the clearing of many obscure ToxtB thorowout tho whole Soriptvre . Herein likewise is shewed what cvstomes the Hebrewes borrowod from Heathen people :
And that many Heathenish cnstomes , originally hauo beeno vnwarrantablo imitations of the Hebrewes . The third Edition , by Thomas Godwyn , B . D . With an interesting Manuscript Letter , dealing with important points referred to in the work . London , 1628 . t
513 » The same work . Eighth edition . 1662 . Bound with 7 7 0 Roraanae Historira anthologia reoognita et aucta . 16 C 1 . and ArohtBologira Attiose Librj . Sept em . 1662 . Tho three works in splendid condition .
514 Mistakes of Moses . A lecture , delivered to immense 0 2 6 audiences in tho United States . By Col . Robert G . Ingorsoll , Freethinker , Orator , and Wit . t 615 The Masonio Press : a Monthly Journal , Review , and 2 2 0
Chronicle of Freemasonry and its Kindred Subjects , Sec Issued undor tho sanction of tho Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander of the Anoient and Accepted Kite and the Most Eminent and Supremo Grand Master of Masonic Knights Templar of England and Wales , Sec . Edited by Bro . Matthew Cooke , P . M . Nos . 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ( all publishod )
London , 1866 . t 616 Mills's History of the Crusades . 2 vols . London , 1820 f 15 0 517 History of Chivalry and the Crusades . By Stebbing , 0 10 0 M . A . 2 vols . 1829 . t 618 Midland ' s HiBtory of the Crusades . Translated from 15 0 the French . By W . Robson . 3 vols . 1852 . t 619 Monumena Historiques , Relatifs a la condamnation 17 6 Des Chevaliers Du Temple , et A L ' abolition do lour Ordre . Par M . Roynouord . Paris , 1813 . t 620 The Temple Chnroh . By O . G . Addison . London , 1843 . f 0 7 6 621 The Rosicrucians . Their Rites and Mysteries , with 0 10 6 Chapters on The Ancient Fire and Serpent-worshippers
and explanations of the Mystic Symbols represented in the Monuments and Talismans of tho Primeval Philosophers . ByHargravo Jennings . Author of " Tho Indian Religions , or , Results of the Mysterious Bhuddism , " & c , Sec London , 1870 .
622 Memoirs , illustrating the History of Jacobinism . A 1 11 6 translation from the French of The Abbe Barruel . 3 vols . 1797-8 . 523 Histoire Des Chevalierea Hospitaliers de S Jean de 2 11 6
Jerusalem , appollos depuis Chevaliers de Rhodes , et Aujourd Hui Chevaliers do Maltho . Par M . L'Abb < 5 do Vertot do l'Acodemie des Belles-Lettrcs . Nouvelle Edition , augmented des Statntsde l'Ordre , et des Noms ties Chevaliers . 7 vols . 18 mo . Calf . A Paris , 1772 .
624 Ombo ; or , the Knights of Malta . A Dramatic Romance 0 5 0 in twelve Acts . With an historical introduction , nn appendix containing a sketch of the modern history of the Order of St . John of Jerusalem , with a brief notice of the English Longue and Miscellaneous Notes . By Robert Bigsby , LL . D . Second Edition . London , 1867 . +
525 The Freemason's Manual ; or , Illustrations of Masonry , containing a full account of all the degrees included in tho Ancient and Accepted Rite , and the Knights Templar Degree ; with Brief notice of all tho Rites professing to bo connected with Freemnsonry . By Jeremiah How . London , 1862 . t 628 HiBtory of the Lodge of Tranquillity , No . 185 . f ... 0 5 0
529 History of the Lodge of Felicity , from the year 1737 110 to tho year 1837 . With comments on contemporary events , t 530 Masonry in Wigan , being a brief history of Lodge of 0 10 6 Antiquity , No . 178 . With references to other Lodges in the
Borough . 1892 . t 531 History of the Lodge of Prosperity , No . 65 . London , 0 12 6 188-1 . t Scarce . 532 History of the Lodge of Sincerity , No . 174 . By Bro . 0 10 0 John Newton . 1888 . +
533 Annals of the Lodge of Unions , No . 256 . Very scarce ; 2 2 0 only a small edition was printed , and a largo portion of these were destroyed by fire , t
534 History of Freemasonry in the Province of Sussex . 0 7 6 1883 . t 535 Consecration of the Israel Chapter , No . 205 , London , 0 10 1886 . t 536 Gould's History of Freemasonry . Vols . 1 to 6 . Pnb- 2 10 0 lished at £ 3 16 s . 537 The Four Old Lodges , f By R . F . Gould . 0 7 6 538 An Address by Bro . R . F . Gould on his installation as 0 2 0 W . M . of the Quatuor Coronati Lodgo ; also an < Address on " English Freemasonry before the Era of Grand Lodges ( 1717 ) . Margate , 1888 . f 539 Record of the Installation of Bro . Thomas Willi am Tew , 0 10 J . P ., as R . W . Prov . Grand Master of tho West Riding of Yorkshire , at the Albert Hall , Leeds , on Friday , the 24 th day of April 1885 . With Preface and Appendix , t 540 The Craft , the Drama , and Drury Lane . By A . M . 0 2 6
Broadley . 1887 . t 541 A Sermon preached in the Parish Churoh of St . Helen , 0 2 6 Bishopsgate , on the 25 th July 1869 , in aid of tho R . M . I . B ., by John Edmund Cox . t
542 A Sermon preached at Worcester Cathedral , 28 th 0 2 6
August 1881 , on the occasion of tho Annual Festival of Provincial Grand Lodge of Worcestershire . By Arthur P . Puroy-Cust , D . D . t 543 Freemasonry ; what it is , what it does , what it desires 0 2 6
to do . An abridged translation from tho French of Mgr . do Sogur . London , t 544 A Lecture on the application of the Triad or Number 0 2 6 Three to the Science of Freemasonry . By F . Gongh , LL . D . London , 1865 . +
545 A Candid Disquisition of the Principles and Praotioes 0 10 6 of the most Ancient and Honourable Society of Free and Accepted Masons ; together with some strictures on the Origin , Nature , and Design of that Institution . Dedicated by permission to the Most Noblo nnd Most Worshipful Henry Duko of Beaufort , & c . Sec , Grand Mastor . By Wellins Calcott , P . M . London , 1769 . t
546 Treatiso on the Ancient Landmarks of Freemasonry . 0 2 6 By a P . M . of No . MG 9 . 1886 . t 547 What Freemasonry is , what it has been , and what it 0 2 6 ought to be . By Charles Bradlaugh . London , 1885 . t 548 An Address delivered at the Centenary Meeting of 0 . 12 6 tho Grand Masters Lodge , No . 1 . London , t 549 Catalogue of the Masonio Exhibition . Worcester , 0 10 6 188-1 . t 550 The Treasury and tbe Homestead . Part 1 . Dublin , 0 7 6 1877 . t 551 The Loss of the Ship " Northfleet . " With photo- 0 7 6 graphs . London , 1873 . t 552 Asiatick Researches , or Transactions of the Sooiety 3 3 0
Instituted in Bengal , for inquiring into tho History and Antiquities , tho Arts , Sciences , and Literature of Asia . Vols . 1 and 2 . Calcutta , 1788-90 . + 553 The Rectangular Review . A Quarterly Commnnioa- 0 12 6 tion on Philosophy , Freemasonry , Arctueology , Science , and tho Fino Arts . July , October 1870 ; January , April 1871 . London , t ( Scarce ) .
554 Thomas Duuckerley , His Life , Labours , and Lectors , 0 10 0 including some Masonic and Naval Memorials of tbo 18 th Century . ( Respectfully dedicated to all Provincial and District Grand Masters . ) By H . Sadler P . M . and P . Z .. Grand Tyler and Snb-Librarian of the Grand Loduo of Kngland . Author of "Masonio Facts nnd Fictions , " & c . With a Preface by William Harry Rylands , Esq ., F . S . A .
555 Freemasonry from the Great Pyramid of Anoient 0 5 6 Times , t Chips from a Rough Ashlar . By Jamoa Stevens , P . M . 0 3 6
P . Z . 556 The History of Freemasonry in the District of Malta . 0 5 0 From 1800 up to the present time . By A . M . Broadley . 1880 . 557 What is the good of Freemasonry ? By J . C . Parkinson . 0 2 6 18 G 0 . t 558 The Freemason ' s Chronicle . Vols . 1 to 8 , 1875-78 f 2 10 0 559 The Religion of Freemasonrv . Bv Rev . H . J . Whvmner . 0 7 6
London , 1888 . t 560 Uniformity of Masonio Ritual and Observance . By 0 2 6 Bro . James Stevens , P . M . P . Z ., & c . Crown 8 vo „ cloth lettered . 1879 .
In ordering from this list it is only necessary to give the number of the work required .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Freemasonry, &C.
SPECIAL . —List of Rare Works offered for Sale by W . W . MOKGAN , " Freemason ' s Chronicle" Office , Hermes Hill , London , N .
SOI The Constitutions of the Freemasons . Containing the 10 10 0 History , Charges , Regulations , to ., of that Most Ancient and Right Worshipful Fraternity . For the * aae of the Lodges . London : Printed by William Hunter , for John Senex at the Globe , and John Hooko . at theFlower-de-Luce over-against St . Dnnstan ' s Church , in Fleet-street , in the year of Masonry , 6723 . Anno Domini , 1723 .
This waa the first Edition of the Constitutions published . It is now very difficult to procure a copy ; in fact , we know of no other in the market . As much as £ 20 haa recently been paid for this edition . 603 Reprint of The Old Constitutions [ 1722 ] belonging 0 15 0 to tho Ancient and Honourable Sooiety of Free and Accepted Masons . Taken from a manuscript wrote abovo five hundred years since . London , 1870 . f
504 The Old Constitutions belonging to the Ancient and 0 10 0 Honourable Society of Free and Accepted Masons of England and Ireland . Edited by the Rev . John Edmund Cos , D . D ., F . S . A . London , 1871 . t
605 Constitutions of Free and Accepted Masons . 1873 . f 0 2 6 8 07 A List of Lodges on the Roll of the United Grand 0 10 0
Lodge of England , A . D . 1814 . Compiled and Arranged from Official Calendars and Documents . By Wm . Jas . Hughan . Truro , 1875 . t 608 Connecting Links between Anoient and Modern Free . 0 5 0 masonry , from a non-Masonic Standpoint . By W . J . Hughan . 1887 . t
611 The Ansayrii ( or Assassins ) , with Travels in the 1 10 0 Further East , in 1860-51 , including A Visit to Nineveh . By Lieut , the Hon . F . Walpolo , R . N . ( late Prov . Grand Master of Norfolk ) . 3 vols . 1861 . f 612 The History and Articles of Masonry . By Matthew 0 5 0 Cooke . 1861 . t
513 Motes and Aaron . Civil and Eoolesiasticall rites used 6 6 0 by the Ancient Hebrewes ; observed , and at largo opened , for the clearing of many obscure ToxtB thorowout tho whole Soriptvre . Herein likewise is shewed what cvstomes the Hebrewes borrowod from Heathen people :
And that many Heathenish cnstomes , originally hauo beeno vnwarrantablo imitations of the Hebrewes . The third Edition , by Thomas Godwyn , B . D . With an interesting Manuscript Letter , dealing with important points referred to in the work . London , 1628 . t
513 » The same work . Eighth edition . 1662 . Bound with 7 7 0 Roraanae Historira anthologia reoognita et aucta . 16 C 1 . and ArohtBologira Attiose Librj . Sept em . 1662 . Tho three works in splendid condition .
514 Mistakes of Moses . A lecture , delivered to immense 0 2 6 audiences in tho United States . By Col . Robert G . Ingorsoll , Freethinker , Orator , and Wit . t 615 The Masonio Press : a Monthly Journal , Review , and 2 2 0
Chronicle of Freemasonry and its Kindred Subjects , Sec Issued undor tho sanction of tho Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander of the Anoient and Accepted Kite and the Most Eminent and Supremo Grand Master of Masonic Knights Templar of England and Wales , Sec . Edited by Bro . Matthew Cooke , P . M . Nos . 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ( all publishod )
London , 1866 . t 616 Mills's History of the Crusades . 2 vols . London , 1820 f 15 0 517 History of Chivalry and the Crusades . By Stebbing , 0 10 0 M . A . 2 vols . 1829 . t 618 Midland ' s HiBtory of the Crusades . Translated from 15 0 the French . By W . Robson . 3 vols . 1852 . t 619 Monumena Historiques , Relatifs a la condamnation 17 6 Des Chevaliers Du Temple , et A L ' abolition do lour Ordre . Par M . Roynouord . Paris , 1813 . t 620 The Temple Chnroh . By O . G . Addison . London , 1843 . f 0 7 6 621 The Rosicrucians . Their Rites and Mysteries , with 0 10 6 Chapters on The Ancient Fire and Serpent-worshippers
and explanations of the Mystic Symbols represented in the Monuments and Talismans of tho Primeval Philosophers . ByHargravo Jennings . Author of " Tho Indian Religions , or , Results of the Mysterious Bhuddism , " & c , Sec London , 1870 .
622 Memoirs , illustrating the History of Jacobinism . A 1 11 6 translation from the French of The Abbe Barruel . 3 vols . 1797-8 . 523 Histoire Des Chevalierea Hospitaliers de S Jean de 2 11 6
Jerusalem , appollos depuis Chevaliers de Rhodes , et Aujourd Hui Chevaliers do Maltho . Par M . L'Abb < 5 do Vertot do l'Acodemie des Belles-Lettrcs . Nouvelle Edition , augmented des Statntsde l'Ordre , et des Noms ties Chevaliers . 7 vols . 18 mo . Calf . A Paris , 1772 .
624 Ombo ; or , the Knights of Malta . A Dramatic Romance 0 5 0 in twelve Acts . With an historical introduction , nn appendix containing a sketch of the modern history of the Order of St . John of Jerusalem , with a brief notice of the English Longue and Miscellaneous Notes . By Robert Bigsby , LL . D . Second Edition . London , 1867 . +
525 The Freemason's Manual ; or , Illustrations of Masonry , containing a full account of all the degrees included in tho Ancient and Accepted Rite , and the Knights Templar Degree ; with Brief notice of all tho Rites professing to bo connected with Freemnsonry . By Jeremiah How . London , 1862 . t 628 HiBtory of the Lodge of Tranquillity , No . 185 . f ... 0 5 0
529 History of the Lodge of Felicity , from the year 1737 110 to tho year 1837 . With comments on contemporary events , t 530 Masonry in Wigan , being a brief history of Lodge of 0 10 6 Antiquity , No . 178 . With references to other Lodges in the
Borough . 1892 . t 531 History of the Lodge of Prosperity , No . 65 . London , 0 12 6 188-1 . t Scarce . 532 History of the Lodge of Sincerity , No . 174 . By Bro . 0 10 0 John Newton . 1888 . +
533 Annals of the Lodge of Unions , No . 256 . Very scarce ; 2 2 0 only a small edition was printed , and a largo portion of these were destroyed by fire , t
534 History of Freemasonry in the Province of Sussex . 0 7 6 1883 . t 535 Consecration of the Israel Chapter , No . 205 , London , 0 10 1886 . t 536 Gould's History of Freemasonry . Vols . 1 to 6 . Pnb- 2 10 0 lished at £ 3 16 s . 537 The Four Old Lodges , f By R . F . Gould . 0 7 6 538 An Address by Bro . R . F . Gould on his installation as 0 2 0 W . M . of the Quatuor Coronati Lodgo ; also an < Address on " English Freemasonry before the Era of Grand Lodges ( 1717 ) . Margate , 1888 . f 539 Record of the Installation of Bro . Thomas Willi am Tew , 0 10 J . P ., as R . W . Prov . Grand Master of tho West Riding of Yorkshire , at the Albert Hall , Leeds , on Friday , the 24 th day of April 1885 . With Preface and Appendix , t 540 The Craft , the Drama , and Drury Lane . By A . M . 0 2 6
Broadley . 1887 . t 541 A Sermon preached in the Parish Churoh of St . Helen , 0 2 6 Bishopsgate , on the 25 th July 1869 , in aid of tho R . M . I . B ., by John Edmund Cox . t
542 A Sermon preached at Worcester Cathedral , 28 th 0 2 6
August 1881 , on the occasion of tho Annual Festival of Provincial Grand Lodge of Worcestershire . By Arthur P . Puroy-Cust , D . D . t 543 Freemasonry ; what it is , what it does , what it desires 0 2 6
to do . An abridged translation from tho French of Mgr . do Sogur . London , t 544 A Lecture on the application of the Triad or Number 0 2 6 Three to the Science of Freemasonry . By F . Gongh , LL . D . London , 1865 . +
545 A Candid Disquisition of the Principles and Praotioes 0 10 6 of the most Ancient and Honourable Society of Free and Accepted Masons ; together with some strictures on the Origin , Nature , and Design of that Institution . Dedicated by permission to the Most Noblo nnd Most Worshipful Henry Duko of Beaufort , & c . Sec , Grand Mastor . By Wellins Calcott , P . M . London , 1769 . t
546 Treatiso on the Ancient Landmarks of Freemasonry . 0 2 6 By a P . M . of No . MG 9 . 1886 . t 547 What Freemasonry is , what it has been , and what it 0 2 6 ought to be . By Charles Bradlaugh . London , 1885 . t 548 An Address delivered at the Centenary Meeting of 0 . 12 6 tho Grand Masters Lodge , No . 1 . London , t 549 Catalogue of the Masonio Exhibition . Worcester , 0 10 6 188-1 . t 550 The Treasury and tbe Homestead . Part 1 . Dublin , 0 7 6 1877 . t 551 The Loss of the Ship " Northfleet . " With photo- 0 7 6 graphs . London , 1873 . t 552 Asiatick Researches , or Transactions of the Sooiety 3 3 0
Instituted in Bengal , for inquiring into tho History and Antiquities , tho Arts , Sciences , and Literature of Asia . Vols . 1 and 2 . Calcutta , 1788-90 . + 553 The Rectangular Review . A Quarterly Commnnioa- 0 12 6 tion on Philosophy , Freemasonry , Arctueology , Science , and tho Fino Arts . July , October 1870 ; January , April 1871 . London , t ( Scarce ) .
554 Thomas Duuckerley , His Life , Labours , and Lectors , 0 10 0 including some Masonic and Naval Memorials of tbo 18 th Century . ( Respectfully dedicated to all Provincial and District Grand Masters . ) By H . Sadler P . M . and P . Z .. Grand Tyler and Snb-Librarian of the Grand Loduo of Kngland . Author of "Masonio Facts nnd Fictions , " & c . With a Preface by William Harry Rylands , Esq ., F . S . A .
555 Freemasonry from the Great Pyramid of Anoient 0 5 6 Times , t Chips from a Rough Ashlar . By Jamoa Stevens , P . M . 0 3 6
P . Z . 556 The History of Freemasonry in the District of Malta . 0 5 0 From 1800 up to the present time . By A . M . Broadley . 1880 . 557 What is the good of Freemasonry ? By J . C . Parkinson . 0 2 6 18 G 0 . t 558 The Freemason ' s Chronicle . Vols . 1 to 8 , 1875-78 f 2 10 0 559 The Religion of Freemasonrv . Bv Rev . H . J . Whvmner . 0 7 6
London , 1888 . t 560 Uniformity of Masonio Ritual and Observance . By 0 2 6 Bro . James Stevens , P . M . P . Z ., & c . Crown 8 vo „ cloth lettered . 1879 .
In ordering from this list it is only necessary to give the number of the work required .